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Super Mario Run (iOS/Android)


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Just completed the main portion of the game, will be playing it for a while to get all of the coins though as I'm only about halfway done with them. It's a very forgiving Mario game but the coin challenges definitely add difficulty and more content. I'm enjoying Toad Rally as well but not sure if I'll try and get everything in the game.


It's my niece's 2nd birthday in a couple of weeks and she loves Mario so I've been looking at getting her a Mario plush toy but they all seem to look like garbage. Does any one know of any Mario plush that doesn't look godawful?

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All black coins GET! :yay:


Unlocked the final extra stage...



Oh. My. God. :heh:

Yep, that's like the Super Mario Run equivalent of Champion's Road right there. In fact, it might be worse. :laughing:

Probably approaching 50 attempts now, still not been able to clear it.

*tries again* :hehe:


I remember seeing this post months ago and dreading the day I would reach that stage...


...And now I can confirm it definitely feels even more terrifying and infuriating than Champion's Road. I'm probably over 100 attempts into the ordeal, and I've never even seen the 5th Black Coin yet... I'll get through it one day, though! Not giving up when I'm this close!! (...I just need to remember to take breaks whenever I feel like destroying my phone...) :shakehead

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Gotten all the pink coin challenges as of yesterday(couldn't stop playing the damn thing!) and unlocked a lot of buildings etc through Toad Rally(the ticket limit at 99 is a bit shit, hit it a few times without realising) so I find myself trying to burn through runs on that - though I still do fairly enjoy it albeit playing mostly the same 'levels'. Need to see what my reward is for getting all them pink coins next!

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I got all of the pink, purple and black coins last night so have been trying my hand at the special levels today. The pink and purple ones are definitely challenging but I managed to complete them in only a handful of attempts, the black level on the other hand is absurd. I must have had 30 attempts at it already and I haven't even got far enough into the level to see the 4th coin. I'm determined to do it though.

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Weirdly I've actively done rather little since the pink coins bar playing Toad Rally and going after gold Goombas - but it's been a good excuse to try and coin up the levels they're in. Mostly I've been smashing the shit out of Toad Rally given I hit the limit on tokens and there seems to be so many ways to keep getting them! I'm surprisingly impressed by the game given its mobile nature and its price - but I think I'm increasingly coming to the point of view that it isn't a bad buy for what you're getting. I enjoy the 'moreish' nature of Toad Rally in telling you what building you've got next; and whilst I wondered early on why I'd play any stage but a particular two on Toad Rally it's all making sense now - very interesting balance of things there for me.


It's barely been a week, and maybe if I consider it in that time aspect that it's been costly - but I've been on this bastard on my phone so much in the last week(also thank god for fastcharging) that I'm almost glad I have both a.) a semi-acceptable phone and b.) paid the money for SMR.


I can't deny it's very much the game's design getting me over the gameplay(very more-ish/one more go sort of style) but I'm generally impressed with it for what it is. I can't be sure I'll say it's £10's worth of work into it or that the price is great for it; but I do think for those who take the plunge it should effectively deliver enough.

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I've come so close to beating the Black Coin special level on two or three occasions today but keep falling at the final hurdle. I'm really enjoying the challenge of it though, thankfully I haven't been getting too frustrated by it because it's my own mistakes rather than cheap design. I think I'll crack it at some point this weekend.


Overall, I've really enjoyed the game but without the coins

challenges and Toad Rally I don't think it would be a very enjoyable game. As a standard Mario game (just getting through the levels) it doesn't provide any challenge, even the final Bowser battle was a cakewalk.


EDIT: (08/04) I did it! Bit of an anti climax though as there is no acknowledgement from the game of my achievement.

Edited by killthenet
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

There's a new update - Toad limits from Toad Rally upped from 9,999 to 99,999 iirc. Also a MK8 deluxe celebration 'event' with some new buildings to get, and a global prize of things depending how many people play Toad Rally during this time. Also some shit about being able to put items from Miitomo onto your Miis in this(something I've got little to no clue about so meh).


Out of interest - is there an easy way to tell if one has linked their Nintendo Account? I can't find the option and I can't change my language in the settings which suggests it is linked, especially as I have my Mii on my SMR too so I must surely have got that from a linked account - but for some reason I don't have Toad as a playable character and I'm sure the game keeps telling me that I would get Toad if I linked my NNID??

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Just as I was thinking I'd pretty much be done with the game when I'd reach 10k Toads (and beat the final bonus level, of course)... I guess I have to aim for 50k at the very least now.


but for some reason I don't have Toad as a playable character and I'm sure the game keeps telling me that I would get Toad if I linked my NNID??

