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I really don't get the love of voice chat, its like a big awkwardly long phone call.

I use it with my friends on GTAV and its just a series of us instructing how to do a mission, then silence talking to a person with us or grunting and everything one saying "what" and 10 min explaining, then rinse and repeat....but thats Playstation, atleast with xbox you had a physical mute switch


You should get new people to play with then :p


I've had insane amounts of fun with voice chat. Be it Diablo 2, CS 1.6, Warcraft, Dota, LoL and Battlefield on PC; Halo on Xbox360; FIFA 13 and Burnout Paradise on PS3. There's more that I just can't be arsed to write down.


But let's not forget Resogun on PS4. And possibly Destiny.


Every gamer I know loves talking when playing. Not only about the game itself but about what's new in life and so on.

And now that most of my friends have moved away (and now that I have moved away) it's great to get in touch while enjoying our hobby.

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I was playing Warframe on PS4 and some random person I was playing with started talking in an inaudible foreign muffle. That was weird.


Personally I'm not that bothered about voice chat either. As Gibbs said, it's like an odd phone call and I hate calling people on phones at the best of times, especially if they're strangers. On the other hand a lot of online players are rubbish and need coordination.

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When myself, @Hero\-of\-Time, @Deathjam, @marky and others on MHTri, voice-chat made it all the better. Then again with others (@Blade) on MH3U on the WiiU.


The fun was only enhanced by talking to them, laughing with them and taking the mick out of each other too. For Nintendo to say they're all about "fun" why is it they leave out features that enhance it?!



This game desperately needs voice-chat. It would be all the better for it!

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How do you know that I have the time to play games a lot? I don't recall ever knowing you.


For your information, I am out of house for normally 13 hours a day during the week, sometimes more. I don't game all that often during the week.


When I do game, as previously stated I prefer to game with people I know and can speak to.


Unfortunately Skype is not an acceptable substitute. Nintendo has to modernise and include voice chat in their online multiplayer games. I acknowledge that they don't though and are unlikely to change. Fortunately I have got the contact details of friends I want to game with in any case.


Just a blind guess, sorry about that.

I'm working from home (home office) and I do that from 8:00 'till 22:00 daily.

And I write more than 800 lines of code every day, along with 2D and 3D art every day.

Often less, more when nearing deadlines.

(And I often take a break to prevent RSI and stuff like that.)

Based on that I made that guess.


I work long after 17:00 on purpose because as soon as European companies close down, Nintendo's dev support start their working day.

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If voice chat is included it's not going to be forced upon you. Most of the people saying they don't want voice chat seem to be against talking to random people online. What about those of us who want to talk with our friends while we enjoy the game together?

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Its not that people don't want voice chat, the option would be great......its just sometimes people make it sound like voice chat is the number one requirement of a game, almost like instantly a game with it is a must have, and a game with out it is Super man 64....Its not the be all and end all of game its a great addition to a game and can enhance it for those that like it.

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Exactly, couldn't give two shits speaking to randoms.


I do give two shits speaking to my mates however.


I must admit, some of the conversations we've had on MH3U we're fantastic, so the more games that have voice chat included, the better. : peace:


This game really does need it as an option though for friends as the very least, in fact any game with at least an ounce of coordination does, Capcom realises this so I wonder why doesn't Nintendo? :blank:


There should really be no excuses where talking to people you know is concerned, we've had first-party games that support it on the Wii and DS before so... ::shrug:

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But in a squad/team game where you are co-operating, voice chat is a very useful tool to co-ordinate with team mates, from what we know so far I do get the impression it is something splatoon would really benefit from.

Maybe they want it to be more of a individual thing?


I didn't say I don't want voice chat.


Thought this forum was about talking about gaming? It's on topic. Don't see a problem with it. You can always "ignore" me. I actually think I don't really mention it all that much compared to others.


Your post in the Hyrule Warrior thread from a little while ago stuck out, considering the game doesn't even have an online mode, so maybe it's because of that I "latched" on to you.

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  • 1 month later...
Nintendo “talked about the possibility” of featuring Mario in Splatoon


At one point, Nintendo “talked about the possibility” of featuring Mario as the main player character in Splatoon. That’s according to Shigeru Miyamoto, who revealed the information to EDGE this month.


Miyamoto told the magazine:


“There were heated debates over who the main player character should be. Whether it should be Mario, or a squid. When we talked about the possibility of it being Mario, of course we could think of the advantages: anybody would be willing to touch it as soon as we announced that we had the new Mario game. But at the same time, we had some worries. If it were Mario, we wouldn’t be able to create any new IP.”


Splatoon was first announced at this year’s E3. It’s a brand new third-person shooter of sorts from Nintendo and includes completely unique characters.




