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Basically, I was in work today when a woman from a job I applied for actually came into the store. It's worth noting that the store is in the same shopping centre so she literally walked into both of my jobs to try and find me. Obviously, because I'm not allowed my phone on the shopfloor, I couldn't answer it. She came into the gift shop store and saw me on the tills.

"There you are, I've been running around trying to find you!" she says to me.

I sort of looked a bit shocked and then she explained that she wanted to call me for an interview but couldn't get through so she went to my shoe shop and they told her I was in the gift shop today.

"Sorry, I'm not allowed my phone when I'm working, you see."

She said it was okay and then said "I was trying my best to track you down to invite you to an interview tomorrow morning."

I said "Totally, that's great. Which position is it?" (there were several I applied for).


"Supervisor. The 16 hour one" she said.


Oh my God, shit the bed! This was what I was looking for. I told her I'd be there tomorrow. She told me to bring a copy of my passport, birth certificate and all that shit and I said "I will, thank you very much for this" and she smiled and said "I'll see you tomorrow".


I've been so excited but I've been really sweating out about it. She came in at around 2pm and I've been left with so many thoughts from then to now wondering what I should do. Like, I'm not going to be a dick and say if it all goes wrong, I'll blame the people but I'm asking what would you do? Is it seriously stressful?


The thing is, it's more pay and even though I get 20 hours a week where I am, there's a chance of overtime in the other place AND it's proper full-time hours too. I've been drawing up pros and cons and stuff but I'm sort of stressing about it. This isn't really to do with the position but because it's new and I know that if I don't like it, I can't go back and I can't be in the situation where I'm unemployed. However, in saying that, I know that where I am can't be forever unless I move up a position and, let's face it, I doubt that's happening any time soon.


Pros in working where I am is that the people are nice (excluding management), I suppose it's a pretty easy job in retrospect since all I do is mostly sell shit and walk up and down to check everybody's okay, I'm doing a management course (but I'm sure if I took this job and stuck at it for a while, it'll sort of nullify it, right?)...


Cons is obviously some people I've mentioned in the past and situations that have really just got to me in some places, the job is easy but boring a lot of the times (all I seem to do is walk up and down the shop, serve customers who half of the time are rude, ignorant or whatever), measuring children's feet (I don't like it because a) germs, the feet are engraved in dirt and sweat and it grosses me out. b) the babies cry and scream so loud whenever they have a foot measure and it genuinely gives me headache and hurts my ears) and the feeling of knowing that, most likely, I'll never climb up the ladder and it sort of kills me a little bit seeing other people who have a future in other areas have a future in the only area I'll most likely be stuck in. Oh and the music's shit, lmao.


I really do want to go for it and fingers crossed, I may get it because I got told it was going to be carrying heavy stuff (piece of piss) and office work (wicked) but also I'll be on the shop floor. I don't mind office work and stuff but I wonder what responsibility I'd have. Do you reckon it'll be a huge responsibility or what? Any supervisors on this forum? What are your experiences?


HOPEFULLY people can reply before 9.30am tomorrow (that's when I leave for the interview). Again, these nerves is just nerves of knowing if I take it, there's no going back and it freaks me out but I don't want to be stuck where I am forever...

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Damn it man, you can't stay in the same place all your life. I think while you're young, you should change your job every few years or so to see what you like and don't like, as well as gaining new skills to help you eventually bag the career you want for the rest of your life. I wouldn't have the job I have now (and it's pretty sought after) if I'd stayed in the same job.


I say go for it and good luck.


Thanks, peoples! I'm just real nervous about this shit. I'm getting everything ready now and I feel nerves kicking in. Hopefully, it won't be over-the-top stressful. It sounds like something I could cope with so fingers crossed it is!


Bloody hell, I hate nerves! I'd drink some JD but I don't want to go in smelling of alcohol, lmao.


Go for it. Supervisor sounds better than the skivvy job you are doing at the moment.


If it turns out to be shit take the experience and move on.


Had I seen this yesterday I'd have said chill dude, you got this. You're a hard working and dedicated guy with great conduct at what you do, from the posts I've seen, so ain't nothing to worry about. Especially given, as Daft said, this woman came and sought you out - that's a double plus because it means you're not just someone who cares, but you're working for someone who cares a lot too.


