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I am only posting as I got mentioned and I rarely post these days so as someone who isn't posting because the boards are in such a state, I thought I'd just give my views.


I love Nintendo, and I love playing Nintendo games and love discussing them with other people who are playing too.

Sadly, it's not possible to do that anymore because the threads are always always always derailed by the same group of people, spouting the same stuff all the time.


I try to keep up with threads but sometimes I can read in the morning, have a full day at work and then 12 hours later click back onto it, and 3 pages have passed by.

Is anyone talking about the actual game? No. Not really.

Instead you have the same group of people - not meaning to call out or anything but I'm saying it as it is. You have Ronnie and Serebii who are huge Nintendo fans and, IMO, often post stuff that is great to read. They play everything that comes out (virtually) and always give their opinions on it - which is what everyone wants in a discussion group.

However, sometimes their enthusiasm is taken too far and there's too much of a need to defend Nintendo and the decisions they are making.


This isn't something you see from the likes of dcubed, RedShell, Hero-of-Time, Glen-i and many others who also play a shit tonne of games, post their opinions but are fully aware of the downfalls that come with being a Nintendo console owner and probably why they choose to game elsewhere. Like myself.


Where I don't think Ronnie helps himself, is the constant talk of 'grey shooters' on the other consoles. It's just not true and I understand why other people feel the need to bite back at this because most of the issues here come about from comments made by him that are clearly snide and snarky and don't actually add anything at all.


Having said all this, there is a presence of a certain few members where it seems to me, again - this is just my opinion, they love sticking the boot in and they thrive off the arguments. Sheikah and drahkon the main 2. Where ever there is a heated discussion, I feel like I can put money on the fact that they will be there. I kinda see it like Ronnie and Serebii are Mario and Luigi, defending the Mushroom Kingdom (Nintendo) and Sheikah and drahkon are Wario and Waluigi (wanting to destroy) :laughing:

It's not that dramatic really guys, :heh: but hopefully you can see what I'm saying.

Is the ignore feature even being used here? It's just if I was disagreeing with someone so much I would be doing my best to avoid talking to them as it can't be enjoyable to be embroiled in drama all the time, surely?


I often have no problem with what is being discussed when these arguments take place, but there's just a complete lack of anyone understanding how to talk to each other. Some people are just so condescending and often need to be told about they way they're talking to people. None of us (to my knowledge) are children, but it is often so childish and the thirst for people wanting to get the upper hand on others is frankly, ridiculous.


I feel like this forum has lost a number of great posters who seemed to always be around but you don't see much of anymore. And I don't think it's because 'they've moved off as Nintendo don't cater to them' - those people are all still here. And they all make that opinion known. Nothing wrong with that, but the PS4 has nothing I want for a while, nor has it had but I don't feel the need to go in there and express this once a week just in case people have forgot. i just move to something else.


Ike, -dem0-, Mokong, tapedeck, even Zechs I don't feel post much anymore and it's a shame! There could be other reasons as to why but it seems their presence doesn't feature much. Either that or it's getting lost in the arguments. :heh:


I've waffled. I don't mean to single people out here as I'm sure we've all been responsible for a post that's caused someone some frustration somewhere - myself included. I can't really offer a solution to move forward because it seems to me like it's out of our hands. I think its up to the mods to decide what to do and see if there's a recurring feature from all these posts and address that head on.


Until that happens, my visits and posts here will remain low (I'm sure no ones arsed :laughing: ). Or until we get voice chat. Then Kav might stop fucking moaning every page too and calm will be restored. Slightly. :heh:


All very well said. Oftentimes I'll go peek into a thread and just see the same circular arguments rear their ugly head once more, sigh and just click right back out. I just don't want to post in a thread that is dominated by the same people at each other's throats.


