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Nintendo 3DS Direct - 29/08/2014 - 12pm


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Does nobody else seriously see the MM experience being hampered by the 3DS's sleep functionality? Unless that's disabled somehow for MM, I just don't think it'd be the same.


Having said that - I don't believe they'll do MM on 3DS for that very reason.

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I don't know much about Majora's Mask at all, just that it's apparently awesome, I really want to play it, and a lot of things have pointed towards it coming out on 3DS for a VERY long time now.


So I'm hoping it does get announced! I heard it does use a time-based thing though? Is that why you don't think it will work for 3DS? Is it integral to the entire game or could it be altered to make it less restricting on gameplay. I heard you have to complete it in 3 days or something weird. It's actually one of the reasons I never got 'round to playing it, I take 6 months to complete anything :p

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Does nobody else seriously see the MM experience being hampered by the 3DS's sleep functionality? Unless that's disabled somehow for MM, I just don't think it'd be the same.


Having said that - I don't believe they'll do MM on 3DS for that very reason.


Maybe it's for WiiU or there is a mode where the sleep function is disabled...I wonder if that's possible.

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My hopes for this Direct:


* Release date for Shantae and the Pirate's Curse

* European release of Dragon Quest VII

* Metroid, Majora's Mask or a new Dragon Quest


(Although obviously the first two won't be addressed if this stays Japan-only.)


Does nobody else seriously see the MM experience being hampered by the 3DS's sleep functionality? Unless that's disabled somehow for MM, I just don't think it'd be the same.


Having said that - I don't believe they'll do MM on 3DS for that very reason.


Sleep Mode is just a delay though, isn't it? I don't see how it'd have an effect on MM. It wouldn't take away the actual time limit.


So I'm hoping it does get announced! I heard it does use a time-based thing though? Is that why you don't think it will work for 3DS? Is it integral to the entire game or could it be altered to make it less restricting on gameplay. I heard you have to complete it in 3 days or something weird. It's actually one of the reasons I never got 'round to playing it, I take 6 months to complete anything :p


How it works is that the events take place over three in-game days. You have to achieve little things in the game world then, at the end of the three days, travel back in time, taking your "permanent" achievements with you. So, for example, whilst you'll lose any Rupees or arrows you're carrying, you won't lose weapons, masks or anything that opens up later areas. Bit by bit, you can complete the game.

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Does nobody else seriously see the MM experience being hampered by the 3DS's sleep functionality?


Absolutely not :heh: I don't always find it possible to play something for an extended period of time and the save system in Majora's Mask isn't ideal for that reason. If I could suspend play at any given time, like in Ocarina of Time 3D, it would be much more convenient and I'm not really sure how that would impede the overall experience ::shrug:


The other problem with the save system as it stands is that I previously lost a significant chunk of progress when the GC Collector's Edition version froze on me and I had no desire to return after that :hmm:

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Yeah, makes me a sad panda.


How many times have they now had Japan only Directs? I don't just mean general ones either but the ones where they talk only about a specific game.




Seriously though, we'll just have to cross our fingers. Never know, they could still drop megatonnes.

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I don't know much about Majora's Mask at all, just that it's apparently awesome, I really want to play it, and a lot of things have pointed towards it coming out on 3DS for a VERY long time now.


So I'm hoping it does get announced! I heard it does use a time-based thing though? Is that why you don't think it will work for 3DS? Is it integral to the entire game or could it be altered to make it less restricting on gameplay. I heard you have to complete it in 3 days or something weird. It's actually one of the reasons I never got 'round to playing it, I take 6 months to complete anything :p


There's no IRL clock, the game has a 'clock' on screen at all times, that passes along and different events happen at different times on different days. There's 3 'days' - each having a day phase and a night phase, the world ends/you die on the 3rd day unless you travel back in time to the beginning of the first day by playing the ocarina(which 'saves' the game, but you lose all consumables, there's certain elements to get around issues like rupees, ofc, and items you don't lose, plus masks that all have effects). Doing this essentially 'resets' the clock, and some bits of you, but can be done at any time. There are also certain places you can go and essentially make a suspend state - but it's a one time use(ie you save, but when you load you can't reset back to that suspend save if that makes sense, if you reset the game you go back to day one AND lose any progress made in that current 3 day run).


