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Games Not Yet Played From 2015


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We've now got the NE GOTY thread but as we all know, there have been some big games released this year, and I mean BIG. The likes of The Witcher 3 and Fallout 4, to name but 2 examples, have so much going on that it's easy enough to sink in hours upon hours and still not see the end. And as such, in investing time there, we may have missed other games that were on our radar but have fallen by the wayside as a result.


So, what are the games from 2015 that you've yet to make a start on or pick up as a result of other things which have grabbed your attention for longer than you thought, have surprised you or you've not yet had the time to start?


For me, I've put so many hours into The Witcher 3, Mad Max and Fallout 4 this year that I've not started quite a few games, be those downloadable ones that I picked up in sales or retail games, and only made minimal efforts on others.


I've got last year's Child of Light waiting to be played as well as Far Cry 4. At least with the latter, I've made a small start but given its size, I want to be able to sit down and put the time in but there just aren't enough hours in the day.


I've also currently got Grim Fandango Remastered sitting on my PS4, which I bought during the summer IIRC, and I've not even started it. I've never played it but have always wanted to but I guess I picked it up at a time when I was jumping between other smaller indie titles and a couple of other bigger games. I am hoping to sit down and experience it for the first time in the new year although we've probably all said stuff like that before :laughing:


Also got God of War 3 Remastered to play as well. Never played any of the games in this series but got this on the cheap and thought why not but Fallout 4 kind of put an end to starting this.


There's also the games which I haven't picked up yet but really want to. Star Wars Battlefront, despite a lack of significant content, is something I want to give a try and I've been eyeing up Divinity Original Sin: Enhanced Edition for a couple of weeks as I've heard a lot of good things. To top it off, there's also Tales from the Borderlands which I also want to give a go.


There's probably a couple of other smaller games out and about that I want to get down to as well but these are mainly the ones I've missed out on/haven't played but want to play from this year.


What about everybody else?


Edit: Just remembered I've also been eyeing up Until Dawn as well. My poor wallet is going to be bruised and battered come the new year, and that's before anything else has even been released.

Edited by Ganepark32
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I've barely played Xenoblade Chronicles X.

There's loads of games I wouldn't mind checking out that I held off purchasing too: Bloodborne, Toukiden: Kiwami, The Witcher 3, Tearaway Unfolded, Dragon Quest Heroes, Star Wars: Battlefront, Transformers: Devastation, Mad Max, Godzilla: The Game, Devil's Third, Affordable Space Adventures, Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam Bros., Hotline Miami 2...


On the plus side, a lot of those will probably be in the bargain bin next year (a few of them already are :hehe:) so at least I'll save a bit of moolah, should I get around to picking some of them up in the future. :)

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I've barely played Xenoblade Chronicles X.

There's loads of games I wouldn't mind checking out that I held off purchasing too: Bloodborne, Toukiden: Kiwami, The Witcher 3, Tearaway Unfolded, Dragon Quest Heroes, Star Wars: Battlefront, Transformers: Devastation, Mad Max, Godzilla: The Game, Devil's Third, Affordable Space Adventures, Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam Bros., Hotline Miami 2...


On the plus side, a lot of those will probably be in the bargain bin next year (a few of them already are :hehe:) so at least I'll save a bit of moolah, should I get around to picking some of them up in the future. :)


I forgot about Bloodborne! Yeah, I need to take a crack at that at some point, as well.


Toukiden was also on the radar but i'm waiting for my nephew to pick it up so we can get some good co-op hunting going on.

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To be honest, I haven't played a huge number of games released in 2015 (probably single figures :eek:) but I don't feel like I've really missed out on anything ::shrug:


I don't have a PS4 or XBOX One and don't have any real desire to get either whilst any Wii U or 3DS release that I've wanted I've managed to pick up throughout the course of the year :smile:

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  • 1 month later...
The Witcher 3






I've still not really started any of these (played about 30 mins on Bloodborne and couldn't be arsed carrying on)... I just can't be arsed playing a game that you'd get invested in. I'd rather just pick up and play in short bursts without having to think these days, which is why I've found myself playing CoD again.


