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Mario Kart Direct


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but why not include a mute option? I use to hate random chat on COD when playing on 360 but I Could mute people and just talk to my friends.


This is a simple solution dude!


Also for me to talk to friends during races on MK we all have to get on our phones/tablet or laptops to chat.


Are you really selling that to me as a viable solution.. :shakehead


The mute option seems fine, sure...but there must be a reason why Nintendo have chose not to include voice chat during races. It's something that they will be asked by the media at some point no doubt.


Yeah, Skype/Facetiming etc is a viable solution - purely as there is no alternative option! :heh:

All I am saying is that rather than complain about their games all of the time for what they don't offer, why don't people actually focus on the good stuff?

It's a really depressing time around Nintendo gamers at times. There are only a few members that actively seem to appreciate that Nintendo are different and have accepted that they aren't doing what Sony and MS are doing.

Gamers should just accept that and then they have a choice:


Either continue to buy Nintendo products and accept or appreciate what Nintendo are doing.


Don't buy the system


It seems a lot of gamers have spoken - with option two. But to remain part of the Nintendo crowd and do nothing but pull the games apart seems like it would be a frustrating, negative way to spend your time. :wtf:

Edited by tapedeck
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Just gotten round the watching the Direct, good stuff, can't wait for the game, the Tournament mode in Online should reall help out with the League, bet @lostmario is itching to find the full rundown on the settings that are possible with that :D


Wonder what the the copyright situation will be for uploading vids to Youtube? Wonder could I monotenise them on my channel? Meh I assume Nintendo will have the copyright bots out in force to claim copyright and ad revenue on any uploaded vids from the game

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Managed to watch it all... Was an effort to watch via all the fucking cheese covering everything like a bukkake. Taken from Twitter during the cringeworthy final race:

"Mario being in 4th place and getting a Crazy 8? Bitch please."


I was really hoping Donkey Kong (or someone) would plough through at the last minute. VERY DISAPPOINTING.



And (what is essentially) Metal Peach and baby Rosalina, shit. SHIT I TELL YOU.

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its a common trend.


Before Wii U was released we were told there would be accounts and yeah we found out there is some kind of account but its not the kind of accounts gamers were asking for.


Then months later we were told that nintendo gamers wanted 3DS a Wii U accounts to be combined but nintendo thinks that the the combined wallets is the perfect solution when it clearly isnt.


Now we get live chat but not in game.


makes no damn sense!

Actually, we have evidence that


- The accounts are unified

- Purchases are tied to the accounts.


But this is a discussion for another thread ;)


Working my way through it now...


Free game! Any recommendations?

The Wonderful 101, if you haven't already.

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As I've said before, the Battle Mode was completely destroyed after the glorious SNES and N64 versions so, in all honesty, any changes to the current formula is welcome in my book :heh:


As for the free game offer, due to actually considering going down the Nintendo Land route, it would lead me to think that maybe someone would be interested in trading my physical copy for a Wii U game of their own?


Just a though, anyway.. :heh:

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I'll be getting WWHD. Having played the original to death wasn't keen on getting it. Now...count me in!

A great promotion from Nintendo and one that I hope we see more of in the future. It all ties back to that idea that the more software you buy the more you are rewarded. A great incentive.

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I think Wind Waker and Pikmin 3 are probably the best choices.


Nintendo Land has been cheap online before,

Wonderful 101 seems like the type of game that will be a bargain price sometime too,

Wii U Party is basically free with a Wiimote Plus if you need one,

Game & Wario, and the two Sonic games are arguably not very good,


Otherwise Monster Hunter if it's your type of game or MarioBros. if it's your type of game & you don't already have it.

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I think Wind Waker and Pikmin 3 are probably the best choices.


Nintendo Land has been cheap online before,

Wonderful 101 seems like the type of game that will be a bargain price sometime too,

Wii U Party is basically free with a Wiimote Plus if you need one,

Game & Wario, and the two Sonic games are arguably not very good,


Otherwise Monster Hunter if it's your type of game or MarioBros. if it's your type of game & you don't already have it.


I know you've been holding off on a Wii U so far - has this offer and the Tesco deal tempted you to jump in now????

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I know you've been holding off on a Wii U so far - has this offer and the Tesco deal tempted you to jump in now????
I've had it sitting in the Basket all day :p


If it wasn't for the fact I can't really afford it right now I'd have jumped at it. I may still, but I might have to find something(s) to sell :P

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I have most of those games already so my choices have been narrowed down to:




Game & Wario*

Mario & Sonic.

Wii Play U


The ones marked with a * I have on disk. Wii Play U probably won't get played multiplayer much so seems pointless. Nintendoland wouldn't be bad to have on the system all the time and I still need to play through it some more. Mario & Sonic can be gotten for around £20 anyways, but I'm not sure how much I will play it if at all. Has some great music though.


Decisions, decisions...


Do you think if you buy the eShop version and retail you get 2 codes or will Nintendo not allow it?

