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Nintendo Classic Mini (NES) - November 11


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I imagine I'll take the same route as I did with the £149 PS4 deals this week by flicking frequently between wanting the NES Classic Mini and not really desiring it much at all.


I grew up on the SNES and anything before that doesn't really do a great deal for me, including the NES, so I'd only really be wanting this as something to display in my collection whilst occasionally turning it on for a quick blast of something. I already have several of the titles on 3DS, due to the ambassador program, and Wii U, thanks to the 30p promotion a few years ago. I never really touch any of them.


Ultimately, I probably won't be getting it but there's something in me that imagines this will be worth quite a bit of money somewhere down the line :eek:

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Is everybody getting one of these? I'm not particularly enthusiastic about playing most of the games but there's a part of me that would really like to have this sitting in my game room..


What do I do..? ::shrug:


I had one preordered but then cancelled it.


I was listening to an episode of the EA podcast just after this was announced and Brandon Jones fairly went off on one with Nintendo in regards to the release of this product and the VC in general. I was sitting listening to the points he made ( not gonna bring them up in here because it will no doubt cause arguments ) but I felt everything thing he said was spot on. I thought about what he said and then cancelled my preorder.



The emulator for the machine is all new it seems, potentially surpassing the quality of the VC emulation on the Wii U which is already really solid overall. :)


The NES games on the Wii U were pretty rough in my eyes. I've long complained about how the NES and N64 games looked dull and dark on the Wii U and this new emulation shows just how bad they look in comparison.


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I'm not bothered about this at all. I can, if I wish buy all the games on the Wii U. I'm not bothered about buying 30 year old games yet again. Too many times Nintendo release their NES collection on various formats and everytime I buy the same games to never play them.


I can understand the appeal though.

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my original nes still works so... yeah. It just won't feel authentic enough without carts! :P


Rad racer... kirby's adventure, super mario bros, unofficial dizzy and cosmic space head games, asterix licensed game that at the time I felt was up to standard and actually was one of my favourite games. Only games I'd be interested aren't included iirc - blades of steel and galaxy 5000. BoS needs multiplayer to be fun anyway, and Galaxy 5000 I don't think will ever be released again (but that was a great game, taught me the order of all the planets way better than school ever would have achieved :))

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£50 for a tiny NES ornament is worth it, never mind having 30 VC games not here too!!


I think the little thing is amazing and hope they do versions of all their consoles but I realise that is highly highly unlikely.


@Hero\-of\-Time don't worry about causing arguments, what were the points?

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Hero-of-Time don't worry about causing arguments, what were the points?



probably more specifically:



I'm sure you can pick the points out yourself.


I do think the Nes Mini should be a bundle in the e-shop, £50 for 30 games (in that video section all 3 on the couch agreed a little over 20 of the games were great games... so lets say £50 for 20 games and £2.50 per game) isn't so bad.

If they had an open bundle, with 20 preselected titles (probably including the just under 10 weaker games) and an option of 10 from a limited selection?

really I think 30 games would just about fill most peoples nes vc needs.


One valid point I really liked was that the mini should have eshop connectivity, you should be able to play games that you have purchased on e-shop on the mini and play games on the mini on your wii U, but equally I can understand why they don't do that - if you have bought a game twice, do they just say "thanks" or do they offer tangible recognition in the form of MyNintendo rewards or eshop credit? making it incompatible with the eshop avoids them needing to directly address that dilemma , and having it locked to 30 games and not internet connected makes using it for pirated games that much harder.


but yeah, this isn't on my radar at all, as I already have an original that works well enough (though admittedly the power transformer could do with a bit of a look at!)

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I had one preordered but then cancelled it.


I was listening to an episode of the EA podcast just after this was announced and Brandon Jones fairly went off on one with Nintendo in regards to the release of this product and the VC in general. I was sitting listening to the points he made ( not gonna bring them up in here because it will no doubt cause arguments ) but I felt everything thing he said was spot on. I thought about what he said and then cancelled my preorder.


You have a fair point and at least you're voting with your wallet by not purchasing, I genuinely wish I had that much willpower but for various reasons I feel like I need to buy this. ::shrug:


Also as a really regular viewer of Easy Allies - I watch most of their videos and support them monthly on Patreon for that early podcast goodness - :D I actually agree with Brandon's points for the most part but I also like the idea of the machine as well as a whole : peace: here's the video for anyone interested...