There's a lot of passion on both sides where you get a select few people like Serebii, Ronnie and Sheikah together and that's fine and dandy, but when you just keep going and going and don't know when to quit, then that's a big problem. Now that's not to say that I'm perfect (I know I've butted heads with Sheikah a good few times - but I respect his point of view, even when things might get a bit antagonistic at times :) )


And I feel that that is the biggest issue, the lack of respect amongst some of us. Serebii can be irritatingly defensive of Nintendo, but even still, he doesn't deserve to have insults and abuse thrown his way. We all know exactly what he thinks of the industry/Nintendo and everything surrounding it, you know exactly how he's going to respond to something negative said about Nintendo; quite frankly, there is simply no need to hound him for the opinion he holds (rightly or wrongly). I think he could stand to have some thicker skin and to be less of an apologist in general, but he is absolutely entitled to have his opinion and is also entitled to some basic respect. Likewise, Sheikah may well be the total opposite of Serebii in regards to one's opinion of Nintendo's general direction, but he too deserves to have his opinion respected and does not deserve to have abuse hurled his way.


Now in regards to where we go from here, I feel that segregation is not the answer. What's the point of having a discussion board if we can't discuss freely?


One thing that I really feel we should insist on though is to stop with the thread derailing. I'm sick and tired of going into game specific threads and finding people talking about the industry in general and getting into arguments over which console is better/Sony VS Nintendo etc instead of talking about the actual game that the thread is supposed to be about. If you want to discuss that kind of stuff, there are plenty of other places you can go do so; I shouldn't be going into the Zelda Wii U thread and finding people talking about how much the PS4 sucks.


Otherwise, what I want to see most of all is just some simple understanding and respect for each other. We don't need antagonism, we all just want a friendly place to discuss everything gaming here (Nintendo or otherwise in their respective places). And we're only going to get that if we cut out the personal attacks and digs at each other. So let bygones be bygones and if someone ends up having a differing opinion from your own and is clearly not being swayed by your argument, then let it be. The whole point of a discussion board is to express individual opinions, thoughts and feelings after all! We're not a hive mind and that's how it should be :)

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I'm somebody who likes to exchange opinions and some level of debate is also totally fine. What I really dislike is debates that get so overheated that people feel the need to offend others, or use bad language. Why in the world would you feel the need to do that?


Basically: offending people and using bad language is NEVER effective (Pokemon pun not intended).

I really think that if we all agree on not using offensive or bad language that would change a lot overhere.


If we are not able to be a little more polite and less harsh in our language, we could alway cut every game thread into three variations: "Kid Icarus - positive thoughts thread", "Kid Icarus - negative thoughts thread" and "Kid Icarus - debate thread".

I really hope we are mature enough to not need something childish like that : peace:


Best point in the thread. I urge everyone to take this seriously.


I often have no problem with what is being discussed when these arguments take place, but there's just a complete lack of anyone understanding how to talk to each other. Some people are just so condescending and often need to be told about they way they're talking to people. None of us (to my knowledge) are children, but it is often so childish and the thirst for people wanting to get the upper hand on others is frankly, ridiculous.


More excellent points.


Like Aneres11, I'm only commenting in this thread because I was tagged. Personally, I think N-Europe is a fantastic site (not just forum!) and have never even considered not posting.


Regarding the Nintendo situation, I'm completely in the middle. I find them a very diminished company since the GameCube days, but are still good enough to be worth bothering with. I'd be playing other consoles like crazy if my gaming needs weren't being met, but between the Wii U and 3DS (and even DS) I genuinely don't have any spare gaming time (ever played an Etrian Odyssey? :heh:)


As for the problems here, most of them could be solved with something very simple - manners, tolerance and consideration for others.


The world in general is becoming extremely intolerant, I feel, with celebrities, scientists and other public figures hounded out of jobs for saying something that doesn't tow the line. Thus it saddens me when people say they cannot tolerate some of the posters on here. Honestly, I thought we were one of the older forums, and so should show a bit of maturity on this matter. If someone is not your style, that is exactly what the Ignore feature is for. Or just grow up and realise that everyone has their own issues.


What the Ignore button should not be an excuse for, however, is harassment. If someone is repeatedly being harassed it is not fair for the bully (because that's what they are) to be able to keep doing it as long as the other person doesn't get a notification.


The third thing I wanted to talk about is manners in general. I'm not going to name anyone - we all know who tends to get involved in heated debates, and I find them to be good posters, often with interesting points to make. But the moment you use phrases like "Only an idiot would think that" or "Your point's rubbish" you are turning it from a discussion into an argument. The insulted person will naturally fight back and want to "win".