I was so hyped for The Witcher... so so hyped... and then all of a sudden, this time last year, I just couldn't be arsed gaming and I've not got back into it still.

I can't even imagine wanting to start it at the moment. I absolutely cannot be arsed at all!

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Yoshi's Wooly World, Xenoblade X, Project Zero: Maiden of Black Water, Mario & Luigi Paper Jam, New Style Boutique 2, Codename STEAM, Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash, LBX: Little Battlers eXperience, Puzzle & Dragons Z + Super Mario Bros. Edition, Fullblox, Undertale, Tales of Zesteria, Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition...


I'm sure there's more, but those are the ones from 2015 that spring to mind instantly... (hell there's some from 2014 I've still yet to get round to!)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Flippin heck I've just realised I have an insane backlog of games O_O


Off the top of my head...


Metal Gear Solid 3

Metal Gear Solid 4

Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker

Metal Gear Solid 5

Dragon Age Inquisition

The Witcher 3

Shadows of Mordor

Fallout 4

Metro 2033

Metro Last Light

Zelda Majora's Mask 3D

Persona Q


Fire Emblem Awakening

CoD Advanced Warfare

Bayonetta 2


Red I've bought but never even started.


And this excludes anything on Steam....

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Zelda Majora's Mask 3D

I'm playing this right now! Join me, Shorty. I'm only three quarters of the way through, so you'll easily catch up. :p


I'd like to do a full playthrough of the entire Metal Gear series at some point, so four Metal Gear Solid games doesn't seem so bad in comparison.

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That was my original plan, I got the 360 compilation, I played through the MSX games, then replayed 1 on my ex's PS2, then got fed up half way through 2.


I bought MGSV but I decided I had to finish the old games first, so I dug out my 360, finished 2, then got fed up half way through 3....


The GBC game is still the best one, anyway.

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It doesn't sound like you're a huge fan of the series, so maybe you'd be better off just dropping the games from your backlog. And no one plays Call of Duty for the campaigns, so you can drop Advanced Warfare, too. And Fallout 4 wasn't all that.


Man, you're flying through your backlog!

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I'm playing this right now! Join me, Shorty. I'm only three quarters of the way through, so you'll easily catch up. :p


You may be around a similar point to me as I just beat the Great Bay Temple a couple of weeks ago :smile: I intended to finish it but I'm focusing on Skies of Arcadia right now and then Twilight Princess may take over after that :red:


That was my original plan, I got the 360 compilation, I played through the MSX games, then replayed 1 on my ex's PS2, then got fed up half way through 2.


I bought MGSV but I decided I had to finish the old games first, so I dug out my 360, finished 2, then got fed up half way through 3....


The GBC game is still the best one, anyway.


I love the original Metal Gear Solid and whilst I've only played Sons of Liberty through once, I probably consider it to be my second favourite. For me, the series went in a direction that I didn't appreciate from Snake Eater onwards and, therefore, I began to care less and less. I'm not particularly interested in picking up The Phantom Pain at this point given how little I cared for Ground Zeroes :hmm:

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You may be around a similar point to me as I just beat the Great Bay Temple a couple of weeks ago :smile: I intended to finish it but I'm focusing on Skies of Arcadia right now and then Twilight Princess may take over after that :red:

I played up to the boss of the Great Bay Temple just last night, but unlike you I'm going to keep my eyes on the prize and keep going, because I know what usually happens when you take a break from a game. :heh:


Honestly, Nando, this is a backlog thread. You should be ashamed of yourself.

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I too have a backlog. A MASSIVE BACKLOG.


Fire Emblem - anything Fire Emblem on 3DS or VC

Pokémon White 2

Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon

Bunch of Zelda games - Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Link Between Worlds and anything VC for the 3DS

Smash Bros for 3DS

A few Mario games here and there


And that's just Nintendo...

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