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Mario Tennis Aces

Tim B

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39 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

You can do the lob by pressing A then B.

I've won my second tournament and just unlocked Chain Chomp. Spike is an utter Beast though.

EDIT: Scratch that, Chain Chomp has redonkulus reach!

I've played 4 matches online :smile:

I won 2.. and the other 2 were against Chain Chomp :blank: I couldn't even manage a single point!

I'm sure there'll be a strategy that I'll figure out the more I come to terms with all of the different shots available but I just couldn't get the ball past him in those games and it kinda killed my enthusiasm a little..

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This game...




It’s perfect.  It’s everything I always wanted.  I’m so happy :cry:


At last! An original Switch game that lives up to the hype and doesn’t disappoint me! At last! A true successor to Mario Power Tennis on the GCN!


Life is good :D 

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2 hours ago, Glen-i said:

You can do the lob by pressing A then B.



*tries again*

Indeed you can. Woohoo! :bouncy:

Not sure what the hell was going on earlier when I was trying that then, :blank: but I’m very pleased to find out that it does work, thanks.  :)


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Waluigi’s my favorite at this point. Yoshi didn’t click with me, Mario plays decent but I lost too many games by a very small margin. But when I unlocked Waluigi I started winning almost every point.

I also struggle against Chain Chomp, but luring it into net play and switching between flat and sliced shots will give you the chance to play a winning lob. For now it’s the only tactic I could figure out against it.

Edited by markderoos
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This game is soooo crisp in portable mode, looks amazing. :cool: 

Great HD rumble too, that heartbeat during critical points! :o Very cool effects when you activate a Special shot as well. Try playing a match with the sound off and listen closely to the Joy-Con. :grin: 

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Yes! I'm crap at it (never even made it past the 3rd round :indeed:), but I'm absolutely loving it. But I've had enough for today after unlocking Spike.

I had a few crap games with bad connection though.. I wonder if one of them was intentional foul play, as it started off normal. After that I only picked games with a full bar. Laggy games are terrible.

Also am I missing something? Where are the motion controls?

7 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Im not a fan of the trick shot. The whole thing feels a bit cheap, with people able to fly across one end of the court to the other with just a flick of the stick. 

I can see where you coming from, as I love to spam it myself, but it comes with a downside. It uses energy, so you can only use it a limited amount of times in succession. And losing energy means you will have less energy for other stuff. You will be behind in the special shot race, you may not have enough energy for the zone shots, etc.

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This seems really fun so far, only played in 2 tournaments though. Had some great rallies.  In my first tournament I got matched with a Rosalina with over 3000 points and they absolutely destroyed me. The curve with her shots is insane! Hoping it's a matchmaking issue they can work on. The odd game has gotten laggy mid game also which is not good, it got to a point where prior to accepting a match if the bars were below 3 or 4 i'd back out and search again (but at least we have that as an option).


Won the second tournament with Waluigi who seemed to gel with my playstyle and allowed me to push the opponent back. It was quite hilarious how distracting Toad is in the final with all the commentary spam!


Not sure if i'll buy it straight away or not, too many games in the backlog but I'll see how I feel!

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9 hours ago, Sméagol said:

It should be just another control scheme.

I suppose it's probably made separate to match like-for-like.  Also the game switches to a splitscreen view for local multi (ALA Wii Sports Tennis) in this mode, going by the past trailers.



I've had a quick go of the demo and there doesn't seem to be an option to play with friends.

Im not a fan of the trick shot. The whole thing feels a bit cheap, with people able to fly across one end of the court to the other with just a flick of the stick. 

Ive got the Mario outfit unlocked now so I doubt I'll bother with the demo anymore.

@Hero of Time, trick shots are super risky! The timing window for getting energy from it is extremely tight (And even the timing window for using it at all, where you'd lose energy from it, is still very tight!) and you also have to commit to it as soon as you start, you can't cancel it, which means that your opponent can actually take advantage of your own trick shot to screw you over... like how I did to someone I was about to lose against here ;)

The commitment here is the biggest thing.  Because you can't cancel it, you're locked into whatever choice you've made; meaning that you have to really be thinking one step ahead of your opponent to actually be able to make use of it.  Add on the need for proper positioning (it only works if you're at least 1/3-1/2 the length of the court away from the ball in one of 4 cardinal directions), the wind up/wind down time and the length/speed of the animation (both of which are different for each character!) and the need to balance energy usage and you've got yourself a pretty fantastic mechanic I reckon! There's a ton of risk/reward to manage with it!