@Rummy often warns that he could be stricter, but it would be applied across the board. As someone who considers himself in the middle, I can see it's definitely not "PS4 fans" or "Nintendo fans" who are to blame, but something that would most definitely be applied to both sides.


Now let me say something about N-Europe. I know how the moderators and administrators run this site - they are the complete opposite of control freaks, and actually believe in trusting people to have a certain level of maturity. When you consider how restricted something like Miiverse is, or even other good Nintendo sites, you can see how much freedom we have on this forum. They could be stricter, but I understand the reluctance to - it's not a sign of weakness, just that they want to give people a chance.


If push comes to shove, I would suggest stricter enforcement of rules, but in the meantime, it might be better if we just behaved ourselves a bit more. :rolleyes:

Edited by Grazza
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I remember a few years ago being kept up by my drunken neighbours having a riveting conversation that went roughly like this:


"You love westlife!"

"No I fucking don't!"

"You do, you were singing all the lyrics to their song just last week"

"No I wasn't!"

"Yes you were"

"oh yeah"

"so you do"

"I do what?"

"You love westlife!"...



That conversation went on for about half an hour, or so it felt. It almost felt like they were practicing a scene for a play :|


Anyway, this forum reminds me of that a lot these days.


I remember once trying to discuss a topic with someone on here who has claimed to love "debating", but I realised soon enough that they weren't really bothering to listen to the other side, they just wanted to have an audience to listen to how genius they are. There are a few people on here who have different opinions to me, and I would love to engage with them, but I know that if I do that just such a "debater" will join in.


So I just avoid the situation altogether... I've started writing a few posts and half way through I realise it's more grief than it is worth, so I just delete it and stick to reading the few posts that both interest me and don't feel too toxic.

almost including this one so I'm just going to send without proof reading.

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As I guess you're talking to me, I'll respond:

You didn't get my point at all - I was saying people should accept that they are stuck, not stop arguing.


I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to everybody saying exactly what I posted.

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However, the constant bickering going in the Nintendo boards takes the fun away. And yes, it's because Nintendo fans on here get way too defensive and in turn the tone switches from friendly to sometimes aggressive.


Aha, so basically, it's the Nintendo fans that are in the wrong, you guys are in the right. Is that what you're saying? The accusation of people getting too defensive could just as easily be labelled at the PS4 crew jumping down anyone who dares criticise their console's library.

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Aha, so basically, it's the Nintendo fans that are in the wrong, you guys are in the right. Is that what you're saying? The accusation of people getting too defensive could just as easily be labelled at the PS4 crew jumping down anyone who dares criticise their console's library.


No. I never said that anybody was in the wrong or in the right. I only said that Nintendo Fans are taking away my enjoyment from discussing things.

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Nintendo fans on a Nintendo board are taking away from your enjoyment of discussing things, ok.


Personally what takes away my enjoyment of discussing things on a Nintendo board is opening up threads every day and being met with pages upon pages of criticism and negativity. Positive posts that show off a console in a good light get turned into another opportunity to criticise and ridicule. It's just not a very nice place environment to converse, apart from the game threads, which can be a pleasant experience if Nintendo get the game 100% spot on. To be clear, I'm not saying people can't criticise and voice their frustrations, but it pretty much feels 24:7 on here at times.

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Nintendo fans on a Nintendo board are taking away from your enjoyment of discussing things, ok.


The way they approach discussions and certain points of view, yes. That takes away the enjoyment.


You don't have to agree, you don't have to understand, but you should be able to at least accept that.

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I don't check the site during the day, have been out tonight and heading to Paris in the morning so I'm very much just ducking my head in to say one thing that has come to mind. My sleep-deprived feeble mind.


You do realise that if we wouldn't let people discuss games they hadn't played we wouldn't be able to chat about anything that was shown at E3? The YWW thread would have been created yesterday. The SMM one couldn't be created until September. Even if you try "you can only discuss it before release it you intend to buy it" well anyone could say they intend to buy it. And what if someone sells a game? Are they no longer able to comment on it? Or what if they just played it round their friend's house?


