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Reading neogaf, it seems like it's mostly stability update. NintendoLife users claimed that people who weren't able to connect before are able to do so now. Someone also said that the plaza now feels like it's running in higher frame rate. Pretty sure some clitches were also fixed.

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...it makes some sense to not allow friend team-ups in ranked. Makes it an even ground for all


It makes no sense at all, it's a team-base game, it should be ranked on teams. Yet because there's no option to party up with friends they can't really do this, they shot themselves in the foot.

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Reading neogaf, it seems like it's mostly stability update. NintendoLife users claimed that people who weren't able to connect before are able to do so now. Someone also said that the plaza now feels like it's running in higher frame rate. Pretty sure some clitches were also fixed.


I fired it up before work and got the update. I agree the plaza feels smoother now. Then again, I may have still been half asleep. :D

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Just saw that Eurogamer have released their review for this and have given it "Essential", their highest score! Was not expecting that, the preview they had last week when all the other reviews were coming out was extremely negative.

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It makes no sense at all, it's a team-base game, it should be ranked on teams. Yet because there's no option to party up with friends they can't really do this, they shot themselves in the foot.

Because by being able to not party with friends, there would be no chance of any communication between any, prior or through Skype, so everyone is on equal footing. Makes perfect sense.

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Just saw that Eurogamer have released their review for this and have given it "Essential", their highest score! Was not expecting that, the preview they had last week when all the other reviews were coming out was extremely negative.


They mentioned in the comments that a game with a 7/10 on their old rating could get an Essential in their new ones - the game is so much fun that you have to get it, despite it's flaws.

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They mentioned in the comments that a game with a 7/10 on their old rating could get an Essential in their new ones





Sorry, had to do it. :p



Was on the verge of buying it yesterday, but there is just so much putting me off...

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They mentioned in the comments that a game with a 7/10 on their old rating could get an Essential in their new ones - the game is so much fun that you have to get it, despite it's flaws.


Indeed - I wasn't saying that this is a 10/10 game. But I was shocked that the review was so completely different in tone to what they put out last week. Really wasn't expecting them to say it was essential.


I think that is what it comes down to with Splatoon. It's missing a lot, it has flaws, but it's so damn fun.

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I think that is what it comes down to with Splatoon. It's missing a lot, it has flaws, but it's so damn fun.


This is pretty much exactly what it boils down to. Yeah, the game has issues with content but the fact that many of us on here recognise these issues yet still continue to play it is a testament to just how good the gameplay is.


EDIT: Shamelessly stolen from Gaf.



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After putting in quite a few hours on this, my impressions are as follows (multi-player only):


This is hands down the most interesting, fun and creative shooter to hit the market for years. It isn't without flaws, but it is revolutionary and changes the way shooters are played.


Not only is it beautiful, unique and runs smoothly (both in terms of a 60fps and a total lack of lag) but it also changes the way shooters are played.


The feeling of painting the level and being able to contribute to a battle without having to be a killing machine is fantastic. This alleviates the pain of other shooters like COD, where when you die a lot you drag down the team and feel like you aren't contributing.


It also gives the unique aspect to a shooter that the match can keep swinging either way until the very end. One team can have 75% of the map painted, but the other team can mount a come back and literally undo the good work the other team has done.


It is genuinely the first online shooter I've playe and not got angry at!

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After putting in quite a few hours on this, my impressions are as follows (multi-player only):


This is hands down the most interesting, fun and creative shooter to hit the market for years. It isn't without flaws, but it is revolutionary and changes the way shooters are played.


Not only is it beautiful, unique and runs smoothly (both in terms of a 60fps and a total lack of lag) but it also changes the way shooters are played.


The feeling of painting the level and being able to contribute to a battle without having to be a killing machine is fantastic. This alleviates the pain of other shooters like COD, where when you die a lot you drag down the team and feel like you aren't contributing.


It also gives the unique aspect to a shooter that the match can keep swinging either way until the very end. One team can have 75% of the map painted, but the other team can mount a come back and literally undo the good work the other team has done.


It is genuinely the first online shooter I've playe and not got angry at!


I now want voice chat even more just to hear what a calm Zechs sounds like. :)


The swinging of a match is what I find really interesting in the game. You could be winning throughout the entire match but at the last 15 seconds your team could be wiped out and the enemy gain more ground in the final seconds. You just know this is gonna happen when you see that everyone has spawned at base at the same time. :D

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It makes no sense at all, it's a team-base game, it should be ranked on teams. Yet because there's no option to party up with friends they can't really do this, they shot themselves in the foot.


As it is ranked, it does make some sense. A 'C' grade player shouldn't be matched up to an 'A' grade player.


Having said that, I do think they should have unranked splat zones available to allow players to join up and play as a team of friends regardless of their grade, I would love that.


I agree the only 2 maps every 4 hours isn't so great, but it does have the advantage that you are forced to play your weaker/less favoured maps on occasion rather than just playing your favourites over and over. the new map wasn't my favourite at all at first, but it's really grown on me now, and I would say having been forced to give fairly even attention to all the maps I have come to appreciate the differences to game play that they offer.


I think once the full range of modes and options are out there we will be able to judge it more fairly, but fair enough if it doesn't interest you.


In any case, if you were looking to get it when it is even cheaper than at launch you'd probably find most people will have moved on by then, at £22/24 I don't see the price dropping any time soon.

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Having said that, I do think they should have unranked splat zones available to allow players to join up and play as a team of friends regardless of their grade, I would love that.


This is my biggest issue with the rank stuff at the moment and I hope you they do make an unranked version.


Playing with friends on ranked modes doesn't makes sense due to the nature of the matchmaking. With teams being made random, friends could end up on the opposite sides of each other and essentially boost their kills/rank.


