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Your 2015 Gaming Diary

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I've been playing a considerable amount of Super Smash Bros on Wii U and 3DS since Christmas but I've just cleared my first game of 2015 this morning. I thought it might be a nice idea to have a thread for everyone to keep track of what they've been playing throughout the year and what has been completed. I know several of you have been through 2 or 3 games already in the first week of the year :heh:


I've been playing this on and off for the last week or so but I finally got around to beating Star Wars: Rogue Leader today after quite a few attempts at the final stage, 'Strike at the Core' :smile:



I am by no means a fan of the franchise.. indeed, I've only ever seen Episode I (somewhat against my will :indeed:) I've had Rogue Leader for a number of years now but was never past the 'Raid on Bespin' stage. A corrupt memory card several years ago meant that I was resuming the game from an earlier point than that this time but with a desire to see it through to the end. Thankfully, I managed it after all these years and I actually had fun doing it :hehe:


There were certainly moments of frustration but it's nice to know that there are a few extra missions to unlock should I ever want to dip into it again :smile:


I haven't decided on my next venture yet, though. There are numerous games in my collection that are indefinitely suspended until I can conjure up the desire to return, such as Okami on Wii and Viewtiful Joe on GC. The latter jumped out at me from the shelf this morning but I fear taking a hell of a beating in it and destroying my hopes of finishing it for good :eek:

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Oooh! Awesome idea! I'm in for that!


I just recently finished Lufia: The Legend Returns!


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Next I'm gonna carry on with The World Ends With You, which I've decided to give a second chance after being put off by it's convoluted battle system.


I've also almost finished Captain Toad 100%, just a few challenges to do until I unlock the final few levels.


But yeah, I love this idea. I'm gonna start my list now.


Lufia: The Legend Returns - GBC

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker - WiiU (Not 100%)


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So far I've just been playing Wind Waker HD. For one reason or another, I bought the Wii U in May and hardly touched it after that (very little to do with the console itself). Am getting back into Wind Waker again now, and I'm glad I am because it's stunning.


EDIT - And done. Amazing game!

Edited by Grazza
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Going to get back into ZombiU at some point this year, just as soon as my anxiety can take the hit. Also finish Remember Me and as much of Dark Souls as I can before No Man's Sky comes out (whenever that is), at which point I will swap my 360 out for a PS4.

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I've been playing this on and off for the last week or so but I finally got around to beating Star Wars: Rogue Leader today after quite a few attempts at the final stage, 'Strike at the Core' :smile:



I am by no means a fan of the franchise.. indeed, I've only ever seen Episode I (somewhat against my will :indeed:) I've had Rogue Leader for a number of years now but was never past the 'Raid on Bespin' stage. A corrupt memory card several years ago meant that I was resuming the game from an earlier point than that this time but with a desire to see it through to the end. Thankfully, I managed it after all these years and I actually had fun doing it :hehe:


There were certainly moments of frustration but it's nice to know that there are a few extra missions to unlock should I ever want to dip into it again :smile:


This game is God tier.


The best level for me has to be The Battle of Endor. Taking down Star Destroyers, battling against a massive squadron of Tie Fighters and all the while the epic music from the this exact part of the movie is playing. Truly glorious.


So far i've finished Valiant Hearts ( PS4 ), Donkey Kong 94 ( 3DS VC ), Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 ( 3DS VC ) and Donkey Kong Land ( 3DS VC ). Thoughts can be found in the relevant threads.


I'm on tackling Links Awakening at the moment but it a set back when I accidentally overwrite my saved data. No worries as I started again and was back to where I was within an hour. :D I'm hoping to finish this over the weekend.

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My 2015 gaming diary so far...


Have beat:

Resogun (PS4)

Shovel Knight (Wii U)


Have completed:

Nothing. :heh:Really don't seem to fully complete many games anymore, which is a bit worrying. But hey, early days yet. :hehe:


Currently playing:

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Wii U) Beat this game in December, but still have some stages left to play (hopefully this will be a game I can fully complete at some point).