You get Toad the same way you get any My Nintendo rewards - go to the Super Mario Run rewards on My Nintendo (or just use the in-game My Nintendo button in the top right corner of the Kingdom screen), press Toad and then Redeem.

Edited by FireMeowth
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Just as I was thinking I'd pretty much be done with the game when I'd reach 10k Toads (and beat the final bonus level, of course)... I guess I have to aim for 50k at the very least now.



You get Toad the same way you get any My Nintendo rewards - go to the Super Mario Run rewards on My Nintendo (or just use the in-game My Nintendo button in the top right corner of the Kingdom screen), press Toad and then Redeem.


So yeah I'd basically never realised this -.- think I've been missing out on some my Nintendo rewards/points too as a result!


Anyhow I've still be playing a bit each day - basically not touched single for ages tho just keep macking out on toad rally - tokens really ain't hard to come by compared to my time to play with the bonus blocks/houses etc. Do wish it wasn't a 99 limit tho.


Saw a guy like a day or two after the update with 25kish Toads already - can't even think how they found all that time so fast!

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  • 4 months later...

Bet you didn't expect this thread to get bumped, and by me no less!

But there's an update coming soon! Details nicked shamelessly from GAF.


Remix 10 is a frenetic new mode in which you play a set of 10 super-short sections from Super Mario Run’s existing levels in quick succession. The stages are remixed with each attempt, and with rainbow-colored bonus medals strewn across these bite-sized stages, it’s a fresh challenge every time.

Remix 10 has no Game Over screen and even if you fail to complete a level, you’ll just proceed to the next one without any penalty. This means new players can familiarize themselves with a variety of different levels easily and experts can attempt to collect every bonus medal for a perfect rating.

Finishing stages and grabbing medals in Remix 10 mode also gives you the chance to collect new items to decorate your Mushroom Kingdom – and eventually rescue Princess Daisy.

Daisy becomes playable when you rescue her.


And there’s a brand new world to discover. World Star has nine new levels which are unlocked once you’ve finished all of the existing stages in worlds 1-6.

These new levels are filled with new enemies, gameplay mechanics and of course include pink, purple, and black coin-collecting challenges. Nintendo is promising surprises for even the most seasoned Super Mario Run players in this one.


Here’s a cute final flourish for you – the update also allows you to play the game while playing your favorite music in the background, and when you do, Mario and his friends will wear headphones.

And finally, when this update hits, there'll be a 50% sale for 2 weeks.

Anyway, that's me done here now. Byeee!

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Update is now live. Remix 10 is pretty fun, not tried the star world yet. Loads of polish as you would expect.

On 9/23/2017 at 9:33 AM, Dcubed said:

Surprised they're still bothering with this game TBH.  It ain't gonna make a dent in the market until it goes F2P unfortunately and this update/sale will do nothing to change that sadly.

May not help sell loads more but it's still a nice update for those that have it and like it.

Edited by Ronnie
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On 23/09/2017 at 9:33 AM, Dcubed said:

Surprised they're still bothering with this game TBH.  It ain't gonna make a dent in the market until it goes F2P unfortunately and this update/sale will do nothing to change that sadly.

The price cut is probably going to be enough to get me to buy it :grin:

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Loving the new update on this.

Remix 10 is just so hyper, it's like Mario Run on steroids! And the cheese on that music is something else, sounds like it was made for DDR Mario Mix. :heh: They were definitely smart to include an option for custom soundtracks in this version. :cheeky:

But yeah, the extra speed of Remix 10 combined with very short stages makes it a lot of fun to play, it's got a nice WarioWare vibe to it (love how Mario and Co. now spin down the flagpoles too :laughing:). Looks like it's gonna take quite a while to unlock Daisy though. Hopefully they add even more characters in the future, Wario, Waluigi & Birdo would be rad.

And then there's Star World, which requires you to complete challenges to first unlock the levels (only done one so far) and another set of pink, purple and black coins to collect in each! So quite a bit of new stuff to check out here, just a shame that the game still eats battery like no tomorrow. :hehe:

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2 hours ago, Vileplume2000 said:

I have about 6 euros stocked up on Play Store credits from the Google Rewards app. So I was waiting for this price cut to finally be able to buy it!

Only have 1.33€ from the Rewards app, but I might pay the remaining 4.20€. I'll give the demo another chance. The last time I played it, it wasn't really something I'd pay 10€ on. Let's see :D

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