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We can help with that.


May I suggest that everyone who buys this makes a vow.


If you find a creator that makes good quality levels (Not just one, at least a few), recommend that creator to the rest of us here, so we can try them.

It'll help alleviate the issue of too many insane levels at least a little.

Well levels can be shared on Miiverse like Mario VS Donkey Kong if I'm not mistaken, so all we have to do is follow eachother and job done

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So, does Olimar unlock 2, as Olimar is also a costume?


Also, I just had a thought, perhaps Tingle was added for when people scan in a second Link (i.e. Link and Toon Link).


Who's to say the two Links won't get you different looking Links? If they can be bothered to make a miniaturised Bowser, why not an 8-bit Toon Link?

In fact, that kinda happened once...




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Each of the amiibo unlock one costume. All the costumes of characters who don't have amiibo are randomly unlocked each time you complete the 100 Mario challenge. This can even be done on easy mode, where many of the levels can be breezed through quite quickly. Since I got the game on Friday, I've done this five or six times, though most of the costumes I've unlocked have been leaked online in various places. I did upload a level earlier based on an as-yet unleaked costume, though.. :)

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Never mind the nine day thing - the main worry I have about the game is how difficult it may end up being trying to find truly innovative levels. As soon as it comes out, I can see it being flooded with hundreds of levels that are just filled with loads of enemies and enemy towers, rather than ones that use the platform placement and other elements in creative ways. I reckon it's also going to be quite hard to get your level noticed - so many will come out at once, I fear the majority will just sink without getting the chance to be discovered. Will hopefully be proved wrong, though!


But there are other and better ways of doing this.


Ensure elements (enemies, platforms etc) are tagged and give more credence to those with an appropriate balance. Nintendo of all companies should know the formula for good level design and so they could figure this out.

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Are there any videos for levels which are incredibly difficult but straight-forward platforming from left to right (or right to left :D)?


As much as I can appreciate levels like the one in the video above, I don't really like those 'exploration'-themed levels.

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Should have done it in the SMB theme with the Samus amiibo :p


But then they couldn't use Kuriboh's Shoe.


SMB is sorely lacking in powerups, so SMB 3 was probably the right decision.


Also, Pokemon costumes have no special sound effects?



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Are there any videos for levels which are incredibly difficult but straight-forward platforming from left to right (or right to left :D)?


As much as I can appreciate levels like the one in the video above, I don't really like those 'exploration'-themed levels.


Did you see the Nintendo World Championship levels? I think they were more pure platofmring. Utterly insane and trolly at points, but more pure!

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Did you see the Nintendo World Championship levels? I think they were more pure platofmring. Utterly insane and trolly at points, but more pure!


That's my only issue with the levels that come with the game, they seem hard just for the sake of being hard.


See, I've been thinking of levels I'd like to make.

Once I learned about the custom sound effects, an idea popped straight into my head to make a relatively simple level, except that while you're playing, there's some tosspot (AKA, me) making sarcastic and derogatory comments whenever you do something.


For example, hitting a block with a mushroom would result in this guy saying something along the lines of "I suppose you would need help to finish this level..." (In a sarcastic tone of voice of course)


Basically, heavily inspired by this.



Of course, this depends on how much freedom you're given with the sound effects, it hinges on whether I can have more than one on a level. But if all goes well, you can look forward to "Super Sarcasm Bros."


EDIT: Turns out that custom sound effects get replaced by some kind of parrot sound when put online, so the best I can do is record it and show it on Youtube.

Expected it, otherwise you'll hear naughty words on every level.

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Considering the levels from the media build won't be playable in the retail version, I thought I'd make a recording of my levels so far. No fancy video capture equipment though, I'm afraid - good, old-fashioned 'prop the phone up next to the GamePad and record' so the quality is pretty bad! You get the idea, though. :)


Neo Hills 1

My first level. A bit of a difficult start, but gets easier and has a secret area.


Neo Underground 1

My first underground level. I wanted to make good use of the propeller mushroom in this one!


I Need A P!

My attempt at creating the alphabet song using musical notes. The P Block is hidden underneath the note that plays for P in the alphabet!


Eat, Spin Then Throw Up!

I wanted to make a level where you needed to throw things upwards, which is only possible in SMW. The name came next, then I got designing


The Thwomps Have Wings

For this I wanted to try out different ways that winged Thwomps could be used as a stage hazard. I also wanted to try and make a proper boss fight at the end. Definitely my most difficult level so far... maybe too difficult!

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