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What Would You Change About Nintendo/With Nintendo?


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Let's put it like this: when Nintendo released Pikmin 3, was Pikmin 3 or the Wii U the product they were trying to sell? The correct answer is that they both were. Nintendo released software, hoping that the software in itself would earn money. But they also wanted it to sell their own hardware (which it did, if only to a minor extent).

Sony have a hard time shifting Smart TV's and I believe that their Smartphone division has been failing for some years (which is the reason Ericsson have sold their shares). Plus they're uncertain if the dedicated games machine has a future, so they want to try out something else.


Why is Sony even relevant to this discussion? (Unsurprisingly Serebii brought them up.)


What does it matter what Nintendo were actually doing? It is completely superfluous to the discussion that Nintendo were trying to sell Pikmin 3 and the Wii U; just because that business model has worked for the past 20 years doesn't mean it makes sense nowadays (the trend in technology is moving away from proprietary hardware; it's about the content and being able to consume it as easily as possible - and that is only a good thing).


Also, Pikmin 3 is an utterly asinine example as I said explicitly that I was referring to Nintendo's legacy collection. Not games that were released even remotely recently.


So on what world does it make sense to raise the entry barrier to products by restricting them to a specific piece of hardware? How is it not better to get rid of the hardware barrier completely and just sell the game - suddenly your potential audience isn't just the paltry number of Wii U owners, it's anyone with a TV or a tablet or a smartphone.


And WHY NOT go further than Legacy software; sure that isn't an option on more recent software - because the baseline for a lot of technology doesn't have the grunt necessary to pull off recent games - but when a streaming service is completely viable, why not? How does it not make sense for something like Playstation or Nintendo to eventually abandon hardware completely and just become a hardware agnostic platform?

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Let's put it like this: when Nintendo released Pikmin 3, was Pikmin 3 or the Wii U the product they were trying to sell? The correct answer is that they both were. Nintendo released software, hoping that the software in itself would earn money. But they also wanted it to sell their own hardware (which it did, if only to a minor extent).

Sony have a hard time shifting Smart TV's and I believe that their Smartphone division has been failing for some years (which is the reason Ericsson have sold their shares). Plus they're uncertain if the dedicated games machine has a future, so they want to try out something else.


Damn, is this really the state of Sony? Do we want Nintendo to emulate the Playstation?

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Damn, is this really the state of Sony? Do we want Nintendo to emulate the Playstation?


Just about all the things people have said Nintendo need to improve are what Sony has / is already doing. So yes, I'd say they do need to emulate what Sony are doing in several areas.

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I do, but Nintendo are sticklers for wanting to provide the original experience for the Virtual Console. I read that they even toned down Lylat Wars on the Wii VC because it was running better than the Nintendo 64 original. As such, they'd be making it so it'd run on each individual console, not run middleware that has varying results on each platform.


7. The above sorts of attitudes - it's argued as if it's ok or a reasonable justification. It isn't.

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With regards to their legacy, it's a simple question. What brings in/ would bring in more people:


- having the virtual console library solely on nintendos platforms, so people who want to play those games have to get the machine




- would introducing people outside of nintendos fan base to these games, encourage them to want to try the new entries in the series and buy a Wii u


Tricky one to answer and obviously we don't know. Personally I think putting smart phone based games onto mobile would be a better way of introducing these franchises to the masses - a donkey kong mine cart game link Rayman Jungle Run for example sounds perfect for me.

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...I do, but Nintendo are sticklers for wanting to provide the original experience for the Virtual Console. I read that they even toned down Lylat Wars on the Wii VC because it was running better than the Nintendo 64 original.


As such, they'd be making it so it'd run on each individual console, not run middleware that has varying results on each platform.


A friend of mine has got review copies of the GBA games and wrote some stuff about the new Virtual Console features on it for them


Screen Smoothing, Original Resolution & GamePad manuals




I'm impressed.


Do these two posts not contradict each other?

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Plus Serebii is essentially saying "Nintendo is spending its time making games worse". They may get geeky hard-ons about making it exactly the same as it used to be, but does anyone really care? Or even, notice?

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Immediately look at making current handheld devices actually portable to the average joe

This could potentially sacrifice a leap in technological capability for their hardware, but they really need to start developing a decent sized 3DS that can actually be taken out easily. That or go back to trying to undertake the third tier.