Kirby Triple Deluxe (3DS)

Alien: Isolation (PS4)

LittleBigPlanet 3 (PS4)

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I :heart: this thread idea Nando!


Here's me so far:


Completed games

Sunset Overdrive (finished properly in 2015 despite starting in 2014)

Murdered: Soul Suspect - So damn good, if short

Contrast - XBOX One arcade game, again short but interest. Interesting game mechanic

Thomas Was Alone Lovely game. Not too challenging, enough to be enjoyable all the way through


Currently playing

Pokemon Alpha Sapphire - struggling to get through it, if I'm honest...

Forza Horizon 2 Kinda done with it, but will be dipping back in and out


To be played

The Last of Us

It's my only PS4 game having got the console for Christmas. Not touched PS4 yet as I wanted to clear some of the games in 'completed' status. Now I have, I'm ready for my PS4 adventure to begin! :D

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Haha, well my gaming is more down to starting after xmas (so technically 2014) but has spilled into 2015 and completed then.



But Murdered Soul Suspect lasted about 8 hours, Contrast about 3 and Thomas Was Alone about 4. So not massive games at all.

I have really enjoyed managing to play through games and finish them though, as I am particualrly bad at seeing a game through unless I absolutely love it. I'll enjoy a game, but never manage to finish it off without starting something else. I made it my new years resolution to start finishing games before moving on to something else, hence why The Last of Us has been sat on the shelf since Christmas day! :heh:


But soon my pretty... soon.

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The best level for me has to be The Battle of Endor..


I liked it in the end but I failed that mission countless times before I finally realised what I had to do at the start. Taking down the TIEs was fine but then there were 'Bombers' and I didn't actually realise that I was supposed to be shooting down anything other than the enemy ships on screen. It wasn't until I realised that the scanner showed them in yellow while the TIEs were in purple that it finally dawned on me that I had to clear them out of the way before progressing :blank:


I actually wasn't entirely what to do on several occasions throughout the game, but I reckon that stems from my lack of Star Wars knowledge :red:

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New Years Day I completed Batman: Origins Wii U. I started replaying it over xmas as I'm desperate to go through my backlog. It was a chore at first but I actually grew to love it and spent more time on the crazy amount of side quests as I was loving it so much. Surprising lack of boss fights (seemed to just turn into cut scenes so presume they ran out of dev time) but didn't mind so much.


Then on 2nd of Jan I played straight through and finished Tengami. Disappointing game, sort of, it's absolutely beautiful to play, very quick, but way too basic. The puzzles are so easy and simple it's not really a point and click adventure at all, combined with no story it' doesn't keep you hooked. But as it is short, it isn't huge problem and the design and mood of the game was just enough for me to really enjoy the couple of hours it lasts.


I'm currently playing through Shovel knight, Toad (so close)and Zelda Between Worlds. I reckon I can get them all done in the next week or so. Productive!!

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So far, a week and a bit into 2015, I've managed to complete:


Thomas Was Alone (PS4) - Really enjoyed this. Simple but with enough depth to make sure it doesn't become dull towards the tail end of the game. Definitely doesn't outstay its welcome, I think it looks great (in that basic aesthetic kind of way), the soundtrack is great and even Danny Wallace's narration didn't grate on me, which I thought it would. Have the Benjamin's Flight add-on to play through but the fact that 3 of the trophies for collecting the little blocks in certain levels have glitched and won't unlock has kinda put me off for a bit but will definitely head back in to finish up those extra levels.


Never Alone (PS4) - Again, I found this to be rather enjoyable. The gameplay could be more polished as certain aspects aren't as intuitive as they could've been, both in terms of the mechanics and in terms of the controls used for them, and I didn't find it got a tiny bit frustrating in one or two places where the level design didn't help some of the control issues, but that being said I thought the game looked great, the soundtrack was brilliant and I just found the whole thing hugely enjoyable. The little documentary, cultural insight videos are a nice touch and though some could've been longer and gone into more depth on some aspects of the culture, I really liked being able to learn little things about a culture that I wouldn't normally have been able to.


