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Your 2015 Gaming Diary

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Finished Panzer Dragoon Saga. Bit of a weird feeling really, since it's taken me 17 years and £160 to finally finish it.


Just got Knights of the Old Republic to do, then probably on to the sequel. Still need to try GTA heists too.

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Gah. Spent another 30 mins on WW and am stuck in the tower place. I can't get the second statue to follow me across the hole. I'm stumped.


Do you want me to tell you the answer or do you want to figure out the surprisingly simple solution on your own?

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I had a bit of a lazy morning in bed today and fully finished Super Mario World, having been chipping away at it this week. I don't think I'll ever stop loving that game :love:


Knowing the game so intimately really does make me view the New Super Mario Bros series in a completely different and perhaps underwhelming light. I've played them all and actually enjoy them a great deal but I honestly couldn't pick out one of those games and be able to tell you instantly what specific worlds or levels are in it and what each one contains.


I'm sure a large part of it is growing up with Super Mario World and exploring it in great detail, as well as being through it multiple times, but it definitely has that memorable quality that I don't feel has been seen in a 2D Mario game since then.


Anyway, I've always been playing Professor Layton and the Curious Village this week and Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker. It's been a good week :heh:

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Started up last weekend, and finished it this weekend Valient Hearts. What a nice little game, very charming. I enjoyed it, and if it wasn't for PS+ i probably would never have thought to play a game like this.


Glad to see more and more people playing this game.


I started and finished Final Fantasty Type-0 over the weekend. Really enjoyed it and will just quote my thoughts about it from the other thread.


Platinum GET!


Really enjoyed this game and glad I finally got to play it. I was one of those who was hoping it would get released over here on the PSP, so for it to finally arrive on these shores and on a console pleased me greatly.


Firstly, the bad stuff. Some of the voice acting is terrible, like really bad. I dunno if it's the way the characters are wrote, the delivery or maybe just both.


You can tell it was a PSP game due to the structure of the missions. Many of them are just corridors or streets with a few enemies scattered about.


The story was really good at the start but in true S-E fashion things get a bit weird at the end and I would have preferred it to stay grounded and concentrate on the political side of things.


Now the good stuff. The soundtrack is amazing, not just the new music but remixed songs of classic Final Fantasy tunes as well. One of the best soundtracks for a JRPG that I've heard in a while.


Some of the characters I absolutely loved. I also enjoyed the variety that each of them brings to the game. I often favoured the ones that could do long range attacks with guns or playing cards. I loved Ace! It felt like I was playing as Gambit through the game.


Some of the classic nods to other FF games like FFVI and especially FFV were done amazingly well. The FFV reference gave me such a huge smile and the event and how they fit it into the game was fantastic.


S-E had me in tears at the end again. I think that's the 5th game they've made that has brought me to tears. Well played, S-E.

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The game looks very lighthearted but it gets very dark at times. The ending though....:weep:
Yeah, I finished Valiant Hearts recently, ending was full-on. :(


Gameplay was pretty formulaic, and the puzzle elements were incredibly simple (although it did have me scratching my head on a couple of occasions) but I was compelled to keep playing due to the story. :o Unusual for me, as that's the aspect of gaming I give least importance to, but in this case it really was the driving force.


I enjoyed it, and if it wasn't for PS+ i probably would never have thought to play a game like this.
Same here. Gotta love PS+. :)


In other gaming diary news... Yesterday I decided to go back to an older game (something I rarely do these days) and I ended up playing through one of my favourite Wii games, Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (all the way to Remix 10) in a single session. :awesome: Man, that game is as fantastic as ever. icon14.gif I had an ear to ear grin on my face the entire time. :love:

I also decided to skip the practice sections, which made things even funnier when I couldn't remember which games used A+B inputs. :laughing:



in January:____________

Resogun (PS4)

Shovel Knight (Wii U)

Alien: Isolation (PS4)

Kirby Triple Deluxe (3DS) started in 2014

LittleBigPlanet 3 (PS4)

Duck Tales: Remastered (PS3+)

Dark Souls II (PS3) started in 2014

The Swapper (PS4+)

in February:____________

InFAMOUS First Light (PS4+)

Apotheon (PS4+)

Fire Emblem Awakening (3DS) started in 2014

Yakuza 4 (PS3+)

in March:____________

Rogue Legacy (PS4+)

OlliOlli 2 (PS4+)

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (3DS)

3D Out Run (3DS)

Papo & Yo (PS3+)

MHbUwnT.gifValiant Hearts: The Great War (PS4+)

MHbUwnT.gifBeat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (Wii)

MHbUwnT.gifMighty Switch Force! 2 (3DS)



New Super Mario Bros. U (Wii U) started in 2014

Driveclub (PS4)



Just wrapped up Mighty Switch Force! 2, another short but sweet game to add to the diary for March. :hehe:

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I had a bit of a lazy morning in bed today and fully finished Super Mario World, having been chipping away at it this week. I don't think I'll ever stop loving that game :love:


Knowing the game so intimately really does make me view the New Super Mario Bros series in a completely different and perhaps underwhelming light. I've played them all and actually enjoy them a great deal but I honestly couldn't pick out one of those games and be able to tell you instantly what specific worlds or levels are in it and what each one contains.


