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Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!


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I don't really use or care that much about trophies (#noplatinums) but they have uses, even if it is just comparisons. Stickers are more Nintendo-ey, but I never used them either. Although it would be good if it was more tied to an event, from what I recall of games with stickers you just seem to get/find a sticker. The nice thing about trophies/achievements is it can offer a challenge if you are so inclined.


Basically I don't use things :heh:


I think you're thinking of Stamps but I agree with the rest. I enjoy achievements on PS4 until I realise that apart from increasing the play time they don't have any use whatsoever and grinding for them just became silly.


Nintendo calling their version of achievements 'Stickers' would be great if they were nicely designed and let you decorate your home screen or profile page with. That's a total guess though but it sounds like their kind of style.

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I think you're thinking of Stamps but I agree with the rest. I enjoy achievements on PS4 until I realise that apart from increasing the play time they don't have any use whatsoever and grinding for them just became silly.


Nintendo calling their version of achievements 'Stickers' would be great if they were nicely designed and let you decorate your home screen or profile page with. That's a total guess though but it sounds like their kind of style.


Yeah that is what I'm thinking of. I don't think they have "[no] use whatsoever" as some people enjoy the grinding. It's not for everyone, obviously, but trophy hunting has become a meta-game and it's an interesting addition to the industry.


I've never set up folders (sorry @dazzybee) or even bothered downloading a theme so I don't think stickers would work for me personally, but it would be a nice little addition.

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I'm looking forward to seeing the Switch UI and menus.


Colin Moriarty and Greg Millar from Kinda Funny made a good point that Nintendo need to get the bad news out of the way early, and then build the excitement again after that until release. Leaving it late will only damage hype and could impact sales. 'Bad news' ie. battery life, price, onboard storage etc

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I'm curious about the UI/menu....but mostly because I find their current ones ugly as sin and I hope they do better.


I did a post explaining why I disliked the Wii U one's a while ago but can't seem to find it using the search function now.

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Achievements/Trophies are a very interesting part of the metagame and they need to be handled correctly. A set sort of standard certainly helps, but there needs to be a draw for them to be successful.


Anecdotal evidence but humor me. My brother in law had a original 360 (until the disc drive broke no rrod) and he just played games, had literally no interest in achievement hunting. Instead of replacing/fixing the 360 he got a PS3 (friends were on it) and suddenly what games that had trophies he wanted to collect trophies in. Whatever weird psychological differences between the two, one mattered more. I suspect the lack of an arbitrary number score and the change to the metal type of the medal to be the factor.


Nintendo can't just add them and go, "hey we have this now" the way Steam did. There needs to be actual thought into it.

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Nintendo Switch is rubbish joke it's awesome can't wait but I think there are more devices because it's strange we got 3 minutes video and they said it's the first look of the next home video gameing system remember Iwata said Nintendo NX is a ecosystem

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I've seen the new Switch trailer just once and can't tell if I'm switched on or off about the whole thing. Guess I need to watch it a bit more.


I just don't want to hear in 2019 or somewhere down the line "Nintendo have learnt their lesson from Nintendo Switch" in the same way they said that about the Wii U.

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From the launch trailer I have to say I'm excited about this. Assuming this is basically the internals of the Shield 2 then power-wise I think it's more than enough for the vast majority of people, and the mobile to console abilities seem to be far simpler than the current solutions to that which don't really work in a satisfactory way.


My girlfriend was bummed when I told her that the WiiU gamepad wasn't actually the console and we couldn't take it out with us to carry on playing. With the switch, at least in Japan, I can completely see people taking it out and about and having big multiplayer games in the parks and general gaming meet-up places.


I think the idea of games being able to come with their own joy-cons is great. If this could have all previous consoles games available via the Virtual Console then being able to buy a NES or a Gamecube joy-con pack would be awesome.


One thought is that through pocket wifi (or potentially a built in simcard??) this could be an always on-line console. So, could we potentially see upgraded versions of Nintendo's mobile games on this? A Pokemon Go that actually has some long-term gameplay seems like it could be a good fit.


I really hope it's possible to get this with a huge memory, I have no desire to buy physical games for something like this.


Overall I'm excited by the potential of this and for sure it will be a day 1 purchase for me. It's probably the most excited I've been for a new console since the GameCube.

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With all of these enhanced Wii U ports seemingly coming to Switch, I wonder if Starfox Zero may get a second chance..? Some will see the second screen as too important for it to work but I'm sure it could be adapted to work on one screen and create the experience many of you wanted in the first place!

