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Anti-Gay Westboro Hate Preacher Dies


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I do find it weird that his death is being celebrated like this, warped views or not he still had a family (granted many of whom shared his views, or perhaps were brainwashed from a young age to believe, but does that mean they can't feel sad?) who are grieving right now.

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I really liked Geoge Takei's facebook comments about it. There's no way he could not comment but he did so in a very diplomatic manner, (hopefully) showing the people of the church that not everyone is fuelled by hate.


I take no solace or joy in this man's passing. We will not dance upon his grave, nor stand vigil at his funeral holding "God Hates Freds" signs, tempting as it may be.


He was a tormented soul, who tormented so many. Hate never wins out in the end. It instead goes always to its lonely, dusty end.


Today, Mr. Phelps may have learned that God, in fact, hates no one. Vicious and hate-filled as he was, may his soul find the kind of peace through death that was so plainly elusive during his life.
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perhaps were brainwashed from a young age to believe, but does that mean they can't feel sad?


No, not really.


I just don't think of these people as human beings with human feelings. I know that's hypocritical, but bite me.

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Sure they can feel sad, it doesn't mean everyone else has to. The fact that these people have picketed the funerals of many soldiers over the years kind of waives their right to grieve in peace. Do they deserve it when they've taken it away from so many others?


I do think stooping to their level makes a person just as bad as them though. It's difficult but better to take the high road.

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@Iun you make me laugh, in the Ian Watkins thread you'd said that you could expect people to vent their frustrations on the internet and "overreact" to the news of him raping children by calling for his death or cutting his bits off etc. yet here you are overreacting and rejoicing at this guys passing. The things of which he's done are incomparable to what Watkins did! Amazing!


George Takei's response was great I thought.

Edited by Kav
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I really liked Geoge Takei's facebook comments about it. There's no way he could not comment but he did so in a very diplomatic manner, (hopefully) showing the people of the church that not everyone is fuelled by hate.


I'd seen exactly the same the other day and thought it was top stuff, especially as I believe he's come directly under fire from the WBC before. I promptly forgot and stopped caring either way about his passing.

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I take no solace, no pleasure in any man or woman's death, however Fred Phelps was a vile human being who should receive no sympathy or best wishes on his passing, he is a man who created a cult of like minded individuals, who need to be eradicated from public view (not killed or anything, but break up the cult like they did that one years ago in the US and treat these people)


George Takaei got it right, and as much as it would be deliciously amusing for people to picket his funeral as he and his following were so fond of doing for others, it would be monumentally hypocritical to hate him for doing this to others and then do it to him

the best reaction is to not care, to not give them any TV air time, hell it would be nice if the funeral were only held at the Westboro Baptist church with only a few of his own family at, a lonely funeral.

The true justice will come after death, if theres no god then HA jokes on phelps, if there is a god you know he's either gonna not let him past St Peter, or really shove it in his face that he loves all, by situating his heaven home right next to a gay couple

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@Iun you make me laugh, in the Ian Watkins thread you'd said that you could except people to vent their frustrations on the internet and "overreact" to the news of him raping children by calling for his death or cutting his bits off etc. yet here you are overreacting and rejoicing at this guys passing. The things of which he's done are incomparable to what Watkins did! Amazing!


George Takei's response was great I thought.


Yeah but Fred Phelps never released a killer album.

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@Iun you make me laugh, in the Ian Watkins thread you'd said that you could expect people to vent their frustrations on the internet and "overreact" to the news of him raping children by calling for his death or cutting his bits off etc. yet here you are overreacting and rejoicing at this guys passing. The things of which he's done are incomparable to what Watkins did! Amazing!


George Takei's response was great I thought.


I wouldn't say I'm rejoicing. Glad that another fire of hate has been extinguished perhaps, but hardly ringing his death from the rooftops.


Pedophiles who rape children and those who preach hatred like this guy just don't qualify for my sympathy. I think it would be hilarious if his funeral was picketed by a bunch of gay guys snogging. It would just serve as the icing on the cake for such an absurd caricature of a man.


Nevertheless, if you disagree, so be it. Besides, my response was tongue in cheek - much like my comment on Charlton Heston's passing p: "Quick, I'm gonna get his gun!"

