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NINTENDO @ E3: Let the Hype juices flow

Fused King

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Oh man that was bad

lets start with the good

The 3DS has a reasonable line up



They showed lots of stuff we already knew

spent 10 min on Yarn Yoshi, which you'd be shocked is out next fucking week

and then lots of Mario Maker


The wiiu gets mario tennis and Animal Crossing


i just, don't know where to begin


well its quite obvious now the WiiU is getting phased out and all the major development teams are working on NX games, i'd put good money on Zelda being a cross gen game, and any new Metroid being for the NX too

Q1 2016 they will reveal the NX, that or at e3 2016 with a very short apple like release in a month or two after


last year i pre-ordered lots after e3, this year nothing, i'm glad i'm not a WiiU only gamer

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I just don't understand how you can say that.. Microsoft's conference has made me think about getting an Xbox One, it was that good.


ReCore may be interesting, but we saw nothing. We got bits from franchises I used to love but can't be bothered with any more.


Horizon and Uncharted form Sony's look great.

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What a load of cobblers!


OK, I did laugh at the puppets and I can see a lot of GIFs being made out of them. Like the Robot Chicken thing last year, Nintendo hires some decent talent in terms of presentation.


Star Fox looked quite good. Unimpressive graphics, yes, but we've known the Wii U was underpowered since before it was out (and lots of extremely heated arguments with some insisting it wasn't). But this was like E3 2012 where the known game was shown first (Pikmin 3) and turned out to be the only decent thing!


Oh man, I can't even remember what happened next. Nintendo's games are all merging one, where you can scan amiibos into them all and play as all characters in every one!


Animal Crossing as an amiibo board game. :shakehead:cry::laughing:


Constant, endless re-emphasis of what Super Mario Maker is.


I'm not bothered by the graphics of the Metroid Prime game, and would be quite interested if it was a single player adventure, but the multiplayer emphasis puts me off. Same goes for Zelda.


I give up with Nintendo for now. I'll be back when they actually get that (Wii U?) Zelda out, but for now they can forget it.


So, so bad it was almost entertaining!

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Come on guys. I get it didn't hit expectations...not at all, but it's not like the games shown look bad. Let's be fair here.


To be honest, it was worse than I ever imagined possible :hmm: Even Starfox Zero looks a bit cheap and nasty, something I hope they manage to rectify :shakehead

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Come on guys. I get it didn't hit expectations...not at all, but it's not like the games shown look bad. Let's be fair here.


It's all been done before. Absolutely NOTHING new.


Zechs put it perfectly:


No franchises arriving on Wii U - No Metroid, F-Zero, Battalion Wars, Wave Race, 1080, Pokemon, Advance Wars, Excitebike or any of the other big franchises.


No indie games.


No third party games.


No cross overs.


No partnerships.


No plans for DLC for exisiting games.


No VC plans.

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Come on guys. I get it didn't hit expectations...not at all, but it's not like the games shown look bad. Let's be fair here.


I dunno, "Animal Party: amiibo Massacre," Shroom Tennis" and "What the fuck have they done to Metroid!?" all looked pretty rubbish.


The only games that looked alright were... platformers! Or on the 3DS.

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Love all the classic people coming in here enjoying themselves at how bad it was :D


It was truly terrible. But what is quite funny, is everything covered at nintnedos conference will come out before any of the good stuff from the sony one :)

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It was truly terrible. But what is quite funny, is everything covered at nintnedos conference will come out before any of the good stuff from the sony one :)


And everything covered at Nintendo's event will come out at the same time as many other great titles on the other consoles. ;)

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That was the worst E3 presentation I've ever seen. Literally one new game shown for the Wii U - ONE!


The whole thing was padding and talking and massive sections given over to games we already knew everything about, the Yoshi section was unforgivable.


The most lamentable though, was the final 6 minutes - no new or big reveal. Just a load of back patting about 30 years of Mario. Utter introspective shite.


This was beyond disappointing - it was a disaster.


No franchises arriving on Wii U - No Metroid, F-Zero, Battalion Wars, Wave Race, 1080, Pokemon, Advance Wars, Excitebike or any of the other big franchises.


No indie games.


No third party games.


No cross overs.


No partnerships.


No plans for DLC for exisiting games.


No VC plans.


Just naval gazing and meaningless chat about games we already know about. What they have done for 12 months is beyond me - other than trapping that woman in a closet and forcing her to knit Yoshis for a year!


This is an all time low!


Summed up perfectly.

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Love all the classic people coming in here enjoying themselves at how bad it was :D


It was truly terrible. But what is quite funny, is everything covered at nintnedos conference will come out before any of the good stuff from the sony one :)


You know, coming into this thread afterwards has actually really cheered me up. For once, we're practically all united. We've seen a lot of divisive discussion lately, but for once in a blue moon, we're not.


It's just a shame this couldn't have been on the other end of the spectrum, with all of our collective minds blown.

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