It's a completely unrealistic idea and while I don't think most people were being literal, part of me is scared some people were.


Not owning something doesn't mean you can't have an opinion on it, nor does not playing it.


And I'm honestly not trying to bring that back up again but when I posted my 3D World review I was told I was wrong by a lot of people who had not played it who are calling for people who haven't played a game to not be able to comment on it.


As someone (probably several someones) has said, it's about courtesy. And it's about not getting riled up about what some dweeby stranger on the internet has said. I mean really. I own this place and even I think this place isn't worth getting under your skin like this. Go out and do a pottery class or something.

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The Nintendo Camp:

The thing I think people fail to grasp is that people will always have differing opinions to you. Always. It's not a positive time for Nintendo and a lot of people are voicing that. Can't deal with it? Tough. Grow up and learn to debate, not argue.


To keep falling back on the "But PS4 only has grey games" or "Everything else is just shooters" is a feeble reply to people's genuine criticisms of Nintendo, especially when it's been proven wrong time and time again, but goes ignored when the next argument flares up. That is why people are getting pissed at the pro-Nintendo group.



The Other Camp:

Genuine grievances are fine, but sometimes it goes too far and people post far too passionately, often attacking the pro-Nintendo group. Again, people will always have different opinions to you. You need to grow up and accept it.



Both Sides:

Just generally grow up. No one needs to get personal over a hobby. Sure there are some personality clashes, but deal with it. You're adults for fuck's sake. It's not like anyone has wronged you in any meaningful way to warrant the vitriol and hatred.

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Sorry for not completely reading the previous 8 or so pages. My thoughts:


  1. ronnie vs. Wii is annoying (I think that's the two).
  2. I barely have anything to contribute because I don't play that many video games any more. Part of that is me getting other interests. Another part is that my video gaming friends and I have grown apart. And another reason is that Nintendo, in my opinion, isn't doing that great of a job.
  3. Threads seem like they're always going off topic. If I were going to say something on topic, I just exit the thread because I know it won't be seen.
  4. Posters here, apparently, don't know how to move on from something they disagree with. Or, you know, ignore it.


That's my observations as, mostly, a lurker.

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This certainly is an interesting topic, thanks @Rummy for creating this.


I could go on and repeat a lot of the stuff that's been said already about the trolling, baiting and from what i've seen, abuse. I accept that some people prefer one console over another, i for one own a WiiU and a PS4 and i love the games that come for each console. And for whatever reason, the Other Console boards don't get as bad as the Nintendo thread does. What is causing the issue, many a thing really.


It's down to a select few people, i'm not naming them as people have already named them. People in the thread tend to get abusive and overly defensive, and it really does annoy me. Don't get me wrong, even i throw in complaints about Nintendo and over on other companies. But i do so to discuss with other people, not to create a scene. But when someone has an opinion on something, don't throw the toys out of the pram. Don't verbally attack someone because they like something that maybe you don't.


I've been here many a year now, and i enjoy coming here. I've seen quite a few bad things happen over the years, but overall this entire (and i apologise for my language, i don't normally swear online) bitching across the boards to various members does rank quite high in the N-Europe lows (if you get what i mean). Veteran N-Europers leave because of various reasons, one of them has to be the sheer arguements in the Nintendo threads. Some have come back, some haven't. That is their choice and i respect that.


I'm probably making no sense, but hey like others, i have qualms and issues to get off my chest as well. I have words i could say to a few people, but i won't. Why, because anyone can say anything behind a keyboard and mouse. I'd rather say it face to face, it is (in my opinion) more respectful to the individuals.


Phew, that's a bit better.

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To keep falling back on the "But PS4 only has grey games" or "Everything else is just shooters" is a feeble reply to people's genuine criticisms of Nintendo, especially when it's been proven wrong time and time again


Ignoring the poor attempt at impartiality in your post, I take issue with this part in particular. I wasn't falling back on anything. I posted a graphic that showed off the Wii U's best looking games. Happenstance commented that they all looked alike and there was no variety. I then commented on the supposed "variety" of the rest of the industry, by way of comparison. The only thing that gets proven wrong time and time again is the never-ending suggestions from the majority that the Wii U only has platformers.

