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What do you do with games you no longer play? Do you keep them, sell (or trade) them or give them away?


Found a bunch of DS and 3DS games earlier and I'm currently in the process of giving them away to people as I know I will no longer use them and they're just cartridges which I believe places like CEX don't accept and I'm too lazy to ebay.


I used to trade in a lot but that tended to be because I didnt have all that much money to buy new games. These days I'll get rid of some every now and again to clear space but it'll only be ones I know I'll never touch again.


I still regret trading in all my retro games years ago though. So many good games that are actually worth some money now traded away for a couple of quid each! :(


I keep them mostly...


...but lately I've been trying to sort out my living space as there are a fair few I will definitely part with so I'm in the process of sorting all this out as I have an excess of PS2, PS1 and Xbox games. :heh:


Plus I'm running low on space and I need to make room for the Switch. :blush:


  Ashley said:
Found a bunch of DS and 3DS games earlier and I'm currently in the process of giving them away to people as I know I will no longer use them and they're just cartridges which I believe places like CEX don't accept and I'm too lazy to ebay.


Oh which ones? If they are any titles I don't have then I might be interested in them, I'll even give you a few quid or postage costs for them, no worries if you've already given them away or have people in mind though, just thought I'd put it up there as I have a DS and 3DS game collection which I'm looking to expand with a few cart only games possibly. : peace:


Likewise if there are any games you're after, let me know... I realise that this might be counter-productive in you getting rid of games only to inherit more of them but the offer is there. :)


I can see this potentially turning into a swaps thread. ;)


I keep virtually everything. I've only traded in a few games on here if they were doubles. I prefer to build up a collection and at least have the option of playing through again when I want to.


I've never sold any of my games - they're all at my parents house, and will be in my house when i get a bigger place. I guess i'm a bit of a hoarder, coupled with the fact that i don't tend to have many games anyway.


I have given a few away though. Gave a couple to my cousin to play (he's about 7 years younger), and gave a load of shovel-ware to charity shops.


It always seems like too much effort to take your games and sell them for like £2.50 store credit, which, like Happenstance said, you might regret in the future.

  S.C.G said:


Oh which ones? If they are any titles I don't have then I might be interested in them, I'll even give you a few quid or postage costs for them, no worries if you've already given them away or have people in mind though, just thought I'd put it up there as I have a DS and 3DS game collection which I'm looking to expand with a few cart only games possibly. : peace:


I'll give you a shout. Checking with some parents I know if their kids want any. I also asked if @Josh64 wants some earlier as I guess I'm his parent?


  bob said:

It always seems like too much effort to take your games and sell them for like £2.50 store credit, which, like Happenstance said, you might regret in the future.


I tend to do them in big batches so it adds up. I got a free kindle by trading in a load of games and DVDs a while ago and managed to replace my broken iPod for £50 by doing so recently. Handy for stuff like that.


I'm an excessive hoarder. I hate getting rid of anything. I struggle even to throw out shoes and clothes with holes in, somehow clinging on to the fact they may be useful someday.


With games, as Bob says, the small value of money/trade in credit I could get just isn't worth it, the sentimental value to me is higher.



  Mr-Paul said:
I'm an excessive hoarder. I hate getting rid of anything. I struggle even to throw out shoes and clothes with holes in, somehow clinging on to the fact they may be useful someday.


With games, as Bob says, the small value of money/trade in credit I could get just isn't worth it, the sentimental value to me is higher.




After moving house, I now realise how much of a pain it is being a hoarder.


I try to go digital now as much as I can with games. I'm not too bothered about reselling, so it's purely a storage thing. It's easier trying to move one console with a hdd of 80+ games than it is to move one console plus 80+ boxes.


I always used to sell my consoles to fund the next one, something I've decided to stop now with the Wii U and Switch. I still get a hankering to play some old SNES, N64 and GC games from my youth but this isn't always easy or even possible via legal means. When I see YouTube videos of people's collections I always get envious and curse myself for selling off my gaming past for peanuts. I've decided to have a small corner in my house dedicated to gaming and I'm already re-buying old games and consoles to get my collection going, but damn it's expensive. I've started with a CRT TV and a GameCube and I'm going to work backwards from there. It's great that places like CeX have started selling retro games and I've been to a couple of car-boots to look around but I've come away empty handed thus far.


For the Switch I'm definitely going to be buying physical only. I have two Wii U retail games downloaded to the system and kind of wish I had a physical copy of them both... With the 3DS I have seven or eight, but they were waaaay cheaper to buy digital while I was in Russia and the prices on physical copies are still ridiculous. Fire Emblem Awakening, anyone? :nono:


I mostly keep all my games, only ones i sell are either games which i'll never play again. Or if i'm completely broke, and it's to fund purchase of new games. Still hold a small regret on giving away my GC to a friend, and no longer having anything from the N64 days. I even (at one point) sold my GBA and all it's games to fund a 3DS purchase.


