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Had my 3 month review today.


Feedback is:


"Everyone loves you, your work is great. If I had to say something negative i'd only be making it up. Only thing to suggest is to chill out a little and stop worrying"


So yeah pretty decent.

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So I heard back from the company today.




I got the job! I start in the London office at King's Cross on 1st October. Terms sound really good, especially the 28.5k starting salary. Wasn't expecting them to say that much for the starting role. 25 days holiday and life insurance too.



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So I've been in my job almost 3 and a half years, when I was only really sposed to be here for a week. Remained on my bank/'zero hour' contract through my own choice for my flexibility, but of the two studies I'm on one's closed, the other's slowed right down and due to close year end, and the other bits and bobs I do I've done fairly well to establish a not-too-much work routine of maintainence. I've been working less and less week on week due to lack of it/inane boredom and making up with sunday shifts on wards doing clinical for the good part of this year - but these have dried up a bit now too. Starting to get worried about decreasing pay packet when I got da bills to pay etc. Starting to think about needing to really re-evaluate my working patterns to maximise the money I can take home; possibly cram more into a couple days a week(I currently spread 25-30 hours over 5 days) and then do some extra ward work like nights or weekends.


Alternatively, try to get more for the Mon-Fri. There's another study I've wanted to work on, but never did, and my boss never seemed keen on me going on it(I think from a budget side of things, it shouldn't have to come out of hers and the funding was there for someone else). We were at a 2day conference in Brum a while ago and chatting etc(her daughter happened to live up there too so was with us) and I think she was a bit surprised to realise that I sort of didn't have a big career plan planned out and that psychology prospects are few and far between in the clinical world with lots of competition. I started to get worried she was hoping my work'd sorta slow/shrivel and I'd eventually just sort of peter out to help her budget. All my own paranoia I think, but tbh the original funding for me ran out years ago and I never really knew how I was getting paid.


Cut back to the other study I want to do - the guy who DOES do it(and other things) is leaving his post - I've seen it coming a while but now it's official and he's gonna give his 4 weeks notice(I'd assumed it was 3 months) so I was planning to try and talk to her about that and see if I could get onto that study due to his leaving, which'd increase/change up my workload a bit. Ofc I don't want to go above/around my boss so I decided I'd broach it with her this week as she was on annual leave last week, I missed her yesterday though.


Cue this morning though, I saw her for some paperwork, and was planning to chat this afternoon about the study and my colleague leaving(she wasn't aware) but before I could do that - someone else took me aside to tell me some big news; it wasn't quite what I was expecting, but her and her husband are planning on adopting soon. The long/short of this however - she's a specialist pharmacist that focuses on some national audits we take part in(how I originally came to this place for a week, as it happens) and she'll be off on adoption leave which means that her work may need to be covered. She apparently discussed with the boss, whose budget I thought was whacked, who has apparently considered given my trials are winding down that I might be a suitable candidate to take over/help out if I wanted to(I've been involved in a number of these as ad hoc help to the lady who organises them). For a lot of people audit is a very boring word, having actively been involved in it I am actually quite enthused by it and these national audits we do, so I sorta said yes, but then said I needed to talk to the boss about something else(the other study and my colleague leaving).


Both are sorta large, and involve a lot of autonomy. Co-ordinating the audits next year is gonna be a fresh and beneficial experience I think. The trial's got distinct yet similar things to what I'm used to(it's co-ordinated by Imperial, and the same team who co-ordinated my other two trials I worked on). I won't get any sort of payrise for all this increased work(or at least I'm not ballsy enough to ask) but it's kinda nice and exciting to look forward to still.


So basically whilst I was worried about getting more to do - I might potentially have two lots of extra big works to do, maybe even too much. I'd like both, but with my other responsibilities it might actually stretch me a bit. I do find it mildly amusing though as I might be here for another year on top of my current 3 and a half - I was only meant to be here for a week!




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Got a job working on a six week design project! Should be brilliant experience and help me get find other positions in the future.


The best part about it is that it ends right before my graduation/birthday (they're on the same day) so I'll definitely be free to get destroyed that weekend :heh:

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Hooray, good news all around! Well done guys!


I got some good news too, got offered a full-time contract today at my job, yay! Haven't signed the contract yet but imagine that will happen tomorrow/next week.


Not that it really changes anything as I was already working full-time (as overtime) and I will still be on a poor man's pay (about £850 per month, boooh). It's a good thing I love this job. =P

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Got offered a permanent role in my place, working in a completly different department. Contract starts on 27th September, not sure when the start date of the job is. I've got leave over that weekend, so hopefully they'll honour it. If so i'll be accepting the contract, if not i won't.

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After 7 years, I finally left my job last month, the day before my brothers wedding on August 1st!