I think they made the right decision as this allows for greater freedom.

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  • 2 months later...

A translation of the plot of Splatoon from their Japanese Twitter account reads as:


Investigative Report from the Squid Research Lab. The protagonist, wearing the Hero Suit, travels through this underground world. The Octopus Army Corps, hoping to invade the Squid's world, built this underground facility. Is it just me that feels the Octopus' longing for the world above-ground from the blue sky projected onto those large monitors?





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Ooh! This is interesting to see...




Looks like the Splatoon devs have been putting out regular updates on the Japanese Nintendo Twitter account!


Well how very bloody modern of them! :) (fits the game and it's development philosophy I guess - very un-Nintendolike and not in a bad way either :) )


Edit: Oh, never mind. Looks like Wii beat me to it :laughing:


Ah well, my point still stands anyway :)

Edited by Dcubed
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Can't wait for nintendo to announce the voice chat options for this. Without the game will die a death and nintendo will use it as evidence that new IP's don't sell....


I think a minority of users care about voice chat, and an even smaller percentage would allow such a trivial missing feature dictate whether they buy the game or not.


I played it at EGX half a dozen times and not once did I feel the need to talk to my team. And they were stood right next to me.

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I think a minority of users care about voice chat, and an even smaller percentage would allow such a trivial missing feature dictate whether they buy the game or not.


I played it at EGX half a dozen times and not once did I feel the need to talk to my team. And they were stood right next to me.


You've played it? How was it?


I'm not one for voice chat as such, but I think a game like this absolutely needs it, in that environment it's one thing, but at home, online, putting some serious hours it'd be great to play out tactics and communicate throughout the game, without the the games' sales will be crippled. People will still buy it and such, but a lot more would buy it with voice chat and a serious go at competitive online gaming.

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You've played it? How was it?


I'm not one for voice chat as such, but I think a game like this absolutely needs it, in that environment it's one thing, but at home, online, putting some serious hours it'd be great to play out tactics and communicate throughout the game, without the the games' sales will be crippled. People will still buy it and such, but a lot more would buy it with voice chat and a serious go at competitive online gaming.


I absolutely loved it, that's why I kept going back to play it over and over again. I don't think it suits voice chat though.


It's very different to other shooters like COD in that it's way way more chaotic, just none stop blast em up, that's why I don't think there will be any need to discuss tactics during the match. There's too much going on for that kind of thing, you need to fully concentrate on watching the landscape and obv shooting ink. I couldn't imagine speaking to people whilst playing, and even if I could I wouldn't have much to say. There's just no need IMO, it's too fast paced.

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I'm not one for voice chat as such, but I think a game like this absolutely needs it, in that environment it's one thing, but at home, online, putting some serious hours it'd be great to play out tactics and communicate throughout the game, without the the games' sales will be crippled. People will still buy it and such, but a lot more would buy it with voice chat and a serious go at competitive online gaming.


You yelling at us on Fifa with your screeching headset says otherwise. :D

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I absolutely loved it, that's why I kept going back to play it over and over again. I don't think it suits voice chat though.


It's very different to other shooters like COD in that it's way way more chaotic, just none stop blast em up, that's why I don't think there will be any need to discuss tactics during the match. There's too much going on for that kind of thing, you need to fully concentrate on watching the landscape and obv shooting ink. I couldn't imagine speaking to people whilst playing, and even if I could I wouldn't have much to say. There's just no need IMO, it's too fast paced.


Up against a team that communicates well you'd think differently.

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Up against a team that communicates well you'd think differently.


Pretty much this.


I thought of Battlefield 4 when I read that. It's absolute mayhem, 32vs32. Get a fully functioning team and you can see the benefits. I feel like I was getting better at that before we stopped playing. Need to get back on it.

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I take your point but I personally wouldn't because I have zero interest in voice chatting during games.


Just out of curiosity, why not? Do you chat with the people you're playing with in local multiplayer? Imo, it helps a lot. I previously didn't think much of it but I've found that online gaming really is boring without it. You may as well play against an AI opponent rather than a human without it. It's essential for anything team based.

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Just out of curiosity, why not? Do you chat with the people you're playing with in local multiplayer? Imo, it helps a lot. I previously didn't think much of it but I've found that online gaming really is boring without it. You may as well play against an AI opponent rather than a human without it. It's essential for anything team based.


I'm just not that interested in online multiplayer gaming full stop, nor first person shooters. Give me a single player campaign any day. That's probably why I love Nintendo so much. I'll play Mario Kart, Smash or Splatoon online but it's not the be all and end all for me. And when I do go online, I prefer to not have anything bothering me over a headset at the time.

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