I'm sure a large part of it is growing up with Super Mario World and exploring it in great detail, as well as being through it multiple times, but it definitely has that memorable quality that I don't feel has been seen in a 2D Mario game since then.


Without getting too close to a Super Mario fetishism and derailing the thread - do you find the same feeling with any other Mario games? I played SMB3 after SMW, but have been through similar and feel I know it pretty bloody well(not AS tightly as SMW, but still quite well). SMB2 I'm pretty down with too. The only one to have done similar for me since SMW would be SM64.

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Without getting too close to a Super Mario fetishism and derailing the thread - do you find the same feeling with any other Mario games? I played SMB3 after SMW, but have been through similar and feel I know it pretty bloody well(not AS tightly as SMW, but still quite well). SMB2 I'm pretty down with too. The only one to have done similar for me since SMW would be SM64.


It's funny because that's the same for me.


I love all the Mario games and enjoy them all but there's something special about SMW and SM64 that brings out a sense of satisfaction, joy and nostalgia all at the same time.

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Oh man, Super Mario World.


Still have to play it this year. I've completed it multiple times each year since I've gotten it for my Wii.


Now I have a SNES and love to bring back part of my childhood once in a while :)


Having just seen the N-E frontpage article about titles available for download in the Stars catalogue I'm very close to registering all my still hanging around scratchoffs if they'll amount to SMW for WiiU. Quite keen for my mates to come round for a marathon day of it at some point. Just wish the Stars catalogue hadn't been so fucking retarded(as it seems, with Nintendo) to make your stars expire. Sure I redeemed original wii credit that expired too. Fucking...fuckers. Grrr.



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Without getting too close to a Super Mario fetishism and derailing the thread - do you find the same feeling with any other Mario games?


Like @Hero\-of\-Time, Super Mario 64 is as close as any Mario game has come to being as memorable in my mind as Super Mario World. Having played through it last year and having a ridiculously good time, I came away from it feeling like I knew it all pretty well and can picture all the levels and their layouts in my head without much thought.


I love Super Mario Galaxy to the point where clearing it 100% for the first time made me wonder if it was my favourite game ever. I'll definitely be through it again in the coming years but as special as it was, I have no idea what levels are where or what is specifically included in each.


Like you, @Rummy, I didn't play Super Mario Bros 3 until after Super Mario World, via Super Mario Allstars. To be perfectly honest, I'm not overly fond of it and, controversially, probably prefer the Wii and Wii U New Super Mario Bros games :eek: I will probably play it again at some point but there was always something about it which just didn't sit quite right with me. If I'd played it first, things may have been different ::shrug:


Anyway, I've made a little more progress in Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker :smile: If I didn't already know rouughly how many stages are supposed to be in the game, I'd have had a heart attack when the credits started rolling after 17 or 18 stages :blank:

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*grumble**grumble* Enemy Mind is a perfectly good game that got unreasonably hard in the final level. I might need the gamepad to beat it, which is a shame. I planned on retaking it somewhere down the line, anyway, but the fact that I didn't beat it yet is going to feel like a thorn.


So, I'm retaking The Whispered World instead. A point&click adventure game I had put on hiatus due to a hectic schedule, but I can continue it now.


Also, I got access to a PS2 again recently, so I'll retake Final Fantasy X soon enough, as well.



-Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb (Last played: 11th Jan)

-Hitman Contracts (2nd February)

-Sonic CD (19th February)

-Puzzle Agent (17th February)

-Teslagrad (8th March)

-Q.U.B.E.: Director's Cut (14th March)

Currently Playing:

-The Whispered World

On Hold/Hiatus:

-Final Fantasy X

-Civilization V



-Enemy Mind (25th March)


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Like @Hero\-of\-Time, Super Mario 64 is as close as any Mario game has come to being as memorable in my mind as Super Mario World. Having played through it last year and having a ridiculously good time, I came away from it feeling like I knew it all pretty well and can picture all the levels and their layouts in my head without much thought.


I love Super Mario Galaxy to the point where clearing it 100% for the first time made me wonder if it was my favourite game ever. I'll definitely be through it again in the coming years but as special as it was, I have no idea what levels are where or what is specifically included in each.


