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N64 Appreciation Thread

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My N64 and SNES Collection


Here it is, after lots of sorting, sourcing of box protectors I've managed to get my collection into a state where I feel it's good enough to finally show. :)


So... @Hero\-of\-Time @Glen\-i @Dcubed @lostmario @tapedeck and anyone else who's interested - sorry if I missed any N64 collectors - Here we go!




To the left, on the top row we have all of the major N64 extreme racing and simulation titles, plus Yoshi's Story in addition to four Rare titles including the legendary Conker's Bad Fur Day which I've proudly owned since launch day. Thanks to Nando who sold me Mickey's Speedway some time ago :) Blast Corps was a very recent purchase as I'd always been curious about it.


While on the bottom row we have most of the third-party titles including THPS2 which I won in a competition on Special Reserve - props to anyone who remembers that place - it was briefly owned by my brother before I traded back for it, he also hooked me up with Resi 2 as he found lots of N64 games in a charity shop one time for 50p per piece or something daft, I gave him a good trade for it though. Rocket Robot was purchased off eBay months before I'd even really started properly buying to fill my collection but it came with my first - of many - box protectors as that then persuaded me to buy some along with seeing Hero's excellent box-protected collection. :D


Both of the Castlevania titles set me back a little bit, around £50 for Legacy of Darkness while the first was less than half of that, Operation Winback was another one of Greg's games so cheers again for that, I'd always found it to be an excellent title on the N64 so I couldn't resist trading for it. Pokémon Snap & Puzzle League I have had for a long time but I bought the former title off my brother while Wetrix was purely a random game I bought recently out of curiosity off the same guy who I purchased the first Castlevania game from; Street Fighter II Turbo is overspill from the SNES games on the adjacent shelf which brings me onto the next shelf.



To the right, on the top row we have the remainder of the Rare titles ranging from Perfect Dark to Banjo-Tooie along with everything between, I have owned all of these titles for a long time aside from BT which I got in a good deal with a couple of 'extras' which I'll explain in the next photo. Then we have the immortal Super Mario 64 which I actually got back in the day from - perhaps shockingly - trading in Banjo-Kazooie! Though I must stress this was half a life-time ago plus I had already completed BK multiple times, I had little money when I was younger and as you can see I bought Banjo Kazooie back less than a year later for £10 in Game before they could even price it up, I kept the 'Story' from my previous copy too so it is complete; then there's Super Smash Bros., my launch day copy of Zelda: Majora's Mask, Ocarina of Time was purchased just before Christmas when it launched in Argos for only £25! I got the collector's edition for just £10 years ago, Pokémon Stadium 2 was purchased from my bro in a deal.


On the bottom row we have all of the main Mario titles - I have another Mario All Stars + Super Mario World behind the other boxes along with a copy of Unirally - with the immortal DKC trilogy - yes I still have the CD - Super Mario RPG I have had for years, my copy of Chrono Trigger still has most of the seal on it! Both of those were purchased for less than £30 years ago, while Illusion of Time and Zelda A Link to the Past only cost me £20 with Punch Out!! plus Starwing even less than that; F-Zero was recently repurchased as was the box for Super Mario Kart plus Manual + tray which set me back £20 but was well worth it. :smile:




Atop the left storage unit I have my Fierce Deity Link statue from F4F - yes on top of the N64 games, those box protectors are strong! Also to be fair I had the statues on top of them before but because the weight was spread out the games seem to be fine - Pokémon Stadium also got in the deal has its own box protector I had to but from the US so I ordered three to make it worth it :heh: with the Majora's Mask light being a very recent acquisition but not as recent as my Banjo-Kazooie and Mumbo Jumbo beanies which are both in good condition as they were purchased with Banjo-Tooie for a good price. Super Metroid is technically on top of both units as it sits nicely between the two in its box protector, I probably got this for around £30 many years ago complete, obviously never looked back, it's one of two SNES games I have in a box that's significantly larger than the average title because the other one which it right next to it on the other side is...




...EarthBound! Yes, I have owned this magnificent title for a good few years now, if I recall correctly it was purchased for about a quarter or less of what it goes for now when online auctions seemed to be less of an everyday thing, I got very lucky with this purchase as it's complete and in decent condition; would I pay the asking price for it these days? Probably not, is this copy for sale? Definitely not... :indeed: maybe one day though, who knows. ::shrug:


Out in front you've probably noticed my other figure which is Samus Aran Gravity Suit variant again from F4F, I have resigned myself to the fact that these are the only two figures I have room for, even then I don't really have the room for them but I love having them so much that they had to be displayed somewhere prominent and where they hopefully won't get damaged; Skull Kid figure from Nintendo is there just above Majora's Mask N64 version with one of my surround sound speakers to the right, incidentally certain N64 games sound fantastic in Dolby Surround just to get us nicely back on topic. :p


So there you have it, my complete N64 collection, I hope at least someone will have enjoyed reading about it and seeing it at least half as much as I've enjoyed collecting plus assembling it all. Sorry that it's not all N64 stuff but at least over 64% of it is. :awesome:


I'll be sure to post some of my impressions of the games as I play/replay them at a later date but for now... Thanks for Reading! : peace:

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Awesome collection, S.C.G. :bowdown:


You know what's great about it? It's easy to remember Mario 64, Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, but your collection recalls what the N64 was actually like at the time. I didn't even know Tony Hawk games went as far back as the N64, for example.


