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New job incoming! : peace:


Been quite a rollercoaster to secure it. It's a 3 month fixed term position within the same organisation (in all honesty, I do expect to be extended) but I have been unwilling to sacrifice my permanent contract for something which may not last and so had been negotiating a secondment so that my current position is still open for me should things go tits up. On Friday I had been advised that a secondment was "not possible" and was about to decline the offer when to-be-new manager offered to have a word and today it was confirmed a secondment is possible.


I've two weeks leave and head straight into my new position, an abrupt end to my current position though.

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Today, or rather, the remainder of this afternoon and evening is the last of my summer holiday. back to school tomorrow.


But worst of all, WORST OF ALL: we have a new office and my desk is likely to leave me with my back to the door, something that sets off my anxiety.



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But worst of all, WORST OF ALL: we have a new office and my desk is likely to leave me with my back to the door, something that sets off my anxiety.


I feel for you Iun that'd make me anxious as well. :(


What logical sense does it make to have a desk with your back to the door? Surely it should always be facing the door, that's just completely nonsensical.

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So I got given a script to write for a radio ad. 'Super awesome' I think. I've written a first draft. I'm mildly pleased with it but I'm going to work on it more tomorrow.


Except now I find out I'm meant to go to the recording.


I literally have no idea what to expect or what to do. I'm not panicking because I don't really do panic, I tend to just do slow gnawing dread.


So yeah....what the fuck...

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Except now I find out I'm meant to go to the recording.


I literally have no idea what to expect or what to do.

My guess is that they'll want you to listen to it being done, so you can see if it's any different than how you expected it to go when you were writing it. And make tweaks if necessary.

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pr0 rant coming.


Gotten into trouble once again at work, for thrice offences. The first was for a remixed shift I did so I understood that completely. The second and third ones I found a little dubious.


Ages ago I made a Facebook group for our store, so other staff members can find each other, make announcements, beg for shift covers etc. Not too long ago one of the managers made a group called "Fun at Work", which is something Tesco are trying to force down our throats. However it generally involves the following: "Wearing a certain colour/s to work" or "Some form of fancy dress", they're primarily to coincide with some topical/recent event. For example if England are playing we can wear an England shirt to work. They did a Minions "theme" where we could wear yellow, or dress like a Minion. Thankfully I wasn't working that day otherwise I would've shat myself because I would've been having so much fun. Bascially, Fun at Work is equivalent to a non-uniform day at school, except you don't have to pay a Pound or bring in a can of Beanz or something.


Since "my" group has more members, I decided to promote the group with a nice post:

"On the offchance that someone has to themselves whilst at work - "Fuck, those people are certainly having 'Fun At Work', why wasn't I told?!"


Worry no more. Many people are already members, but here's a headsup to a group [Manager] made... some time ago. I don't know when. However it encompasses the essence of Fun at Work SO MUCH that the group name was inspired.


Keep yourselves up-to-date with all the banging gatherings on fancy dress on days that you're not working, and maybe other stuff. It gets updated more than this group. Honest.




For some reason, the manager in question took offence to me promoting her group and showed the Store Manager and another senior manager. After being pulled aside by my manager for this (and the others) and asking what exactly what offensive, he couldn't offer me a conclusive answer, although it was probably the word "fuck" which was so offensive. Also, technically, that it was on Facebook, however my group is a secret group which only members can see - so her showing posts to non-members, disgraceful. I removed the word, hopefully the end of it. Now I feel betrayed for doing overtime on her department this week. I have my revenge already planned though, courtesy of some Snapchats which will find themselves being delivered to the Store Manager via Royal Mail...


Thirdly, which is my favourite, is that I've been asked to stop circling the spelling and grammar errors that are notices that managers put up. I've been doing this for some time now. During a forum meeting several months ago they learnt it was me, mainly because I complained to my forum rep who passed on the concern and it left little choice as to who would've given him a complaint card-thing - I wasn't bothered if they knew it was me (there have been some occasions since where someone else has done it for me). My complaint went as follows "Incorrect spelling and grammar from management on staff notices. Recommended solution: Use a dictionary/spellcheck". At the time they actually agreed with me, they said it made the place look unprofessional in case a manager came and saw that products had a "cereal number". A Personnel manager was feeling rather pleased with herself because I'd not circled anything she'd written yet and the Store Manager joked that I should be the Official Tesco Proofreader, which even though I knew wasn't going to happen, was wishing they would come to me with some notices for me to check, I hoped that based on their jovial take on the situation that they were going to get their shit together. Sadly this wasn't the case and my work against retarded notices continued. Suddenly I get pulled up on it, I mention all the joking and my manager was all "Yeah, they were joking"*, obviously, but after pointing out that at the time they didn't ask me to stop then he had no response. Went to tell my forum rep who said that they probably wanted me to stop was because there were too many errors being circled, which is somehow my fault that they can't spell for shit. A sign saying "Last stock rescults were...", which was circled months ago and is still on the wall right in the middle of the staff back area, so hardly hidden and easily fixed. Yet instead of sorting it out, they go after the vigilante who tries to solve the issue. Now I know how Batman feels.