Edited by Ronnie
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Could be worse. Could be a looooooooooot worse, it could be the GameFAQs Wii U Console Board. Never before has the universe seen such a place of scum and nefarious trollish villains.


I HAVE noticed hostility here, do I mention people without causing hassle? Do I even need to at this point? I get sometimes we get hostile, but for as long as I've been here it's had a cosy, warm atmosphere (been here quite a bit longer than my register date, and despite post count I'm pretty much here EVERY day...) People need to chill before this place becomes a giant heap of derailed hostile topics...like most everywhere else. I've had enough posts ignored or vanish with deleted topics just becase people can't keep their cool, elsewhere.

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Ignoring the obvious bias and poor attempt at impartiality in your post, I take issue with this part in particular. I wasn't falling back on anything. I posted a graphic that showed off the Wii U's best looking games. Happenstance commented that they all looked alike and there was no variety. I then commented on the supposed "variety" of the rest of the industry, by way of comparison. The only thing that gets proven wrong time and time again is the never-ending suggestions from the majority that the Wii U only has platformers.


Get over yourself please. I just looked at the whole sordid exchange myself.


Happenstance said they were gorgeous but he can see where variety complaints could come from. You choose to become very defensive at this, to the point where even now you're acting as though he said there is no variety. There is a difference in there, or maybe you just read between the lines better than I.


I then commented on the supposed "variety" of the rest of the industry, by way of comparison.


No you didn't. You singled out the PS4. The PS4 does not in any way represent the rest of the industry. So taking offense at what Goafer said is silly because it essentially what you did. Which is likely why most people in that thread jumped on you after that exchange.


I haven't seen anyone broach the idea that the Wii U only has platformers except you and your defense against the notion. You're just a bit overzealous in the defense.


For what it's worth I liked both pictures you posted. While biased and not representative of the full spectrum of either console (christ they both look pretty samey in genre's and color palatte), they both show some pretty games.

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Took a step off from the thread for the evening.




He was just stirring, trolling and trying to cause arguments, which is the primary reason Sheikah hangs around the Nintendo board these days. I didn't take it to heart enough to report it at the time, it's not a big deal, I just ignore him (not literally) these days.


Ah, well I hadn't realised you were referring to that - I had seen that, but I also saw your previous discussion about the validity of screenshots, I can't say he was just making a troll point given that had previously occurred. You gave as good as you got at the time(of the original discussion, which did go beyond a mark) and that's one point I'm really trying to get across - there can't be double-standards. I think sometimes some people complain about the behaviour of others without actually realising the things they do themself(a point flameboy somewhat referenced, though on a slightly different track)


As someone who usually tries to avoid the fights, and occasionally calls out some of the flamebait-y comments I come across, I honestly believe everybody here has an issue or the other causing these discussions.


This isn't quite as relevant but I do want to mention that I think you were one of my earlier driving forces. It felt a shame that I had to see other members calling out other members behaviours(yeah it happens a lot on forums, but N-E has always generally been different and unlike other forums) - the greater shame is it's been happening more and more recently from more and more people - but people still continue. It'd be nice if we didn't have to have everything just come from mods, and the community could listen to itself sometimes. I think that's one thing about this place - it's largely managed to self-survive in a sensible way that didn't require too much mod intervention.


Great post @Aneres11 and one I agree with pretty much completely. I know quite a few big fans stopped posting because the way this site was turning and how negative and bitchy it became, I also massively agree with the names mentioned.


The biggest worry, and this thread is confirming it, is the complete denial of what the potential problem could be. Very concerning.


Thoigh I will say, this airing may change people's behaviour. It will be interesting to see how things go.


I know you don't agree with me dazzy - but I really think you're failing to be objective here. I'm not saying you can't be objective, but you get caught up in the arguments quite quickly, and whilst definitely not a worst offender I'd have to place you slightly under them on the opposing side.