They may bring in a friends team based ranking mode in August, when the other friends stuff is released.

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Not only is it beautiful, unique and runs smoothly (both in terms of a 60fps and a total lack of lag) but it also changes the way shooters are played.

I have suffered a little bit of lag in this game, with players teleporting to the wrong place, and a few kills I have made were probably lag aided. Also firing ink and it not settling, until a few moments later the whole area flicks to the colour it should have been.. makes it very hard to travel as I am used to laying ink before I travel. I've had a few d/c as well shortly after, I find if I try to continue inking when it's not settling the game will boot me out after a while.

The feeling of painting the level and being able to contribute to a battle without having to be a killing machine is fantastic. This alleviates the pain of other shooters like COD, where when you die a lot you drag down the team and feel like you aren't contributing.

Definitely agree with this, it's easier to see how you can contribute as the map clearly shows where terrain needs repainting, and usually reveals where you are likely to find a few enemy squid.

It is genuinely the first online shooter I've playe and not got angry at!

yeah, I was surprised that on a couple of occassions I found myself laughing when things went against my team - seeing an ambush successfully take out a team mate, or an inkstrike being launched on the spot where a moment earlier I had set as my destination for my super jump!

Edited by Pestneb
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Because by being able to not party with friends, there would be no chance of any communication between any, prior or through Skype, so everyone is on equal footing. Makes perfect sense.


Oh Serebii.... it makes no fucking sense whatsoever. It's such a pitiful rationale. Who really cares about the RANKING!?!?! People just want to have fun, ism't that what nintendo's about? Having fun? Putting smile son peoples faces? Not a serious competitive gaming scene where they don't want even the slightest possible advantage... doesn't make any sense whatsoever, especially from nintendo!!


Nintendo are all about getting friends together, yet they limit it... it's so stupid. So clueless. Aggravating.


And if that's how they feel. Let us play it outside of ranked matches then! Done!!

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Oh Serebii.... it makes no fucking sense whatsoever. It's such a pitiful rationale. Who really cares about the RANKING!?!?! People just want to have fun, ism't that what nintendo's about? Having fun? Putting smile son peoples faces? Not a serious competitive gaming scene where they don't want even the slightest possible advantage... doesn't make any sense whatsoever, especially from nintendo!!


Nintendo are all about getting friends together, yet they limit it... it's so stupid. So clueless. Aggravating.


And if that's how they feel. Let us play it outside of ranked matches then! Done!!

I agree they should give an option for Splat Zones outside of Ranked, yes. However, the logic for no friend matchups in ranked is sound. It may suck, but it makes sense. Let's not put our grumpiness in the way of being able to see the logic in such things.

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Tried a new weapon and the ink missile thing. Oh boy it changes the way it's played. With the shield I absolutely bomb into enemy territory as quickly as possible, pin them back while, hopefully, my team mates paint in the pieces, but maybe I've slowed them down a bit.


But with this, I actually like hanging back, filling up my special as soon as possible and then getting them from a far. I actually do this in splat zones, so Hero's picture made me laugh as I fill in all our area, but I'm actually filling up my special, then using it on the actual Splat Zone, often killing loads of people, making it easier for my team to then take it. I went on a right streak doing that and was laughing thinking I bet my team think I'm a right gimp. Especially when they see the end map when our half is completely filled, and their half just has one paint streak to the zone :)


The possibilities for tactics and strategies in this game is unlike anything I've played in a shooter (though I only really play death match so I'm probably missing out on a lot).


I keep saying it, but we really need loadouts. I want my gears abilities to reflect the weapon I'm using - more damage for when I have the shield and quicker special gauge for the missile for example....


Nintendo really could tweak this to perfection, I really hope they do. It's already pretty incredible.


I agree they should give an option for Splat Zones outside of Ranked, yes. However, the logic for no friend matchups in ranked is sound. It may suck, but it makes sense. Let's not put our grumpiness in the way of being able to see the logic in such things.


I really don't think it is. They should add voice chat so everyone is equal. If they added friends splat zones, I bet barely anyone would even play ranked...


Though I guess you could argue it's like for fun and for glory in smash brothers..,,


They better have a separate team section. I really want platoon tournaments. FA Cup knockout style!!!

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I think I'm doing this wrong, I'm treating it like a painting Sim, getting really annoyed when people start covering the base but leave it half arsed, it all counts people!! :D


Just got myself up to level 10 finally, have only played one SP level, spent the rest of the time on Turf Wars. Really hoping to get in on a N-E session, I've joined a few people in the day times when on and vice versa, but no evenings for me so far :(


I mentioned in @RedShell 's thread on Nintendo disillusionment about wanting my hobby to be fun. This is just so much fun, pure and unadulterated! Even started trying to sing along with the tunes this morning (thank god for no voice chat ;) )

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I think I'm doing this wrong, I'm treating it like a painting Sim, getting really annoyed when people start covering the base but leave it half arsed, it all counts people!! :D


Exactly. This is usually what I do, I hang back, painting all the areas around our base and surrounding area. Those little blank spaces all add up.

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Splatoon is definitely one of the best surprises I've had in gaming for a while :hehe:


I remember not being particularly fond of how it looked when it was originally revealed last year but it has absolutely won me over. It's ridiculously good fun :yay:


I feel like I got a little better at it yesterday, possibly partly due to increasing the sensitivity of the motion controls but also due to improving my reading of certain situations. Sometimes you just have to know when to run away :heh:


My only disappointment so far is that I haven't really had an opportunity to play with you all properly! I've been able to jump into a few games here and there but work and other commitments have managed to get in the way :hmm: Hopefully that will change this weekend and I can get a true taste of the N-E Splatoon Experience (or N-E SEX, for short :wink:)

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