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Was that MH as it sure didn't look like a MH game.


Looks very much like some spinoff passed to a B team to develop while the real MH is something else.


Going to have to see a lot more as that trailer did nothing for me at all to get excited about a PS4/Xb1 Monster Hunter.

Was that MH as it sure didn't look like a MH game.


Looks very much like some spinoff passed to a B team to develop while the real MH is something else.


Going to have to see a lot more as that trailer did nothing for me at all to get excited about a PS4/Xb1 Monster Hunter.


Well, yeah, it's a different team giving the game a different direction to try and capture the Western audience. I've been playing the series since the beginning and I'm eager to see what a fresh team can bring to the table.


It concerns me that this could mean XX doesn't get localized in the West and this will be the Wests MH in 2018.


The audience didn't really react at all. Not sure if Capcom expected more fanfare but there was very little reaction.


mmm gotta say while it got my attention not really that hyped.


doesnt seem a MH game to me. guess capcom i trying to get that bigger casual audience.


nice spinoff title I guess

It concerns me that this could mean XX doesn't get localized in the West and this will be the Wests MH in 2018.


The audience didn't really react at all. Not sure if Capcom expected more fanfare but there was very little reaction.


I'd be very surprised if they didn't localise XX. I imagine these two titles will exist side by side. One for the fans of the original games and one for those wanting something different. Obviously I'm in for both. :D

mmm gotta say while it got my attention not really that hyped.


doesnt seem a MH game to me. guess capcom i trying to get that bigger casual audience.


You've summed my thoughts nicely.

It seems Monster Hunter, but mostly in name. Definitely feels like a spin-off.

Also, open-world, yuck. Not for me.


Still, the rumour that predicted this also predicted Ninty's conference would have MH5. I'm expecting XX there instead, but still. Here's hoping.


Looks nice in a purely visual sense, though.


I think this had to be a PS4 exclusive to make a bigger impact.


I said in the e3 thread I wondererd if this would be the frontier style game and mainline games would still be on Nintendo consoles, looks like that could be true.


Still, it's MH, can't wait to see how it plays! :)

Posted (edited)



I'd say that was the moment I thought to myself "This ain't no MonHun"


I mean, it's clearly aiming at players who don't like Monster Hunter, and good for them, but I hope this doesn't means Capcom isn't gonna bother localising XX.

Edited by Glen-i
This version interests me a lot more than the Switch one at this point. I just want a good looking Monster Hunter game with controls that dont feel dated.


This!! I want to play a Monster Hunter that isn't based on the standard PS2 engine. I'm a bit bored playing what is essentially the same game everytime.

Posted (edited)

I think it looks great, the series needs freshening up.


Apart from mounting introduced in 4, nothing has changed since I first played Tri back in 2009.


I'm so glad I get to play this series on my PS4 Pro with my 55" 4K TV with party chat! Woo hoo!!!


Pretty much kills off any chance of me buying a Switch now as I aint buying it for one game (Super Mario Odyssey).

Edited by lostmario

Can someone explain to me why this isn't like Monster Hunter?


Having only really played MH3U, this looks like a massive improvement. I've always felt like MH series took baby steps with each iteration what with being fixed to the decrepit 3DS and always having those interconnected loading zones. The combat in that video looks fairly similar to what I remember in the game too, aside from having a machine gun.

Can someone explain to me why this isn't like Monster Hunter?


Having only really played MH3U, this looks like a massive improvement. I've always felt like MH series took baby steps with each iteration what with being fixed to the decrepit 3DS and always having those interconnected loading zones. The combat in that video looks fairly similar to what I remember in the game too, aside from having a machine gun.


As I mentioned in the other thread, it still looks to be Monster Hunter. You still have hunting and gathering its just the game has become more open and seems to have a few touches, such as a Witcher vision style mechanic, to help players out and make it more accessible. The machine gun doesn't bother me. It looks to be a similar fast firing rate weapon like the LBG.