Are you hoping we'll jump off this thread and ban Sheikah and Drahkon? Is that what you believe we're in 'complete denial' of? There's clearly a problem and I'm not denying it - the thread is here to address it. There isn't one simple fault nor solution though, the problem has grown complex over time.


What you are failing to see is you can be a hypocrite when it comes to it - and as much as Sheikah might be part of the problem sometimes, you are the other half that keeps an argument going in the two that it takes to tango.


But what do I know. I'm in denial and I'm sure nobody else will agree with me, right? If you want, I can poll everybody here to tell me whether they believe these people to be the trolls you insist they are - but what would you do if it turned out you were in a minority of thinking it?


Nintendo fans on a Nintendo board are taking away from your enjoyment of discussing things, ok.


Personally what takes away my enjoyment of discussing things on a Nintendo board is opening up threads every day and being met with pages upon pages of criticism and negativity. Positive posts that show off a console in a good light get turned into another opportunity to criticise and ridicule. It's just not a very nice place environment to converse, apart from the game threads, which can be a pleasant experience if Nintendo get the game 100% spot on. To be clear, I'm not saying people can't criticise and voice their frustrations, but it pretty much feels 24:7 on here at times.


And I can understand this. The problem is - it isn't just a minority who feel 'negative' on the console. It's quite a large majority. What's going to happen if most of the majority of the community can't/don't/won't post because of how their posts will be taken? I don't want to give it rights over the 'positive' side - but they're equal until it comes down to the numbers. The fact is - more people are feeling down on Nintendo here than those not.


Having said that - plenty of our members who make down points on the console also make up points too(a few of whom have been mentioned). Sometimes it doesn't even have to be about good or bad - sometimes it can just be a discussion but it seems those are less had these days BECAUSE it descends into for/against Nintendo.


Could be worse. Could be a looooooooooot worse, it could be the GameFAQs Wii U Console Board. Never before has the universe seen such a place of scum and nefarious trollish villains.


I HAVE noticed hostility here, do I mention people without causing hassle? Do I even need to at this point? I get sometimes we get hostile, but for as long as I've been here it's had a cosy, warm atmosphere (been here quite a bit longer than my register date, and despite post count I'm pretty much here EVERY day...) People need to chill before this place becomes a giant heap of derailed hostile topics...like most everywhere else. I've had enough posts ignored or vanish with deleted topics just becase people can't keep their cool, elsewhere.


Indeed it could. I don't want it to get anywhere close to that, though.

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My main gripe is that a lot of people assume that those who air complaints in the Nintendo board are Sony fanboys. You could be completely on topic, you could have a justified and well reasoned criticism of a game or Nintendo themselves, but someone is bound to assume you're from another board on the forum who has come to stir some shit.


Yet the problem here is obvious. Chances are, if you're a member of this board, you are a Nintendo fan. You've probably lost interest in the past generation, and who can blame you as Nintendo did indeed go against the grain with the Wii and that was always going to be divisive. The same for Wii U. And I don't think people realise that.


The only other console I game on these days is a Vita. My main sources of gaming are from my Wii U and 3DS but because I've been critical of Nintendo quite often recently, it's like I'm being lumped with a group which, in all likelihood, probably doesn't even exist.


Not to say I'm a saint myself though, I do jokingly bait some responses from time to time but I have let it be known I've done it in jest (like I did with Serebii by hoping for a 3D Pokémon game (I'm not sure why he gets so riled up by the idea though?)).


One thing I thought was a very smart move this year is the making of general grievances threads once a certain topic started dominating the main thread for a game that it was genuinely hampering the main discussion. It filtered out that conversation, and people had a place to talk about it. What I did not understand was why the people who complained about that discussion were then going into these new threads. I honestly couldn't tell whether it was blind fanboyism and they just felt they had the obligation to defend things to the death or they were just flat out trolling.

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Wow, what a thread. Can't believe I just read it start to finish - only took me about an hour and a half. Here's my input, for what it's worth. I like the idea of this thread - it's high time this stuff was brought up properly. I agree with a lot of what people have already said: eg flameboy, Agent Gibbs, Dcubed and others.