Probably sounds weird/mad cos it's hard to explain due to its uniqueness of sorts. However it's a really interesting mechanic and a really awesome game, possibly the best if it wasn't created via OoT in some ways(though that adds even more awesomeness). Every character is programmed to be somewhere doing something at certain times(some possibly just standing still/hanging around, but some are actually making trips/journeys of sorts). Sometimes actions taken can affect the later days, as you can imagine. There's only 4 real 'dungeons' but such a wealth of side-quest/content(some often neccessary) that it's a very...immersive experience imo, for want of a better world.




Sleep Mode is just a delay though, isn't it? I don't see how it'd have an effect on MM. It wouldn't take away the actual time limit.


Absolutely not :heh: I don't always find it possible to play something for an extended period of time and the save system in Majora's Mask isn't ideal for that reason. If I could suspend play at any given time, like in Ocarina of Time 3D, it would be much more convenient and I'm not really sure how that would impede the overall experience ::shrug:


The other problem with the save system as it stands is that I previously lost a significant chunk of progress when the GC Collector's Edition version froze on me and I had no desire to return after that :hmm:


That flaw in the save system is exactly what makes it great for me though. Unless you never played this game when something else came up, or you had to go somewhere and/or misjudged the time, then you might not get it. The time pressure forces you to make choices on some runthroughs - being able to just close your 3DS into a sleep state at any point absolutely destroys both that, being forced to save back to the first day, and the existence of the temporary save states(not equivalent as you have to get to the suitable locations to do so).



I think @Fused King gets me, but I'm surprised at the number of people that generally don't seem to when I bring it up.


Apparent MM 3DS leak:


Very weak. Not a chance that's authentic, just some internet fool trying to grab some hits and traffic.

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I think @Fused King gets me, but I'm surprised at the number of people that generally don't seem to when I bring it up..


Putting the 3DS to sleep for a while isn't really any different from putting the game on pause while you go get your dinner or take the dog for a walk. You're still saving the game the same way, with the ocarina or the owl statues, and the 3 day time limit is still as looming as ever. I honestly don't see the problem in having the ability to suspend and resume the game when it is convenient ::shrug:

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Putting the 3DS to sleep for a while isn't really any different from putting the game on pause while you go get your dinner or take the dog for a walk. You're still saving the game the same way, with the ocarina or the owl statues, and the 3 day time limit is still as looming as ever. I honestly don't see the problem in having the ability to suspend and resume the game when it is convenient ::shrug:


Pausing to get your dinner or to take the dog for a walk, maybe not(fun fact, once I left a console paused and someone saw the light and turned it off thinking I'd forgotten) - but how about when you're up a little early but going to work soon? And an 8 hour sleep isn't all that strenuous for the system? Maybe nipping out to see friends for a few hours, 4 or 5 hours don't matter much. Maybe you're playing just before bed, hell, I'll sleep this shit and plug it in - pick it up in the morning before I play a bit before going to work and sleeping it!


It's a major change in that dyanmic imo. Though one delightful thing is that the 3DS can actually die unlike a plugged in console (in fact, that'd be a hilarious addition - if it could drain your battery like 4x in sleep for MM). Imagine trying to sleep your way out to save your progress and losing it because your battery died - that'd be such a best replication/lols for it.


The owl statues aren't the same either - middle of a dungeon? Or somewhere far away from one? Picked something up accidentally on the third day thinking it won't take long? You have to get to and/or back from an owl statue. That takes up time, the precious time may or may not have to spend. There are a lot of time dependant elements in this game also - and depending on what you're doing that can be a crucial aspect if you have to leave the game. In some ways it makes me think of old school difficultness(remember games without saves?! :shakehead)


All these experiences are fairly unique to a title like this, and the nature of the 'save' system. I find them memorable for their uniqueness, and I think that is one facet of what makes the game stand out in some gamers' minds. Even you yourself remember that the save system was a bit of a bitch - what if that's the entire point?


Also sort of curious/maybe related - did you ever 100% the game?

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The owl statues aren't the same either - middle of a dungeon? Or somewhere far away from one? Picked something up accidentally on the third day thinking it won't take long? You have to get to and/or back from an owl statue. That takes up time, the precious time may or may not have to spend. There are a lot of time dependant elements in this game also - and depending on what you're doing that can be a crucial aspect if you have to leave the game.


Hmm.. I can understand what you're saying but there was still be the option to pause the game and come back to it later in the original anyway so I still sort of don't think it matters that you would be able to put the game to sleep on 3DS : peace: You could also play it without ever closing the 3DS, if you so choose :heh:


Personally, being able to put the game to sleep would be a benefit to me that would enhance my enjoyment of the game :smile:


Also sort of curious/maybe related - did you ever 100% the game?