The series has been stale for a couple of iterations now. That's not to say I don't enjoy it anymore and i'll still be buying the Switch version if it heads to the West. They've also become stupidly easy so i'm hoping they crack the difficulty back up with this new version.


EDIT: For those who thought the game didn't get cheers during the conference, apparently the audience were muted. Someone has posted a reaction that was recorded inside the theater at the conference.




Bonus EZA reaction.



"The world will finally understand" Brilliant. :D

Posted (edited)

With this gen it feels like Capcom can finally create the monsters how they've truly envisioned.

They move much more organically and swiftly and so the gameplay must be updated too. As long as they ensure the weapon classes greatly effect how you play then I'm so game for this!

Announcement of show so far for me!


One thing I really do hope for in this is cross-platform play! That would be the dream!!!

Edited by Kav

From Kotaku


Monster Hunter: World introduces a living, breathing ecosystem in which players take on the role of a hunter that seeks and slays ferocious beasts in heart-pounding battles that unfold across the vast ever-changing terrain.




Retaining the series’ skill based progression and robust crafting system, players gear up to venture on quests to seek and slay monsters, progressively improving their skills to become the ultimate hunter. Loot collected from fallen foes can be used to create new equipment and armor upgrades styled after the monsters they’ve slain, allowing hunters to survive the elements and defeat the tougher opponents that await them.


Monster Hunter: World delivers a seamless gameplay experience allowing players to move freely across map areas that comprise the living ecosystems and dynamically transition from day to night. The landscape and its diverse inhabitants play a critical role in each quest as players strategically use the surrounding environment including terrain, vegetation and wildlife to their advantage in battle or become hindered by the hazards they present. Hunters must use their cunning and abilities to track and maneuver their targets throughout the intense, evolving battles.


With flexible online multiplayer options and an accessible quest structure, players can tackle challenges alone or join up to three other hunters online for cooperative play. For the first time in the Monster Hunter™ series, players from Japan and the west can play together online, providing an expanded base of cooperative hunting companions. With the new online drop-in functionality, solo players can hail for assistance from the worldwide group during quests when their opponents are too daunting to take on single-handedly.


You know what...I'm starting to get interested in it :laughing:

From Kotaku


With flexible online multiplayer options and an accessible quest structure, players can tackle challenges alone or join up to three other hunters online for cooperative play. For the first time in the Monster Hunter™ series, players from Japan and the west can play together online, providing an expanded base of cooperative hunting companions. With the new online drop-in functionality, solo players can hail for assistance from the worldwide group during quests when their opponents are too daunting to take on single-handedly.


You know what...I'm starting to get interested in it :laughing:


I like the sound of this. From the sounds of it you will no longer have to sit and wait in the lobby/town and can jump straight into the action with your mates.


Honestly my thought while watching the trailer is that they've taken a lot of cues from Horizon Zero Dawn. And personally I think that is a good thing.


Not sure I'll get into this though. I tried getting into 3/3ultimate a couple of times but I grapple with the controls a bit too much, and I don't have anyone to do online with conveniently.


Looked pretty good to me. One of those games where I'd be tempted to buy it if enough people on here got it and if it was at a decent price.


I've only played Tri and I quite enjoyed it. Not enough to lose my shit over this announcement, but enough that I'd give this a look-in.


Looks like the rumours of this being a spin off are bogus. This looks to very much be the next step in the Monster Hunter series.