I was gonna post about it at the time, but there was lots going on, lots of goodbyes, people to see, speechs to nail, weddings to attend, best mans to be, and my head was spinning as, I'm sure some of you know, I wasn't in a great place in my mind whilst in that place!



So at the start of July I asked if I could move departments because I really couldn't stand where I was right now due to a mixture of all sorts of things. I don't get on with the manager at all, I have tried, so many times, but he constantly talks down to me, treats me like shit, and expects me to bend over backwards for nothing in return.


So yeah, I decided to write a letter to HR, which is the official way of doing it, and also meant I wouldn't have to speak directly to the manager right away. I walk in with the letter to give to HR but they aren't in so I slip it under the door. One of the supervisors see me do it and ask what the letter is about, and I simply say "it's just a letter for Andy" (HR guy).


Half hour later, I get called upstairs, sitting opposite me is the manager and supervisor who saw the letter.


"Is there something you want to tell me Josh? What's all this about passing letters along to people? This isn't school where we all speak behind each others backs and pass notes to one another, if you have a problem with me or anyone else then just say" in his usual threatening way. If he'd have asked me normally I may have just told him in the end but I thought why the hell should I so I said "well it was just a letter for HR, I didn't think I'd need to bother you about it yet seeing as your the store manager and they sort out this sort of thing anyway".


Anyway, I end up telling him whats in the letter because I figure it's easier that way. He says "we don't need HR to look at it then do we Josh? I run this store, I make the decisions, and I say, there's no way it can be done. Sorry Josh, but we're understaffed on there as it is, you'll just have to deal with it"


That's that. I thought great, over 6 years and they can't even fucking try and move me. The next day, HR guy is in, and I ask if he's read the letter, but that I spoke to manager anyway, he asks what the manager says, I tell him and he says "well, what can I do?".



...Great. It may not sound like much, but for anyone who was following my posts (I purposely stopped posting so much because I was quite a mood killer :P) you'll know how much I fucking hated the situation I was in.


Anyway, I write my notice that day and put it in my locker. I have no intention of giving it in anytime soon, but just liked the thought that it was there, and if things ever got so bad, I could use it.


Fast forward a week and I'm being spoken to like shit, ater an hour being on damages (literally sorting through broken glass, maggot ridden jars of crap and god knows what else and scanning them as waste), doing my actual job, being called to checkouts, being called to the restaurant (which I'm not trained in but whatever), called to produce, having customers speak to me like shit because there's no one around to help them I go upstairs to take my break/possibly break down in a cubical.


It's at that point, when I'm washing my face in the stinking toilets, looking like crap, in a bright green fucking shirt, I think to myself, I've gotta get out. I give my notice to HR guy, he panics and says would I stay if they try and move me, in my fuzzy, panic state I'm like "sure I would...but I'd like a time-frame, to know it's actually gonna happen, and not just get told 'we'll let you know in a few weeks' and then have it forgotten" so he agrees that he and manager will discuss it and get back to me ether later that day or the next day.


I see the manager guy on shopfloor a few hours later and ask him if he's spoken to Andy and he erupts into the fucking mad ape he is.


"I've spoken to many people today, Josh. I mighthave, I might not, is it really any of your business? I choose who I do and don't speak to"


and I was like "I was just referring to the letter I gave him, because he said you two might have an answer today, it's fine if you don't, I just thought seeing as your here I'll check"


and he was all "you don't tell me what to do, Josh. I did speak to him, but I'm not willing to speak to you about it. I run a multi-million pound shop, and I don't have the lowest workers here telling me they're going to move departments or leave. You're putting a gun to my head, bending me over the table and expecting me to do as you say. I don't have time for this right now"


so I finally gave up and just said "neither do I. Don't bother checking, I've decided I'm leaving, for sure. I don't care what you offer, if anything, I'm just going, I can't bare to be around you or any of this any longer"


"Well now you're holding two guns to my head. If I let you move departments now, everyone's gonna act as though they're a big-shot and say they're doing as they please or threaten to leave. Well, you can't threaten me Josh, and I really don't appreciate you swinging your manhood around thinking you can do what you want. I'm the boss of this store and I'll say what does and doesn't happen."


I try to explain that he's clearly took it the wrong way, that I didn't say "I change departments or leave" and that I was actually going to just leave, but it was suggested by Andy that I might be able to move departments.


"That's not how it sounded to me, I think you're just trying to manipulate everything in your favour. I can't just change everything so precious little Josh can have his way"


So I just say "forget it, forget everything, I really don't give a shit if I can change departments or what, I was unsure but YOU have made my mind up for me now, and I'm done" and start to walk off (also, it's not like me to ever raise my voice or swear in these situations but this was years of hatred for him coming out :p


he then starts backtracking and says "Josh, don't be so rash, you're clearly not right in the head right now. Look, your lip is quivering (anxiety thing, doesn't happen often unless someone is pretty much bullying you on the shop floor infront of customers) why? Why are you doing that? You're too angry, I know psychology, I can tell, you look as though you're going to hit me or something. haha, we just need to have a calm chat, I'll make sure someting is done, we'll get you on another department"


Again, I stick to my guns and say I've just had enough now and I can't bare it anymore and leave it at that. He left the store at 8pm, HR guy was in till 9 and as I was leaving asked how the close went and I said "good, but I had a chat with [manager], he blew up in my face and I decided I'm definitely leaving".


