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Pokémon Go! (Android/iOS)


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Shuffle and picross and such I wouldn't say are good examples. Badge arcade.... I guess they are micro transaction, but it s so in the realm of an arcade that it doesn't feel like it is.


I detest micro transactions, I get put off instantly with them, a puzzler, where you get extra powers by buying them... Fuck that. And if a game that has them say for building weapons and stats in an adventure if I feel the game is almost impossible to play without buying upgrades, again, I'll delete it. Free to play, a one time fee for unlocking it, perfect.


It is quite worrying how the top 100 mobile games, 90 of them are micro transactions... Just hope it stays mobile and consoles don't venture too far in that direction.

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Get on your feet and step outside to find and catch wild Pokémon. Explore cities and towns around where you live and even around the globe to capture as many Pokémon as you can. As you move around, your smartphone will vibrate to let you know you're near a Pokémon. Once you've encountered a Pokémon, take aim on your smartphone's touch screen and throw a Poké Ball to catch it. Be careful when you try to catch it, or it might run away! Also look for PokéStops located at interesting places, such as public art installations, historical markers, and monuments, where you can collect more Poké Balls and other items.


In Pokémon GO, you will gain levels as a Trainer, and at higher levels you will be able to catch more powerful Pokémon to complete your Pokédex. You'll also have access to more powerful items, such as Great Balls, to give you a better shot at catching Pokémon. Keep exploring and encountering Pokémon to raise your level!


There are other ways to add Pokémon to your roster, too. If you catch the same species of Pokémon enough times, you'll get the opportunity to evolve one of them. And as you explore, you may find Pokémon Eggs at PokéStops, which will hatch after you've walked a certain distance. When they hatch, you may find Pokémon you've never seen before!


Some wild Pokémon will appear only in certain places near where you live or around the world. For example, some Water-type Pokémon may appear only near lakes and oceans. If you're away from home, be sure to stay alert for Pokémon you wouldn't normally encounter!


At a certain point in the game, you'll be asked to join one of three teams. Once you join a team, you'll gain the ability to assign Pokémon you've caught to empty Gym locations or to a location where a team member has placed one of his or her Pokémon. Like PokéStops, Gyms can be found at real locations in the world. Each player can place only one Pokémon at a particular Gym, so you're encouraged to work with others on the team to build up a strong defense.


If a Gym is already claimed by another team, you can challenge that Gym using your own Pokémon. Using the Pokémon you've caught, engage in battle with the defending Pokémon at the Gym to claim control.


A wide variety of challenges are available that highlight many different categories, such as catching Pokémon and exploration. By completing these challenges, you'll unlock achievement medals that will appear in your player profile. Try your best to unlock as many medals as you can!


A portable device called the Pokémon GO Plus will enable Pokémon GO players to enjoy the game even while they’re not looking at their smartphones. The device connects to a smartphone via Bluetooth and notifies the player about events in the game—such as the appearance of a Pokémon nearby—using an LED and vibration. In addition, players can catch Pokémon or perform other simple actions by pressing the button on the device.







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Graphically it doesn't look great but it's an awesome idea and it's cool that Nintendo are letting them use the Pokemon license for a GPS game.


Very surprised to see that people were expecting battles in this type of game. I can't imagine anything worse than holding my friends up whilst we're out and about because I'm trying to battle a virtual Squirtle!

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It's the system behind it that bugs me. Wild captures require no weaking, just throw a ball and cross your fingers. Evolution is just "catch the same Pokémon again". Battles seem limited to the "gyms" and look automated.


It's highly disappointing. There is little depth to what they have announced. I'm really hoping they are holding a trump card here

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I like this:


And as you explore, you may find Pokémon Eggs at PokéStops, which will hatch after you've walked a certain distance. When they hatch, you may find Pokémon you've never seen before!


Nice to see some encouragement of exercise. Shame they ditched the HGSS thing that did the same.


Also like that you can see Pokémon nearby rather than just drifting blind.

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What is it with western developed Pokemon products and absolutely disgusting character art?


Those avatars are just as foul as the TCG Online ones...




How can they look at these and think they look OK!? YEEERRRGGHHHH!!!


The hatching idea is cool though. That's what I wanted HG/SS to do with the Pokewalker, so it's cool that someone's finally doing it!

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Game has been datamined...


There are 151 Pokemon data files in the game. All are the original Gen I Pokemon, unfortunately. Classed into normal, legendary, and mythic.


232 moves, 95 of which are 'quick' moves. These include moves that are not in the game in the original RBY games e.g. Moonblast. THERE MAY BE 2 MOVES PER POKEMON (Warning: this is not directly confirmed, only implied.)


