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Do you still complete games?

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It really depends on the game for me. I'm not bothered whether I complete a game or not. I tend to at least see the credits on every game I play.


I can't be bothered to 100% Captain Toad, that last level is just soul destroying and requires 3 or more hands. It's stopped being fun. The rest of the game is great, but that's just boring.

Last year, I finished FF7 for the first time, but the sheer amount of stupid stuff you have to do to get everything means I won't bother getting everything.

But I will 100% Hyrule Warriors. Maybe not this year, but I will do it! Because I find it immensely fun.


So yeah, it's pretty much the same as it always has been for me. If a game is enjoyable, I'll probably end up 100%-ing it.

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I often worry that I'm getting through a game too quickly. I don't want it to be over too fast and feel like I haven't had my money's worth so I stop playing for a little bit, then forget to go back. It's a bad habit I need to break actually....

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It really depends on the game whether I fully complete it or not :smile:


I've recently had an interest in playing Super Mario World again and got cracking on it the other night. I know that game inside out as I've been through it with all 96 exits countless times. I couldn't see myself ever going through it again without wanting to complete every level every time. If there's no 96 on the file select screen, it's just not right :heh:


Super Mario World is one of quite a number of games where I feel that desire to get absolutely everything. In fairness, practically every Mario platformer, whether it be 2D or 3D, has drawn me in to the point of wanting to achieve everything. Those games are designed so superbly that getting to, and beating, the final boss can be achieved by most gamers but hunting down all the collectables and unlocking bonus stages really puts your skills to the test :hehe:


There are, however, excellent games that I haven't done everything in. One of my favourite games of all time, Donkey Kong Country, has been played through numerous times alone and with friends. I've never felt the desire to find every bonus room and therefore have an exclamation mark beside each stage name and the coveted 100%+ completion percentage. Perhaps something like that could entice me in the future, though, as I do still adore the game and that's the perfect excuse to sink my teeth into it again and explore it in even greater detail :smile: I will never have that desire in Yoshi's Island, though :heh:


Like DKC, I've been through Lylat Wars countless times but never feel a sense of duty in going after the medals in each stage. I just have a blast flying through it from time to time on whichever route I choose!


Things like football games don't seem to have a point of 'completion', as such, generally only being experiences to be enjoyed with a group of friends in order to compete. I have, however, seen and done everything in Super Soccer on the SNES, ISS Pro Evolution 2 on the PS1 and the Mario Strikers games, amongst a few others, where I find there to be a more clearly defined set of goals. ISS Pro Evolution 2, for example, has the gallery where all your trophies are displayed and you can see which ones you still have to obtain. The Master League, in particular, was a pleasure to play through.. but it was so good back then :heh: That has nothing to do with me being younger and having less games to play, though, as I only went through it a couple of years ago :grin:


That's defintely a factor with other games, though. Many of us had a limited pool of games to play growing up, perhaps as a result of birthday or Christmas gifts. It certainly gave us time to explore each game to the full and get every last drop from them as there just wasn't anything else to play. These days, it's too easy to get distracted by the next game or even a sense of blasting through something just to get it out of the way. I've been enjoying my gaming in 2015, as the diary thread will attest, and we're now well into March without me having bought any games this year :eek:


Online play has also been a factor in not being able to complete some games. I have, for example, got all of the S-Ranks in Excitebike World Rally on Wii Ware but felt like playing it one day in order to unlock some of the unlockable bikes/designs. Unfortunately, most of them are locked away behind competing in online races, something that just isn't possible anymore. I find it irritating that I'll never be able to have those things due to them being forever locked away :sad:


Anyway, like I said at the start of the post, it really depends on each individual game whether I want to see everything or not. Trophies and achievements are not my cup of tea and couldn't see myself doing ridculous or mundane things just to get that sort of kudos. There may be the odd one that sounds like fun, perhaps even something you wouldn't have contemplated trying, but there are others where you have to wonder why anyone would even want to do it ::shrug:

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I've recently had an interest in playing Super Mario World again and got cracking on it the other night. I know that game inside out as I've been through it with all 96 exits countless times. I couldn't see myself ever going through it again without wanting to complete every level every time. If there's no 96 on the file select screen, it's just not right :heh:


Funnily enough I'm exactly the same - and whilst it wasn't something that I achieved until a later time(still pre-gamecube and possibly pre-n64 though) - it's something I absolutely can't imagine not doing on a playthrough now(plus the whole thing can be done in an afternoon too). I tend to be the same with those games I had in my youth where things were limited - almost as if having done it before I know I can do it again. I've been through Mario64 a few times to absolute completion, and at least once absolute on the DS version. I've replayed DK64 to 101% a second time at least, and any time I've played through OoT or MM(or the top-downs) to the final boss I've done the same(small exceptions possible on OoA/OoS). With some of the older Marios(ie All-Stars variety) I've tried to playthrough without using any warps/major shortcuts too - for a sense of 'completion' there.


However it just doesn't seem to be an urge I get with new games these days, and I really don't know why there's a difference for me. If I ever go and play the old ones like SMW or SM64 as you mentioned, I will do my utmost to get 100% as I go along.

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I always try to 100% games! Back when I was a kid, some tasks in some games where just to challenging to me, but nowadays I always strife to complete all collectibles, sidequests or whatever.

I especially love playing JRPG like FF or Tales of, as these games give me loooooots of content 'til completion, which makes these games even more valuable to me.


In my opinion, even little things are enough to make an 100% playtrough valuable. Like the 96 in SMW, seeing all Heart Containers on your savefile in Zelda games, same for energy tanks and missiles in Metroid. It's even better if you get some really cool extra scenes like in Tales of Xillia 2 or if you are able to face one of the hardest foes ever in Final Fantasy X. But for me it's not really about these specials, I just like to get everything out of my games - at this point I should also mention that I carefully choose the games I buy, to be sure that I'm not going to loose interest in them.


And well, then there are also trophies/ achievements. Since these little fellows came into my life, and really can't stop to 100% my games anymore. Too bad I can't get 100% overall completion on my PSN profile due to some LittleBigPlanet2 DLC's which require extra hardware. :P

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To be honest I’ve become very focused on clearing my backlog. I religiously update my backloggery page. It has in some ways become detrimental to beating longer games as I’m constantly seeking out the shorter games in my backlog. It’s meant I’m 40 hours into Dragon Age Inquisition and despite loving it I’ve kind of just left it untouched for awhile. This year already I’ve beaten 30 games having acquired 20. These numbers are somewhat inflated as each individual episode of say a Walking Dead counts as one game. I also find I spend less time on FIFA, Hearthstone etc.... games that can't be beaten.


@Happenstance I would definitely say streaming to clear stuff works it’s given me a fresh impetus. Keep us updated and I’ll definitely tune in when I can. Also do it under the banner of Extra Life and get fundraising they want people to stream throughout the year in order to raise more money.

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Funnily enough I'm exactly the same - and whilst it wasn't something that I achieved until a later time(still pre-gamecube and possibly pre-n64 though) - it's something I absolutely can't imagine not doing on a playthrough now(plus the whole thing can be done in an afternoon too)


I've just been playing bits and pieces of Super Mario World throughout the course of the week, amongst other things, but suspect that my save file will be complete by the end of the weekend :smile:


One thing I have taken away from my current playthrough, though, is that I go through some areas and wonder how much more difficult they would be if I hadn't already visited the various Switch Palaces. I may ignore them the next time I play it to give myself a little extra challenge :heh:


I've also been considering how difficult it has become over the years to single out one game as my absolute favourite of all time.. but Super Mario World might just be it :yay:

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One thing I have taken away from my current playthrough, though, is that I go through some areas and wonder how much more difficult they would be if I hadn't already visited the various Switch Palaces. I may ignore them the next time I play it to give myself a little extra challenge :heh:


I've also been considering how difficult it has become over the years to single out one game as my absolute favourite of all time.. but Super Mario World might just be it :yay:


Tell me about it right! When we first played through as kids I think we only ever got yellow and...I can't even be sure. I recall we went round my dad's friend's house once when little and the kids there - we saw they had the super secret stockup level done, possibly showed us how to do/get to the green switch palace, and they had the star road complete/the overhaul that comes with it.