I don't post here a whole lot these days, and never really did for all that long except some shortish bursts, but I do tend to lurk and read a lot particularly of this board and the general board. Since I don't have any other consoles though I tend not to venture further down the list. When I do post, it tends to be short remarks / questions rather than essays (like this one!) because I just don't see the point in taking the time to write a decent post. I think I would post a lot more interesting stuff (or at least, more often) if the atmosphere was a bit friendlier and had some more constructive discussions rather than everything descending into the same arguments over and over. I definitely think if the arguing stops, the quality of posts will pick up, and maybe the community will start to grow again.


I bought a WiiU about a year ago, having been out of the gaming industry loop for a couple of years (mostly I just needed the new Smash...). I obviously started reading the Nintendo board again, starting off of course with the WiiU General thread, but I stopped reading that thread a long time ago as it was just constant bickering. In the other threads, occasionally genuine good gaming chat appears (honourable mention to @Grazza who has thrown some good stuff in the mix recently), but it tends to require wading through pages of moaning, usually at each other, to get to, and so the energy to respond is sapped.


I do wonder a bit how some people have managed to survive this long with posting privileges in tact, to be honest. I was going to point specifically to some people here, but I don't want to - we all know who they are. However, I think maybe maximum one or two people are actually being intentionally disruptive at the moment. In other cases, most often the disruptive posts tend to mostly be down to poor wording. I am often accused by my friends of being "sassy" in our Whatsapp group chat, because the wording and the intended meaning do not always line up properly when the context / body language is not available.


It's also easy to forget that there is a person behind the avatar (contrary to popular belief, I do not look like the guy in my avatar. I only the other day noticed that I still had that image there - it was like a random joke image that I have just never thought to change in years!). People have their quirks, and I have found that in a community of geeks/nerds such as on a Nintendo fan-forum like this, it's pretty likely we are going to be an odd bunch :D So cut each other some slack from time to time and maybe we will all get to know each other a bit better and be able to understand and communicate better not only within N-E but in the wider world too.


I think the solution is two things: firstly, I think having this thread and this discussion will hopefully help people see where the problem lies and how/if they contribute to it. Hopefully people will adjust their behaviour accordingly. Secondly, a period of tougher moderation will shut down the nonsense, and those who do not take heed of the first part will end up getting themselves banned and have nobody to blame but themselves. Hopefully though it won't come to that, for anybody.

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@Rummy when have I ever mentioned banning anyone? I haven't. And although I can be quick to react, I'm pretty sure I never instigate, which is worse, far worse. As for denial, I didn't mean thst there was a problem, or even that I offered a solution, but you did deny what I said in my earlier post. Out right. Even though many people agree, even one of your fellow mods as you know, tske it in board, watch the pattern if it continues.


As for a poll. Can if you want, feels a little childish but go for it. Want mske a difference though, I'd be pretty co fudent there'd be many people who agree, but I wouldn't change my mind either way. The "majority" have a history of thinking horrific things throughout history, doesn't make the minorty wrong.

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It's also easy to forget that there is a person behind the avatar (contrary to popular belief, I do not look like the guy in my avatar. I only the other day noticed that I still had that image there - it was like a random joke image that I have just never thought to change in years!)


On that note of things not changing...I'm quoted in your signature! I don't even know or remember.


Well....that was off topic as shit.

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@Rummy when have I ever mentioned banning anyone? I haven't. And although I can be quick to react, I'm pretty sure I never instigate, which is worse, far worse. As for denial, I didn't mean thst there was a problem, or even that I offered a solution, but you did deny what I said in my earlier post. Out right. Even though many people agree, even one of your fellow mods as you know, tske it in board, watch the pattern if it continues.


As for a poll. Can if you want, feels a little childish but go for it. Want mske a difference though, I'd be pretty co fudent there'd be many people who agree, but I wouldn't change my mind either way. The "majority" have a history of thinking horrific things throughout history, doesn't make the minorty wrong.


Careful guys: I think we are getting dangerously close to this. Unless you were talking about Justin Bieber having number one singles, or the weird millions who seem to think Darts is a real sport that should be taken seriously :grin:

*For goodness sake, nobody take this post seriously. We are still allowed to poke fun when it's all in jest, right?

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