However - this is now and I'd presume the interviews happened - how'd it go? Tbh I'd say unless you super fucked up royal it sounded like she wanted you for the job anyway, with the interview just being one of the formalities that has to be done. I reckon you're gonna be telling us you got the job in a couple of days ;)


Bit late advice, but it sounds like you're the fave candidate. The fact that she tracked you down at two stores means she's keen.


Seeing as you've already had the interview, how did it go?


I think it sort of went so-so. I put my best suit on and shined my shoes, got my hair cut...but my hayfever is right through the roof meaning that, even though I went on my hayfever machine AND took hayfever tablets that usually work, they didn't. I had a runny and stuffed nose, I was sneezing, my eyes were runny and I couldn't concentrate a lot because I had a headache from all of the sneezing and my sinuses just deciding to attack me on the day of all days.


So I go into the office and shake his hand and we sit down. Before the interview even started, I had to apologise for the state of myself and told him I have hayfever. He seemed alright about it, really. He hands me a copy of my CV and tells me to talk a little bit about myself. I told him my name, my starsign and that I like long walks on the beach (LOL! Just kidding, I just told him about my retail experience and how I'm currently going through a management development course in the place I'm at now). He seemed interested. He asked a bit about the roles I do and he put me in a few "WWYD" situations and I answered them to his satisfaction. He asked why I wanted to leave my other job and I told him the truth. I said I needed more hours and I wanted to gain experience in another retail setting that wasn't exactly to do with shoes or clothes.


He then told me more about the job. I'd have to wake up at 4am to get to the delivery at 5am, carry heavy boxes to the store and unload them, do all of the paperwork, serve customers, it's mandatory that I must work Sundays (which is the only day I ever get off) and he basically said I'd be running the store. I asked if I'd be trained and he said I would but I'd more or less dive into it. He says the company is basically the supervisor acts like an assistant manager, the assistant manager acts like a manager and the manager will act like a regional manager. The pay is only 10p more than I'm on now as well. I asked if I could keep my zero hour contract job considering they're extremely flexible (like seriously, it's ridiculous how flexible they are) and he said I couldn't. Anyway, we chatted a bit more, shook hands and left it at that. He said I'd hear from him in a week.


It's weird though because I woke up and I was okay, I really wanted the job and it sounded awesome. However, after the interview, my gut is telling me I shouldn't do it and the last time I went for a job, I ignored my gut and ended up regretting it. At first, I thought it was fear for change so I ignored it but after the interview, I just feel it in my gut that this isn't the one and I'll regret it if I jumped ship...

What grounds has he got to tell you you can't keep your other job, that's a liberty right there.


He needs someone who is super-flexible but he can't promise me that the overtime over that 16 hours will be consistent. It's only until he hires more people and when he's reached the amount he needs, it'll just be my standard contract unless someone falls ill or needs a holiday.


I asked about the sales assistant just in case I didn't get the supervisor position and he said the same thing except for it's a 4 hour contract! So he'd want me to give up both jobs (one of which is ridiculously flexible in the first place) for 4 hours which he can't guarantee me overtime for anyway.


The more I think about it, the more I seem to think it's a waste of time, really. He told me there were people who were from the Job Centre who have came in, became supervisors and found it easy but the guy I had an interview with was from Nuneaton and was popping in for the interviews for the day and at 10.30am, how would he know they're comfortable with their positions?


I don't know, guys...maybe I need to sleep on this...


A lot more work. A lot worse hours (4am and Sundays) a lot more responsibility. Virtually the same money.


Sounds horrific to me but its hard to say without knowing a little more specifics. Also their demands are a bit silly.


I do think you will smash it in the right employment but it sounds to me like these people take you for a mug. I dunno. They want someone incredible (her seeking you out) for fuck all pay.


Have you considered office work?

A lot more work. A lot worse hours (4am and Sundays) a lot more responsibility. Virtually the same money.


Sounds horrific to me but its hard to say without knowing a little more specifics. Also their demands are a bit silly.


I do think you will smash it in the right employment but it sounds to me like these people take you for a mug. I dunno. They want someone incredible (her seeking you out) for fuck all pay.


Have you considered office work?


Okay so today, I was at work when I got the phone call from there but because I was at work and I'm not allowed my phone in my pocket at work, I couldn't answer. However, they left a text:


"Hello, this is the manager. Could you please visit me when you are on your break? Thank you!"


So he knew I was at work today so he must have seen me. I went in there and went to the office and he told me that the position was mine if I still wanted it.