Some time through our SMW life though we got a game genie, and I spent most of my playing the game through with that(maybe second halfish of it? iono, or a fresh play with it or something) - I can't recall if that's what helped me discover a lot of the secrets etc or if I found them playing naturally. I definitely recall finding the red/pink switch palace myself, and the star exit in vanilla dome too, rather than my brother doing it(whose game it was, which mattered when we were kids, cos he was a prick). I think I eventually found most/all of the exits by myself with little help from elsewhere, barring the exceptionally simple in-game cue - red levels. I somehow knew 96 was the target though(poss from those kids' save file), and so I always worked towards it.


But yeah. What a game. I've got a mate who didn't play much Nintendo, espesh from that era, and I've also got a mate who hasn't played it for yeaaaarrrs - I really wanna get a saturday marathon together some day soon to try and just 100% it in a day with my mates - even if I'm not playing I reckon I'll really enjoy seeing them experiencing it.

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  • 2 months later...

Depends on the game for me and how realistic getting 100% is. If it's a reasonably short game, like the SMB series or the DKC games, then yeah; I'll aim for 100%.


If it's a game that has an unlockable mode that has you play through the whole game again, like the Extra mode that you often unlock in Kirby games or a higher difficulty setting, I'll just save them for my next playthrough rather than plough through it again right away. I'd rather not burn myself out and just wait until I'm in the mood to play through it again.


If it's something like an RPG where getting 100% is an utterly absurd task (hello Final Fantasy!), then HELL no! It's not fun, it's just a waste of my time.


Sometimes it'll depend on my mood as well. Like if I'm replaying a Zelda or Metroid game, I may or may not aim for 100% completion; sometimes I'll do a low % run as well for a nice challenge.

Edited by Dcubed
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  • 3 weeks later...

The other day I was reading a topic on Gaf about finishing games, backlog battles and buying more games than you need and it got me thinking about this topic again.


So far, this year has been a real breath of fresh air for me in terms of gaming. I'm buying a lot less games than I used to and just either playing ones that I have yet to finish or just revisiting ones that I haven't played in a while, which has been a great experience. It has made me feel a lot better when I do buy a game because I can pretty much focus on my new purchase, rather than jumping from game to game, not finishing either of them.


There's been a bunch of releases that I wouldn't mind playing, such as The Witcher 3, Bloodborne, DMC: Definitive Edition and a host of eShop/VC games. At one time I would have snapped these up on release day and just had them sitting there or play through half of them and jump to the next one. Now I figure I will buy them when they are cheap and also buy them when I know I will have the time for them. Why buy something like the Witcher 3, which I'll have to sink hours upon hours into, when I have yet to start Dragon Age: Inquisition?


How has everyone else doing with their backlog/purchases this year? I actually went through the What Have You Bought? topic earlier ( it's a slow day at the office ) and took note of a few members purchases, with @Happenstance buying around 34 games from January up until now! I think we have a winner. :D

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How has everyone else doing with their backlog/purchases this year? I actually went through the What Have You Bought? topic earlier ( it's a slow day at the office ) and took note of a few members purchases, with @Happenstance buying around 34 games from January up until now! I think we have a winner. :D


Im gonna have to look through that myself then as that seems like a lot! Plus I dont even post all of my digital purchases in that thread so if it is right, its likely to be quite a bit more! lol

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Im gonna have to look through that myself then as that seems like a lot! Plus I dont even post all of my digital purchases in that thread so if it is right, its likely to be quite a bit more! lol


