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Job woes/wins


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Had my first big presentation after starting my job properly this week.


Fucking smashed it. The feedback was really good which is "virtually unheard of" at this stage of a project.



So yay! But I am...exhausted.

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Been working for a company for the last 10 months on a freelance basis, but they've just offered me a full time role, which I'm well pleased about. Although I won't be doing much different to what I already was, now I have more responsibility, plus a solid income and all the benefits! I am now officially a Social Media/Operations Executive!

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I've started applying for new jobs now. I've just been miserable since I was basically forced to take on someone elses work as well for no extra pay (along with working for a woman that I absolutely hate). Its just a bad situation to be working in. I cant bring myself to have any enthusiasm for anything, I dont go to any staff events anymore and I spend my time doing the absolute minimum work required so I dont get moaned at. I'm at the point where its tempting to leave before I get a new job just so I dont have this dark cloud hanging over me as at the moment I'm just constantly feeling depressed.

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I've started applying for new jobs now. I've just been miserable since I was basically forced to take on someone elses work as well for no extra pay (along with working for a woman that I absolutely hate). Its just a bad situation to be working in. I cant bring myself to have any enthusiasm for anything, I dont go to any staff events anymore and I spend my time doing the absolute minimum work required so I dont get moaned at. I'm at the point where its tempting to leave before I get a new job just so I dont have this dark cloud hanging over me as at the moment I'm just constantly feeling depressed.


I know it's going to sound silly: hold on to the job. Getting a new job is actually much easier when you already have one. And there's no temptation to jump on the first offer.


If you're genuinely feeling depressed, go to your GP.

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I know it's going to sound silly: hold on to the job. Getting a new job is actually much easier when you already have one. And there's no temptation to jump on the first offer.


If you're genuinely feeling depressed, go to your GP.


Staying at a job you hate, is so, so difficult. But @Iun is right, always have a job before you move to another.


That temptation though :sad:

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Yeah it's one of those situations where I absolutely know I shouldn't leave until I find a new job but with how crappy I am feeling all the time at the moment it's hard to stay.


As for actually doing my job, I've maybe done an hours work overall this week so far. I just don't care anymore.

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As for actually doing my job, I've maybe done an hours work overall this week so far.


Welcome to my life since March! Apart from I just haven't had any to do.



I've been working on a major project for a major bank since March. 2 weeks ago this project was cancelled. The vast majority of staff have been handed their notice but for some reason I'm being retained for the 'new plan' which is top secret and no one knows apart from all of the newspapers and analysts.


However, I got back to the office on Monday having been off for a week and got a text saying not to bother coming into the office this week as there's no work to do. So I'm 'working from home' all week and essentially living the life of a professional athlete. Multiple gym sessions a day and just making sure I'm online on the computer.


I've actually got an interview with another bank in 30 minutes. Sitting outside right now on my laptop. They booked me a car parking space but it's a disabled one... Is this a test?

Edited by Charlie
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Got an "interview" for some voluntary legal secretary work experience to see how I can fit it around my current working hours. I'm a bit worried how this may work, as I wanna get the experience but don't want to be taken advantage of because I'll be working for free.


Anyone done anything like this?

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Got an "interview" for some voluntary legal secretary work experience to see how I can fit it around my current working hours. I'm a bit worried how this may work, as I wanna get the experience but don't want to be taken advantage of because I'll be working for free.


Anyone done anything like this?


Yeah, I did an internship at the BBC, it led to a job offer, but the starting salary was way too low to commute or live in London.


For voluntary work, you must be super-specific about your availability. Try to get it in... legal form... :bouncy:

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Got an "interview" for some voluntary legal secretary work experience to see how I can fit it around my current working hours. I'm a bit worried how this may work, as I wanna get the experience but don't want to be taken advantage of because I'll be working for free.


Anyone done anything like this?


If you are doing work experience it should benefit you. If it benefits the organisation then this is not work experience or an internship and should be paid.


See this page to find out if you will be entitled to pay or not.




I'm on Week 2 of having no work to do. Went to 2 spin classes and did the weights yesterday. Got a friend coming over this morning so will go to spin this afternoon and hit the weights then. Going to Ali's and my 'Beach Bod' class tonight. It is easy to get bored when you have nothing to do so making an effort to have a small To Do list each day so I can achieve something at least. Other than the gym, today's main task is to change our car registrations to our new flat which means we'll be eligible for parking permits when they come into force later this year.

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Quick question, I cant get a straight answer about this from anyone...


My current employer is giving me £7 an hour and making up my minimum wage with commison, I am 27.


Can they do this? ::shrug:


Best I could find is:


NMW pay is calculated on gross pay (before tax and National Insurance have been taken off). Your gross pay includes your basic pay for the work you have done and other types of pay which count towards the NMW. For example, sales commission, performance-related pay or other payments based on how well you do your job.