I think this one is slightly more a game that you play for the story and the culture surrounding it, which is absolutely fine, but a bit more polish could've made the actual gameplay that much more engaging. Is it worth the £11.99 price tag on the PSN Store (probably cheaper on Steam atm)? Perhaps not but then again, I don't begrudge having paid that as the experience from the game and the cultural learning, for me at least, was definitely something worthwhile. It was and it wasn't a unique experience but one I do actually think I'll play through again.


Aside from those, currently also playing through Valiant Hearts and The Unfinished Swan and hopefully with the limited time I have to play, with work starting back up, they'll keep me going till Grim Fandango (I've never played it) and the first episode of Life Is Strange are released at the end of January, as well as hopefully a soonish release date for The Talos Principle on consoles.

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Im currently replaying GTA V at the moment on the PS4 and really enjoying the first person mode. Spending a lot of time on the online stuff as well which I did like in the original but seemed to drift away from.


Still got quite a few games though that I'm going to need to get back to:


Assassin's Creed Unity

Shadow of Mordor

Super Smash Bros Wii U

Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition

Halo Master Chief Collection

Dragon Age: Inquisition


Danganronpa 1+2

Professor Layton Vs Phoenix Wright

Final Fantasy XIII

Valkyria Chronicles

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I had a couple of friends over last night and we broke out a game that we haven't played for a good while..



I have to say, I loved this game when I originally got it.. and it's still AWESOME :yay: It's a shame the game gets looked on poorly by some but I had an absolute blast with it again and find myself wanting to play through it all once more, despite already having platinum medals on each stage. Couldn't hurt to try to improve some scores a little, eh..? :hehe:

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I have to say, I loved this game when I originally got it.. and it's still AWESOME :yay: It's a shame the game gets looked on poorly by some but I had an absolute blast with it again and find myself wanting to play through it all once more, despite already having platinum medals on each stage. Couldn't hurt to try to improve some scores a little, eh..? :hehe:


Loved that game. Short but so very sweet.


Links Awakening complete!


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I was tempted to post all of the pictures that you get taken ( didn't get the last one though as I wasn't gonna steal the item and be called THIEF for the rest of the game ) but with Miiverse being so slow on the 3DS I didn't bother.


Love the Ballad of the Wind Fish. It has to be one of my favourite Zelda tunes. Every time it started playing I just sat for a couple of minutes to listen to it.


Having played later Zelda games on the DS/3DS it was a bit of a nightmare having to keep opening the menu up to access my items. The amount of times you have to switch your items is a real killer but I suppose it couldn't be helped given the hardware that it originally ran on.


Having the Mario enemies in the game, as well as Kirby, always seemed weird to me. Yeah, it was a dream world but still. Saying that, it made the inclusion of Wart fit nicely.


Great game. Not in my top 5 Zeldas but still a worthy entry to the series.


Not sure what to tackle next. Dunno whether to carry on with my 3DS games or move on to a different console. After playing Valiant Hearts I fancy giving Child of Light a go. I've had the Vita version sitting on the shelf for a while now. Hmmmm...

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Loved that game. Short but so very sweet.


Links Awakening complete!


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Love the Ballad of the Wind Fish. It has to be one of my favourite Zelda tunes. Every time it started playing I just sat for a couple of minutes to listen to it.


These are 2 reasons why LA will forever remain the best handheld Zelda.


I was tempted to post all of the pictures that you get taken ( didn't get the last one though as I wasn't gonna steal the item and be called THIEF for the rest of the game ) but with Miiverse being so slow on the 3DS I didn't bother.


You sure you still don't want a N3DS? ;)

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You sure you still don't want a N3DS? ;)


I do enjoy Miiverse but I have chance to have finished most, if not all, of my 3DS backlog before the machine officially hits. Monster Hunter will probably be the reason I pick one up, providing there is a good community playing it on here though.