Here ya go. :D


1. Deus Ex Directors Cut

2. Microsoft Flight Simulator


4. Legend of Herores:TitS

5. Renegade Ops

6. Naruto Ultimate Storm 3

7. Plague Inc. Evolved

8. Sonic 4

9. Sakura Spirit

10. Go Go Nippon

11. Twilight Princess

12. DriveClub

13. Super Mario Galaxy 2

14. Elite Dangerous

15. Tales of Hearts R

16. Far Cry 4

17. The Order 1886

18. Final Fantasy Type 0

19. Diablo 3

20. Kirby Triple Deluxe

21. Inazuma Eleven

22. Mortal Kombat X

23. Forza Horizon 2

24. Trauma Centre New Blood,

25. Trauma Centre: Second Opinion

26. Starfleet Academy

27. Sniper Elite 3

28. Battlefield 4

29. Witcher 3

30. Bloodborne

31. Lara Croft: The Temple of Osiris

32. Akiba Strip

33. Elder Scrolls Online

34. Steins Gate



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How has everyone else doing with their backlog/purchases this year?
As far as retail purchases go, I'm completely up to date (well, apart from my Japanese import of Captain Rainbow. Still waiting for the fan translation patch, which may never happen :hmm:) got a few digital games that I've only played briefly (or not at all) on PC and from PS+ as well.

But yeah, buying less and playing what you already got is definitely the way to go. :)

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Here ya go. :D


1. Deus Ex Directors Cut

2. Microsoft Flight Simulator


4. Legend of Herores:TitS

5. Renegade Ops

6. Naruto Ultimate Storm 3

7. Plague Inc. Evolved

8. Sonic 4

9. Sakura Spirit

10. Go Go Nippon

11. Twilight Princess

12. DriveClub

13. Super Mario Galaxy 2

14. Elite Dangerous

15. Tales of Hearts R

16. Far Cry 4

17. The Order 1886

18. Final Fantasy Type 0

19. Diablo 3

20. Kirby Triple Deluxe

21. Inazuma Eleven

22. Mortal Kombat X

23. Forza Horizon 2

24. Trauma Centre New Blood,

25. Trauma Centre: Second Opinion

26. Starfleet Academy

27. Sniper Elite 3

28. Battlefield 4

29. Witcher 3

30. Bloodborne

31. Lara Croft: The Temple of Osiris

32. Akiba Strip

33. Elder Scrolls Online

34. Steins Gate



Lol yep just finished going through myself and I got 34 as well (although you have the Trauma Centre games on there for me which I didnt buy so I dont know how we both hit 34!


Either way though the first 10 are Steam sale games so probably shouldnt count, nobody plays those! lol


.....Also the Steam Summer sale is supposed to start tonight so I'll probably hit 60 games bought by the end of that 2 weeks!

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Lol yep just finished going through myself and I got 34 as well (although you have the Trauma Centre games on there for me which I didnt buy so I dont know how we both hit 34!


Either way though the first 10 are Steam sale games so probably shouldnt count, nobody plays those! lol


.....Also the Steam Summer sale is supposed to start tonight so I'll probably hit 60 games bought by the end of that 2 weeks!


Haha. My bad. Yeah, Trauma Centre was bought by Emerald. I wonder what the other 2 were that I missed then. :)

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There's been a bunch of releases that I wouldn't mind playing, such as The Witcher 3, Bloodborne, DMC: Definitive Edition and a host of eShop/VC games. At one time I would have snapped these up on release day and just had them sitting there or play through half of them and jump to the next one.


How has everyone else doing with their backlog/purchases this year? I actually went through the What Have You Bought? topic earlier ( it's a slow day at the office ) and took note of a few members purchases, with @Happenstance buying around 34 games from January up until now! I think we have a winner. :D


This is very true, I have been not buying quite as many new games because of this but I couldn't resist purchasing Thw Witcher III (pre-order deal along with Batman still to come) plus Bloodborne as Goron_3 gave me a good deal on it and of course Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD for PS4 because... steelbook... shiny... :blank:(plus I've never played either of them) :blush:


I've actually been buying more classic games recently including bulking up my N64 collection - cue a huge bump to the N64 Appreciation thread imminently - ;) and my SNES game collection to reach a certain amount of great games which all fit nicely in the newly allocated space I have given them following their relocation, restoration and of course box protection. Indeed I actually sold two collectable games and used the cash to plough straight back into my collection as I've probably purchased around as many box protectors for N64, SNES, Gameboy and everything inbetween that it would equal the same amount as the number of first-generation Pokémon. :D