I told the truth and basically said that I didn't like the 4am starts, I didn't like the fact I'll always work weekends, I didn't like the fact there would be no overtime soon and that I'd be running the shop and I'd only be on 10p an hour more than I'm on now.


"Wait, what do you mean?" he says. "You won't have to do any of that..."


I looked at him with the most puzzled face ever, I'm sure I did. Anyway, he then explained that the guy I had an interview with was a manager from another store and other managers run their stores differently. However, in that store it would be different..."


"The 4am starts will never happen as you won't be doing deliveries unless me or the assistant manager are on holiday or are extremely sick. Our holidays combined are 8 weeks so within them, you'll have to do deliveries then but outside of them weeks, you won't be touching them. All you'd do would be heavy lifting and that's that


As for weekends, you'll only work two Sundays a month, the other two Sundays will go to the other Supervisor who you'll be working alongside with. Both of you together will be responsible for the duties such as delegating tasks, tills, training...that sort of thing. There is office work but it's pretty easy.


As overtime is concerned, you will be the last person I hire. If you take this position, the overtime will go down but you'll still get your fair share of hours. As it stands, supervisors here are on 16 hour contracts with extra hours adding up to 39 hours a week. However, when you join, both of you will get 27 hours a week each.


As for the pay, since you said you were on minimum, you must be on £6.31 an hour, right? You'll be on £6.66 an hour which, I know, isn't a huge difference but it's decent enough and there's overtime available as well so it'll bump up your wages."


We had a bit more of a discussion and I told him about my fears and stuff and he said he'd be very patient and understanding because he knows it's a massive leap not only in environment but also in jobs as well. He said he's aware I'd be changing everything but he really thinks I'm right for the job. He said 20 applicants were interviewed and 12 had years of experience, however the people either didn't appeal to the company or didn't satisfy them with the WWYD answers they had given. I did. He said when reading the notes from the interview, it said I was keen to learn, I was patient and understanding and I had the know-how to be a supervisor and was also 'incredibly impressed' with my sales figures and awards (I showed him the copies of my sales figures, customer service awards and such).


He was a very nice, understanding bloke and he said "Because this is all new to you and I've just sort of relieved your mind of what seemed to be misinformation from the interview, I'll let you think about it over the weekend. All I ask of you is that you'll give me an answer by Monday. Is this okay? Also, if you say yes, I understand that you must work your notice so I'll include the start date after that is over, however long it is..."


I agreed, we shook hands and left. He was a very sound guy, a lot better than the managers I've had in the past. Hopefully, he'll live up to how he is in the interview!


I really want the job now, it seems great! The staff seem cool and the management seem cool too. Hopefully it is. You guys think this sounds better?


Definitely. That sounds good dude, you should go for it. More money than your on, a nice change and it will give you lots of skills that will really help you for the future.


It's turned from a no-brainer one way to a no-brainer the other way.


Go for it. Might sound more work but the experience gained will be invaluable. As I said before once you get that supervisor experience you can always go for other supervisor positions elsewhere.


Well, guys! It's sort of official! I've accepted the job, all I need is to sign the paperwork tomorrow and you guys will be speaking to a motherfucking, sexy-ass, hot milk-chocolate supervisor!


I'm too excited but I'm too scared as well! I am cacking my pants! I hope it's not too much and too difficult!


Definitely. That sounds good dude, you should go for it. More money than your on, a nice change and it will give you lots of skills that will really help you for the future.


It's turned from a no-brainer one way to a no-brainer the other way.


I know! How bizarre! I told him I'd accept and he was happy about my decision. He seems nice...let's hope it stays that way! :)


Go for it. Might sound more work but the experience gained will be invaluable. As I said before once you get that supervisor experience you can always go for other supervisor positions elsewhere.


True story, bro! My ideal job would be CEX! I'd love to work there! Being surrounded by so many games, DVDs, blu-rays and whatnot! Ugh! I've thought it through anyway: If I don't like it, I can stay there for about a year and move on. That seems a good enough time, right?


Also, the funniest thing is that the shoe shop has given me a voucher that entitles me to 50% off of work shoes, haha. So I'll be walking away with half-price Hush Puppies, 25%-off gel insoles (they are the best thing EVER!) and then after that, I'll totally hand my notice in! Obviously not straight away but I'll hand it in a couple of hours or so. The sooner the better so I can get my notice out of the way.


I can't believe this is actually happening! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

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