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Nintendo 3DS Direct - 29/08/2014 - 12pm


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I like the cover plates! Too bad that is not available for the XL version though. =(


Not sure if I would upgrade, it might depend on the games that come out and the money I have. Never upgraded to the XL, so this might be worth it, maybe.

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Got mixed feelings about the new model. It doesn't help that I've been a big fan of the 3DS and bought the original + XL (neither or which I regret). I don't really want a 3rd one, and generally feel that both the graphics and resolution are no longer good enough to keep using this late in the day. I'm also very doubtful that there will be enough retail software. Metroid? Majora's Mask? Maybe, but I'm sure they could have been done on the original.


I think @Wii made a great point about how the 3DS will probably be spun out until they can launch their next hardware at the same time (whether that's a handheld + console, hybrid or whatever). The end of the handheld as a separate system.


On the other hand, for me the DSi XL was worth buying just for Risky's Revenge. If, as @Dcubed has wondered, the New 3DS is capable of running SNES games (linked to my NNID), then it could well be worth it. There's also bound to be another non-remake Zelda, which I guess will be enhanced for the new machine. So overall, it could be worth it, but I'm in no rush.


Don't think they had a choice. The successor isn't ready and the 3DS sales have really slowed. The 2DS experiment failed and they needed to release something to get current owners to upgrade just to keep the 3DS alive for a couple more years.


They are splitting the userbase though and because of that I still think they could of bumped the screen resolution as well.

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I really like the 'New' 3DS XL. The right analogue stick is a bit of an unusual size and position but I'm sure it will be fine. I can see myself spending far too much buying the shells for it. The head tracking 3D also seems really good, but whether it works in reality is a different matter. I also wonder how much of the increased specs are purely for doing that.


I'm not sure how clever the move is for Nintendo. If they intend to release games which 'Only' work with the New 3DS, which Xenoblade Chronicles would suggest, they're going to get into a similar situation as with the Wii U. How will your everyday person shopping in GAME know the difference between the two devices?


Additionally, if the improved specs are available for games, I really hope we get an update for Pokemon X & Y to make use of it. The battles chug along so badly some times!


I like the cover plates! Too bad that is not available for the XL version though. =(


The shells are only for the standard sized one? :weep:

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I really like the 'New' 3DS XL. The right analogue stick is a bit of an unusual size and position but I'm sure it will be fine. I can see myself spending far too much buying the shells for it. The head tracking 3D also seems really good, but whether it works in reality is a different matter. I also wonder how much of the increased specs are purely for doing that.


I'm not sure how clever the move is for Nintendo. If they intend to release games which 'Only' work with the New 3DS, which Xenoblade Chronicles would suggest, they're going to get into a similar situation as with the Wii U. How will your everyday person shopping in GAME know the difference between the two devices?


Additionally, if the improved specs are available for games, I really hope we get an update for Pokemon X & Y to make use of it. The battles chug along so badly some times!


Unfortunately they've already said that the spec bump won't affect existing games...


The next Pokemon game however... (yeah, Game Freak's Pokemon engine just sucks that much ;) )

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I really like the 'New' 3DS XL. The right analogue stick is a bit of an unusual size and position but I'm sure it will be fine. I can see myself spending far too much buying the shells for it. The head tracking 3D also seems really good, but whether it works in reality is a different matter. I also wonder how much of the increased specs are purely for doing that.


I'm not sure how clever the move is for Nintendo. If they intend to release games which 'Only' work with the New 3DS, which Xenoblade Chronicles would suggest, they're going to get into a similar situation as with the Wii U. How will your everyday person shopping in GAME know the difference between the two devices?


Additionally, if the improved specs are available for games, I really hope we get an update for Pokemon X & Y to make use of it. The battles chug along so badly some times!


Gonna have to market the crap out of it. Apple can call an ipad 'new ipad' as they spend a fortune marketing the device. Nintendo need to do that if they are really going to go with that name.

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Gonna have to market the crap out of it. Apple can call an ipad 'new ipad' as they spend a fortune marketing the device. Nintendo need to do that if they are really going to go with that name.


But if Nintendo could do that for this New 3DS. Why can't they do it for the Wii U?