Someone found a dodge function. Moves may not have 100% accuracy.


Badges = Achievements. Includes: Walking a certain distance (Ingress Trekker), Pokedex entries, Pokemon Captures, Forts(Gyms?) defeated (Ingress Liberator?), Evolved, Hatched, Encounters, Pokestops visited(Ingress Hacker?), Unique Pokestops(Ingress Explorer), Pokeball thrown.


7 "natures" have been discovered in the game. These are Stoic, Guardian, Assassin, Raider, Protector, Sentry, and Champion.


All Pokemon types, including Fairy, Dark, and Steel, are included in the files.

Evolution works by collecting "evolution shards" from wild Pokemon to get "evolution stones". May or may not be unique for each Pokemon.


The game keeps track of several factors like Ingress, including distance walked, eggs hatched, etc. This might affect, say, egg-hatching.


There will be trainer customization. Example skin. There are in total 52 items (23,328 unique combinations)


A variable related to the PokeNav has been found.

IAPs spotted include "ball", "medicine", "food" bundles and "gem" packs.


There are 4 tiers.

Items include Pokeballs, Potions, Max Revive, 3 battle items, and 5 types of Berries (Razz, Bluk, Nanab, Pinap, Wepear). All these berries are introduced in Gen III, and they have no battle effects in the main game. Separated into 6 categories: Pokeball, Food(berries?), Medicine, Boost, Utilities, Camera.

The trainer level cap seems to be at 50 for now. Inventory limit is 1000 for items, and 500 for Pokemon and eggs.


The menu includes the Pokedex, Pokemon, and Items. Game engine is built on Unity.

The teams are blue, red, and yellow.


DAMAGE variables are included in the files. Also: "PokemonAttack baseDef indivDef PokemonDefense". CPs seem to be unique to each individual Pokemon, and higher CP means a harder catch. Most likely stands for "Combat Points".


A variable called "Gym Points" was found. No idea what this means.

Biomes (courtesy of /u/DonniesCatch) can be found, including locations like "Train Station" or "Hospital". Separate biomes seem to have different backgrounds for Pokemon encounters/gym battles. Bonus pic.


From the game map screenshots, there seem to be a day-night cycle.


Lol, they're REALLY pandering to Genwunners hard here :laughing:

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This game seemns like a complete missed opportunity and has totally ignored the entire aspects of what makes Pokémon Pokémon.


It lacks PVP battles. Gym battles have terrible mechanics and seem shallow as fuck. There's no raising of your own Pokémon, to evolve you just need to catch more of the same species.


It's literally Ingress with a Pokémon skin. It should have been Pokémon with an Ingress twist.

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This game seemns like a complete missed opportunity and has totally ignored the entire aspects of what makes Pokémon Pokémon.


No they've nailed it - they only have the original Pokémon ;)


Joking aside, haven't you said on multiple occasions it wouldn't work on a mobile and this is what they're doing - made something designed for mobile rather than try and slavishly fit the existing formula into a smaller device?

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No they've nailed it - they only have the original Pokémon ;)


Joking aside, haven't you said on multiple occasions it wouldn't work on a mobile and this is what they're doing - made something designed for mobile rather than try and slavishly fit the existing formula into a smaller device?

I said main games wouldn't work, but Pokémon lends itself to many different genres, as seen with the spin-offs, but when you're having trainers catch Pokémon and the like, each spin-off game has kept the core of Pokémon within it. This really lacks it.

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Depends what you think it is trying to do.


I was always under the impression it was just a "hey look, it's Pokémon in the real world, let's explore and find more!" The catching/battle mechanics are in my opinion secondary to the AR.

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Just got an email off the Nintendo UK store saying the Pokemon GO accessory is available for preorder and its exclusively sold on said store.


Yeah I got that very same e-mail, took one look at the accessory and the price...


There's no way this is going to take off in any meaningful way surely? :indeed:


Even if I had a smartphone, I doubt I'd even bother with it. :blank:


I'm guessing the target market must be completely different with this one, but really though... what exactly is the target market for this? ::shrug:

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Yeah I got that very same e-mail, took one look at the accessory and the price...


There's no way this is going to take off in any meaningful way surely? :indeed:


Even if I had a smartphone, I doubt I'd even bother with it. :blank:


I'm guessing the target market must be completely different with this one, but really though... what exactly is the target market for this? ::shrug:


Well you don't need it for the game.


The game's lack of quality is what will prevent it taking off

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Well you don't need it for the game.


The game's lack of quality is what will prevent it taking off


Oh I understand that, I was thinking more of the fact that the game looks terrible so why would you want to buy an expensive peripheral for it? ::shrug:

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