Like you, @/ nando / - I say you should come round mine for an afternoony/day and we blitz SMW together. Swap after castles, when leaving a world, or dying ;)

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If you ever end up down London for some reason @/ nando / - I say you should come round mine for an afternoony/day and we blitz SMW together. Swap after castles, when leaving a world, or dying ;)


I'm finding it hard to resist booking a flight over :heh:


I remember playing Donkey Kong Country with one of my friends a couple of years ago where we used a stop watch to race each other through levels, as well as doing the 2-Player Contest mode to see who could reach the end of a world first. It was good fun :hehe:

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We finished The Walking Dead - Season Two yesterday.


There is now a big hole in my life as I eagerly await season three. Please arrive soon.


Overall, Season One was better. Season Two could never live up to it as the bar had been set so ridiculously high to begin with, but there were still so many awesome or touching moments in this. I agonised over the final two decisions I had to make during the last episode.


I couldn't decide whether to kill Kenny or let him kill Jane. In the end, I killed him as I didn't think Jane deserved to die and Kenny was almost too far gone. The game hinted at him turning into a Carver-like character and I think he would eventually have become that way.


The final decision to either let the family in or tell them to go away was also hard. You've been double crossed so many times in this game that it's almost down to luck if somebody turns on you or not. I let them in and think it was the right thing to do. It would have been against Clementine's nature to tell them to go away so I did what she would/should have done rather that base it on what I saw as the gamer, if that makes sense.


Can't believe Luke died. That bummed me out in the same sort of way that Hershel's death in the TV series ruined me.



Games of 2015


Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor - Finished and Platinumed

Transistor - Finished

The Walking Dead Season One - Finished and Platinumed

inFAMOUS Second Son - good ending completed

Watchdogs - started in 2014, finally finished main story

The Walking Dead Season Two - Finished

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Coming to the end of March and I still haven't finished Ocarina of Time... I'm at Gerudo Fortress so there's still time, can't wait 'til it's done!! Been playing lots this month, but mainly puzzlers or games you can't "finish" But still managed to get 5 done.


Finished Wheres Wally on the iPad, and I have to say I thought it was an amazing game actually, perfect iPad fodder, but I enjpyed it a lot and had a surprising amount of content and different ideas in it. Tried the sequel, Hollywood, and they ruined it, and it kept crashing so I binned it off!


Blek - an amazing little puzzler on the Wii U. Short at 60 levels, but I didn't care, still worth it, different to anything else I've played. If you like puzzlers i'd recommend it highly, or even if you just like innovative gameplay.



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Mega Man 2 -I'm loving replaying through all the mega man games, they are such a strong memory from when I was a kid. I think they're still brilliant today too, and seeing them develop with each game, they really got a lot out of the NES. Mega Man 2 was always my favourite and even after 3 I'm thinking that was right, but we'll see. After playing Shovel Knight too you can really see how important Mega Man was to that incredible game.



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Donkey Kong Country - I can't believe this game is over 20 years old, and only a few years older than Mega Man 2. Looks incredible, especially the gamepad. Absolutely loved playing it through again!! 2 next!



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The credits rolled in Professor Layton and the Curious Village last night :smile:


It was a great wee game and one that I'm glad to have finally picked up and played, even if it felt like some of the puzzles were repeated a few too many times. I still have the odd puzzle to hunt down that I seem to have missed on my way through so I'll likely get through those before putting the game back on the shelf. I just hope there's no more slide puzzles as I tend to dislike those.. and always have :heh:


If someone handed me a Rubik's Cube today, I'd throw it at their face.. or maybe their balls :nono:

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Wind Waker HD


3D Afterburner II

3D Streets of Rage

New Super Mario Bros U

Shantae and the Pirate's Curse (3DS)

Shantae and the Pirate's Curse (Wii U)

Mighty Switch Force (3DS) - Par times

Mighty Switch Force (Wii U) - Par times

Mighty Switch Force 2 (3DS) - Par times

Mighty Switch Force 2 (Wii U) - Par times

Majora's Mask 3D

3D Galaxy Force II

3D Out Run

Super Mario 3D World



So, finished off Super Mario 3D World. Really enjoyed it for the most part, but like most EAD Tokyo games, it became too difficult for me eventually. I got every star up until Champion Road and Mystery House Marathon, at which point I tried them about 20 times each, then gave up. Yes, maybe I'd be able to memorise them if I tried them 300 times, but to me that's not entertainment. I used to love 100% completing Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine, but as long as EAD Tokyo make them the way they have since Galaxy 2, I'll have to leave them uncompleted.


Now today I did a strange thing. I got a compulsion to play a particular game. For many years, part of my fabric has been missing and so, like a zombie, I fixed up my PS2 and inserted...


Dragon Quest: Journey of the Cursed King!



To be honest, it hasn't aged brilliantly. It's in need of an HD makeover, and the gameplay can be quite slow and plodding. However, I love this game more than I can explain. Going through it focusing on Spears and Axes - am going to see how low-level I can complete it, and also if I can get all the Metal King armour!

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1-up Mushroom

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