Go to 07:40 - 31:30 for all the NES Classic Mini talk.


The NES games on the Wii U were pretty rough in my eyes. I've long complained about how the NES and N64 games looked dull and dark on the Wii U and this new emulation shows just how bad they look in comparison.



Again, you have a very good point here... when I stated that the Wii U VC emulation was pretty solid overall I was definitely generalising a lot, the SNES games are decent, N64 as well... though the darker screen issue is an annoyance - regardless of whether the filter was put on in order to recreate the original feeling, it would have been nice to have had more options, it makes it a nightmare for getting decent N64 screenshots for one thing - but the actual emulation relating to how the games play is still solid, even in the case of the NES titles as well. :)


But I can't deny that comparison video... :p NES titles do indeed look too dark on the Wii U in comparison, plus the sound... it's undeniable, the emulation on the NES Classic Mini is vastly superior and with more options to boot. :o


It just goes to show though that NERD (Nintendo European Research and Development) have done a sterling job on the emulator, indeed they are responsible for the DS emulator which works really well.


So it has me wondering, perhaps this will be the future of the VC on the NX? If that's the case and this is effectively a taste of what's to come, using the advancements to actually do things properly thus resulting in better emulation of titles with the option to upgrade any games which are already tied to your NNID/My Nintendo account (for FREE) then I can understand it on that level; perhaps this product is a testing ground? (Though this might just be me thinking optimistically) :indeed:


Certainly interesting times anyway, if we do end up getting a SNES Classic Mini or even an N64 Classic Mini in the future then that would definitely either open up or fracture the market somewhat; for the long term I would like to see this level of emulation with the option to remove darker filters etc for ALL Virtual Console titles on the NX, if that is indeed the route Nintendo are taking as it really is better to have options... then these mini systems could just be an extra option for either people who don't want to buy a Nintendo machine just for classic games or it could work as a way to entice people in - similar to how the mobile games raise brand awareness - then they might decide to buy a home console for a larger library. :smile:


Those are my general thoughts on things as they are, at this point though, it really could go either way. ::shrug:

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The NES games on the Wii U were pretty rough in my eyes. I've long complained about how the NES and N64 games looked dull and dark on the Wii U and this new emulation shows just how bad they look in comparison.



You know I recall thinking the few NES VC titles I had looked a bit dull/washed out but I never made a connection to it being a system wide thing at the time. Strange to think you'd kill the vibrancy that made these games/Nintendo what they were! As said for someone supposedly so faithful to recreating the original experience that seems a bit strange to me.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Apparatantly, Sakamoto had the idea for the NES Mini around 10 years ago, using a modified GBA (supposedly, they even had a mock up ready, with a box and all!)



Was 2006 before or after the NES classic GBA series? It certainly would explain a lot behind those games.

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Was 2006 before or after the NES classic GBA series? It certainly would explain a lot behind those games.


It was 2 years afterwards and 1 year after the Game Boy Micro (where they released a special Famicom version), so yes, it does explain a lot :)


Sakamoto isn't involved with the NES Classic Mini AFAIK though, but rather it's being made by Nintendo European Research & Development (same team that did the DS VC emulator for Wii U).

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Can anyone suggest the best way of getting one of these at launch? I seem to have missed the pre-order window. I wonder if stores will have it.


I think your best bet is to check local game and electronics stores when it comes out, but I think there's very little chance of finding one on launch day. The Nintendo site says they'll be getting more stock in before Christmas though.

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Nintendo have shipped my extra controller but not the system itself, weird. Hope I don't miss out.


dazzy, you get a usb cable in the box but not the usb charger.


EDIT: Got confirmation that the console has been dispatched too about 2 hours later, weird. I ordered a game from them last week and it took about two days to arrive after dispatch so hopefully it comes on Wednesday.

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My NES Mini arrived earlier, it's even smaller than I expected, the packaging itself is tiny too. Been a while since I played with an actual NES controller so I think it'll take some getting used to again but the interface is really nice. Controller cable is obviously incredibly short though which is annoying but I've got a fairly long HDMI cable so I can play at a fairly comfortable distance. Looking forward to getting stuck into Castlevania and Kirby.

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Wasn't sure where to post this, but I think this ties in with the Famicom mini so it should probably go in this thread. Nintendo Japan have uploaded pdf's of Game Manuals for the Famicom:




I assume the US and UK sites will have their own versions of this soon


UK site has a interview with Miyamoto about Donkey Kong:



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