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Hope the cost of VR will goes down in the short future and became complete full wireless. The future is almost here!




The thirst is real.


tbf sounds like a massive jump but I can't imagine many people at all were buying a ps camera on its own a week or two ago so any jump was probably going to give a massive percentage jump.


Glad it's going down well though. The more the sales, the more interest from developers.


My appetite is currently satiated by the gear but I'm definitely keen for fleshed out games in VR. I'll wait for the reviews and a slight price decrease - No Man's Sky could swing it for me if there's more to it than the recycled 10 minutes of gameplay we've seen.

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It's definitely tempting, but I think it's a choice between a PS4 and then PSVR, or getting the NX if it comes out this year, I could probably afford to buy a PS4 in Summer then the NX in November, but I'd have no chance of getting the PSVR alongside them.


I think I'd mainly just use the cinematic mode to watch films and play normal games.

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Reading this interview with Yoshida, it sounds like the PSVR has a limited field of view because of the camera:




In terms of PS4, because the headset is tracked by the PlayStation Camera there's a limitation in terms of its field of view. So we defined the play area to be in front of the Camera. We have communicated that to developers, so they are required to create play experiences in the area in front of the Camera we have defined. We have added a system feature similar to the chaperone but simpler - if the system detects the headset is going outside of the play area then a system alert shows up to let you know you're going outside.


Developers are good at designing around the limitations of a particular platform. VR developers are smart people. Even though some developers may start working on HTC Vive first, because they want to provide their game available to as many consumers as possible, they tend to modularise their game to allow a room-scale experience to be rearranged to work in a standing or sitting area so they can move their game to various platforms. I understand even on the Vive platform, if people simply do not have much space they can reconfigure it into a smaller experience. I don't know if it is required, but it is encouraged that games will reform around space. So this will probably work well with PlayStation VR.


Does that mean that you wont be able to look behind you for example?

If so, that seems like quiet a significant limitation for a VR headset.

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That's good. I thought for a moment they had reduced the cost of the device by removing the motion sensors and tracking its location by camera.


If you don't have a camera, can you still look around, but stationary in your seat then?

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Actually look around, loads of new details and footage from NMS dropped last week.


(I'm out otherwise I'd link)


I've been keeping up with it, but I keep reading and hearing the same generally gyst from hands-ons, which is roughly along the lines of 'we only got to try a tightly focused half hour of gameplay so we still don't know much about the depth of the game'.


I know there's trading, survival aspects, and a few npcs have been incorporated now, but there's nothing more to suggest to me that there's much in the way of varied gameplay beyond what we've seen - every gameplay demo has been pretty identical.


Obviously I'm hoping to be proved wrong and understand if they're just keeping things under wraps until release but I'm surprised so many people are pre-ordering based on what we know. I'll be waiting for the reviews in any case.

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I've been keeping up with it, but I keep reading and hearing the same generally gyst from hands-ons, which is roughly along the lines of 'we only got to try a tightly focused half hour of gameplay so we still don't know much about the depth of the game'.


I know there's trading, survival aspects, and a few npcs have been incorporated now, but there's nothing more to suggest to me that there's much in the way of varied gameplay beyond what we've seen - every gameplay demo has been pretty identical.


Obviously I'm hoping to be proved wrong and understand if they're just keeping things under wraps until release but I'm surprised so many people are pre-ordering based on what we know. I'll be waiting for the reviews in any case.


Ah okay fair enough.


I've personally pre-ordered because even just the basics that we know - roam around space and explore - is enough to satisfy an itch I have. I'll let you know what it's like when I get it ;)

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Got to admit I really do wish I had preordered my Oculus straight away now instead of leaving it until later. This week has really got me hyped for more VR experiences but I'm going to have to wait until July for mine to ship :(


Did you ever get round to trying some games for the gear? Just because I downloaded Dreadhalls this evening and it's a fantastic experience. Honestly can't remember the last time I was quite so scared by a game / film / whatever.


Shame the rest of the games are so trash - but it really makes me excited about the prospects (and benefits of) gaming on occulus / PS VR

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Did you ever get round to trying some games for the gear? Just because I downloaded Dreadhalls this evening and it's a fantastic experience. Honestly can't remember the last time I was quite so scared by a game / film / whatever.


Shame the rest of the games are so trash - but it really makes me excited about the prospects (and benefits of) gaming on occulus / PS VR


I didnt end up getting too many games as when I decided to preorder Oculus I didnt see the point in spending more money on a new controller to connect to my GearVR (didnt want to root my phone so I could use my dual shocks).


The one game I really played was Land's End. It was a nice, slow experience which at least showcased VR but I'm looking forward to being able to play some bigger games with a proper controller so I can actually walk around in these spaces instead of basically teleporting from one place to the next.


Started using my GearVR again though for media. Watched a couple of episodes of Daredevil season 2 last night which was fun.

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I didnt end up getting too many games as when I decided to preorder Oculus I didnt see the point in spending more money on a new controller to connect to my GearVR (didnt want to root my phone so I could use my dual shocks).


The one game I really played was Land's End. It was a nice, slow experience which at least showcased VR but I'm looking forward to being able to play some bigger games with a proper controller so I can actually walk around in these spaces instead of basically teleporting from one place to the next.


Started using my GearVR again though for media. Watched a couple of episodes of Daredevil season 2 last night which was fun.


Ah right yeah - makes sense - understandable. Make sure you get Dreadhalls for the Rift when it arrives. Poor graphics next to other Occulus games but a great experience.


And yeah heard good things about that - monument valley makers right? I think I'll give it a download.

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Can't wait to see first numbers for PSVR sales.


Will be interesting to see if it fails or takes off.


I don't really think the first numbers are going to be particularly interesting. I reckon it's a given it will have a strong launch, it's really the weeks and months after that will be of real interest.

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I don't really think the first numbers are going to be particularly interesting. I reckon it's a given it will have a strong launch, it's really the weeks and months after that will be of real interest.




Once it's out in the wild and people have shown their friends and families that's when things will get interesting.

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£500 for the Oculus Rift? I'm out.


Shame as I wanted to try it but I don't want to try it THAT much. It'd be collecting dust before the year was out.


And yet some how I ended up ordering a HTC Vive which is even more expensive. I've got to admit the roomscale VR drew me in. Plus it's backed by Valve and they seem pretty serious about Steam VR.


I put a pre-order down on the PS VR too because, even though it's relatively low spec'd, I think it'll get the most traction out of the three and thus the most games.

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I wouldn't be so sure... ;)


We don't even know what the NX is yet.


It's like me saying... "The NX will be better than anything Playstation VR has to offer"


A ludicrous statement with no real basis. ::shrug:


At this stage... let's just hope that both turn out to be successful in completely different ways, that's what is surely in the best interests for the industry as a whole. : peace:

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PSVR will outsell the NX (unless it's a handheld), I can feel it!


I still can't see VR breaking outside the niche market any time in the next few years. And PSVR has intense competition from the more "serious" crowd.

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