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Metroid Samus Returns for 3DS (2D Metroid game)


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After 10 hours 17 mins the credits have rolled. Loved the final boss fight! Very epic and fitting for the series.

As @Ike mentioned earlier in the thread, there's nothing like having a fully upgraded Samus tear through enemies that once gave you trouble. Good times. :)

Time to mop up the missing collectibles. I'm sitting on 60.7% completion at the moment.

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Hate to break the succession of posts from @Hero-of-Time but I've played a little more over the last couple of days :smile:

I spent way more time in Area 2 than I care to admit as I couldn't get to the final metroid, despite knowing where it was :blank: To be honest, it highlighted one of the frustrations I have with Metroid in general. The metroid was located in an area I couldn't seem to access due to there being two of those strange and awfully out of place air vents restricting my bomb placement. Anyway, I checked the map and saw that there were several other connecting rooms but each of them required me to travel considerable distances to reach each of them in the hope that there would be a method of entry.. but no luck. I checked the reast of the map and nothing was standing out to me.. though I eventually stumbled upon an area that seemed almost inexplicably missed. This led to the power-up I needed to surpass the air vents and reach that final metroid.

The irritation comes from the fact that a large part of 2D Metroid games involve bombing walls to uncover areas, some of them obvious but many less so. To me, it isn't fun just rolling along and placing loads of bombs along your path in the hope of making some sort of progress but the fact that I knew these things are possible led me to go to those different areas to try to uncover a path with bombs. If it wasn't for that, I may have realised quicker that I needed to find a way past the air vents., but all of my previous encounters with them were because I wasn't supposed to enter an area that way :hmm:

To follow up on bombing random areas for secrets, I know the scan pulse can highlight certain areas but again it isn't a desirable solution. I would much prefer there to be better hints in the locations themselves, whether it be visible cracks in the walls or discolouration (like how you know where to place C4 in the original Metal Gear Solid :heh: ) I also don't like bombing somewhere and trying to decipher what the symbol is to signify which weapon is required!

Anyway, I'm sure the game will keep improving the further I progress and the more powers I obtain (and I do like it so far) but I'm defintiely not blown away thus far..

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7 hours ago, nekunando said:

Hate to break the succession of posts from @Hero-of-Time but I've played a little more over the last couple of days :smile:

I spent way more time in Area 2 than I care to admit as I couldn't get to the final metroid, despite knowing where it was :blank: To be honest, it highlighted one of the frustrations I have with Metroid in general. The metroid was located in an area I couldn't seem to access due to there being two of those strange and awfully out of place air vents restricting my bomb placement. Anyway, I checked the map and saw that there were several other connecting rooms but each of them required me to travel considerable distances to reach each of them in the hope that there would be a method of entry.. but no luck. I checked the reast of the map and nothing was standing out to me.. though I eventually stumbled upon an area that seemed almost inexplicably missed. This led to the power-up I needed to surpass the air vents and reach that final metroid.


No worries. :p

It's funny you mention that section in area 2 because that's exactly where I was stuck for a while. I too had missed the area at the top that dished out the power up. After that I didn't really struggle anymore, possibly because I made sure to check everywhere before I started to get frustrated. :D 

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I picked this up and am not that far in, but I'm also finding that part of the game frustrating in the 'i' don't know what to do' sense. 

This is what I used to be like with Zelda games :blush: and it drives me a little bit insane. 

I'm also not one of these gamers that spends an age trying to find out and then gets a sense of achievement when I do, just get me on YouTube for the answer lol. Which isn't really how you should do it. 

It's put me off a few times. Can't say im enjoying it too much the more I'm progressing, I don't know if it's a game for me at this stage. 

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I'm loving the game, I just wish that I was able to put more time into it. :p

I played it for maybe an hour or so last night, after not playing it for a few days and it's just a really solid, well-honed, improved version of a classic Metroid game. :)

Yes, it's easy to get stuck at times, even I got stuck at that same aforementioned part but the key is learning to read the map, as while it can be confusing sometimes this isn't a feature which was available in the original Metroid II so it makes sense to take advantage of it here. ;)

Granted, it can take a bit of muscle memory to remember which apparently "obtainable" upgrades on your map are stick blocked off by a certain door or debris but then you can use the map annotations as well if you like... I haven't yet but it's nice to know the option is there. :D

Indeed it seems that every possible modern-day convenience has been incorporated into this title, which should make it all the more playable, though that still doesn't make it easier... I would even go as far to say that it can seem harder in some respects but it just takes getting used to is all. :peace:

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Has anyone noticed the game slowing down? I'm playing on a regular 3DS, and the elevator clips do run slowly. Also, there was one point in area 3 where it slowed down for a second (there were no enemies at range and it's only in a very small part of the room, so it doesn't really affect), and also now on area 5 (I think), where


the giant drill thing chases you

the game does run a bit slower. So far I'm not bothered by this, and the games runs perfectly most of the time, I'd just like to hear anyone else noticed this on a New3DS.

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15 hours ago, nekunando said:

To follow up on bombing random areas for secrets, I know the scan pulse can highlight certain areas but again it isn't a desirable solution. I would much prefer there to be better hints in the locations themselves, whether it be visible cracks in the walls or discolouration (like how you know where to place C4 in the original Metal Gear Solid :heh: ) I also don't like bombing somewhere and trying to decipher what the symbol is to signify which weapon is required!


As much as I like Metroid, that's a very good point.

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I made it to Area 5 this morning :smile:

I haven't explored it yet but I feel like I'm enjoying things more the more powerful Samus becomes!

Despite this, the game doesn't have the feel of a polished and finely tuned Nintendo classic. The locations all seem to blend together to me and I've rarely noticed the environments changing things up to much. That's not to say it's always the same background but I just haven't really been aware of it. Most of the areas feel quite blocky and unnatural..

Edited by nekunando
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 I agree, I haven't played the original GB game but I definitely got the sense that Samus Returns revels too much in the killing of Metroid's and other enemies. I didn't feel the isolation that I've felt with other Metroid games either, I still enjoyed the game but it feels like a welcoming introduction to the series rather than a tense and dangerous adventure.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finished this on Sunday, took me almost 14h with a 100%. I agree about the atmosphere, but I was now listening to the soundtrack, and it does make me feel tense. I think the atmosphere would have been better if the music was a bit louder during the game - sometimes it was hard to hear.

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I finished this game last week. I did really enjoy it. I didnt play the original all that much so this felt like less of a remake but a brand new game for me.

I didn't bother hunting all of the items. I may have done if there were trophies to unlock :D

A good game for the 3DS and I hope we dont have to wait for more than a decade for the next 2D installment. 

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 years later...

Bumping this, because...

...it's back in stock at Amazon for £39.99, which is definitely the lowest you'll get a new copy for in the UK at the moment by some margin (I was looking on eBay at secondhand copies last month and it ain't cheap!). 

Thought I'd share in case there was anyone else still interested in tracking down a physical copy :peace: got to wonder if Black Friday clearing their warehouses meant they found a box in the corner filled with copies of game :D

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6 minutes ago, MindFreak said:

Price seems to have gone up again, though. It's £59.99 when I look at it.

Ah, that was quick, seems like they've sold through their stock then! Can't imagine there was much to begin with honestly. 

Wasn't planning on picking it up just yet but I had to for £39.99 and new :D

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