Spoke to my union rep today, apart from finding it humourous, she says there's nothing they can do to me if I continue to do it. Plus they'd have to prove it.

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pr0 rant coming.


Gotten into trouble once again at work, for thrice offences. The first was for a remixed shift I did so I understood that completely. The second and third ones I found a little dubious.


Ages ago I made a Facebook group for our store, so other staff members can find each other, make announcements, beg for shift covers etc. Not too long ago one of the managers made a group called "Fun at Work", which is something Tesco are trying to force down our throats. However it generally involves the following: "Wearing a certain colour/s to work" or "Some form of fancy dress", they're primarily to coincide with some topical/recent event. For example if England are playing we can wear an England shirt to work. They did a Minions "theme" where we could wear yellow, or dress like a Minion. Thankfully I wasn't working that day otherwise I would've shat myself because I would've been having so much fun. Bascially, Fun at Work is equivalent to a non-uniform day at school, except you don't have to pay a Pound or bring in a can of Beanz or something.


Since "my" group has more members, I decided to promote the group with a nice post:

"On the offchance that someone has to themselves whilst at work - "Fuck, those people are certainly having 'Fun At Work', why wasn't I told?!"


Worry no more. Many people are already members, but here's a headsup to a group [Manager] made... some time ago. I don't know when. However it encompasses the essence of Fun at Work SO MUCH that the group name was inspired.


Keep yourselves up-to-date with all the banging gatherings on fancy dress on days that you're not working, and maybe other stuff. It gets updated more than this group. Honest.




For some reason, the manager in question took offence to me promoting her group and showed the Store Manager and another senior manager. After being pulled aside by my manager for this (and the others) and asking what exactly what offensive, he couldn't offer me a conclusive answer, although it was probably the word "fuck" which was so offensive. Also, technically, that it was on Facebook, however my group is a secret group which only members can see - so her showing posts to non-members, disgraceful. I removed the word, hopefully the end of it. Now I feel betrayed for doing overtime on her department this week. I have my revenge already planned though, courtesy of some Snapchats which will find themselves being delivered to the Store Manager via Royal Mail...


Thirdly, which is my favourite, is that I've been asked to stop circling the spelling and grammar errors that are notices that managers put up. I've been doing this for some time now. During a forum meeting several months ago they learnt it was me, mainly because I complained to my forum rep who passed on the concern and it left little choice as to who would've given him a complaint card-thing - I wasn't bothered if they knew it was me (there have been some occasions since where someone else has done it for me). My complaint went as follows "Incorrect spelling and grammar from management on staff notices. Recommended solution: Use a dictionary/spellcheck". At the time they actually agreed with me, they said it made the place look unprofessional in case a manager came and saw that products had a "cereal number". A Personnel manager was feeling rather pleased with herself because I'd not circled anything she'd written yet and the Store Manager joked that I should be the Official Tesco Proofreader, which even though I knew wasn't going to happen, was wishing they would come to me with some notices for me to check, I hoped that based on their jovial take on the situation that they were going to get their shit together. Sadly this wasn't the case and my work against retarded notices continued. Suddenly I get pulled up on it, I mention all the joking and my manager was all "Yeah, they were joking"*, obviously, but after pointing out that at the time they didn't ask me to stop then he had no response. Went to tell my forum rep who said that they probably wanted me to stop was because there were too many errors being circled, which is somehow my fault that they can't spell for shit. A sign saying "Last stock rescults were...", which was circled months ago and is still on the wall right in the middle of the staff back area, so hardly hidden and easily fixed. Yet instead of sorting it out, they go after the vigilante who tries to solve the issue. Now I know how Batman feels.


Spoke to my union rep today, apart from finding it humourous, she says there's nothing they can do to me if I continue to do it. Plus they'd have to prove it.


lool. Cereal number. Shoulda poured a litre semi-skimmed over that bad boy.

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So - back to work for two days already! No internet in the office. No power in the office except for lights. No water in the office - or anywhere. No toilet paper. No soap. No hand towels or working hand driers. The whole place is full of clouds of dust and I go home with dust in my mouth, all over my clothes and great black gobs of dust in my snot.