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I wouldn't say I'm rejoicing. Glad that another fire of hate has been extinguished perhaps, but hardly ringing his death from the rooftops.


Pedophiles who rape children and those who preach hatred like this guy just don't qualify for my sympathy. I think it would be hilarious if his funeral was picketed by a bunch of gay guys snogging. It would just serve as the icing on the cake for such an absurd caricature of a man.


Nevertheless, if you disagree, so be it. Besides, my response was tongue in cheek - much like my comment on Charlton Heston's passing p: "Quick, I'm gonna get his gun!"


I never said I disagreed, I just find the contrast in your posts between each case funny.


My view on this guy is that I'm glad there'll be one less person picketing funerals and spouting crap.

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I was thinking about this guy, and I'm wondering whether he [inadvertently] did quite a bit of good for the sexuality equality (is that the right term?) movement.


Yes he spouted hate, and was an awful figure. But he didn't succeed. Bar a few religious nutjobs, who were most likely homophobic anyway, he didn't really convert anyone. I imagine that if he had been around in the 60s and 70s, he would no doubt have amassed a sizeable following. But in the 00s and 10s, he was near-universally ridiculed. By being the pantomime villain, he sparked a huge number of counter-protests, and support. People who would normally have been neutral, or nonchalant to the whole movement, suddenly found themselves leaning to the side of support (or perhaps just leaning away from this guy's side). The war against homophobia isn't won just by gay people, it's won by heterosexuals. And personally (I don't have any evidence to back this up) I think he caused far more people to veer away from homophobia, and neutrality, than most others in recent years.



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I do find it weird that his death is being celebrated like this, warped views or not he still had a family (granted many of whom shared his views, or perhaps were brainwashed from a young age to believe, but does that mean they can't feel sad?) who are grieving right now.


I can imagine they aren't grieving as much as you think.


Given y'know he beat his wife and his kids black and bloody blue throughout their whole lives.


He was bloody rotten, just like the whole thing. Good fucking riddance.

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Normally, I would be the one to say "Rise above it. He's human, you don't know his story. Have some respect". Today, I'm sorry but I'm not going to be all PC here and be all "Let's love forever" and all that shit because I can't exactly feel like that. I'm not going to lie, I'm not celebrating his death nor am I upset over it but I'm a little happy that there's one less evil person in this world. He was a vile human being who got a bunch of followers to spew out homophobic, nasty, sometimes racist, disgusting stuff and picketing funerals is just disgraceful.


Furthermore, I agree with the people who say to picket his funeral. I say this not to disrespect a dead person but for the benefit of the mourners of him so they can experience the pain, suffering and upset that they, the Church, have caused by picketing funerals. I wouldn't hold pickets saying "GOD HATES WESTBORO" or whatever but I would hold signs saying stuff like "BOOT'S ON THE OTHER FOOT" and stuff. To be honest with you, if his funeral is not picketed and is guarded in any sort of way, it would really make my piss boil. Over the years, him and his cowardly family has caused nothing but upset, anger and stress to those poor, grieving families who had their last goodbyes to their late loved ones wrecked by his thoughtlessness, why should his family and followers deserve to even have a final goodbye when good, honest people couldn't? It's all well and good to say you can turn the other cheek and be human but we haven't had a family member's funeral wrecked by them so we can't exactly imagine the impact it has on them grieving families. If Phelps' funeral isn't picketed, what has his family learned? Nothing, that's what! They've learned that they can do all of this hateful shit and get away with it and it's okay because nobody will retaliate. Sometimes, it's better to give them a taste of their own medicine just so they have even a slight iota as to how much distress they have caused to other people's families.


So I apologise but I say bollocks, picket that evil bastard's funeral to give his 'grieving' family a taste of the damage they've inflicted on good, honest people!

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If Phelps' funeral isn't picketed, what has his family learned? Nothing, that's what!


If his funeral is picketed, they'll learn all the wrong things. His family will continue seeing the world as a "us vs. them" conflict.


In the end, if we want to represent the moral side, we have to act the part.

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If his funeral is picketed, they'll learn all the wrong things. His family will continue seeing the world as a "us vs. them" conflict.


In the end, if we want to represent the moral side, we have to act the part.


