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Has the confirmation of no voice chat altered your decision to purchase Splatoon?


Has the confirmation of no voice chat altered your decision to purchase Splatoon?  

55 members have voted

  1. 1. Has the confirmation of no voice chat altered your decision to purchase Splatoon?

    • Yes, I'm not going to buy it now.
    • No, I'll still be getting the game.
    • Undecided

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Interested in seeing how many people here will still be picking up Splatoon now that we know voice chat won't be available.

This is just to try and gauge how much the lack of voice chat has potentially affected sales of the game among the N-E community, so please don't take part in the poll if you were never intending to buy Splatoon anyway.


I also figured it'd be good to have a thread where there could be discussion about the voice chat situation in Splatoon specifically, so that the main thread can move on and focus on everything else the game has to offer.

But please don't use this thread as an opportunity to criticise anyone who's no longer purchasing the game due to the omission of voice chat, or likewise those that are still getting it regardless.


: peace:

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You phrased the question weirdly. I voted yes but no I'm still not buying Splatoon. Voice chat is the reason. Only way they'll learn is by hitting them in the pocket. I let them get away with MK8 and Smash Bros. Wii U but not this time and this game more than the other 2 needs voice chat. I sent Nintendo an e-mail about it this morning which was probably a waste of time.

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I'm a lot less interested in the online now, but having seen the single player my interest has gone up. Tbh playing against randoms doesn't appeal to me, and even online most of my friends aren't online that much, so the lack of compelling online doesn't hit me so hard I guess.


I may still change my mind, I'll look at reviews closer to the time, see what the non online elements bring to the table. If they say online is still great that would be a plus but it won't convince me against buying it.

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You phrased the question weirdly. I voted yes but no I'm still not buying Splatoon. Voice chat is the reason. Only way they'll learn is by hitting them in the pocket. I let them get away with MK8 and Smash Bros. Wii U but not this time and this game more than the other 2 needs voice chat. I sent Nintendo an e-mail about it this morning which was probably a waste of time.
Yeah, just twigged that could be confusing if someone only reads the thread title and not the poll question. :hmm:


Can a mod change the thread title to:

Has the confirmation of no voice chat altered your decision to purchase Splatoon?

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Can you put a don't know option? For some people it may depend on how cheap it goes and/or how favourably it is received, or how chaotic it turns out to be without voice chat.


On balance is the lack of voice chat making you think you are more likely to buy it, or not to buy it. As it stands the poll is clearer I think, the sitting on the fence options don't really tell you a lot. I'm on the fence myself, but currently leaning on the buying it side. My guess (may be wrong) from what I've gleaned over the last months, is that you either won't be getting it now, or are on the fence leaning to not getting it. The fact Nintendo can alter price/have made an otherwise flawless masterpiece which would sway you is a different question I guess! The doubt can be explained in the discussion ;)


Also great thread.. specific to splatoon and too the point.

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On balance is the lack of voice chat making you think you are more likely to buy it, or not to buy it. As it stands the poll is clearer I think, the sitting on the fence options don't really tell you a lot.



The sitting on the fence option is entirely necessary because people like myself have no idea whether they will buy this or not, so can't answer the poll. Could be it turns out to be a big deal, or drops off in price to the point I might be tempted to pick it up. Regardless, there are people who so hate the lack of voice chat that they know they won't buy it at all, but for many like myself it could be a very situational purchase.

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I'm sitting on the fence too, but on balance I think it's most likely I will still buy it. I'm not making a pledge, it's entirely possible I won't be buying it. If you are genuinely 50.0000000000000% then the on the fence option is useful, but in practice, if you search deep within you most people will have a good idea how it affects them - do nintendo need to mess up again to convince you not to buy, or pull out all the stops to convince you into a purchase. If there was a middle of the road option in practice you'd get a range of people, those about 34-66% sure they were going to buy voting for the middle of the road. The current vote means those 0-49% sure vote one way, and those on 51-100% sure vote the other. For example I voted I am buying, but in the on the fence option I would have to go there, and it wouldn't really reflect how voice chat affected my purchase decision.

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I'm still getting it! I never use voice chat anyways, since my accent in English is horrible :p.

I do understand the disappointment of many people though.


That being said the concept just looks so much fun, it has amazing design, character customisation and tons of personality!

I think it's honestly the first WiiU game I was ever hyped for!

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I'll still be picking it up, although whether that's at launch will depend on reviews/price. It's a shame it's not an option, but I'm not interested in voice chat with strangers and it's an easy enough issue to get round with family and personal friends.

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It hasn't changed my decision. I'm still unlikely to buy it.


The game looks fun but it looks too much like it's skewed towards multiplayer with little single player content. If they can show me it has a fully fleshed out singleplayer game, not just the multiplayer levels with bots, I'd be much more interested.


When it comes to voice chat, it should have been done at an OS level. The only time I use voice chat is to friends & family. They don't necessarily have to be playing the same game.

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I'm sitting on the fence too, but on balance I think it's most likely I will still buy it. I'm not making a pledge, it's entirely possible I won't be buying it. If you are genuinely 50.0000000000000% then the on the fence option is useful, but in practice, if you search deep within you most people will have a good idea how it affects them - do nintendo need to mess up again to convince you not to buy, or pull out all the stops to convince you into a purchase. If there was a middle of the road option in practice you'd get a range of people, those about 34-66% sure they were going to buy voting for the middle of the road. The current vote means those 0-49% sure vote one way, and those on 51-100% sure vote the other. For example I voted I am buying, but in the on the fence option I would have to go there, and it wouldn't really reflect how voice chat affected my purchase decision.


It's nothing to do with how I feel right now (e.g. 30% sure I'll buy or 80% sure). It's entirely to do with circumstances beyond my control that haven't happened yet (how quickly it drops in price, community aspect, how great people perceive it to be). We literally have no clue right now. For that reason, I can't answer the poll.

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Nice idea @RedShell.


Can you put a don't know option? For some people it may depend on how cheap it goes and/or how favourably it is received, or how chaotic it turns out to be without voice chat.


I'm one of these myself. Tbh I was already a maybe(mostly hinging on the voice chat, full voice chat woulda made it a no doubt day 1 purchase for me, limited would have liekly pushed me into it within the first week or two) and now I'm more of an uncertain maybe. The game looks cool and interesting and all, but I just dunno if it'll be enough for me so at the moment I don't think I'd be likely to drop more than £20(at the most) on it. I'm a down the line maybe depending on price, or an exceptional maybe depending if it's just hugely well recieved and blows everything out of the water etcetc. Will be most looking forward to the opinions of folks on here that pick it up really.


I haven't voted, but I'd be more in the 'Yes, not buying it now' as the revelation definitely made me think/feel like that, whereas I was genuinely 50/50 beforehand.

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It's totally understandable why people would get upset in this case. On a technical level, voice chat should really be very much doable - net-code wise, it's very much like a standard FPS/TPS game, so it is an expected feature. It's not like Smash Bros or Wii Sports Club where they're really performing miracles with the netcode and corners absolutely have to be cut...


But on the other hand, I hardly ever use voice chat anyway so it personally doesn't bother me.

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