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Splatoon 2


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Played 3 games. Couldn't find the options menu before the first, the default controls were nauseating. Tried something else for the 2nd game, didn't work. 3rd game again, adjusted controls, but still didn;t get the feel for it. I know wjhat the problem is though. It's the age old N64 FPS generation syndrome. I need the sticks to be switched.

I can see the fun of this game, but I'll need a lot more customization options before I'm actually able to enjoy it.


Perhaps Splatoon 1 veterans can tell me if first had more elaborate options than this open beta.


Would have liked an offline tutorial / how to play, and the option to leave a game and edit your options mid-game.

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I tried to play it for a bit but the wifi signal in my room is so bad that my connection kept dropping out. It was the first time I played Splatoon and the controls felt a bit stiff to me, movement felt a bit slow. I'll try it tomorrow night but play closer to the router to see if it helps the connection.

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I didn't get on myself as I was letting my mrs' brother check it out as he's never played Splatoon. As I've said before, I hope they add the features the game was in need of for release!


I can't see me purchasing it otherwise. ::shrug:

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Yeah great fun. Felt like splatoon. New specials are good. But like kav alludes to, this game better have loadouts, we better. E able to play more then 2 maps at a time and two modes at a time, it better have bits and/or drop in online - pointless playing with a member down.

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0/10 if there's no option to mute..?


That's one way of looking at it. Personally I've never benefited voice chat with strangers in an online game. If I need voice communication, I don't have a problem launching Skype, Ventrilo, Teamspeak etc. on a mobile device or PC while I'm playing.



Dunno if anyone is up at this hour trying to play again (04:29 GMT+1). But I'm having real trouble finding players. Anyone else experiencing this?

Edited by Adrian DX
Avoiding double-posting
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Splatoon sold like 3 times as much as the switch has sold. something like a third of Wii U owners had splatoon, assuming similar numbers, I'd say you can expect problems finding 8 people to play with. Also I can imagine interest in this will be quite a bit lower than it was for splatoon. From the sounds of it there isn't too much super new content, I think a lot of people will have dipped in, experienced the novelty and then called it a day. It's not like splatoon when everything was really fresh - the music, the art style, the play mechanics (swimming in the ink was really fun and a big novelty for me). You may also find they are playing around with the background mechanics as well - intercontinental, intracontinental etc. I think it is all just a way of recruiting people to test the online infrastructure ready for later this year when it is released completely. But my point here is mainly they might have been limiting your access to other players who were actually on then (to focus their testing on a specific area of the architecture). Hope you got a few games in!


Oh - do they have the mini games while it loads? If they had something like that, but with score tracking against people on your friends list, that would have been a neat little motivator (like daily/weekly/monthly/all-time best score options....) I lost interest in those mini games after a few weeks because the high score thing was a little "meh" for me

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So yeah, it's Splatoon and it's still fun. The splat dualies are cool and the game feels nice to play with the split joycons, but the map is a big downgrade from the Wii U original. Not being able to see what needs to be covered at a glance is a big annoyance and the map controls are less than ideal (though I suppose the best they could do given the circumstances).


What I don't get though is why we can't use the touchscreen for the map when playing in handheld mode. It's really awkward to use the gyro to point to where you want to go when playing in handheld mode, I don't get why you can't just touch the map!


Doesn't feel much different from the original though. Splatoon 1.5 indeed. Wouldn't be surprised if they eventually port over all the maps/weapons from the original and make it redundant outside of the single player.

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@Cube @Kav(and anyone else ofc) - you guys managed to have much of a go yet or planning to this weekend? Interested to hear from the folks who played a good bit of Splatoon 1 how they feel this is as a successor. @Pestneb did you plunge on a Switch or not in the end? I keep losing track in my head of who has and who hasn't! Very interested to hear from anyone who gave a good chunk to Splatoon 1 how this feels from the testfire.
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I'd like one but I've got quite a few upcoming expenses. Pencilled in a purchase for November 2018 for.. well 2 or 3 reasons :D But no, I've not got one yet, I've got Botw on Wii U so for now only Splatoon 2 and Mario are on my radar, hoping that impressions on splatoon 2 are good, also interested to hear how the online elements work out. Of course if I win a switch in April (I can dream, right?) I'll be getting splatoon 2 day 1!

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@Pestneb this doesn't have much new content? We don't know anything about it really. We have no idea what new content there'll be. Bizarre assumption.


I also think it'll sell far better than Wii U version, out of default. It'll have a pretty good attach rate and Switch is looking like it'll smash wii u in sales.


Saying this, it did feel exactly like Splatoon; which is fine. Can't wait to find out what they've done to it. The loud outs, maps/modes and drop in factors are something which will be really off-putting if they're not sorted.

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@Pestneb this doesn't have much new content? We don't know anything about it really. We have no idea what new content there'll be. Bizarre assumption.


I also think it'll sell far better than Wii U version, out of default. It'll have a pretty good attach rate and Switch is looking like it'll smash wii u in sales.


Saying this, it did feel exactly like Splatoon; which is fine. Can't wait to find out what they've done to it. The loud outs, maps/modes and drop in factors are something which will be really off-putting if they're not sorted.


I was referring simply to the current demo people are sampling... as you say, you can't wait to find out what they've done to it. I think when the game releases the lobby will fill up quickly enough - the install base of switch users will be bigger, and hopefully there will be plenty of enticing new content for those who played splatoon as well as the obvious allure for those who missed out on the original.

But this demo, aside from dual weapons, variants on specials and I presume (as I don't own a switch to see for myself) new map(s?) and a new control scheme, there isn't too much to hold people, once they've tried it out they'll likely be (for the most part) happy to wait till test part 2 or the final retail release. With the original Splatoon we were super hungry for a new game and the install base was already there, but probably numbers were already lower than what they were just after the initial retail release and the first few splatfests!

Edited by Pestneb
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Played a few games. It's good fun, but if you asked me to say why it was different to the original Splatoon I wouldn't be able to answer.


I don't think I played against any of you guys, I didn't recognise any names.


What I don't get though is why we can't use the touchscreen for the map when playing in handheld mode.


This actually annoys me beyond Splatoon. Why can't I use the touchscreen for the inventory in Zelda?

Edited by V. Amoleo
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The ability not to change weapons in-game is a design decision.


One that I think is a poor one. A very poor one!


What if you're playing and end up on a team of just rollers (you can't see what will be in the lobby) so you think you should change to help balance your team... you can't! It's a silly decision!


The game could be made so much better with a few tweaks! At the moment, 3 games was all it took for me to get tired of it.

If it remains like the first, lacking all these options, I'll not bother. There are more fun games out there that do things much better too!

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