Nintendo's proposed third tier was a little too ahead of its time to be seen as lucrative. The micro could actually fit in your pocket, imagine a Nintendo console these days that could actually fit in your pocket. Back then, you either had snake on your phone to play or you'd carry around a gameboy or a DS. Now smartphones have a lot, but they don't have Nintendo. Who knows how well or bad it will do, but when handhelds are now bigger and heavier than the original gameboy, I can definitely see the average consumer not wanting to carry it around. Many people may have the idea that a phone is all they need, but Nintendo IP's can pull them in (the Wii generation may have just been a simple fad however). They have to emulate Nintendo to play Nintendo. They have no buttons. They can't communicate/engage in multiplayer. I would definitely check out this arena immediately, though if Nintendo do a thorough job of strategic management as one would expect, I imagine they all ready have.


No more Nintendo spin on essential software

The only form of communication we received which go to specifically to certain people was Letterbox, and this is not what any of us were expecting. It was a fun little thing, no one doubts that, but did that give us what we wanted and they had apparently listened to? No. The Miiverse thing on the 3DS also runs like shit due to the technological limitations, very indicative that Nintendo are still far too naive on what customers want as there should have been something there for player to player communication. The Vita may be struggling, but Sony are learning. If Nintendo wants to maintain competitive advantage, their next console or a stop gap 3DS similar to the DSi needs this shit. It's 2014, come on.

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Immediately look at making current handheld devices actually portable to the average joe

This could potentially sacrifice a leap in technological capability for their hardware, but they really need to start developing a decent sized 3DS that can actually be taken out easily. That or go back to trying to undertake the third tier.


Nintendo's proposed third tier was a little too ahead of its time to be seen as lucrative. The micro could actually fit in your pocket, imagine a Nintendo console these days that could actually fit in your pocket. Back then, you either had snake on your phone to play or you'd carry around a gameboy or a DS. Now smartphones have a lot, but they don't have Nintendo. Who knows how well or bad it will do, but when handhelds are now bigger and heavier than the original gameboy, I can definitely see the average consumer not wanting to carry it around. Many people may have the idea that a phone is all they need, but Nintendo IP's can pull them in (the Wii generation may have just been a simple fad however). They have to emulate Nintendo to play Nintendo. They have no buttons. They can't communicate/engage in multiplayer. I would definitely check out this arena immediately, though if Nintendo do a thorough job of strategic management as one would expect, I imagine they all ready have.


I'm thinking of Nintendo making a 3DS version with a built in phone... or a phone with a 3DS built in. Make it sleek, make it sexy looking and then enable telephone providers to sell it at a reduced price with your telephone subscription. Nintendo could perhaps sign a deal with Spotify to give 3DS-phone users 24 months of free Spotify Premium.


And if you think about it, a phone function (and thus internet access without the need of a Wifi hotspot) could stimulate software sales, enabling people to buy a new 3DS game wherever and whenever you want to.

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Personally I think putting smart phone based games onto mobile would be a better way of introducing these franchises to the masses - a donkey kong mine cart game link Rayman Jungle Run for example sounds perfect for me.


I agree...the possibilities are vast:


Daily brain training.

The start up screen from Super Mario 64 would be a fun app. But with more character faces and the ability to morph your own face too.

The Super Mario 64 DS mini games would work well on mobile.

1 Nintendog to download.

An AR Chibi robo app.

42 all time classics is primed for mobile...


And finally...if they are worried about mobile development just do a Warioware parody of mobile gaming. It could take the mickey out of the F2P and IAP model as well as offer lots of those amazing micro games in 1 package. Perfect!

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I've been saying it for ages give mobile centric versions of popular franchises to capture the lost generation (and/or avoid the having another) that is now in to Angry Birds, Minecraft, Where's my Water, Skylanders, Fruit Ninja, Cut the Rope and the like. Kids are not into Mario in the same way they were, like it or not it's a fact. Nintendo have arguably been developing with touchscreens for longer than any other developer it's nonsense that they can't come with great innovative mobile games.


