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Nintendo Spotlight: E3 2017


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Figured now was a good time to start a thread on their presentation. Tuesday 13th June, 5pm (UK time)


To get the discussion started, five predictions:


1. Breath of the Wild DLC - they won't go into too much detail, but a short trailer for the new story out at the end of the year

2. Project Octopath Traveller - I really hope they keep that title.

3. Animal Crossing - Releasing 2018. A social game people play every day sounds ideal to get the Switch word out

4. Virtual Console - NES, SNES and N64 only. New name for it.

5. Metroid - it's time. I think they'll finish their show with a teaser trailer. Releasing 2018.


Bonus prediction: I don't think they'll mention Arms or Splatoon 2 at all.


Didn't bother including Odyssey, Mario+Rabbids or an indie game reel as those are a given, but the above + Xenoblade 2 and Fire Emblem Warriors would make a pretty great show IMO.

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With it being 30 minutes I'm not convinced on new stuff at all.... Mario, Rabbids, Indies, Arms/Splatoon/pokken (all brief mentions), Fire Emblem, Xenoblade, 3rd parties, 3DS.... that almost feels like 30 minutes.


I think we'll end on one trailer for next year. One surprise. And I think Retro's game. And I think it will be Metroid Prime. With online FPS action!


But if I have to here are 5.


1. Metroid prime by Retro

2. Animal Crossing - though I think it'll be announced in the autumn alongside the mobile as a dual release next spring

3. Pikmin 4 - text book. For next Feb.

4. Smash Bros with Inklings. Next spring.

5. Dream announcement - Nintendo Sports Label, with plans to release mario versions of Golf, strikers, tennis, baseball, basketball and extreme sports version releasing 1080, wave race, exciteBIKE over the lifetime of the switch. Starting with Golf and Wave Race early 2018

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Loved the FFVI Remake prediction @Hero\-of\-Time , shame if it's true we'll probably see it and then find out that they need developers two years down the line :P


Predicting a 2018 game montage to round off the Spotlight (Fire Emblem Switch, Super Smash Bros. for Switch, Animal Crossing Switch, etc.) concluding with the montage and music peaking before it all goes dark and quiet, a lowering platform is heard, and then, breaking the cold darkness, is the opening of the platform/elevator with a sci-fi fwoosh and the green of Samus' helm lighting up the dark.


And then of course cap this off with the Switch animation/sound effect.

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Someone is optimistic. :D


Keep Nomura away from it and it should be fine.


Haha, totally.


Would you like to see it remade in 3D, or given a new 2D/2.5D treatment? Personally, I feel like this game would look beautiful using the same engine and effects as Project Octopath Traveller (and could mean we'd be getting it sooner rather than in 2028)?

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Haha, totally.


Would you like to see it remade in 3D, or given a new 2D/2.5D treatment? Personally, I feel like this game would look beautiful using the same engine and effects as Project Octopath Traveller (and could mean we'd be getting it sooner rather than in 2028)?


It should keep the sprite look, so a 2D/2.5D would be what I'm wanting for the game.

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These are more hopes than predictions, but...


Animal Crossing - I can't really explain how much I want the escapism of a new Animal Crossing. Should look gorgeous on Switch with realistic fur (if that's your sort of thing!) Hopefully it will be easier to collect the furniture, and possible to order the rare sets from a catalogue.


Metroid Prime 4


2D Metroid - Carrying on where Fusion left off. To me this should be a pure 2D game. They'd probably have to use hand-drawn, but I don't think it should go down the 2.5D route, personally.


2D Zelda


Arcade Archives fully brought to Switch - With the existing games from Taito, Technos and Data East. Plus Capcom and Sega bringing their best (and little-known) coin-ops to the service.

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15 mins on Rabbids thing (going into excruciating detail like the wool shop), Zelda DLC, more Wii U ports and some indie games that came out 6 months ago.


Announcements: Western release of Xenoblade pushed back to 2018, Virtual Console to be discussed "at a later date".


Just keeping my excitement in check.

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15 mins on Rabbids thing (going into excruciating detail like the wool shop), Zelda DLC, more Wii U ports and some indie games that came out 6 months ago.


Announcements: Western release of Xenoblade pushed back to 2018, Virtual Console to be discussed "at a later date".


Just keeping my excitement in check.


I think this is going to be the prediction closest to the truth.. unfortunately :blank:

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If they talk about the Zelda DLC I suspect one of two things. Either:


- It'll introduce some item that lets Link swim underwater (strangely absent from BOTW) and explore new areas/towns/shrines etc under the ocean or lakes.




- They'll revisit the miniature village idea they had during development but didn't implement and open up a new area to explore that way with Link shrinking down like in Minish Cap




Hopefully we'll find out soon

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What do people reckon the amiibo to game ratio will be? I'm guessing 3:1.


I'm also expecting the hat from SMO to get an amiibo, if not several.


Depends on what you mean - newly announced amiibo to games shown?


if not then the platoon ones could be there, pls the bazillion Zelda ones.


