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Job woes/wins


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I was paid bi-weekly in America and much preferred it to monthly, having money come in more regularly and on a specific day (every other Friday). It was strange at first but never having to wait too long for the next paycheck was actually pretty good. Maybe every week is a little too often and obviously smaller amounts each time. I'd definitely take bi-weekly if I was ever given the choice though.

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If you're volunteering in something that just isn't fun and you're doing it for that then just fuck it off. I presume it's a bit of a hobby thing right? I mean ofc there's experience too but you can't give too much to something for free without reward imo.


Yep, just sent them a quitting email saying that it's simply taking too much of my time. I'm wondering if I'm going to get a Skype conversation about how I can conserve my time/submit less reviews. But it's too much effort.

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Mad week. Audit. Was worried as fuck. A lot of what I've done was coming under the microscope. During the day a small thing happened while I was out having a smoke and a couple of people made it seem a big deal... really not a big deal but office manager fuming.


Later, I sit with one of the auditors and basically open up with some stuff. Thought they would use it to burn the company.


Totally saved us all. Turns out the honesty I used was massively appreciated. Went from sheer doom to possible fuck-up to ... definitely doing good, but with some changes to make.


Weirdest workday I've ever had. At one point I really thought I was fired. Turns out they should give me a fucking payrise for the shit I've done.


Letting the weekend happen - will have a monday meeting where politics will try to take away from my value... but they can't do the job without me.


Aaaaaah! Toughstressgoodstuff.

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Maybe set up another bank account which hold the money until the end of the month and then pays you out a months worth all on one go?


But...but...I'm used to things! Could be the way forward, I'm gonna see how I go with it. My Mon-Fri were asking how I'd like to do things and we were gonna attempt pushing it to bi-weekly like will's mentioned and I don't mind so much either - but for now I've said let's go weekly and see how I generally get on etc.

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Mad week. Audit. Was worried as fuck. A lot of what I've done was coming under the microscope. During the day a small thing happened while I was out having a smoke and a couple of people made it seem a big deal... really not a big deal but office manager fuming.


This is what I hate about corporate environments. Something tiny can be blown way out of proportion.


Later, I sit with one of the auditors and basically open up with some stuff. Thought they would use it to burn the company.


Totally saved us all. Turns out the honesty I used was massively appreciated. Went from sheer doom to possible fuck-up to ... definitely doing good, but with some changes to make.



Well done. I always think honesty works well. A few weeks ago I reported some incorrect numbers, counted some people who shouldn't have been counted. It really wasn't a big deal but obviously someone thought it was. I just came clean and admitted it was a balls up on my part. I could've dressed it up and say there was a misunderstanding in the scope but people see right through that.

Edited by Charlie
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For sure. I remember reading some quote somewhere; "If you tell the truth then you never have to remember anything." Trying to forge lies to cover-up numbers or fudge when something-or-other happened means you have to be able to recall exactly what bullshit lie you made the next time someone asks.


Since I started this new role I've uncovered a fair few mis-truths, and it's important for me to make sure that these are ironed out because, essentially, I don't want any bullshit from the past to cloud over what I've got to do!


Spent all week waiting for the end of friday, and the moment we got the good news I was just really eager for the weekend to be over so I could get back in and start working on what needs to be done..!

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First week as a manager was an absolute whirlwind. Not having to log in to the phones (basically the first time in 10 years really) was weird and amazing.


Took a few escalation calls and obviously bossed them (I was effectively doing these before, but the second you say "I'm a manager" their attitude totally changes). So many meetings. So much stuff to do. Staff. Calendars...holy shit these are lifesavers.


Yeah. Damn. Pretty great.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Started my new job today. The creative director who hired me isn't in today (he'll be in tomorrow) so it's kind of weird. One of the project managers just introduced me to half the people and I've already forgotten all of their names, so that was half useful.


It's weirdly anti-climactic.


Anyway, the job is pretty fun so far. Just getting used to how they do things here. Not really sure what to make of the place yet.


New jobs are weird.

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Yep, just sent them a quitting email saying that it's simply taking too much of my time. I'm wondering if I'm going to get a Skype conversation about how I can conserve my time/submit less reviews. But it's too much effort.


Update on this, got no reply. However got rather swift removal of friend status on the Facebook and removal from contact list on Skype. I guess my charming personality wasn't enough to keep me as a friend. Although to be fair it had only been four days and his prime input to the Facebook group was "We need to make sure someone is online for the news this morning" every day.


If anyone wants, I still have their "Posting guide" if anyone wants to see what they expect from you. For free.

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Started my new job today. The creative director who hired me isn't in today (he'll be in tomorrow) so it's kind of weird. One of the project managers just introduced me to half the people and I've already forgotten all of their names, so that was half useful.


It's weirdly anti-climactic.


Anyway, the job is pretty fun so far. Just getting used to how they do things here. Not really sure what to make of the place yet.


New jobs are weird.


It always takes me a good month before I can remember anyone.


My job is just such a pain in the arse at the moment:


1. We were moving from January to December holiday to March to April holiday. This was supposed to be changed in June. We've only just got our holiday letters. Good stuff. With the holiday system being down for a month.