I have never got particularly far. My current VC save file has me back on the first day after completing the first dungeon in the swamp. I definitely got a little further than that on the Gamecube, somewhere into the second dungeon, but I don't remember it particularly well and I'm pretty certain I already have an additional heart piece compared to when I played it all those years ago :heh:


The game freezing and losing me a good 2 or 3 hours of progress was what killed my appetite that time around. In fairness, that could still happen on 3DS but I would very much hope not.. for my own sanity :indeed:

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Very weak. Not a chance that's authentic, just some internet fool trying to grab some hits and traffic.


I'm pretty sure that those are old pictures.


Also, retailers are a fairly poor place for stuff like this. They quite often add anticipated games to their systems. Some staff member at that store thought a Majora's Mask 3D announcement was likely, so they added it to their system.

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Hmm.. I can understand what you're saying but there was still be the option to pause the game and come back to it later in the original anyway so I still sort of don't think it matters that you would be able to put the game to sleep on 3DS : peace: You could also play it without ever closing the 3DS, if you so choose :heh:


Personally, being able to put the game to sleep would be a benefit to me that would enhance my enjoyment of the game :smile:


Yep, but the scope of that pause is notable. I don't think many would consider a cheeky play before work knowing they have to 'pause' for another 7/8 hours potentially. Time to sleep your 3DS? Seconds, almost negligible. Time to get to an owl statue(and/or get back from it later) - definite minutes - could be at least an hour or more within game, even. When you've only 72 of them to work with, I find that rather notable.



I have never got particularly far. My current VC save file has me back on the first day after completing the first dungeon in the swamp. I definitely got a little further than that on the Gamecube, somewhere into the second dungeon, but I don't remember it particularly well and I'm pretty certain I already have an additional heart piece compared to when I played it all those years ago :heh:


The game freezing and losing me a good 2 or 3 hours of progress was what killed my appetite that time around. In fairness, that could still happen on 3DS but I would very much hope not.. for my own sanity :indeed:


I take that frustration and accept it wholly. I don't wish at all to make an argument from authority here but I do have to - if you didn't make it that far into the game then I highly doubt you made it far enough to truly appreciate the complexity of the time system. In fact, I'd possibly say on your first few playthroughs to get you through the first dungeon you're probably doing very little to diversify off the main path. First time I went to the first dungeon? I got there too late and time was running fast that I had no chance of finishing - I had to savereset and come back to it later. What had I discovered in my long timings? Not very much on first look. Tiny tidbitsof many things that didn't make the most of senses. I learnt stuff with all of that, though.

There's also a crucial thing early in the game that many can miss, which can also make the difference to so much too. I think I actually only found it because I checked tinternets, yet I'm sure anyone who's played this game had to use it too. Regarding that dungeon though I half knew in myself I wouldn't make it yet I played on and ran it down to the bone hoping I would - that was an experience right there. I spent maybe an extra hour, getting gameplay, then having to reset - I still had the gameplay to recall. Admittedly that's one regardless of the 3DS sleep function, but it's a mild throwback in some ways to the old trial-and-error style of gaming. Play, learn, fail, play again.

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As great as Majora's Mask is, does the game really need a remake or 3D-ifying? I'd LOVE a new Zelda in the style of Majora's Mask or set in Termina, like a spiritual or actual sequel to the game. What the 3DS actually needs is new stuff, though.


Very truesay. The thing is - MM is widely appreciated, it's an easy sell, and from the already done OoT 3D port it's got a chunk of work already done given the recycling of assets between the two(still more work to go though, and I'd rather it was focused on new Zelda or, crazily, doing a HD WiiU port of MM(maybe OoT with) or Xenoblade). As far as new games go, they won't do it by halves for Zelda(in their eyes) so again, I'd rather that effort focused on getting whatever's in the works out faster, and then something else like on 3DS later - it isn't like the 3DS really needs it anyway.

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As great as Majora's Mask is, does the game really need a remake or 3D-ifying? I'd LOVE a new Zelda in the style of Majora's Mask or set in Termina, like a spiritual or actual sequel to the game. What the 3DS actually needs is new stuff, though.


I think before a MM sequel, an MM remake needs to come out and get the applause it truly deserves. I feel that back in 2000 we weren't really 'ready' for MM - friends still had OOT fresh in their minds and didn't want to comprehend the three day cycle style - in fact I remember ignorants exclaiming that you only have 'three' days (actual days) to complete the game and were put off.


I would argue an MM rehash/remake was needed moreso than OOT 3D.


Roll on 12pm.

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