The next day I'm called up to the office right away, it's [manager] and the supervisor guy from the letter day. manager says "can I have a word, supervisor is here as a witness"


"I don't know what you thought happened yesterday, but I think you weren't in the right frame of mind as I did not 'blow up' at you, I don't know if your a precious little snowflake (it sounds like im making this up honestly, but he's such a prick in how he speaks and the other supervisors are too scared to say anything/just laugh along with him) or have some sort of personal problems, but I didn't make a scene or shout at you yesterday"


I said "I've seen you try and get your way out of things before, but (turning to supervisor), I want this on record that he's not gonna charm his way out of it, or make a joke of this, or pretend its all fine now, he made a huge scene, on the shop floor, spoke to me like I was crap, was really out of order and I'm not changing my opinion on that"


and manager says "I have a heart josh, I'm not gonna be happy with myself if I know I'm one of the reasons you leave (he's just worried about how it will look on him), I think a lot of you, you're clearly not right in the head right now, stressed or something, because what you saw was different to what I saw".


Anyway, I asked some of my co-workers, as most of the fucking shop saw it, and they all agreed he was out of line and agreed with me.


The next day, some of my friends had put on facebook "Management need to sort themselves out, we're losing good staff because of what's happening here" and that got about 8 people called up to management (the one who wrote it and the many people who commented) so I felt pretty terrible about that too that loads of people got into trouble because of essentially an argument I got into.


Anyway, as the week went on, the manager kept approaching me all happy every day, telling me if I can change my mind up until the last minute, and can go on any department I like. But 5pm, a week later, I finally left. Said goodbye to some of the good co-workers I know and left before saying goodbye to any of the seniors that fucked me around for all these years.


And I felt relieved, and happy and then had a great day the day after as I was the best man at my brothers wedding! Loads of work people went too so it was a nice way of saying goodbye as well.


It's been 3 weeks now and it sounds ridiculous but I literally dreamt about that place every day since until last week, some form of waking up in a panic, thinking I need to be there, or dreaming I was trapped there or whatever. And I had a few days where I'd completely freak out that I have no job and wonder if I made a massive mistake but now that it's all settled down and I've had lots of time away from there I know that, despite what happens next, it was definitely the right thing to do.


I finally feel myself again and can actually do things. I was so obsessed with time before that I'd never want to play a game, or watch a film in my spare time because... it takes up too much time. I'd end up just checking my phone constantly or checking the facebook feed, purposely staying up really late so the next day wouldn't seem to come so fast.


When I look back now, I can't believe I let things get that bad (in my head) but I guess it's easy to get stuck in a hole and just get deeper and deeper.


Anyway, the purpose of this post is meant to be happy so..






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Well done for sticking to your guns @Josh64 - it's a shame you can end up with such cunty managers like that. Absolutely shit that they don't really care until they're actually going to lose you, tbh I'd say you're better off away from the place for a bit. Are you gonna be just having some time off for a bit or looking for a new job right away?

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That sounds fantastic, but for a second I had to scroll up and check it wasn't one of Animal's posts.

Nah, it was too action packed.


Plus, I don't think there's anything left for Animal to tell us about his job woes.







Applying for every Legal Secretary job I can find in my area. No takers yet. Probably because I haven't finished my certificate in the area yet but I have a horrible feeling it'll be tough getting a job even after that. Kinda like university but I've actually paid this time.


S'always a case of "We need experienced..." but can't get experience without the job in the first place.



Might have to apply for that barman job in the strip club.

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Well done for sticking to your guns @Josh64 - it's a shame you can end up with such cunty managers like that. Absolutely shit that they don't really care until they're actually going to lose you, tbh I'd say you're better off away from the place for a bit. Are you gonna be just having some time off for a bit or looking for a new job right away?


I've enjoyed 3 weeks off already :p And I don't wanna get complacent, I've been sending CV's out all that time, and put mine up on Indeed, it's been hit and miss.


I have someone interested in giving me a job in October but I haven't heard anything for a while so I don't wanna be too hopeful on that. I potentially had two jobs but both needed me to drive :(


I'm gonna start driving again in 2 weeks though (I hate it but it's gotta be done), I did masses of lessons before and have already passed my theory, so I'm hoping now that my head isn't as fuzzy I'll have a better chance of passing!


