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Time for Gaming


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Thread inspired by @Hero\-of\-Time due to his godly ability to manipulate time in order to complete games extremely quickly.


How many hours per day/week do you tend to play games on a console/handheld?


Do you tend to prioritise gaming over other activities - watching TV, films, box sets, reading, listening to music? Or is gaming more of something to "pass away the time" as there is not much else to do? Do people get up extra early in the morning to get some hours in?


How about socialising. Prefer a night on the town, going round to some mates, pub, cinema, exercising or to game?


I personally am amazed that people can fit in so much gaming in their lives. I mean, I work full time, currently seeing someone, have a busy social life, go to the football, exercise and I receive comments that I game far too much. I do prioritise gaming over other activities such as watching tv or reading a book as I find it relaxing. I think time for gaming has decreased as I have gotten older.


Time gaming varies. I tend to have 2 or 3 (at most) nights free during the week and I tend to get in a couple of hours. At the weekend it could be around 8 hours.


I don't tend to platinum/fully complete games so I don't really understand why it takes me so long to get through them.


What about everyone else?

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For me, it varies like yourself. Firstly, i do have a full time job. I'm out of the house for anything between 10 and 12 hours a day (7:30am until around 6:30-7pm). As i don't drive into work, i do make the most of the commuting time to work. With this, i either listen to music, play on the Vita/3DS or read a book. I get around 45 minutes (each way, i work in Cardiff) to do this.


I do go to the pub and do social activities with friends, in fact that gets priority over many other things (apart from family and work). I'm out every Saturday from 8pm until 2/3am and most Wednesday* nights. And if there are things on like cinema trips, days out etc then i'll happily do these over gaming. Even some of my socialising is done over gaming, i go to gaming events once or twice a month and meet up with some good friends over a game of Smash Brothers/Mario Kart.


*Only for 1 or 2 after work.


I do watch TV/box-sets and sports. But it does depend on what's on, if it's shows i'm really interested in (Walking Dead, Game of Thrones etc) then i'll give priority to watch the shows. Other times with sports (i'm only interested in the F1 and NBA), it depends on how it's going. With the F1 at the moment being quite predictable, i tend to have that on in the background and do something else like gaming whilst it is on.


I'd say on average (on a weekday), i have about 5 hours a night for doing my own thing. Taking off the social aspect and house stuff (and TV), i can get in about 2 or 3 hours about 3 nights a week (Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays). Fridays, days off and weekends (weekends i'm not doing anything), i can get in 6-8 hours.


In regards to Hero of Time, he must have one of them things Hermione Granger has in Prisoner of Azkaban. He must live out a normal life, then go back in time to do his gaming.

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I usually only play on my days off work, if I'm not going out to do something else that is. After I get home from work I'm usually too tired to want to play anything really (and I don't like playing first thing in the morning either; I'd rather get stuff done and out of the way during that time so that I don't have to worry about it later).


On my commuttes I'm usually either playing my 3DS or checking the Internet on my phone (I tend to like getting long articles/features up and just reading through them on the Tube)

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Thread inspired by @Hero\-of\-Time due to his godly ability to manipulate time in order to complete games extremely quickly.


In regards to Hero of Time, he must have one of them things Hermione Granger has in Prisoner of Azkaban. He must live out a normal life, then go back in time to do his gaming.


I like it how i'm being described as having some kind of time warping powers. :D


I've mentioned before, I work a 40 hour week ( + 10 hours driving time ), go to the gym, go running, go to the cinema or for a meal with the lads, watch the football on a weekend, watch stuff like Supernatural/Masterchef/Big Bang Theory/ and still have more than enough time for gaming. I'm the complete opposite in that I can't believe people get so little done. ::shrug:

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Hero-of-Time is literally the Master of Time!


Personally, there are only a couple of days a week where I'll set the evening aside to do what I'd call "concentrated entertainment", which could be playing a game or watching a film.


On an average day I will spend a few hours listening to the radio, but that really is a "relax before bed" thing. Sometimes I'll pull out my 3DS and fiddle about with that (eShop games, mostly), but it's not what I'd call concentrated gaming.


