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Halo Infinite (8th December 2021) (XSX/XBO/PC)


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343 probably feel abit mugged off I imagine; they've slaved away for MS to make this game work on three different console specs, coming up to the end of production during the Corona crisis...and they've been slated for how the game looks and people have called their capabilities in to question.

Personally I'm not fussed about graphics, I much prefer game play to keep me interested as opposed to things just looking nice. I'm intrigued by the idea of the Halo ring being open world, lots of potential for it whether it's still a 'traditional' campaign or more of a Destiny style game. I imagine this game will be like MCC in that it'll be continually updated, although hopefully not because it starts out broken. Speaking of I've re downloaded the MCC as I've never played Reach (and it wasn't on there when I originally owned MCC) to get me ready for Infinite. Being someone who isn't great at FPS multiplayer games, I'm definitely in this for the campaign.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 11 months later...

Microsoft have shown off the campaign in an overview:

First time we're seeing the game after an extra year of work and you can definitely see the improvements visually. Gameplay looks superb, the grapple hook is going to be great to use and it essentially being a Halo sandbox means all types of shenanigans are going to happen. Shame campaign co-op isn't going to be there until a couple of months after launch.

Still, impressed with whats shown and looking forward to playing on launch day.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, a whole lot of supposed insiders are coming out to say that the Halo Infinite multiplayer will be launching...on Monday?! 

Apparently it is to coincide with the 20th anniversary of Xbox and Halo, but man, this seems like a very poor idea if true. Horizon is still very much in the spotlight still having it's moment, and just because this is launching prior to the nominee deadline for The Game Awards (next Friday), I struggle to see it really getting a grip on it. 

Would be weirdly on point for Xbox though, it does seem like it's been a while since they've taken a misstep. But I hope it's not true, it really does seem like short notice and a last minute way to grab some attention on the 20th anniversary. Then again, I guess it would mean when the campaign drops, fans are already acquainted with systems and can focus solely on the campaign? And if it's ready to go, and with Game Pass...I guess why not? 


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Multiplayer is officially out today as per the announcement during the Xbox 20th Anniversary stream. Doesn't seem to be downloadable just yet on consoles but its available to Gamepass users as a Beta, with progress carrying forward to the full release on December 8th.

Will be downloading as soon as I can. Can't wait to get back into some Halo multiplayer action.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 8 months later...

Well, local campaign co-op has been cancelled, confirmed in a sidenote to a wider Autumn/Winter roadmap being shared for the game:

Sucks for those that were waiting for it, and...yikes, that's not a great look any way you cut it. 

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I've said it before and I'll say it again, 343 should have been taken off the franchise a long time ago. Once Activision have settled in, I wouldn't be surprised if one of the CoD teams are handed the IP. 

It's also a good example of why this attitude of releasing half finished games, with road maps showing promises of future updates, is just a cop out. They can chop and change stuff as they please.

Halo was my favourite FPS during the 360 era and one of my favourite franchises. I played the games, read the books and bought the merch. It's sad to see how far the series has fallen. :( 

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That is absolutely outrageous.  That's one of the franchise's key signature features and was a big reason why people bought the game to begin with.  To have the promise waved in your face like a dangling carrot, only to have it snatched away from you is outright insulting.

Very very poor form, I'd be outraged if I were a Halo fan.

Hopefully it acts as a valuable lesson.  Never buy a game for the promise of what it'll eventually be, buy it only for what it is right now.

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