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The paintbrush is awful! Pretty useless!


Just had a game where I got 1219 points... and I was on the losing team :( One of my teammates only got 204p! Would've been my record score if the rest of my team were any good!

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The paintbrush is awful! Pretty useless!
I wouldn't say that, it's just a really difficult weapon to use well. The tactical benefits (especially in Splat Zones) are immense! If one member of the team is using the brush they can paint a path for the rest to swim towards the Splat Zone in no time! :awesome: It's more of a support weapon really.


Just had a game where I got 1219 points... and I was on the losing team :( One of my teammates only got 204p! Would've been my record score if the rest of my team were any good!
I had someone on my team get 100-ish points just now. :heh:
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Did about a dozen battles late last night and was top in my team getting 1000+ practically every time. Just played it an hour ago and I was getting owned every time! D'oh, must have been some rubbish players on last night.


I've been using the Splattershot Jr mostly because I like that style but more importantly it has a shield special. Trouble is I just noticed it looks really weak, stat wise :(

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Did about a dozen battles late last night and was top in my team getting 1000+ practically every time. Just played it an hour ago and I was getting owned every time! D'oh, must have been some rubbish players on last night.




Oi!!! :wtf:

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@Phube, given that you can't talk to one another on the game does it matter if you're gaming with friends or not? I don't see the difference if you can't chat together, they may as well be randoms.


Really? you don't think that!! There's a huge difference when you see someone you know, adds so much more, even coming on here and chatting and such. Adds a lot to it even without voice chat.


The game needs voice chat, it would be better, but your obsession with it is is crazy! You really think it makes that much of a difference?!

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Really? you don't think that!! There's a huge difference when you see someone you know, adds so much more, even coming on here and chatting and such. Adds a lot to it even without voice chat.


The game needs voice chat, it would be better, but your obsession with it is is crazy! You really think it makes that much of a difference?!


Please let's not start this up again. Arguments have been done to death, seven times over.

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So while I am still angry with Nintendo about the Amiibo situation, it all sounded like you are having so much fun with this that I caved and purchased it yesterday. Spent a good few hours online last night, got to level 6. I suck with any gun that isn't a straight forward shooter but haven't touched single player yet so hopefully I'll get better at using other weapons in there.


Any tips or advice for a newbie?

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Please let's not start this up again. Arguments have been done to death, seven times over.


I was't arguing, it just keeps coming up again and again and just surprised it means that much. But fine, let's leave it!


Still loving the game, probably going to be my favourite game this generation across all formats, but plenty of time to go!


Splat Zones is amazing, gutting you can't play it with friends. Yet... Right Nintendo, YET?!!?!

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Splat Zones has quickly become my game mode of choice on Splatoon, it will be nice when it's hopefully opened up so you can play with friends though.


I must spend some more time in the single player mode, I've only played a few stages.

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Just completed the single player mode:


Absolutely Inkredible! Pure Nintendo brilliance. It may use the tried and tested three stage system but it just works so well (I actually think there were four). Starts of easy letting you understand what you had to do, took me a while to realise you had to hit the hands whilst they were flying towards you and not whilst in the ground. then each stage just adds a little more each time until you are getting surrounded by projectiles and enemies. It's pure mayhem but not so bad that you feel overwhelmed. Nintendo quite like the 'tennis' battles of hitting an item back and forth between you and the enemy. Love it, it's so enjoyable.



Now onto the Amiibo challenges and some more online battles. Such an awesome game. Please keep this updated Nintendo. More levels, weapons and single player stages will keep me coming back to this for a long time.

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Splat Zones has quickly become my game mode of choice on Splatoon, it will be nice when it's hopefully opened up so you can play with friends though.


I must spend some more time in the single player mode, I've only played a few stages.


Splat Zones is absolutely incredible!! Just played it for 2 hours straight. Don't want to dwell on it, but they better allow this for friends soon!!

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Loving it even more with every play. Love how some games really do turn in the last minute. Also find it so satisfying when I see an Inkling setting off a Ink Strike and are open for a free splattering.


Really like the Seeker too. Seeing someone coming towards you and you just set it off towards them.

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When we can create teams then I bet you can get some lethal combinations with attacking players with bubbles, defensive players with ink strikes, snipers, seekers, they are all such different weapons and affect gameplay so much. This game...

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Played about five or six hours now and just can't get my head around how little content there is.


The single player is virtually non existent which I'd expected so not bothered about that, however the online is basically just one mode. As well as that, there seems to be no choice in anything so I keep ending up in teams with low level players against ridiculously high ones. And that's it. That's essentially the whole game besides different weapons and hats. Considering how little content there is, it's really surprising that Nintendo has placed lots of stuff as Amiibo unlocked only.


With no voice chat or being able to choose your team mates, theres no real way of having any strategy in the map, it's just fire and fire like crazy for three minutes and then repeat


Am I missing something because all of this praise it seems to be getting seems somewhat misguided at the moment.

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Oh that's going to go down well... :P


It's such a good point though. I feel people are letting it slide as it's Nintendo, and a new IP from them at that.


If any other big game company released it as it was they'd have been slaughtered for it.

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