  • For new people coming in, here's a recap of info that has been shared so far by Capcom employees who have worked on/with Monster Hunter.
  • A 4:56 video that shows a bit more extended footage of the things we've already seen.
  • Monster Hunter: World is not a spin-off.
  • Monster Hunter: World was worked on by the main development team in Japan.
  • You can play offline.
  • Fishing, mining, and capturing bugs still in the game.
  • All 14 weapon types confirmed in the game.
  • Tails still cuttable.
  • Hunt, Carve, Forge loop is still there.
  • Still has the same rewarding and challenging gameplay.
  • Health, stamina, potions, sharpness still present.
  • Sound still plays after making a good well done steak.
  • Targeting locked 30FPS across all platforms (referring to console).
  • The game uses the MT Framework. Maybe PC as well, weird wording in this one.
  • Insect Glaive will be in the game.
  • When asked about Hunter Arts, response was "Brand new title. Brand new gameplay systems in place!"
  • Separate maps, but zones are gone!
  • More clarification on maps/zones: "It's not open world game, but all the maps are massive and wide open, without any loading screens :)"
  • Charge Blade is in, Tonfa is not.
  • No underwater combat.
  • No Prowler Mode in Monster Hunter World.
  • Palicoes are in the game.
  • In-game voice chat is supported.
  • You can either choose to sneak past small monsters to avoid fighting them, or kill them to collect/loot their bodies. The world is "hella flexible."
  • Gestures will be present in Monster Hunter: World.
  • They are completely focused on World for the western markets, and Monster Hunter: World is once again confirmed as the next main title in the series.
  • After being asked if there will be a Monster Hunter 5 or a game for the Japanese audiences, they reply was: "This is the next generation of Monster Hunter!"
  • You can both do drop-in/drop-out co-op, or form a pre-hunt party in Monster Hunter: World.
  • Multiplayer is online-only, there is no local co-op.
  • Monsters will not have health bars, but damage numbers will appear.
  • Monster Hunter World is confirmed to NOT have regenerating health. I guess there was a rumor going around about this?



Sorry for late reply, it's a private demo you can sign up for at E3. Four developers from Japan playing the game unscripted (they were unable to defeat Rathalos lol).

  • Started demo off with just one hunter, he tracked the new monster with "scout flies" ...
  • when the battle got rough, he led the new monster to Rathalos Nest very high up in the environment.
  • Rathalos was pissed to see the hunter and the monster creeping into his lair and preceded to wreck everything.
  • Great animations of the monsters fighting each other. The lone hunter sends signal flare and 3 other devs join mid battle.
  • Lots of vertical combat, more than MH4. Seems all hunters have a grappling hook.
  • The monsters interactions with each other was very cool, they encountered 3 different large monsters during demo.
  • One of them ate an herbivore whole lol.
  • The rapid fire on the heavy bowgun is a special ability.
  • The combat looks and feels like traditional monster hunter with quality of life improvements.
  • Day and night cycle is realtime, Rathalos destroyed a dam which cause an area to flood. Sweeping 2 of the hunters out of the area.
  • I really like that they went back to a more prehistoric feeling and mood to the game.
  • The fours hunters fighting together looked awesome, Rathalos has many new attacks, throws and animations.
  • The bow has a nice new attack which drops small bombs on top of the monsters.
  • I think they finally updated the Rathalos model haha.
  • I wish it was a bit more stylized, but the Graphics look great.


  • Starts by showing extended trailer I think?, notes no loading screens between areas but it's not a fully connected open world.
  • Ryozo (Capcom) wants to note 'living breathing world', monsters all have intelligent AI and desires/interactions, world going on around you and you can use their interactions to your advantage.
  • Interviewer asks about stealth sequence we saw - Ryozo notes there are new suit items like mantles, new one from the trailer, cannot have on all the time, has a cooldown. Also opposite which lets you lure monsters towards you.
  • Interviewer asks how multiplayer is being approached - Ryozo notes previously it was 4 player, going to hub, questing, etc. New game will include drop-in multiplayer via shooting up flair part way through quest (same as in trailer).
  • Interviewer asks whether hunter lounges will exist - Ryozo confirms 'of course'.
  • Interviewer asked about joined servers (related to global presumably) - Ryozo notes that yes, all servers merged into one, everyone will play together, simultaneous launch as well.
  • Interviewer asks about any new tweaks to combat system - Ryozo wants to assure everyone all 14 weapons are in, they know hunting is core gameplay, not removing anything, building on base from previous titles. Goes on to talk about 'slinger' (grappling hook item), can also pick up rocks and use slinger to launch rocks around.
  • Interviewer makes joke about meat on the spit.


All of this sounds....:yay::heart::bowdown::bouncy:

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