I have (like @Nicktendo) started going out to rebuild a collection. Have my (near) entire GBA library back, and a GBA SP. Have built up my GC collection again too, having sold many games when i was out of work to fund X360 game purchases.

  Fierce_LiNk said:
After moving house, I now realise how much of a pain it is being a hoarder.


I try to go digital now as much as I can with games. I'm not too bothered about reselling, so it's purely a storage thing. It's easier trying to move one console with a hdd of 80+ games than it is to move one console plus 80+ boxes.


Yeah I'm slowly starting to embrace digital more.


I used to love buying CDs and having the disc and then ripping it onto my iPod and having the CD for the car. I didn't ever see the point of buying digital when it cost the same but I didn't get it physically.


Maybe partly because I no longer have a car, and partly due to how great Spotify is, I haven't bought a CD in yonks.


I also now buy fewer Blu-Rays because I realise I watch pretty much everything I want to see either at the cinema, through my Netflix subscription or my parents' Sky subscription. I've never bought a digital copy itself of a film though.


With games, I still quite like a hard copy, for collection/hoarding/liking to have a physical thing but if there's a good deal on digital, I definitely will snap it up with no hesitation.


Playstation Plus is really one of the main things that helped me embrace digital games. Saying that, most of the time I don't get the chance to play most/any of what I get from it, but it gives the opportunity! When I first got a PS3 late in its lifespan, it was brilliant!


Many people on here have suggested a subscription/Netflix like service for Nintendo's retro games. I don't buy any virtual console games ever, but if you offered me a service that gave me access to a selection of their vast library, with some of the more premium offerings rotating in and out no doubt, I would certainly be tempted. They'd make a lot more money off of me from their retro offerings than they do now.


It's a start that they're offering a NES/SNES game rental as part of their upcoming online service, but it doesn't really live up to what Sony and Microsoft offer.


This has gone a bit off tangent to what the thread is about.... but yeah! Digital is growing on me!


After spending ages packing all of our games and consoles away (and having them now clutter our house, waiting to be unpacked someday), I kinda wish we could sell some of our games... But @Fierce_LiNk won't let me! :(


There's loads of games there which I know we'll never touch again, yet he won't let me sell them. Such a pain. :P


Definitely want to go digital as much as possible now, just to save space in our new house. Too bad prices aren't always great on digital games, unless you wait quite a while for deals to show up.


When you look back at original [now maybe rare] 80's/90's hardware/software, some of it is worth quite some money now.


Do any of the people who keep everything and basically have a collection have this in mind for, idk, maybe their future generation?


That GC version of Wind Waker + Master Quest and some other things, i once had that one. Not sure but last i checked its worth more then regular retail price. And thats a GC game, so not even really ancient...

Posted (edited)

I'm always gonna go back and replay these games at some point, so I keep them all. I don't buy One-And-Done games (The few I have done, like Gears of War, got sold).


Some doubles of games I get that don't need anymore either get given to friends/family (firstly) or sold (secondly, if they don't want it).

Edited by Dcubed



I'm a hoarder at heart; don't think I've traded more than 10 things in in my life. Sometimes I've sold stuff but it's generally stuff I've specifically bought with the intention or reselling. The problem with that is there's a number of things I've bought with the intention of selling them on but then getting too lazy and just ended up keeping them :p


Having said that I'm sure I've got some things out on loan that I've never got back. Fairly sure I'm guilty of similar from others too though, so ykno.


In recent years I've really tried to move away from buying Physical stuff. All of the games I really want on PS4 are downloaded, the others I bought cheap when I got the machine. Ideally I won't buy any more physical releases for it. Same will go for Switch and any other consoles from now on.


As a kid I would constantly trade in old games to get the next big thing, I'd usually keep everything through the generation and then take a ton of stuff to EB/Game and get myself whatever the next system was. No doubt lost a ton of money on all of that but more than made up for it when working there and taking advantage of the system to get anything good that came in for a fraction of the value.


When I left San Francisco I sold/gave away everything I had. Just too much hassle to bother moving it half way round the world and I wasn't really attached to any of it. I think the only thing I kept was a Dreamcast Modem as they seem to be fairly valuable.


Nowadays I have a lot of old stuff at my parents place and Japanese Saturn and Gamecube collection that I've pulled together over the last few years. Don't think I would ever sell those. So I guess as of right now I'm in the keeper group.

  Happenstance said:
Yeah I've got some like that. Bloody @Goafer still hasnt returned my Saturn copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga!


I'll return it when you give me the £170 I paid some guy in Leeds for it.

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