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Nintendo 2015 Predictions


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So 2015 has arrived and here's what Nintendo have said will be in store for us this year.













So, what does everyone else think will be on the cards this year? Will all of these games make it? What surprises will be in store throughout the years Nintendo Directs and E3?


1. Either Xenoblade X or Zelda Wii U will be pushed back into 2016.


I just can't see both of these launching this year. If they do then great, but i'm not optimistic. Out of both of them I imagine Xenoblade will be the one to miss the boat.


2. A new Metroid will be shown and be exclusive to the new 3DS.


Nintendo are going to have to give people a reason to upgrade to the new model. As it stands it doesn't offer anything substantial in terms of getting people to buy the machine again. I think a new Metroid would be perfect. It could even have first person sections now that the 3DS has to sticks.


3. Diddy Kong Racing will return.


There were rumours of this being in development last year. Of course nothing surfaced and it could have all been rubbish. Still, I think it's a fair shout that it may still happen but I would probably think it's a 3DS title given that Mario Kart 8 is still going strong and will continue to do so with the second batch of DLC.


4. Nintendo still won't do voice chat properly.


With Splatoon heading our way soon, this is another chance for Nintendo to allow gamers to actually talk during an online game. With Splatoon being the kind of game that it is, it looks like it will require team work, which requires communication. Anyone who has played online shooters, or even something like Monster Hunter, know just how important talking to your team is.


I think they will either not allow voice chat, have some messages like in Mario Kart or allow voice chat but has to be through the GamePad which just wouldn't cut it.


5. No new hardware news this year.


I'm talking gaming stuff, not QoL rubbish. The new 3DS is launching this year for the western market so I can't see Nintendo talking about their next handheld yet. The Wii U seems to have a pretty good line up so far and I think we won't here about their next console until at least next E3.


So, there's a few of mine to get things started. Anyone else care to look into their crystal ball and spit out a few predictions?

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Isn't Xenoblade X due for release in the spring, at least in Japan? Sure someone posted an article a while back about how it was a lot further along in development than people would think.


Yeah, Spring over there but as Retro said, targeting 2015 for us. Iwata using the word targeting doesn't exactly fill me with confidence.

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With how fast games are translated these days I can't believe that a game released in Spring in Japan will not be released in 2015 in Europe. In my opinion Nintendo need to do everything they can to make sure the game releases this year, I reckon end of September.

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Agree with most of the above


- X and Zelda to be released in 2015. The latter for sure, they wouldn't have made a big point of saying so otherwise.

- Captain Toad DLC

- Dedicated Amiibo game. I'd love a platformer but some party game board game nonsense seems more likely

- Metroid 3DS. Not exclusive to new 3DS. Think they'd rather take advantage of the 40million install base than start from scratch on that front

- Animal Crossing U maybe?


What's been revealed + some of the above would be a pretty incredible year.

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Zelda Wii U will get delayed till 2016, Xenoblade X will comfortably make it for 2015 though.


Yoshi's Wooly World will be a March/April release worldwide.


Jam With The Band Pro will be localised as a digital only release (just like Nintendo Pocket Football Club).


SNES Mouse games (starting with Mario Paint) will come to the Wii U VC at some point during 2015 (probably to coincide with the release of Mario Maker).


Project Zero 5 and Rodea: The Sky Soldier (on both Wii U and 3DS) will get physical & digital releases worldwide during 2015.


Pokemon Z will release as a New3DS enhanced game (non-crappy framerate edition hopefully!)


Fire Emblem Path of Radiance & Radiant Dawn will be ported as New3DS only games in 2015.


Nintendo's Amiibo Card game will see release in 2015 for 3DS.


One 1st/2nd party new IP released as a New3DS exclusive in 2015. Either that, or a New3DS exclusive Metroid.


Japan will see the release of Yokai Watch 3, with full Amiibo support (illegal amounts of money is printed as a result!)


Monster Hunter 5 is announced as a New3DS exclusive game, probably not released till early 2016 though (this one is a bit of a shot in the dark, cause it might still be a bit early for that...)


Nicalis will still fail to release anything in Europe in 2015 :p

Edited by Dcubed
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Great Detective Pikachu in Summer 2015. Aww yeah. Game of the Year


Pokemon X2 and Y2. They seem to be bringing out a new main series Pokemon game every year now.


They're really not.


Plus I have logical evidence that supports that 2015 will be a year off of main series games (though early 2016 release will exist)

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X and Zelda to make this year. It's the final year for Wii u.


Next gen handheld announced, all Wii u eshop games and VC games will work day 1.


Nintendoland 2 - amiibo version


N64, gamecube and DS VC finally detailed and released.


DLC/eshop crazy - toad, smash, more mario kart, more Hyrule, Starfox is episodic, mario maker has free dlc etc etc

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Zelda Wii U will get delayed till 2016.


Aonuma a few weeks ago: "it's released next year"

Miyamoto: "wow, you'll really have it out next year?"

Aonuma: "yes, absolutely"


They didn't have to say any of that, but chose to make a point of it. No way will Zelda get delayed. Though not sure why I'm arguing with someone with such a terrible history of release date predictions ;)

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X will hit this year in Europe. There's a tonne of translation, both text and audio but it shall be done. I don't know what Kirbys excuse is(there is none) but Monolith Soft will not let me down.


Pikmin 4 is coming.


Price drop for Wii U. Probably by March to ward off the shareholders.


Wii U dropped by more retailers.


