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Am I invisible? Seriously. I think I might be. Because I don't like this game at all.


Generally! You're the exception to the general consensus :p And you like Pokémon Mystery Dungeon so your opinion doesn't count!

But the point was, I feel everyone is being quite fair. Even those who are enjoying it have some criticisms.

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Generally! You're the exception to the general consensus :p And you like Pokémon Mystery Dungeon so your opinion doesn't count!

But the point was, I feel everyone is being quite fair. Even those who are enjoying it have some criticisms.


That's fair enough. And it is nice to see a risky new IP get quite a good reception. But my opinion matters just as much as anyone else here.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is great, damnit. And the new one is looking very promising! You're all mental!

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It's weird, I can't think of any other thread I've read where people feel the need to keep saying how many hours they've spent with the game and how much they are still enjoying it. Justifying that shit.



It's very strange eh. Such an alien concept for N-Europe.


Having said that, go through most of the big Nintendo release threads since the Wii U launched and you'll see plenty of praise. It's probably a bit different with Splatoon because it's a new concept, that happens to be awesome fun.

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"Nintendo fans on Nintendo based forum in expressing love for new game" shocker... :p


What a barmy thing to post, so much positivity for this game, loads of us genuinely enjoying ourself and wanting to express how much fun we are having in the correct thread for it...then we get called out for trying to justify ourselves?


Not cool, man :(

lol. I don't mind it, I just made an observation.


I don't have the game, I'm not judging the game, I'm not posting in here about the game. I just check in with the thread from time to time. As @Glen\-i said, it seems like some sort of competition.


For 'love for new game' posts, I'd have just expected much more talk about the single player or matches or something, but there just seems to be a lot of 'well I'm still enjoying it and I've played x amount of hours' posts, that's all.

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Yeah, I think you're the most stylish Pimpguin I've ever seen!


Ha. This is a remnant of some silly christmas(iirc?) prank thing @jayseven did bloody time ago - he penged everyone or something, or maybe just the mods, and I jumped on the bandwagon cos I wanted to cool(wasn't a mod then).


It's weird, I can't think of any other thread I've read where people feel the need to keep saying how many hours they've spent with the game and how much they are still enjoying it. Justifying that shit.


I do see where you're coming from but for me I tend to always ask about playtime from games when I'm considering purchases(HLTB is a bloody godsend). Consider also though that it's the fact people were expecting the game to be thin given it's 'incompleteness' - you'd probably be then surprised with how much you're getting out of it. We are also getting some flipside comments about it, though maybe not as much. For me - I've only had a few hours so far and whilst I'll probably play every day/evening when I can for the next week or two - I can definitely feel the edges of frustration creeping in the back of my mind. My biggest concern is how many people are really still gonna be here/care when August rolls round?

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Now positivity a out a game is being mocked... Awesome!


I think the hours thing comes from 2 points, 1 hero being outright asked, that question obviously gets us all wondering. 2, because people keep banging in about it being half arsed, unfinished, limited content, people are just saying - hang on, we've put some serious hours into this and it's only just begun, as some counterpoint to the bare content.


As for the general game chatter, there's not much to chat about, there's barely any content....


Maybe if this forum stopped the stupidity of the online board we could discuss that more :) I really hate the separate board!

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lol. I don't mind it, I just made an observation.
Must say that was a peculiar observation for you to make Retro_Link. :blank:


For 'love for new game' posts, I'd have just expected much more talk about the single player or matches or something, but there just seems to be a lot of 'well I'm still enjoying it and I've played x amount of hours' posts, that's all.
Well, as someone that's recently posted "played for x amount of hours, still enjoying it" it's not like I haven't also given my impressions on various aspects of the game, since the global testfire:
That was amazing!! :yay:

My God this game is pure gold. :bouncy:


So many entertaining moments in the past hour, many of which had me pissing myself with laughter. :laughing: Seriously, the comedy of being snuck up on and then splatted with the roller... it's genius. :awesome:


Love the fact the gameplay is so multifaceted too, will keep this one interesting for quite a while I reckon. icon14.gif


I'm not very good at using the GamePad screen while playing this though, the pace of the game makes looking down to check the map/super jump pretty tricky. :hmm: Hopefully something that will get easier with more practice though.


But yeah, this game is fantastic and I just cannot wait for May 29th! :)

Yeah, but at the same time, the fact this isn't your typical shooter has to be taken into consideration.

I mean there's just so much going on in a single game of Splatoon (perhaps too much :hehe:) and it can be tackled in very different ways (going for splats, concentrating on ink coverage, defending turf, reclaiming turf, ambushing enemy inklings, assisting teammates...), I reckon that alone will keep the game fresh and the user base interested for quite some time.

But as you say, time will tell.

So the other night (during the testfire sever issues) I decided to faff about in the training area. I completely covered the first section of the map in ink and began swimming around in it.

Was trying to see if the trails and splash ripples you create as a squid would eventually be erased by the game (you know how in a lot of shooters, the bullet holes start to disappear after a while when there's too many of 'em :hehe:) but no matter how much I messed with it, I couldn't see any of the older marks fading away.


I can't even get my head around how they've created this effect of such convincing and dynamic paint, that's seemingly an interactive object rather than just a flat texture, but I'm seriously impressed by it. Here's a GIF of what I'm on about (with most of the doodling part sped-up) compare the floor right at the beginning to how it looks at the end:


Not included in the above GIF is when I repaint half of that floor and observe it from the side, the part with the fresh ink appears completely smooth again.