Each to his own though and all respect to those who manage to do more. I think I'm particularly bad with time, as one of my favourite expressions has always been "There's not enough hours in the day". I always feel I could do more in a day if the schedule wasn't quite so pressing.

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I'm a shut in and have plenty of time to game even with the full time job, but I often find it very hard to convince myself to actually just turn the console on and start a game. I know I'll enjoy it if I do but often I just end up on Netflix and browsing the Internet with my phone. Realistically I should get more done than I do in games, my backlog is insane.

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I like it how i'm being described as having some kind of time warping powers. :D


I've mentioned before, I work a 40 hour week ( + 10 hours driving time ), go to the gym, go running, go to the cinema or for a meal with the lads, watch the football on a weekend, watch stuff like Supernatural/Masterchef/Big Bang Theory/ and still have more than enough time for gaming. I'm the complete opposite in that I can't believe people get so little done. ::shrug:


Yeah, it's quite fascinating how you can squeeze so much into the day. Which brings me to my next question.


Do you sleep?

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I'm normally left with about 30-40mins of time every night after my wife goes to bed, before I end up going to bed as well. Sometimes I'll watch something, or get in a few minutes of gaming, but I never feel it's long enough to play games properly. Hence I tend to only play games that you can drop in and out of.

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Yeah, it's quite fascinating how you can squeeze so much into the day. Which brings me to my next question.


Do you sleep?




I get about 7 hours a night. I usually go to bed at 10:00-10:30pm, set my alarm for 6:30am but usually end up waking up at around 5:00-5:30am. I have some breakfast, a shower and then sometimes do some gaming, before I set off to work at 7am.


My body clock is like this for the weekends as well. So i'll often wake up at these same times and crack on with some gaming. :) I figure my body has had enough rest, hence me waking up, so why not just get up and do some stuff.

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I love doing too much stuff, simply can't do everything I want to do, which is really irritating. But I get a fair amount of gaming in still. Though not as much as I want. Randomly throughout the day I'll do some iOS gaming, just random puzzlers or quick level games like Rayman or whatever, play a lot of games with friends online that you can take it in turns on - chess, worms, capitals.


As I have a baby, I've gotten into a routine where if I'm not out on an evening, now very rare, we'll do the baby routine stuff, and my girlfriend and he go to bed around 8 and then I do a bit of internet, maybe some writing and then a few hours on games. Also try and squeeze a fair bit into the weekend. So maybe 10 odd hours a week I reckon. Probably more thinking about it.

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I game when I can be arsed/when I fancy gaming and prioritise many things above it.


I can't be bothered delving into a big world and being absorbed into a game at the moment which is why I've a big back-log to play through. I still enjoy multiplayer gaming at the mo though and will stick something on when I can be bothered (Battlefront - albeit I've not been on for a week).

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I like it how i'm being described as having some kind of time warping powers. :D


I've mentioned before, I work a 40 hour week ( + 10 hours driving time ), go to the gym, go running, go to the cinema or for a meal with the lads, watch the football on a weekend, watch stuff like Supernatural/Masterchef/Big Bang Theory/ and still have more than enough time for gaming. I'm the complete opposite in that I can't believe people get so little done. ::shrug:


What can I say? He lives up to his name ;)


TBH, I could probably play more, but these days I find that I really need a good, decent length of time to actually enjoy playing something. If I was to play in the morning, I would be too worried about getting stuff done before I have to go out and when I get home I'm usually just really tired and I don't enjoy playing when I'm tired at all really. I also suffer from a mild form of Chronic Fatigue and find staying awake late extremely difficult in general (I'm well known for falling asleep with a controller in my hand on a regular basis!), so I really just can't concentrate well at all late at night. Hell I've been known to conk out during the day for seemingly no good reason and I get between 7-8 hours sleep every night, so it's definately not for lack of sleep!


In short, I can't wait for Nintendo's QoL Sleep Device to come out, because I really need it :laughing:

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I like it how i'm being described as having some kind of time warping powers. :D


I've mentioned before, I work a 40 hour week ( + 10 hours driving time ), go to the gym, go running, go to the cinema or for a meal with the lads, watch the football on a weekend, watch stuff like Supernatural/Masterchef/Big Bang Theory/ and still have more than enough time for gaming. I'm the complete opposite in that I can't believe people get so little done. ::shrug:




I get about 7 hours a night. I usually go to bed at 10:00-10:30pm, set my alarm for 6:30am but usually end up waking up at around 5:00-5:30am. I have some breakfast, a shower and then sometimes do some gaming, before I set off to work at 7am.