As for actual progress however... I'll get back to you on that one. :indeed:

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Think I'll go through the list Hero posted and see how much I've actually played of the games


1. Deus Ex Directors Cut - Only played about an hour but this is the second version of the game I've owned

2. Microsoft Flight Simulator - Mess around with it here and there when I want to get my flight stick out

3. FFXIII - Once again only about an hour but I sunk maybe 20 hours into the PS3 version before that console died on me

4. Legend of Heroes:TitS - Only booted it up to test it quickly

5. Renegade Ops - Havent tried it yet

6. Naruto Ultimate Storm 3 - Played a few hours and do mean to go back to it

7. Plague Inc. Evolved - Played a few hours, good game to play while listening to podcasts

8. Sonic 4 - Played a bit to remind me what its like. Already completed on PS3

9. Sakura Spirit - Tested quickly

10. Go Go Nippon - Havent tried it yet

11. Twilight Princess - Played a bit but the constant rumours of a re-release made me stop. If I can play it without motion controls then thats how I want to do it

12. DriveClub - Played quite a few hours of this

13. Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Played a couple of hours. Once again motion controls just put me off, even if they are barely used

14. Elite Dangerous - Just redeemed my Steam key for this so plan to get back into it. Very fun with a flight stick.

15. Tales of Hearts R - Playing this at the moment on my Vita, about 2 hours in

16. Far Cry 4 - Was enjoying this but just seemed to drop off, will get back to it

17. The Order 1886 - Completed

18. Final Fantasy Type 0 - Regretted buying this, didnt click with me at all

19. Diablo 3 - Completed the PC version. Played a lot of the PS4 one but will come back to it

20. Kirby Triple Deluxe - Played a couple of hours but just made me realise I dont like Kirby games

21. Inazuma Eleven 2 - Unopened at the moment. I still have the first game I want to play through first.

22. Mortal Kombat X - Completed

23. Forza Horizon 2 - Really good but something else must have come out and took my attention away because I never went back to it

24. Trauma Centre New Blood, - Not my purchase but I cant be bothered to re-number the list :P

25. Trauma Centre: Second Opinion - Not my purchase but I cant be bothered to re-number the list :P

26. Starfleet Academy - Bought from GOG but was struggling to map the controls properly. Need to try again at some point.

27. Sniper Elite 3 - Played the first few levels but wasnt enjoying the stealth sections

28. Battlefield 4 - Only done a bit of the single player but I've really been enjoying the multiplayer

29. Witcher 3 - Completed - Awesome

30. Bloodborne - I may go back to it eventually but I just dont think its my kind of game

31. Lara Croft: The Temple of Osiris - Havent tried yet. Bought it when it was cheap because I liked the first one

32. Akiba Strip - Dropping in and out of this at the moment

33. Elder Scrolls Online - Level 7 at the moment, playing most days

34. Steins Gate - Only just ordered, not even arrived yet!

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So far, this year has been a real breath of fresh air for me in terms of gaming. I'm buying a lot less games than I used to and just either playing ones that I have yet to finish or just revisiting ones that I haven't played in a while, which has been a great experience. It has made me feel a lot better when I do buy a game because I can pretty much focus on my new purchase, rather than jumping from game to game, not finishing either of them.


I think our gaming has been scarily similar this year and I'm totally in the same boat in regards to buying less games and thoroughly enjoying what I have :hehe:


I've actually sold more games in 2015 than I've bought! I had quite a few that I just knew I'd never play or probably weren't worth playing :heh:

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That and Destiny has kept you busy, negating the need to buy other games. :D


True, but I Platinumed Far Cry 4. Completed loads of PSN games like Unfinished Swan and Valiant Hearts. I'm a good way through Witcher 3. Played a load of Helldivers and Drive Club, too. Finished Bloodborne. Making my way through Walking Dead now.


I don't play Destiny anywhere near as much as I did end of last year. I took a couple months off, too. Weirdly I'd say Destiny hasn't kept me from other games, more from doing non-gaming stuff.


I held off picking up Dying Light, Mordor, GTA V and will give Batman a miss because I'm still playing Witcher 3.

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