Whatever Retro are doing will be announced. Please God not another DK but nothing would surprise me. Won't risk making a Metroid for Wii U.


Nintendo will want to get to 2016 as quick as possible and forget the Wii U ever existed.


Pokemon will be exterminated. One can dream.


Unfortunately more Captain Toad, most probably DLC that's sitting in a vault.


As you can tell I'm in an optimistic/realistic mood bar Pukemon.

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Zelda Wii U will get delayed till 2016


Are you sure you want to do this again Dcubed... :heh:


Predictions hmm.

I think it'll be more of the same formula we've seen from Nintendo the last few years.


So I think there will be quite a few sequels announced. Not all for release in 2015, announced but released next year.

It wouldn't surprise me to see Pikmin 4 as someone else said.

I think we could possibly get a Mario Golf or tennis game on the Wii U, however that would be extremely welcome for me!


I also have a feeling we might see a 'new' new new new Super Mario Bros for Christmas.


Nintendo seem to be heavily reliant upon their classic characters and franchises to sell systems / games and I don't really blame them for that. So more of what they do so well is why I have a Wii U.

I think we will get some new stuff in the way of Amiibo support, so a game that is fully functional for the figurines. Perhaps they're waiting to release all the figures before they do that.


And probably some dreadful Pokemon spin off. Mystery Dungeon imma be looking your way. When all we really want is Pokemon Snap U. :heh:

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Pokemon will be exterminated. One can dream.


Yeah they're totally going to drop the series that saved them in the 90s and sold 7.7m units in two weeks late last year.




And probably some dreadful Pokemon spin off. Mystery Dungeon imma be looking your way. When all we really want is Pokemon Snap U. :heh:




Nuts to Dungeon :p

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Yeah they're totally going to drop the series that saved them in the 90s and sold 7.7m units in two weeks late last year.




@Wii doesn't like "pukemon" (another bit of genius) remember, therefore, Nintendo should stop making it.


Nintendo will want to get to 2016 as quick as possible and forget the Wii U ever existed.


Yes, by releasing well over a dozen titles in 2015, that really sounds like they want to get the year over with. :indeed:

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More Mario Kart 8 DLC. Sells well and it's better than releasing a sequel.

Pokemon on Wii U. Aside from Rumble we haven't had a Pokemon game on the home console for a while. I'm thinking just a stadium like game rather than a story based one.

A Wii U hardware revision. Soft relaunch now that it's picked up a good catalogue of games, similar to what happened with the 3DS.

Zelda U delayed.

Metroid announced? Please please please.

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So 2015 has arrived and here's what Nintendo have said will be in store for us this year.













So, what does everyone else think will be on the cards this year? Will all of these games make it? What surprises will be in store throughout the years Nintendo Directs and E3?


1. Either Xenoblade X or Zelda Wii U will be pushed back into 2016.


I just can't see both of these launching this year. If they do then great, but i'm not optimistic. Out of both of them I imagine Xenoblade will be the one to miss the boat.


2. A new Metroid will be shown and be exclusive to the new 3DS.


Nintendo are going to have to give people a reason to upgrade to the new model. As it stands it doesn't offer anything substantial in terms of getting people to buy the machine again. I think a new Metroid would be perfect. It could even have first person sections now that the 3DS has to sticks.


3. Diddy Kong Racing will return.


There were rumours of this being in development last year. Of course nothing surfaced and it could have all been rubbish. Still, I think it's a fair shout that it may still happen but I would probably think it's a 3DS title given that Mario Kart 8 is still going strong and will continue to do so with the second batch of DLC.


4. Nintendo still won't do voice chat properly.


With Splatoon heading our way soon, this is another chance for Nintendo to allow gamers to actually talk during an online game. With Splatoon being the kind of game that it is, it looks like it will require team work, which requires communication. Anyone who has played online shooters, or even something like Monster Hunter, know just how important talking to your team is.


I think they will either not allow voice chat, have some messages like in Mario Kart or allow voice chat but has to be through the GamePad which just wouldn't cut it.


5. No new hardware news this year.


I'm talking gaming stuff, not QoL rubbish. The new 3DS is launching this year for the western market so I can't see Nintendo talking about their next handheld yet. The Wii U seems to have a pretty good line up so far and I think we won't here about their next console until at least next E3.


So, there's a few of mine to get things started. Anyone else care to look into their crystal ball and spit out a few predictions?


...those predictions are actually very, very good. I'm going to take the easy way out and am going to go with all of yours. Diddy Kong Racing coming back would make sense. It's an older franchise and the 3DS could do with another game. Could be 2015's comeback-of-an-older-franchise type of thing.


Aside from that, I really don't know. I can't see third parties coming back and I think Nintendo will have a year similar to 2014 where they just go it alone. E32016 for the new hardware to be released for Christmas of that year.

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I had a long reply but pressed refresh by mistake. I'll deal with this in the morning. Could be my last time out for a while so I'm going to try and enjoy it.


As long as it's contributing to the topic and isn't designed to wind people up. I'll let previous posts slide as long as nothing else happens.


This applies to others as well, don't go ruining a good thread with your bickering.

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Animal Crossing Wii u is a cert, forgot to mention that. Absolute, unfortunate cert


If they must make another sequel then AC is a good series to go with. I'd love to see it packed with lots of new ideas and stuff to do. Some more online features would also be really neat.


Not sure what I predict here. I would absolutely love a new Harvest Moon game but on Wii U, but I think that series is really locked onto handhelds these days. Shame as I liked the console versions the most.

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