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It was obvious the speaker box item would just be something boring like spinning out everyone in the blast radius, so the fact that it can defend against weapons is a very welcome bonus. Still would rather have the feather make a return though.


Also can't believe they showed the new Rainbow Road! I don't think they've ever spoiled that before.


I'm also not the biggest fan of the free-roaming replay camera they use for all their trailers. I think visually the game looks far more impressive from the regular behind-the-kart perspective.

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Not with the times? I would argue it's more like they are not doing what other companies are doing in regards to how they use technology. Just because they march to the beat of their own drum doesn't mean they are behind the times. They are just doing things differently.


Not every gamer wants voice chat and if hardcore gamers are so bothered about it then they have alternatives - lobby chat in game or free (easily accessible) alternatives like Skype that you can use on your smart phone/tablet/PC/Laptop.


Don't let the small things ruin how great this will be. :awesome:


I completely disagree with the idea that going by their own rhythm doesn't equate to being behind the times. Most online multiplayer games since the original Xbox have allowed you to chat whilst playing the game, offering the voice chat in between games sounds like a completely odd choice of differentiation that's completely useless.


Why do gamers like voice chat? Because it adds a new depth. People have said in this topic that they don't mind as they're too busy concentrating on the game, but there are quite a few of us here that can concentrate on the game and talk at the same time. Why does Mario Kart work so well locally? You can laugh, cry, call out your friends mid game and psyche each other out. And when there's silence because you're all concentrating on the final hurdle, the intensity is so much more palpable.


They're not doing things differently. They demonstrated the competence to include voice chat, but ripped out part of the feature. That's not positive differentiation.


On to the second part I put in bold, that's kind of a ridiculous defence. Did you know that on Xbox, Playstation and PC you can manually enable and disable voice chat when you see fit? And who is to say voice chat is only appealing to hardcore gamers? And why should those gamers have to seek alternatives when the system is clearly capable of it? This is why some of us are getting so frustrated with Nintendo and are finding to take them seriously, they keep dictating what the players want, an attitude they previously admitted was wrong in regards to how they previously saw online multiplayer.


EDIT: Sorry if this turns to be counter intuitive to the topic, I just felt like a response was appropriate.

Edited by Debug Mode
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That was so painful to watch.





Come on man, lighten up :)


Actually yeah it seems The Wonderful 101 doesn't really drop in price does it?... is that because it's classed like a Nintendo First Party game, and not a Platinum game?... because you see the likes of Bayonetta going for £10.

It is Nintendo owned and published, yeah

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I completely disagree with the idea that going by their own rhythm doesn't equate to being behind the times. Most online multiplayer games since the original Xbox have allowed you to chat whilst playing the game, offering the voice chat in between games sounds like a completely odd choice of differentiation that's completely useless.


Why do gamers like voice chat? Because it adds a new depth. People have said in this topic that they don't mind as they're too busy concentrating on the game, but there are quite a few of us here that can concentrate on the game and talk at the same time. Why does Mario Kart work so well locally? You can laugh, cry, call out your friends mid game and psyche each other out. And when there's silence because you're all concentrating on the final hurdle, the intensity is so much more palpable.


They're not doing things differently. They demonstrated the competence to include voice chat, but ripped out part of the feature. That's not positive differentiation.


On to the second part I put in bold, that's kind of a ridiculous defence. Did you know that on Xbox, Playstation and PC you can manually enable and disable voice chat when you see fit? And who is to say voice chat is only appealing to hardcore gamers? And why should those gamers have to seek alternatives when the system is clearly capable of it? This is why some of us are getting so frustrated with Nintendo and are finding to take them seriously, they keep dictating what the players want, an attitude they previously admitted was wrong in regards to how they previously saw online multiplayer.


EDIT: Sorry if this turns to be counter intuitive to the topic, I just felt like a response was appropriate.


Well...... Buttons!


It is what it is - at the end of the day Nintendo create the game and they dictate how they want it to be played. Your only choice is to buy or dont buy... But you're probably going to buy anyway since its going to be a great game regardless, right? :indeed:

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Actually yeah it seems The Wonderful 101 doesn't really drop in price does it?... is that because it's classed like a Nintendo First Party game, and not a Platinum game?... because you see the likes of Bayonetta going for £10.


I've seen it going for dirt cheap over in the states (it's regularly $20 or so over there). It's more the case that they produced so few copies for the U.K and eShop price is nearly always so high.

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Yeah I'm not watching that video because of the spoilers too, but I did fast forward through bits of it to see the shocker that is Gold Peach!


I've seen it going for dirt cheap over in the states (it's regularly $20 or so over there). It's more the case that they produced so few copies for the U.K and eShop price is nearly always so high.
I was sure I'd seen it cheap over here too, but yeah looking around here now it's £30 everywhere.
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It was like a variety show from the 50s trying to be a variety show from the 70s. It was dreadful and contained less than five minutes of news and the rest was bumpf.


Also, stop telling me what to do.

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