My body clock is like this for the weekends as well. So i'll often wake up at these same times and crack on with some gaming. :) I figure my body has had enough rest, hence me waking up, so why not just get up and do some stuff.


There is not enough time to master 100 games in 11 months with all of that going on.


Something you are not telling us. Do you game and watch tv at the same time for instance. Some games take hours to complete, how do you do it? Youtube the quickest way to complete the game?


I'm not having a go, just very curious haha! Basically, I would love to finish my back log off and need to know how to do that in the time I have got :)

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There is not enough time to master 100 games in 11 months with all of that going on.


Something you are not telling us. Do you game and watch tv at the same time for instance. Some games take hours to complete, how do you do it? Youtube the quickest way to complete the game?


I'm not having a go, just very curious haha! Basically, I would love to finish my back log off and need to know how to do that in the time I have got :)


There's not enough time? My games completed this year begs to differ.


You act there's some big secret when there really isn't. I just manage my time very well and, not to sound like an arrogant prick, but I'm very good at games.


In terms of YouTube and guides, I use them for trophies that are tricky to nab, never use them for boss fights or general game walkthroughs. What's the point? I may as well just watch someone play it on Twitch or something.


I usually play on the Vita/3DS/Gamepad during Soccer Saturday but never when a Liverpool match is on.


That's all I'm gonna say on the matter. I'm sorry mate but in my eyes your essentially calling me a liar or making out like I'm some sort of cheat. I've had this same garbage thrown at me on here when I finish a game before others and people kick off for some strange reason.


I wasn't going to reply to the thread because I thought it would turn into some kind of H-o-T witch hunt. I should have known better.

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Whoa!! Chill out pal! You're taking it really personal! Nah I dont think you are lying or making out you are some sort of cheat.


Just the way you have interpreted it. Wasn't my intention to. In any event, surely you have got to understand that people will ask how you get to complete so many games. I wanted to know so I can get through my backlog and experience as much as I can.



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Whoa!! Chill out pal! You're taking it really personal! Nah I dont think you are lying or making out you are some sort of cheat.


Just the way you have interpreted it. Wasn't my intention to. In any event, surely you have got to understand that people will ask how you get to complete so many games. I wanted to know so I can get through my backlog and experience as much as I can.



I think he already answered you Blade


Step 1) Don't be shit at games.

Step 2)...

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It's all about finding a balance and using the time wisely.


I work pretty long hours, which includes getting up early and getting home fairly late. Aside from working, working out is my main hobby. It's almost like a second job at times because it's something you have to factor time for and you have to be consistent with. After that, I have music and games as my other hobbies. So, it could be that I wake up early on a Saturday and Sunday and sneak in a bit of gaming there. Or, using the half term wisely and gaming during those times. Also, the type of games that you play have to be factored into this. For example, FIFA or Rocket League are good for a few quick games, then maybe the serious stuff on weekends or on Friday evenings when you know you haven't got work the next day.


TV is essentially dead to me. Instead of watching TV, we game now. The only things I'm watching are Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead when they're on. If we're going to watch an episode of something, such as Fargo, we'll do it whilst eating our tea. Ine has the telly on whilst exercising. Working out at home saves a shiiiiiit tooooon of time, too.


You've just got to find shortcuts and ways to fit things in sensibly. I haven't got the time or energy to train 5 or 6 times a week with the intensity that I'm doing it at, so I'm doing it 3-4 times a week now. It means those alternate days could be used for gaming or music.

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I work from 8-4 so its a 6am start, usually get home around 6pm, make dinner, spend an hour or two with my girlfriend and then straight up stairs to get some gaming in. Usually get around 6 hours a night in on a week night (only sleep 4 hours a night except weekends) and typically a lot more at the weekend unless im catching up on anime/comics/tv but i try to keep it to a minimum.