Admittedly, when the 3DS first came out I remember people having issues with being too similar to DS. GAME even used to put little covers on their games making it more obvious.


Unfortunately they've already said that the spec bump won't affect existing games...


The next Pokemon game however... (yeah, Game Freak's Pokemon engine just sucks that much ;) )


Booo! I was hoping by 'existing games' it meant in their version 1 state. With games being patchable I thought that there might have been a slim chance of them being able to use an update to make use of the increased specs.


By next Pokemon game, do you mean after Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire? Because they probably count as existing games too :(

Edited by V. Amoleo
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But if Nintendo could do that for this New 3DS. Why can't they do it for the Wii U?


Admittedly, when the 3DS first came out I remember people having issues with being too similar to DS. GAME even used to put little covers on their games making it more obvious.




Booo! I was hoping by 'existing games' it meant in their version 1 state. With games being patchable I thought that there might have been a slim chance of them being able to use an update to make use of the increased specs.


By next Pokemon game, do you mean after Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire? Because they probably count as existing games too :(


Yeah, you'll probably have to wait till Gen 7 for that; it's just the way it always goes with Gamefreak.


Each Nintendo handheld (except GBA, since it didn't live long enough), gets the first Pokemon gen game for the base hardware (RBY, DPP) Then later on, after a later revision is released, they release a second Pokemon game that takes advantage of the new hardware (GSC, BW, BW2).

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I more than likely won't get the upgrade (I can afford nothing). Part of me is scared that MH4U/FFE have been secretly 3DS+ games unannounced. I can't see Nintendo doing an upgrade for just the one game. I'll be pissed beyond belief if it turns out true.

They're enhanced, not exclusive

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They could have put a full sized circle pad above the buttons though, level with the left one.

And moved the Y X B A buttons down slightly, level with the D-Pad.


What'sa matta you, hey? Don't you know you're not allowed talk sense around these parts?


And then you have the same problem when you try to press the buttons...


Either way, you'd have to contort your hands into a claw just to hold the thing :shakehead


You mean like this thing?




I've no problem using this and my hand hasn't turned into a claw.

Edited by Wii
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It would have been nicer to have a full size slide pad but I can't see how it would have been possible and still be able to hit the ZR button.


Is this second analogue stick backwards compatible with games which supported the Circle Pad Pro? But then, even if they were, they'd have been made for a stick with more movement in it. This little stick looks like it doesn't really have very far to move at all.

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I'm drawn to the new01.pngnewnew02.png 3DS XL's larger screen, but I prefer just about everything else about the smaller

new01.pngnewnew02.png 3DS. It's cute! It has face plates! It has SNES coloured buttons! The new01.pngnewnew02.png 3DS XL feels like it's meant to be the "grown up" version, and yet here I am thinking, "Noooo, I want the fun looking one!" =P


Speaking of fun, I enjoyed the music in the video introducing these devices, particularly with the little tunes from Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario World mixed in. I'm sure everyone is guilty of humming those tunes, or other playful Nintendo jingles, at some point in their lives... though perhaps not at such a high pitch, heh.

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What'sa matta you, hey? Don't you know you're not allowed talk sense around these parts?




You mean like this thing?




I've no problem using this and my hand hasn't turned into a claw.


Hey look! See that big empty space in the bottom right corner? It's empty for a reason ;)

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I'm not talking about putting anything in the bottom right. Just copy the Wii U gamepad layout.


They have done! You can't fit a full size circle pad there without making the handheld significantly larger though.

Edited by Dcubed
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I like the cover plates! Too bad that is not available for the XL version though. =(


Not sure if I would upgrade, it might depend on the games that come out and the money I have. Never upgraded to the XL, so this might be worth it, maybe.


Buy this and I'll leave you. :p

You didn't upgrade to the XL because you don't play your 3DS anywhere near as much as you played your DS. Probably a reason for that.

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As for the analogue nub: I think it will be fine. For most games, it will be an optional camera control or something like that (as most games will likely support the old models). It won't be for precise movements.


It would be nice if they could patch in some Circle Pad Pro support into some games. They could use it in A Link Between Worlds for even faster item scrolling, for example.


I think I'm going to get the regular new 3DS in black.

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