Believe me, people like them will not see that at all. I guess they can take it either way: My way (in which they think they have the right to mourn and be allowed the peace that many people couldn't because of the cowardice of the so-called church) or your way (in which they may actually have a decent human bone or brain in their body after all and they'll see that nobody has picketed their leaders' funeral and will see it as pointless and that we are all as one).


Unfortunately, as much as I would genuinely love for them to see it in your view, they won't. I can guarantee it. They haven't gone through the experience of having a funeral wrecked or even gone through the experience of being picketed and hassled with disgusting, atrocious messaging whilst trying to bury a loved one. I mean, imagine having to bury your child and you have them standing there holding signs up wishing for them to die and saying how God is glad they're dead. It's disgraceful and downright disgusting. They don't have the brain capacity to even think "Hold on, we've picketed them but they've not retaliated. Maybe, just maybe, we're all human and we're all different. We'll stop this nonsense right now!". I think they'd think "Right, we've said goodbye and nobody has stopped us because they know we're right. Let's carry on 'converting' other people".


People like Westboro fascinate me, they do, but I can't deny that I really dislike them and everything they stand for. What's worse is that the kids are going through this brainwashing and social services are doing nothing. Those kids need a proper family.

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Believe me, people like them will not see that at all. I guess they can take it either way: My way (in which they think they have the right to mourn and be allowed the peace that many people couldn't because of the cowardice of the so-called church) or your way (in which they may actually have a decent human bone or brain in their body after all and they'll see that nobody has picketed their leaders' funeral and will see it as pointless and that we are all as one).


Unfortunately, as much as I would genuinely love for them to see it in your view, they won't. I can guarantee it. They haven't gone through the experience of having a funeral wrecked or even gone through the experience of being picketed and hassled with disgusting, atrocious messaging whilst trying to bury a loved one. I mean, imagine having to bury your child and you have them standing there holding signs up wishing for them to die and saying how God is glad they're dead. It's disgraceful and downright disgusting. They don't have the brain capacity to even think "Hold on, we've picketed them but they've not retaliated. Maybe, just maybe, we're all human and we're all different. We'll stop this nonsense right now!". I think they'd think "Right, we've said goodbye and nobody has stopped us because they know we're right. Let's carry on 'converting' other people".


People like Westboro fascinate me, they do, but I can't deny that I really dislike them and everything they stand for. What's worse is that the kids are going through this brainwashing and social services are doing nothing. Those kids need a proper family.


And I can guarantee you that picketing his funeral won't do an iota of good, either. They're too far gone into their own world. Whatever happens they'll still be entirely convinced they're in the right. Revenge doesn't help anyone or make anything better, it only adds to the collective amount of suffering and solely serves to satisfy and fuel negative emotions.

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And I can guarantee you that picketing his funeral won't do an iota of good, either. They're too far gone into their own world. Whatever happens they'll still be entirely convinced they're in the right. Revenge doesn't help anyone or make anything better, it only adds to the collective amount of suffering and solely serves to satisfy and fuel negative emotions.


I wouldn't even do it for revenge, I'd just do it for experience purposes. It wouldn't necessarily be something that would be fueled with hatred, even if I do dislike them strongly.


Whilst I do agree that they may be too far gone in their own world, if it changes one person's mind to realise the damage they have caused, then, in my eyes, it's a success. This has happened before with someone who used to be a member of their religion so it's not impossible nor is it too late to change their minds.


Normally, I would be the one to agree with you and to say to turn the other cheek but there are some occasions where people need to make a point and, in my eyes, this is one of them moments. As I said, not purely out of hate but more for educational purposes to open their eyes. Even if it is one member of that church who realise the damage they've caused, that's one less evil person and one less evil, ignorant mind and that would be the success and the point in doing so.


They're hoping to 'convert' people to their religion and 'open their eyes' to their world by doing that to good people's funerals, why can't we do the same for the sake of their mind and sanity? That evil man has corrupted them, maybe it takes giving them the same treatment to snap them out of it...

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I'm stuck to be honest. In some ways I hope people wont picket his funeral as we'd look just as pathetic, but on the flip side his family and followers are not going to learn anything no matter what people do so I really can't blame any one who does picket his funeral for indulging in the most perfect act of revenge possible.


I fucking wish the world could be saved with compassion and love, but people like this will never change no matter how much of a peace offering we give.

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