Even with only 4 hours sleep though i still feel like i barely get anything done, doesnt help that i play massive JRPGs and western games like Fallout and the Witcher where you can literally spend 2 hours wandering around town talking to folk. I kinda get OCD about side quests which burns me out a fair bit, need to get more focused for 2016!

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I like it how i'm being described as having some kind of time warping powers. :D


I've mentioned before, I work a 40 hour week ( + 10 hours driving time ), go to the gym, go running, go to the cinema or for a meal with the lads, watch the football on a weekend, watch stuff like Supernatural/Masterchef/Big Bang Theory/ and still have more than enough time for gaming. I'm the complete opposite in that I can't believe people get so little done. ::shrug:


I'm onto you, Bernard!

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Do you tend to prioritise gaming over other activities - watching TV, films, box sets, reading, listening to music? Or is gaming more of something to "pass away the time" as there is not much else to do? Do people get up extra early in the morning to get some hours in?


How about socialising. Prefer a night on the town, going round to some mates, pub, cinema, exercising or to game?


You know, I've been thinking about it and I don't think it's all that hard/ridiculous to get a lot of gaming time in. I've had my PS4 roughly 3 months - since which I've gotten almost 5 days worth in on Destiny - that's 120hours alone so let's say 40 hours a month - aside of which I've played other games I don't have a playtime for too. I'm somewhat busy as I'm sorta part time Mon-Fri and work a lot of Sundays to add in, and tend to socialise a number of evenings and Saturdays too. I must admit I have two screens and double up my playing time with background TV time, so that gets a bit more out for me. I've also managed to watch all of Fullmetal Alchemist in the space of 5 weeks in company - call that another 26 hours too. Monday and Weds this week I had people round for tabletopping say 7 til about 12/1ish - imagine how much you could get done if you put that into a video game!


I think that's the thing for me though - gaming doesn't tend to take my priority over socialising(though the social features of the ps4 certainly offer a part of that fix) or anything else, but is a nice something for the downtime. I think the other issue I'd have is that I can't necessarily dedicate myself to a solid 6 hour chunk of one game or so - sometimes I just feel like I'm not all that fussed to play and am just going through the motions. With Destiny the social aspect kept me going a lot at first, and now the daily/weekly offerings tend to keep me coming back - knowing it's just a little bit here and there I don't feel like I'm going into something quite so big, if that makes any sense. I'm absolutely terrible for sticking with a game and completing it though, which probably reflects some of that reluctance and lack of persistence in me.

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You know, I've been thinking about it and I don't think it's all that hard/ridiculous to get a lot of gaming time in. I've had my PS4 roughly 3 months - since which I've gotten almost 5 days worth in on Destiny - that's 120hours alone so let's say 40 hours a month - aside of which I've played other games I don't have a playtime for too. I'm somewhat busy as I'm sorta part time Mon-Fri and work a lot of Sundays to add in, and tend to socialise a number of evenings and Saturdays too. I must admit I have two screens and double up my playing time with background TV time, so that gets a bit more out for me. I've also managed to watch all of Fullmetal Alchemist in the space of 5 weeks in company - call that another 26 hours too. Monday and Weds this week I had people round for tabletopping say 7 til about 12/1ish - imagine how much you could get done if you put that into a video game!


I think that's the thing for me though - gaming doesn't tend to take my priority over socialising(though the social features of the ps4 certainly offer a part of that fix) or anything else, but is a nice something for the downtime. I think the other issue I'd have is that I can't necessarily dedicate myself to a solid 6 hour chunk of one game or so - sometimes I just feel like I'm not all that fussed to play and am just going through the motions. With Destiny the social aspect kept me going a lot at first, and now the daily/weekly offerings tend to keep me coming back - knowing it's just a little bit here and there I don't feel like I'm going into something quite so big, if that makes any sense. I'm absolutely terrible for sticking with a game and completing it though, which probably reflects some of that reluctance and lack of persistence in me.


I agree. It's very possible to work a full time job and still give yourself good time for gaming, without having to sacrifice everything else to do so. It's just a matter of priorities, personal habit and time management.


I used to play more than I currently do, even when working full time and even when working part time while going to Uni, but I'm just getting old and my personal habits have changed in recent years as I demand a long stretch of time to enjoy playing now, rather than in smaller chunks.

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