2. We can now buy/sell holiday, which is the most glorified 'unpaid leave' system I've ever seen. Us poorer folk can't just ask for four days holiday to buy, because it cost so freaking much to pay back in one go.


3. I sit opposite a guy, he's ok, but good god he mumbles - all day. I have to listen to music all day due to it.




There's more, but right now, its purely the fact our HR *which is two people!* can't even just give out letters. It took them two weeks to print letters and hand them out during the day...


What the actual...f.

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Got extremely annoyed with the stuffs at the work for alot of reasons. :shakehead


I just spent 4+ hours unfucking what my colleagues done to the right side of the downstairs warehouse to make it more organised and freeing up some spaces. But I know that it will be undone soon or later no thanks to those colleagues of mine.


Can't wait for my two weeks off this Sept cos I really need it!

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I love my new job because lunch is really relaxed and it allows me to got to the gym for an hour easy.


Also, it takes me 25 minutes to get in. And only 10 minutes from Eric's. Fucking glorious.



Now if only I could leave an hour earlier....



Oh yeah, also the work isn't bad. /yawn

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It's half 4, well just over.


I've been waiting all day to find out whether I'm doing a night-shift tonight. After doing 7:30-4pm today.


Still seeing them argue over email. We've been wanting to do this night-shift for 6 weeks and they still haven't sorted it.


What the actual fuck.


edit: I don't get paid enough for this shit.

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edit: I don't get paid enough for this shit.


I don't think anybody does, really. :( We've had so much of the same thing at school - days off are set out at the beginning of the year, so you make your plans, then suddenly, you're working late five nights to cover for a day off that they say was put in by mistake.


And you know what else? If you clock in here a minute late or leave a minute early, there's an automatic, non-appealable deduction from your salary. And if you voluntarily stay late for a few hours... that's your own stupid fault and you don't get any credit for it.

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I don't think anybody does, really. :( We've had so much of the same thing at school - days off are set out at the beginning of the year, so you make your plans, then suddenly, you're working late five nights to cover for a day off that they say was put in by mistake.


And you know what else? If you clock in here a minute late or leave a minute early, there's an automatic, non-appealable deduction from your salary. And if you voluntarily stay late for a few hours... that's your own stupid fault and you don't get any credit for it.


I'm with you on that.


I was meant to do a night shift last night, but didn't, so low and behold at midnight I got contacted by work asking if instead if I could test something else.


Like I don't get up at 5:30/6am..bah!



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Was contacted this morning regarding a reaaaaallly exciting job opportunity.


I really hope this one comes off. Man it sounds so good.


I had two exciting calls yesterday too actually (well one email, to set up a phone interview/call today).


First was with PWC who are expanding their analytics team in Glasgow. The second was with Uber...

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I had two exciting calls yesterday too actually (well one email, to set up a phone interview/call today).


First was with PWC who are expanding their analytics team in Glasgow. The second was with Uber...


Exciting stuff!


I don't want to get too ahead of myself or discuss much about it, but it sounded positive. Contacted me yesterday on Linkedin and e-mail, one phone call this morning, said another guy would be phoning in the next few days (he's swamped with work at the mo) for another chat and then they'd get me in for a face to face interview.


Fingers crossed.

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So I nailed the first round phone interview with Uber and was invited to take their analytical test. They provided 2 datasets in CSV format and then asked 28 multiple choice questions based on the data. Some were quite complicated and it was clear they wanted to test how good you are at Excel. You need 70% to pass and I'll be disappointed if I get less than 90% as I thought I did really well. That was followed by 4 open-ended questions which I thought went quite well too.


Hopefully hear back over the next couple of days. The multi-choice can obviously be marked instantly but the other questions might take slightly longer.

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I always seem to create non-issue issues for myself. My current one is that I want to listen to music on my headphones. That's not an issue in itself as lots of people listen to music on their headphones here. However they all use buds, where I use cans (I hate buds, can't wear them). Will it be weird if I use cans?

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I always seem to create non-issue issues for myself. My current one is that I want to listen to music on my headphones. That's not an issue in itself as lots of people listen to music on their headphones here. However they all use buds, where I use cans (I hate buds, can't wear them). Will it be weird if I use cans?


I think headphones would be more practical than cans. I don't even know how you'd plug them in to be honest.

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I think headphones would be more practical than cans. I don't even know how you'd plug them in to be honest.

I think you hold one can up to the speakers, and one to your ear, and then stretch the string real tight.

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Was contacted this morning regarding a reaaaaallly exciting job opportunity.


I really hope this one comes off. Man it sounds so good.


Exciting stuff!


I don't want to get too ahead of myself or discuss much about it, but it sounded positive. Contacted me yesterday on Linkedin and e-mail, one phone call this morning, said another guy would be phoning in the next few days (he's swamped with work at the mo) for another chat and then they'd get me in for a face to face interview.


Fingers crossed.


Further to these, it seems they skipped the second phone call stage; I've got an interview next Wednesday. Extremely excited and really hope they like me!

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