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Nintendo Switch is rubbish joke it's awesome can't wait but I think there are more devices because it's strange we got 3 minutes video and they said it's the first look of the next home video gameing system remember Iwata said Nintendo NX is a ecosystem


You've changed your tune! Remember when you called us stupid for believing the lies that it was a handheld/hybrid?


And no, there aren't more devices. That's the whole point of the video, you don't need another device!


I think the idea of games being able to come with their own joy-cons is great. If this could have all previous consoles games available via the Virtual Console then being able to buy a NES or a Gamecube joy-con pack would be awesome.


What a great idea!! Perfect for Virtual Console games

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I don't really use or care that much about trophies (#noplatinums) but they have uses, even if it is just comparisons. Stickers are more Nintendo-ey, but I never used them either. Although it would be good if it was more tied to an event, from what I recall of games with stickers you just seem to get/find a sticker. The nice thing about trophies/achievements is it can offer a challenge if you are so inclined.


Basically I don't use things :heh:


I'm not too much of a trophy man either(also not plats) though some games do make me want to get them more. Talking of Stickers made me think of two things we didn't see in the trailer unless I'm mistaken - Miis or rather even more Miiverse. Any chance Nintendo might have dropped or re-worked them somehow?

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I'm not too much of a trophy man either(also not plats) though some games do make me want to get them more. Talking of Stickers made me think of two things we didn't see in the trailer unless I'm mistaken - Miis or rather even more Miiverse. Any chance Nintendo might have dropped or re-worked them somehow?

Reworked for sure, but I doubt Miiverse is gone

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Personally I use Miiverse every single day (mostly for looking at other players' posts, though I also regularly make my own Play Journal entries and I've even posted a couple of drawings), and I think it's just about perfect in its current form, though I'm sure they could find ways to improve it that I've never even considered - they've already done just that several times.


Actually, I think I can safely say that it's my second favourite thing to come from this entire generation, only trumped by my favourite game of all time, so I definitely hope they'll keep Miiverse around for the Switch. Not that I can really see any reason for them to drop it.

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Trophies are an odd one for me. For the vast majority of games I don't are for them but for the games that I really enjoy they offer something, an extra.


I completed Witcher 3 a second time this year so I could grab the platinum. If the game didn't have trophies I don't think I would have bothered, even though I loved the game.


Would love to see an equivalent to trophies on the Switch.


Also, miiverse is a must. I personally love it.

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Miiverse stamps are the obvious alternative. Make it a platform thing, not exclusive to when you're posting about the game. Third parties can just use the icons they use for trophies etc. on other platforms as their stamps to make it easier. Job done.

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With all of these enhanced Wii U ports seemingly coming to Switch, I wonder if Starfox Zero may get a second chance..? Some will see the second screen as too important for it to work but I'm sure it could be adapted to work on one screen and create the experience many of you wanted in the first place!


To be honest, the second screen is only the start of that game's problems. When compared to Starfox 64, that hame is a failure in a whole load of ways. The game lacks that cinematic feel that the N64 version had (baffling, as the entire game was limited by an 8MB cartridge). The inclusion of the ability to play the mission of your choice whenever you want is great, but the missions make the game neither long or varied as part of a campaign, nor short, action packed and simple for an arcade mode. The missions are considerably fewer than the N64 version, which limits the ammount of paths you can take while playing arcade. Also, the vehicle morphs add nothing to the game, they're just ugly.

So no thanks, I'd rather see a brand new Starfox with the single player campaign and arcade modes featuring completely sepparate missions, as well as a multiplayer mode. Also, I'd absolutely adore it if Nintendo would throw in ship customization.

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I think Miiverse has to return, but it needs to be more integrated into the operating system so that your Miiverse friends list is universal with all software and that peer-to-peer messaging is done through the service, then keep the community boards as they are now but have a widget on the home screen which shows up recent posts from your favourite communities.


I don't think they will just bolt on achievements like they have done with Steam, it's definitely something that Nintendo is taking their time over otherwise we'd have had a shoddily put together achievements system shoved onto the Wii U and 3DS. I think they will introduce an achievements system that is linked to My Nintendo rewards as they've mentioned that would be the case in the past, so hopefully My Nintendo rewards improve when the Switch is introduced and we get something more tangible than a virtual trophy or sticker when we earn achievements.

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Miiverse was such a clever idea and a far greater innovation than the Gamepad

Weeell, Miiverse wouldn't be anywhere near as good without the GamePad's touch screen though, which is why I'm desperately hoping the Switch has one as well. Forget about drawing - even typing standard text posts would be absolutely terrible without the touch screen! :heh:

Edited by FireMeowth
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