Back to LA, I love the Marin character and think she is much better than Zelda. At least when it comes to the earlier Zelda games. She just seem to have more character to her and makes the ending to the game even sadder. :(

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I forgot to mention the boomerang when I talked about LA. How over powered is that weapon in the game? It's an absolute beast!


I was gonna start Child of Light but decided to go with Oracle of Seasons. My Zelda mood is still strong so figured I would carry on with the series.


I have to admit, I'm not a huge fan of the Oracle games. Even when I was younger I never really enjoyed them. I bought them on the eShop when they were cheap in the hopes that I would perhaps appreciate them more now. Sadly it hasn't been the case.


I'm 4 dungeons in and I'm still not feeling the game. I dunno what it is about these Zelda games but they just never sat right with me. It's not a Capcom thing either as I adore Minish Cap.


I'll continue to play it to completion though. I picked Moosh as my animal buddy. Love me that flying bear. :D


Nando, are we supposed to just write when we actually finish the game in here or do we chronicle our adventures as well?

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Nando, are we supposed to just write when we actually finish the game in here or do we chronicle our adventures as well?


It's your diary.. so do with it as you please :smile:


I'm in the mood to play Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 but it doesn't work via my Wii Component Cable on my TV :hmm:

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3 sages in to Zelda in between worlds. IN the main the game is amazing, but I really HATE the item renting system, it adds nothing, and is just irritating when you die. It's also not as free and open as it makes you be,iece as you need an item to get in and finish a dungeon still, so it feels like a superficial I cousin with added annoyance. Doesn't work for me at all and is the on,y sour point to the game.


Like hero I think I'm going to go on a Zelda games, started ages ages ago, stopped playing, need to play both of em, also want to play through and finish ocarina of time before Majoras mask.


Confession. I've never finished ocarina. Confession 2. I think it's incredibly over rated. I bought it at launch, p,yard through all the way to ganon, just never finished it. Preferred link to the past. Bought the 3ds version and that was a chore to play, bored me. I prefer every other 3d Zelda :)

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I mentioned playing Link's Crossbow Training with friends the other night but we unleashed another multiplayer treat that evening in the form of International Track & Field for PS1 :yay:




It's still such a laugh with friends and it provides substantial hilarity due to some of the animations..




As much as I LOVE this game, my arms are still sore today :red:

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I mentioned playing Link's Crossbow Training with friends the other night but we unleashed another multiplayer treat that evening in the form of International Track & Field for PS1 :yay:




It's still such a laugh with friends and it provides substantial hilarity due to some of the animations..




As much as I LOVE this game, my arms are still sore today :red:


Would darksnowman happen to be one of your mates playing these games with you? If so tell him to get his butt back on here! :D


I never really got one with Track & Field. I always preferred Athlete Kings on the Sega Saturn. Me and my mates used to play the hell out of it, and like Track & Field, we always got a good laugh at certain animations of the athletes.


Have you played it Nando?


Yesterday I had a break from Zelda and decided to start Far Cry 4 on the PS4. I needed something to break my Zelda gaming up and this seemed like a nice way to mix things up.


I only spent a couple of hours on it but already i'm in love with the setting. It gives a middle finger to those who say that shooters are all grey and brown. Some of the locations i've been in are stunning.


I had a great moment on it. I heard some of the rebels shooting at something from a distance so I wandered over to see what the fuss was about. All of a sudden a massive rhino came charging through the mini village and trampled a bunch of the rebels. I quickly started backing off, firing my gun rapidly as I was doing so. I was frantically trying to shoot and cook some grenades to take the beast down. Eventually it fell to our gun fire.


I had trouble sleeping last night and woke up early this morning. I played an hour of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons, which allowed me to finish the 5th dungeon. I will be looking to finish it this week. I don't think i'll start Oracle of Ages after this. I'm already starting to feel worn out by this one. It doesn't help that I think both of these games are probably the weakest two in the franchise.

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