Might be worth checking that your hourly rate over your pay period (month, week etc) before tax meets minimum wage. If not look into it further.

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Quick question, I cant get a straight answer about this from anyone...


My current employer is giving me £7 an hour and making up my minimum wage with commison, I am 27.


Can they do this? ::shrug:


Yes, that is fine as long as your employer is paying you at least the national living wage during your pay period. In terms of commission if it is earned during one pay period but actually paid within the next pay period then for national living wage purposes should be counted as being paid within the pay period it is earnt.


The minimum wage/living wage is extremely complicated area, detailed guidance can be found here:



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It is legal as long as your pay never drops below NMW. This means if you earn zero commission one month they have to top it up to NMW. As others have said, the whole procedure is actually very complicated so there is more to it than this but in short, it's legal, as long as you always get NMW.


Quite similar to how servers get paid in the US actually.

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Got a new job, better pay, better work, better schedule, better work space, NOT retail... problem is I don't start until the 19th (could've started earlier but my manager still hasn't pulled his finger out and HIRED SOMEONE) so until then I'm still going mad at my crappy current/soon-to-be-old job being all-



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Got an "interview" for some voluntary legal secretary work experience to see how I can fit it around my current working hours. I'm a bit worried how this may work, as I wanna get the experience but don't want to be taken advantage of because I'll be working for free.

Thought the interview went well earlier today, just received the email saying I won't be going back for a second interview. Anus.


Got a new job, better pay, better work, better schedule, better work space, NOT retail...

Nice one Gaggly!

could've started earlier but my manager still hasn't pulled his finger out and HIRED SOMEONE

Not your problem, walk yo' ass out.

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I'm extremely pissed off at work and I'm also bemused at the whole situation.


Last year, I taught Year 5. The class are a tricky bunch and there are quite a few difficult kids in there. Overall, I did a good job with them but was nervous about them moving up because we do Year 6 a bit strangely in our place. They effectively have a different teacher for each subject, so quite a change to the system. Another teacher at the school (S) offered to drop from being a Secondary English teacher to Year 5 if I fancied making the change to Year 6. I agreed to it, as I knew that the class would cause lots of problems if there wasn't someone there to look after them all the time. I knew I'd basically have to redo everything, but I agreed to it because it seemed like the right thing to do. The Head Teacher said he was quite happy about having a "strong male in the upper end of the Junior School". My Head of Junior School said it would be a good move for me and it could potentially lead to other things in the future.


Fast forward a week and that same Head of Junior School tells me that she's leaving. Our school was bought out as part of a group and one of the other Junior Heads is coming over once or twice a week to oversee things. The kicker is that my colleague © has been told that he's "the one to go to if there's a problem when the HoJ is not around"...effectively making him acting Junior Head for 3 days a week.


I'm pissed off because I wasn't offered this role and, from the looks of it, not even considered. I've always put myself out there and offered to help out in a number of areas, including managing the school library...which isn't even in my contract! I only do it because the person in charge of it is lazy and isn't interested. I'm also fucked off because C is infamous for not turning up to staff meetings. He hasn't been to the breaktime meetings (they happen twice a week) in at least 18 months, closer to 2 years. His relationship with the last Junior Head and the one before it were disastrous and he's known for being lazy. He's the type that leaves dead on the bell and doesn't offer to help out in any other sort of way. For the past two years, I've been one of the only full time members of staff in the Junior School and I've sorted out tons of things, including organising school plays, etc.


I'm also annoyed because, as a result of switching year groups, I had to swap rooms with the languages department, who then had to move rooms. It's created a chain reaction and so that's been a mess. I went into work during the summer holidays and I couldn't get into the cupboards because they had the keys. They had left all of the display work up, tons of blutack on the walls and just a right ol' fucking mess. I went in several times over the summer (a few times to help S with the changeover, a few times/a week for the library, a few days to sort out as much of my new room as I could) and I STILL couldn't get everything done. The cupboard doors were still locked today...until at noon today, when the teacher turned up whilst I was having a meeting in that same room, unlocked the cupboards...then proceeded to write me a note saying, "Jim, can't sort out cupboards today, Sorry!" before leaving.


I'm so utterly pissed off and can't believe how I ended up in this situation. I went in the most over the summer out of our entire team of teachers to sort out a library that wasn't mine, to work around the mess that others have made and creating resources and booklets because nothing had been left for me, yet I still ended up getting through the door at 7 o'clock with even more to do. To top all of that off, I've been overlooked for a major opportunity that I have more than earned the right to be considered for.


There's other stuff too and other people pissing me off, but I can't be fucked to talk about that now!


I've arranged a meeting with the Head tomorrow to at least understand some of the reasoning behind this. I've had tons of support from colleagues and friends at work who can see that I've been screwed over, but it doesn't really change anything. I'm completely demotivated and the last two days for training have been completely fucking terrible.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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