Furthermore, they said "Decorate the classrooms" but there are no materials. Except for pink, green and red sheets of dog-eared A2 paper. No printers. No copiers. We're using kid-sized scissors to cut the paper.


The school has become an unfunny joke. The buildings are still not finished, the entrance is covered in reject building materials and there are no paving stones. The lunch hall is full of half-naked construction workers sleeping or drinking beer.


The school opens to pupils in 48 hours. What a crap fest. And the stupid thing is, some asshole believed that they could get it all done in less than six weeks. What an asshole. I'm no architect, but I could have told you that building new fascias on five enormous buildings, creating completely new floors on existing one-story buildings and landscaping the whole place cannot be done. Or certainly cannot be done in less than six weeks with a Chinese construction crew. And can't be done safely either.


Morons. Absolute morons.

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Delivered some hardcore beatdown on a manager today (happened to be the same one who bitched about her Facebook page but that's just coincidence)


In their infinite wisdom, the management have decided to keep a lorry permanently at one of the loading bays*, to hold all the student shit that they've ordered so much of it's clogging the warehouse. Last week I got asked to put some stuff in there. Whilst doing so the warehouse manager said that Tesco wouldn't be responsible for any accidents I may have in there as I didn't have the correct safety shoes. This morning I got asked to help with bringing in a delivery, it's been pissing it down for the past 6 hours so everything is slippery. I ask:

EEVIL: "Don't I need safety shoes?"

Warehouse guy: "You're *supposed* to."

EEVIL: "I'm going to have to have a word with my Union rep"

Manager: "You can go if you're going to be like that."


And I walked off.


Five minutes later she comes up to me wanting to know my shoe size. We've been enquiring about stock control peeps getting safety shoes for some time, because we're in the warehouse fapping around with heavy goods more than most in the store. It's amazing how corners get cut until someone tells them to fuck off.


*The only one we can actually use, the other one is a lift, so when a massive delivery comes in they put three cages on the lift, go up, drag off, lift down, rinse and repeat. This is them knowing full well that a sign clearly says it's not meant to be used in this manner.

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Update on my interview from a few weeks ago!


Said they'd be in contact within a few days, ended up almost 3 weeks. Apologised for taking so long, said they'd been hectic with the Ashes and the lead-up to the Rugby World Cup (it's a company that works in digital media/journalism for top level professional sports).


Said they'd be happy to offer me work as a freelancer, waiting to hear more details, but the guy who is going to call me is in New York at the moment working on the US Open, so hopefully they get in touch sooner rather than later!


Got another interview tomorrow for an internship in football journalism, will probably go along just out of curiosity even though this job is looking like a goer. Excited :D

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Thanks to holidays and one especially bad case of gastroenteritis I am six days and 41.5 hours into a 7 day 49 hour week, because apparently I'm the only idiot on a 20-strong roster who could and/or would cover. My feet hurt way too much for someone below the age 65 and thanks to all the shifts being either 10pm finishers or 6am starts my internal body clock has no idea what timezone it's even supposed to be operating in. One more day and I get WHOLE DAY OFF, which I intend to spend disintegrating into the ethereal ether until not even the memory of my existence remains within the observable universe.



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My deputy head and I been revamping our entire school library. We spent every day this week taking all the books off the shelves, cleaning the shelves, labeling the books, scanning their codes into the computer system, editing the records and placing them back into their newly designated spaces, all in wonderful alphabetical order.


It's taken fucking forever! We've both been having a laugh all week and it's not so bad with the radio on. But, fuark, I basically suggested this would be a good thing to do because our old library was shit, wasn't really used and it was really disorganised. Although it's not finished completely, we've put the vast majority of the books back onto the shelves. It looks a billion times better and should hopefully kickstart some of the ideas we've both got into improving things around the place.


One thing that did piss me off is that we had a member of staff (head of English, no less) come in on GCSE results day and told the deputy head that we were wasting our time. Couldn't fucking believe it! I'm pretty relaxed in work, but I would have given her hell had she said that to me. Surprised the deputy didn't tear her a new one...what an ungrateful cow! The real kick in the teeth is that she (head of English) is meant to be in charge of the fucking library that we were sorting out! I can't stand ungrateful people.


Following on from this, I had to give a talk about this new library system to EVERY member of staff in our school. As in, they basically stood in our library and listened to me explain why I'd been camped in there for days on end. Everything turned out alright, although my head of department only gave me about two days preparation time...which probably turned out to be for the best as I didn't have time to really panic about it.


Everybody was really supportive and I've now got to train them up on the system. I got laughs in the right places and it didn't feel all that awkward. Fuck, it's much easier speaking to kids than adults!

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