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NINTENDO @ E3: Let the Hype juices flow

Fused King

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The Treehouse stream started broadcasting early with some lovely music. Yesterday they only had Nintendo music, but I can't place this track. Anyone know what it is/where it's from?


EDIT: It stopped now. :(

Edited by FireMeowth
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The Treehouse stream started broadcasting early with some lovely music. Yesterday they only had Nintendo music, but I can't place this track. Anyone know what it is/where it's from?


EDIT: It stopped now. :(


Nice to see someone else watching it! I just started halfway through SMTXFE(or whatever it be now). Gonna just keep it on somewhere and check in and out if theres stuff that interests me.


EDIT: Which wont be now too much. More wooly world!

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I'm at work tonight but I'm wondering just how Nintendo managed to have an E3 with Starfox, Mario, Zelda and Metroid, supplemented by a Mario RPG, Yoshi platformer, Mario Tennis and even Animal Crossing, and STILL have had one of the worst displays I've seen from them? ::shrug:

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Yoshi's Wooly World, we haven't had anywhere near enough coverage on that game.


I'll give it credit saying it does look pretty beautiful and they've been a bit more faithful to Yoshi than they were to Kirby for Epic Yarn, but at the moment it's not quite enough for me to buy. I imagine reviews and reception could possibly change my mind(nando's already set the ball rolling with his recent Epic Yarn replay) but it'll have to be at a price I'm happy with. Yoshi's been close to my heart since Island, but Island2 stung a bit(Story was interesting, however).


They just had a bit more Tri Force Heroes - yet again with that bloody annoying woman. She really grates on me! It also looks good, but I found it amusing when at one point the other woman was like 'I like the art style they've chosen' and I was just like 'lolyeah ALBW recycle'. It does look like it'd be a chuckle on a budget - but I'd wonder how much content is in it for a co-op focused game(and how, if at all, it scales for 2 people and what the single player is like if different).

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Makes you wonder exactly where all these resources are going to though - I know there's Zelda but as I've said before - if Monolith could manage with XCX why are they struggling with Zelda? Where's all of the rest of their efforts going? I know we've got titles coming but it worries me there's not a lot on the horizon afterwards...


We know they've expanded, but where exactly are their resources going, especially given that most of their IPs are being given out to 2nd parties? There's been less output despite having more resources, and most are short and feel ike side games or recycled ones. I have to agree that they're planning/beavering away on titles for their next console. Which is a spit in the face to Wii U owners. And a spit in the face to 3DS owners after having support cut down for the Wii U.

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We know they've expanded, but where exactly are their resources going, especially given that most of their IPs are being given out to 2nd parties? There's been less output despite having more resources, and most are short and feel ike side games or recycled ones. I have to agree that they're planning/beavering away on titles for their next console. Which is a spit in the face to Wii U owners. And a spit in the face to 3DS owners after having support cut down for the Wii U.


I think with the next platform they can offer £50 eshop credit to wii u owners when they register their nnid to the new console.

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So many are unhappy about the scarce smattering of new content Nintendo announced because it looked like bollocks. People are excited about Sony's showing because the games all looked amazing and/or were highly desired by the fans. Nothing else really matters.


The whole "Nintendo has more in the next 12 months, with Sony you'll have to wait 2 years" argument comes across as very desperate, like you're trying to salvage a point based on a technicality. I would rather wait 2 years (much less in TLG and Persona V's case) for great games I want than have a truckload of dogshit dumped on my front garden within the next 6-12 months. It's also totally incomparable, since the other consoles have third party games like Fallout 4 and Batman coming.


I wasn't going to respond to this thread again, but I just have to say that's not what i said, what I'm saying is what made sonys press conference so exciting where the announcements of last guardian, shenmue and final fantasy, the big surprises, and Uncharted that's what "knocked it out of the park", not saying the rest wasn't good and I'm sure you'll try and argue it, but this is what did it, and that nintendo didn't have any of these big shock announcements, i'm just saying it's a different strategy. What i thought was a reasonable thing to say, but not on the delightful N-Europe.


I never said we have to wait 2 years for anything good from sony, or even what's at e3. Also, interesting people on the show floor saying the sony both is a lot of indies, and the big stuff are just presentations.... No doubt a non-playable game will be game of E3...


People don't have to be so defensive and/or attacking about things. They're reasonable points aren't they?!?!

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I don't understand why they should give vouchers or free games away?


The Wii U has a great library of first party games. 2D Mario, 3D Mario, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Pikmin, Donkey Kong, Wind Waker HD, Zelda U, Captain Toad, Bayonetta, Xenoblade, Yoshi, Kirby, Splatoon, Mario Maker, and loads more I'm forgetting. Sorry but they owe us nothing apart from better third party support.

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We only got 4 years out of the GameCube, right? So a four year life span for the Wii U, while isn't great, is hardly unheard of.


Its easier to bite with the GC though, as the content was far more richer - with sequels and even trilogys (Metroid, Resi Evil) - and a price point about 50% cheaper than the Wii U.

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