I seemingly just quit most good things earlier this year, but I'm trying to get back on track now :p

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That sounds fantastic, but for a second I had to scroll up and check it wasn't one of Animal's posts.


I'll be honest, halfway through reading Josh's, even I was convinced it could have been me and I've forgotten I quit, haha.


@Josh64, seriously though, I was reading the post completely shocked and shaking my head at the appalling way they treated you and then you just basically told them to go fuck themselves. I have never been more prouder! I just LOVE the fact you told him what was what and him saying you're "not right in the head" is just wrong. He's not right in the head for treating staff like that!


As for your colleagues who got in trouble, don't feel bad for them. I don't mean this in a nasty way, by the way, but the ones who stood up like that are the ones who stood up for you. They found a voice and used it. Hopefully, they'll follow in the same path as you and tell the boss to fuck off.


But yeah, well done for finding your inner man-diva, haha. :yay:


Nah, it was too action packed.


Plus, I don't think there's anything left for Animal to tell us about his job woes.


Bitch, I KNOW you didn't just say mine ain't action-packed! Shiiiiiit! :p just kidding.


Nah, my new job is pretty awesome. It's been overwhelming at the start to the point where I stressed a lot but I never said anything here because I figured I'd be banging on way too much about my previous job and I wouldn't do the same thing but I coped well and all isn't as bad anymore. I've had a couple of incidents though, where I'm irked.


One was with the other supervisor. Everything has been fine with me and him since I started and we've been awesome. We've had laughs but got on with the job. However, the new manager has started now and she's pretty relaxed and wants the work done. As you all know, I get along with her, which is a great thing. However, the supervisor decides to 'step up' (and I say it like that because there's no need to). So he's saying "I'm slow", "I don't tidy up properly" and finds a lot of faults that aren't there at all and I know that it's all for the manager because when she's not there, he completely changes and he's laid-back and shit where as I'm just the same all of the time. When he does rotas and things like that, he's all "WE'VE decided we want this" or "WE'VE thought about doing that" because I'm never really involved in management meetings, which sort of pisses me off since I actually AM management now. Anyway, he tried it one day and he was saying how he was the "First Supervisor", meaning Senior Supervisor, and it's something he always said. I was sorting the back stock and organising EVERYTHING, which is a piss-take as it is when he kept on saying I was slow and shit (I wasn't, I just had to do EVERYTHING about four times because new items would be found where people have just dumped them). He used the "I'm a First Supervisor" line and I got a bit pissed off and just thought 'fuck this'

"Where does it say that on your badge?" I ask him.


"Where does it say you're First Supervisor on your badge? Nowhere! Stop telling me how to do my job. You're nowhere NEAR perfect, dude. This shop was in a mess when I came in to do delivery this morning (one of the rare times I do it) and I have two other people who were mad about it too because they had to tidy the aisles and put stock away so please don't come to me, acting like you do better than me when you don't. It's getting boring."

He tried to say something but I just carried on.

"I had this in my last place and I'll be damned if I'm going to have a repeat performance. You're doing this to impress her and don't deny it. I personally don't care if you are (well, I do, I can't stand arse-lickers) so much but don't try and paint a bad picture of me when you do it, alright? I know my aisles haven't been perfect sometimes but yours are just as bad. We either work together or not at all. What's it to be?"

He was proper apologetic and he even admitted that the power had gone to his head. He said that the managers had apparently told him he's the go-to guy over me because he was here first. I said I was fine with it but until he is appointed with Senior Supervisor as a job title or he is above me, we're equal in a workplace. We discussed other things and I told him I wasn't happy with them both having these meetings without me because I'm left in the lurch, wondering whether I should or shouldn't do shit and they expect me to just know. He said he'd involve me from now on.

We both apologised and we're both okay now so I'm happy :). I mean, he's super racist and we've discussed that but whatever, haha.


That's the only disagreement I've really had since starting. This was before the manager pissed off on her holidays. When she was on holiday, he was fine with me. She's back now so we'll see whether he sticks to his word. I get stressed but that comes with the job! It's nothing I can't handle because I've learned my lesson from my previous job: Don't fuck around. If you have a problem, tell them straight away and don't let it fester otherwise shit snowballs and you'll end up going crazy, depressed and stressed.

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End of the summer holidays this week. Im going to miss being able to wear what I want to work, having no kids or teachers around and only having to work 3 days a week. Schools should always be on holiday.


What's your job? IT technician or something of that sort?


We've had inset today and yesterday. So unbelievably boring. Sitting on your arse for hours and hours whilst people talk at you. Always find it stupid when, as teachers, you get told not to do that, yet they see this as a fine way to talk to adults for a prolonged period of time.


Two of my teacher friends actually fell asleep in the afternoon during the talk. They're both near 60, so can't blame them. Aahahhha.

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