So I jumped right in and doodled some more. :D


Amazing stuff. :awesome:

I remember being really impressed with the painting mechanic in de Blob, but Splatoon's ink tech is something else. icon14.gif Shame we'll probably never see a de Blob 3, as it could have been awesome on the current gen hardware.


That was clearly beginners luck. :hehe:

I was on fire for those first few games though. :awesome:


Yeah, such a great laugh. :)

Leveling up is a lot quicker that I was expecting, need to get myself some better gear now.


BTW, @Dcubed thanks for providing my fave Splatoon moment so far. :D It'll be appearing in GIF form soon. ;)



Here it is:


I tried the same thing afterwards against the other Roller player, but it didn't go quite as well. :heh:

Yeah, Miiverse graffiti is awesome. :awesome:


Love it. :grin:


Not many games get me to stay up this late these days :heh: but Splatoon is something very special indeed.:bowdown:

Yes! So glad it's doing well. :bouncy:


Been listening to the soundtrack this morning, it continues to amaze me. :)

Dat credits track:


Goosbumps every time. :love:

Love the traditional Japanese vibe going on in there too, expertly done. :bowdown:


Actually, the way the entire soundtrack merges so many different styles together is so damn impressive, and it complements the variety of Splatoon's gameplay perfectly. :awesome:

It's a shame there aren't many tracks in the game, but I honestly don't think I'll ever get bored of hearing the ones we got, there's just soooooo much going on in each one.

Even after a marathon weekend of Splatoon, I've not had enough of these tunes. :yay:


Splatoon should absolutely dominate any audio awards this year, not just for the music, but its sound effects too. There's insane attention to detail present in the SFX, I particularly love the analog nature of the sound as you swim through ink depending on your movement speed and the different levels of splash depending on the height you dive from as a squid. Stuff like that is completely unnecessary, but the fact that they put it in shows just how much effort the developers went to.

It's also amazing how the continual sound of the Splattershot doesn't get annoying. I very much doubt I could handle listening to hours and hours of machine gunfire :heh: but somehow they've created a similar sound that's easy on the ears. :hehe:


I look forward to more aural treats with the upcoming download content, and hopefully a sequel at some point. ;)


: peace:

There's a point in the Plaza where you can clip through a wall (near the giant amiibo box) managed to pull it off earlier and went for a wander behind the scenes:

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Dat attention to detail. :awesome:

Put together a short vid of some multiplayer moments: :awesome:

WARNING! The music in this vid is from the final boss battle of Splatoon's single player mode, so potential spoiler for those that haven't finished the game yet. :)




: peace:



Be sure to switch to HD if it doesn't automatically, the standard quality is shocking! :shakehead

But anyway, don't see what the problem is if people just want to post that they're enjoying the game, how long they've played, and nothing more.

No one should have to justify or explain why they like a game, if they don't feel like doing so. ::shrug:

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Is Shulk in this game? Or any of the characters from the Wii game?


I'm not currently pumped, but I hope to be closer to release. The battle system was excellent in Chronicles and it looks pretty ace here.


I think you posted in the wrong thread...

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@kav82 will like this. :D


Before people start getting all defensive about the video, it's just a good so lighten up.

It has factual errors so I'm not happy :p Honest trailers, even if satirical, shouldn't make absolute statements as fact when they're not

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@kav82 will like this. :D


Before people start getting all defensive about the video, it's just a good so lighten up.


Fucking. Gold.


Thank you Hero, I could not stop laughing!

Edited by Kav
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It has factual errors so I'm not happy :p Honest trailers, even if satirical, shouldn't make absolute statements as fact when they're not


Fuck me. You must be a riot at parties.


I can just imagine somebody cracking a joke, laughter ready to erupt...


"Excuse me, I'm going to have to stop you there - there's some factual errors in that joke"

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It has factual errors so I'm not happy :p Honest trailers, even if satirical, shouldn't make absolute statements as fact when they're not


I'm not quite sure you understand what satire is...


The SplatFest video looks cool - almost makes me wish the game changed its appearance in real time when you play through the day/eve/night.


Anyhow I felt I had some really enjoyable matches on last night's 7-11 rotation; didn't realise I was playing quite so long until I stopped! Forget the names of the stages but they were pretty good for a Roller(recall feeling some stages from other plays not being so Roller friendly) but everyone was quite varied and it made for some really nice usage.


On the downside there were some moments when I felt a quick bit of voice chat would have been handy - me and another guy seemed to be in synch on our rolling, and it could been cool if we could inform each other to roll/recharge/swim etc.


Going back to weapons I'm still not sure what I prefer the most. I've probably used rollers and splattershots the most, but I also purchased the strange blaster weapon last night and found that interesting(the one that shoots a bit and explodes) - great for running around playing a stealth/submerge game then popping up and picking folks off(again though, slight issue in that sometimes the floor just gets in the way when I have higher ground, not the best paired with the slow fire rate of that). There's definitely some interesting variety and potential tactics in the game - both on a single and group level(if comms were better) and one thing I'm really starting to do is falling back with a swim when possibly under attack which seems to be really helping save my ass. Also tending to swim out of spawn instead of super jumping, which was just feeling like it was taking too long/wasting time!

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I'm not quite sure you understand what satire is...



the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.


Therefore lying isn't involved in satire. Exaggeration, sure, but lying? Nope.

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