The mindgames in this game are crazy! They're so nuts that Camelot have actually managed to make a tennis game where letting your opponent win certain games or even sets on purpose can actually be a viable tactic! :o 




This game is soooo crisp in portable mode, looks amazing. :cool: 

Great HD rumble too, that heartbeat during critical points! :o Very cool effects when you activate a Special shot as well. Try playing a match with the sound off and listen closely to the Joy-Con. :grin: 




I noticed that too @RedShell! The HD Rumble is really well done here! :D 

Edited by Dcubed
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@Dcubed I just hate any kind of gimmicks in my Mario Tennis games. It's why the original game is still king in my eyes and why I think the series started going downhill starting with the GameCube iteration.

Its a shame the matches that have none of the fluff aren't available to play in the demo. Not that I would really bother with it. I tend not to put time into demos where I know I'll be buying the game anyway.

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55 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

@Dcubed I just hate any kind of gimmicks in my Mario Tennis games. It's why the original game is still king in my eyes and why I think the series started going downhill starting with the GameCube iteration.

Its a shame the matches that have none of the fluff aren't available to play in the demo. Not that I would really bother with it. I tend not to put time into demos where I know I'll be buying the game anyway.

I generally have the same stance with demos, but isn't there an exclusive cap or something you get for taking part? I was considering downloading the demo either tonight or tomorrow, playing a few quick rounds and then archiving/deleting the demo once the game comes out. :D

I'm not too fond of the gimmicks in Mario Tennis either, I can take 'em or leave 'em though but I prefer Mario Tennis to be closer to Mario Tennis on the N64 where possible.

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33 minutes ago, S.C.G said:

I generally have the same stance with demos, but isn't there an exclusive cap or something you get for taking part? I was considering downloading the demo either tonight or tomorrow, playing a few quick rounds and then archiving/deleting the demo once the game comes out. :D

I'm not too fond of the gimmicks in Mario Tennis either, I can take 'em or leave 'em though but I prefer Mario Tennis to be closer to Mario Tennis on the N64 where possible.

Yeah, you only have to play one match to nab the outfit.

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Had an intense Semi Final match, must have lasted 20 minutes. In the end I was forced into an almost impossible situation during the tie breaker on my last racket with 1hp left, down 5-3 and on 4% battery, took a risk sending back the special shot and failed. Made it to one final but was ruined by lag. 

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22 hours ago, nekunando said:

I'm sure there'll be a strategy that I'll figure out the more I come to terms with all of the different shots available but I just couldn't get the ball past him in those games and it kinda killed my enthusiasm a little..

Yeah, having played a bit more I have to say that Chain Chomp is completely and utterly broken. :shakehead Had pretty much exactly the same experience as you just now, where my opponent (playing as Chain Chomp) was able to return 99% of my shots! :o I think his character model is simply too big resulting in him having a stupid amount of reach. ::shrug:

Another character that could do with a substantial nerf is Spike, who’s return speed is just insane! It’s like every single one is a special shot! :heh: Hopefully a big part of this online test will be sorting out the balance of the game, otherwise I fear for the longevity of the online mode going forward. :hmm:

Anyway, here be my records from the demo:


Do they get transferred to the retail version?

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There is nothing more frustrating when you win the first match in the semi's or higher, then your opponent all of a  sudden turns it on and you can't compete with them from that point onwards. It's like they are sizing me up before going on to beat me, charge shots always costing me points.

No automatic alt text available.

Edited by Emerald Emblem
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2 minutes ago, Dog-amoto said:

Any tips on how to read where a zone shot is going to go? I’ve only played against the computer so far but every single time they hit one, it always seems to be miles away from me and I don’t have any time to react. 

Zone Speed is the best way to cope with it. It's why it's important to keep your energy up when possible.

If you don't have enough energy, you'll just have to hope that they try and aim it straight at your face to try and damage your racket.
If you have a Special ready to go, you can cancel out a Zone shot by using it.

Edited by Glen-i
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45 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

Zone Speed is the best way to cope with it. It's why it's important to keep your energy up when possible.

If you don't have enough energy, you'll just have to hope that they try and aim it straight at your face to try and damage your racket.
If you have a Special ready to go, you can cancel out a Zone shot by using it.

Ah right. Thanks. I totally forgot about zone speed. I was trying trick shots

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Well, I've had my half hour of fun with the demo.

Tried with Joy Cons, using all special shots etc, lost.

Switched to my trusty GameCube Wavebird controller, didn't even need any special shots and won a few matches. :D

I think I know how I'm going to be playing when the game comes out.

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