(oh jeez am I opening myself up for presenting opinion as "facts", ok at this point I am going to say this is my anecdotal view of kids I've taught)


Also abandon this health, lifestyle product thing leave that to Nike, fitbit whoever the hell else. Get a new real third pillar and make virtual console available to the masses! Subscription model of streaming service access to a fantastic backlog of titles. Let's be completely honest VC has never been as great as we always hoped it will be, the Wii has the biggest selection and there are arguably still huge gaps. Do the work acquire the licenses to those classics what ever. The service can be rolling so say if Ducktales Remastered is announced remove it in the lead up to that title (a practice Netflix does with Christmas films where the movie companies know DVD sales, showings on channels, people paying on pay per view will rise). Offer it up on multiple services/app stores release an awesome controller that people want to use to play those classic games. VC is such a wasted opportunity. It is a great chance to be part of the game preservation movement and make sure everyone can continue playing those classics.


I know people will say well this will be too expensive to get it working on multiple systems etc.... honestly look to the great work done by emulator guys who have made fixes for hard to run games. It can be done....


I think a streaming VC service would bankroll Nintendo to whatever it is with their next consoles. Sure Nintendo consoles should be only place to access the latest greatest but not the only place to access those oldies.

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I forgot one thing, It's completely undone to hype fans for a release date, and then just delay the title, cancel the title and never talk about it again ever. I'm looking at you Flipnote Studio 3D... (but also Devillish brain training I guess)

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I always though that game sounded strange, especially the European name and marketing. I thought that it would either put off a lot of the casual market, or that they wouldn't realise what kind of game it is.


Perhaps they realised this and are rebranding the game for a broader appeal.

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I remember reading somewhere that when asked why their online strategy wasn't up to scratch with the 360/PS3, they said that none of their higher-ups had ever used a 360 or PS3. On the other side of the coin, we've got Shuhei Yoshida saying the Wii U is awesome and he owns two. That's just a degree of maturity and openness which is needed to compete.


Nintendo needs to look at what everyone else is doing right and not be afraid to say "yep, we've got to do that" as opposed to "we have to do it the Nintendo way". Sometimes the original approach is needed, but other times there's a right way and a wrong way. You don't look at someone parking their car and say "that's not original enough" and park it sideways instead.


Also, presumably they need a huge increase in the size of several of their teams, so that they can start producing more of what everyone has been clamouring after for years (Metroid, Fzero), and not have everything take forever to be released worldwide (TVii etc).

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Also, presumably they need a huge increase in the size of several of their teams, so that they can start producing more of what everyone has been clamouring after for years (Metroid, Fzero), and not have everything take forever to be released worldwide (TVii etc).

I agree with this part particularly. Some people regularly state that Nintendo would lose its 'company' culture if it got too big. But it clearly needs to get a lot bigger to produce more games if it can't hook third party content.

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I remember reading somewhere that when asked why their online strategy wasn't up to scratch with the 360/PS3, they said that none of their higher-ups had ever used a 360 or PS3. On the other side of the coin, we've got Shuhei Yoshida saying the Wii U is awesome and he owns two. That's just a degree of maturity and openness which is needed to compete.


I agree with this part. What worries me about Nintendo is that they seemed to have distanced themselves from the competition too far. So much so that they're almost completely unaware of what their competitors are doing.


As much as they say they aren't, they're clearly competing against Sony and Microsoft. They've seen it as a good thing to remove themselves from that position when competition does the opposite; it drives up standards and means different companies will do different things to "out-do" the others.


I get the feeling that Iwata is a bit too soft to be in charge of Nintendo, he doesn't seem to have any aggression or drive at all.

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I get the feeling that Iwata is a bit too soft to be in charge of Nintendo, he doesn't seem to have any aggression or drive at all.



He seems to say what everyone wants to hear and does nothing about it. As I've said before, the ultimate evidence of this is his seemingly clueless choices of what he greenlights.


To be honest, I think his thinking since the launch of the Wii has been too short-sighted. Developing yet another New Mario Bros for the launch tells me that he doesen't dare investing in anything but what should generate the most cash at the lowest cost, regardless of how little sense it makes. Instead of taking a risk and releasing two potential console sellers, he greenlit three side-scrollers and three minigame compilations.


Being reluctant to invest into a new grand Zelda, when development costs of comparable games, such as Assassins Creed, are already much higher, despite receiving yearly iterations further shows this. The combination of releasing few home entries in a franchise and a reluctance invest in the few entries that are developed.

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I wish Nintendo would please understand us gamers and start catering to us with respect to their consoles!

They do :) They give us high quality, incredibly well crafted, beautiful games on the console. Anything else is just extra. This is gaming.

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