If new amiibo I can see a series for Mario Odyssey, ones for smash if that's announced, the rabbids ones and that's it.


What I want is all 10 Arms character amiibo though...

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Oh yeah I meant how many new amiibos to new games. I know we'll probably get more of the former than the latter (as they're easier to make), but just curious what people's predictions might be.


I kind of like the idea of ARMS amiibos with spring wobbly arms, but I know they'd just dangle down and look as flaccid as the Wii U c. 2015.

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Nintendo booth is starting to take shape. Looks to be all about Mario and his hats.






That's a hefty amiibo stand.


Also, this was posted on Gaf the other day. Probably garbage but these things are always worth a read, just to see how right they really are once the time comes.


So I've been to LACC recently to do some setup work on E3 (not gonna say what) so there are some things I can tell y'all about Nintendo's showfloor. Sorry no pics cause 1. I was busy 2. Didn't want to get into trouble on the day itself but now that I'm done and I can take advantage of the internet mask of anonymity thought I might as well have some fun. Many people won't believe me (partly because I have a feeling that Ninty fanboys are going to be pretty disappointed about this... denial and all that) but fuck it


First things first not everything was set up so maybe there will be more stuff but I really doubt there's anything major left. And again this is the showfloor so this may not be all they talk about during their direct but it's a safe bet


First things first, no Metroid, Animal Crossing, Pikmin 4 (although Hey Pikmin is there), Smash Bros, F-Zero (to any fool who still belived nintendo is making more of these), Pokemon Stars. All of these do not exist on the showfloor. Ninty fans hoping for these (and from what I know there are a lot) will be disappointed so don't say you weren't warned


Mario Odyssey is the main highlight as expected. There's statues of Mario holding his sentient cap, the Hat flying machine, Bowser in his pimp costume. Nothing we haven't seen before. The booth is decorated to look like New Donk City and there are like 20+ monitors set up there for the public to play. I didn't get to of course, the switches were not set up there yet. There is a video feed, though, and there is new stuff shown:


1. Mushroom Kingdom appears to be a playable level. Probably the intro level. Other new levels shown are a Haunted Mansion of sorts as well as a sky level with towers


2. Old powerups -- fire flower, starman, propeller hat, cloud hat return, though the powerups themselves are not seen. I suspect they are tied to the Crazy Cap store and the sentient hat this time instead of pickups.


Will continue posting below since I'm hitting the word limit

3. New powerup that seems to give Mario electricity powers exists


4. More footage of existing levels are also shown, but I don't remember anything too interesting.


Moving on to other booths


ARMS gets a booth as expected. Nothing exciting


Splatoon 2 gets a booth. There is a video feed there too. I haven't played the first one so I can;t really tell if there's anything new. A level with lots of slopes resembling an indoor skate park is shown and there's also a level with floating platforms in like a swimming pool or something.


Mario and Rabbids Kingdom Battle gets a booth as well. Pretty much what you have seen. Not sure if this has been leaked yet but the player character appears to be a UFO rabbit of sorts commanding the characters around.


Fire Emblem Warriors gets a booth. The mage (Tharja?) from Awakening is playable, as are Marth and Camilla (these are the ones recognised. There are more but I don't think I've ever seen them before)


Pokken Tournament gets a booth


Xenoblade 2 gets a booth. Nothing very interesting, desu, looks like the first one with an anime skin. No idea what the story is,, but the rolling grassy fantasy areas are there alright


Okay now some new switch stuff


Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE is getting a port. This surprised me since it's supposed to have sold like ass in Japan. Maybe they're trying to escape the wii u's low userbase. No more wii u ports iirc


Pilotwings + Waverace is a new game... set on wuhu island from what I can see and resembles the 3ds pilotwings and wii sports resort jetskiing. Nothing too big, nothing anyone asked for, but it looks pretty fun for casual play


Square Enix's octopath traveller is there, and I've nothing to say about it because it was only half set up.


Sonic Mania and Forces have booths. There is a new level in Mania that is shown off, reminds me of sky sanctuary but I don't think it is. Forces is, well, forces and I didn't see anything new there. The public will prob get to try the C.C. (tbc below)

(I don't know what the random desu is doing there in the previous post... freudian slip? Anyway moving on)


Monster Hunter XX port is coming. I know it's been announced in Japan but this is the localised version. 3ds and switch versions will both be playable.


Sin and Punishment Angel's Ascent is a new game in the Sin and Punishment series (last one was on the wii I think). Very flashy, looks as if it was developed by Platinum


Skyrim for Nintendo Switch has a booth. Notice how it's not the "legendary edition". Graphics seem to be improved, though, so no idea what this means


Project Mekuru (that low budget panel flipping eshop game) has a booth


Speaking of 3ds, Ever Oasis, Hey Pikmin, Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, and the new Kirby eshop games will all be playable


There are also tons of indies including Stardew valley and yooka laylee but I don't have anything interesting to say here.


Sorry if that wasn't very interesting or even disppointing, but that is what I saw and what I'll report. Signing off.

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