Great stuff!

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Superb collection there. Great boxes too.


I recently bought a French RGB modded N64 and an Everdrive 64. My N64 in MINT condition with practically every main PAL release (including Conker) in mint, boxed up condition was sold from my parents loft years ago. Worst thing that happened ever!


My new setup is JOYOUS. 64DD games are now playable and a ton of great games that never saw release (40 Winks/Indiana Jones etc.) as well as Betas and modded titles such as Goldeneye X (Goldeneye running on Perfect Dark engine with tons of enhancements to games like Zelda's Birthday and Banjo's backpack titles). I'm loving it. Currently making my way through the Shindou editions of Mario/WaveRace which are great. Waverace with rumble is sublime.


Games look pin-sharp and vibrant too. This is taken via my iPhone! :0





Edited by tapedeck
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  • 4 months later...
In your average James Bond flick the suave British secret agent dispatches countless goons and bad guys without batting an eyelid, but if Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto had had his way, the best Bond video game of all time wouldn't have contained a single death.


Speaking at the ongoing GameCity event in Nottingham, England, GoldenEye 007 designer Martin Hollis revealed that the legendary Japanese developer had serious reservations about the amount of violence in the N64 shooter, which, to be fair, was a pretty radical departure for the family-friendly Nintendo:


Bond is a violent franchise and making that fit with Nintendo, which is very much family-friendly, was a challenge. For a while we had some gore, it was just a flipbook of about 40 textures, beautifully rendered gore that would explode out. When I saw it the first time, I thought it was awesome, it was a fountain of blood, like that moment in the Shining when the lift doors open. Then I thought, hmm, this might be a bit too much red.


So much red in fact that Miyamoto felt compelled to send a fax with some suggestions for the game:


One point was that there was too much close-up killing – he found it a bit too horrible. I don't think I did anything with that input. The second point was, he felt the game was too tragic, with all the killing. He suggested that it might be nice if, at the end of the game, you got to shake hands with all your enemies in the hospital.


While the suggestion seems laughable, it did spur Hollis to include a credits sequence which showed all of the characters - including the soldiers and other other enemy units - as if they were actors in a proper Bond movie:

It was very filmic, and the key thing was, it underlined that this was artifice. The sequence told people that this was not real killing.


Hollis is quick to point out that while not all of Nintendo's feedback on the game was helpful, his development and design ethos was shaped by the Japanese veteran:


I studiously tried to learn what Nintendo was. I played [Zelda] Link to the Past from beginning to end – I got all the hearts and all but two of the quarter hearts. I could write a 1000 pages about that game. Then Mario 64 came out during the development of GoldenEye and we were clearly influenced by that game. Ours was much more open as a result.


I value the idea – which I do see as quite strongly a Japanese idea – of respect to the player and trying to see into their mind and their life. We have jargon for it nowadays: 'user-centric design'. Nintendo thought about where the player would be when they played the game and who would be with them at the time.




Miyamoto be crazy.

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Miyamoto be crazy.

I laughed hard when I saw this on Eurogamer earlier. Absolutely crazy, nearly made a new topic about this actually.


Miyamoto here seems to sums up Nintendo's attitude in general. Poor communication between players no doubt exists because of this attitude.. as well as a lack of games with darker undertones these days...it's a real shame.

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  • 4 weeks later...
The n64 was always one of my holy grails since getting into Super Smash Brothers Melee. I'm super happy with the one I bought now. I bought the special edition orange pikachu n64 a few months ago and I love it.


What games did you get for it? There's so much quality to choose from :grin:

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  • 2 weeks later...
What games did you get for it? There's so much quality to choose from :grin:


I have all three pokemon stadium games, Animal Crossing, Donkey Kong and Super Smash Bros. I'm getting Kirby Crystal Shards for christmas though. Have to get a rumble pak for Donkey Kong, but I love the quality of the cartridges.


Don't know if I'll get the zelda games for the n64 as I have both on the Gamecube and 3DS.

Edited by ChloboShoka
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Just read through the thread, so jealous! I've recently moved back in with my parents and I'm hoping to start adding to my N64 collection soon, I've probably got about 30 games, some in their boxes, from when I was a kid but I've wanted to establish a proper Nintendo collection for a while. My brother sold my SNES though, so i'll have to start that collection completely from scratch, but I'll focus on the N64 to start with anyway, there are so many games I never got to play, Banjo, Jet Force Gemini, Turok, Hybrid Heaven, Goemon... hopefully I can afford nice boxed copies like Hero-Of-Time got.


I've recently been watching videos by finngamer on Youtube, he has a complete N64 collection (over 400 games) as well as a tonne of versions of the console and the controllers. He seems to have every major home console ever in his collection too, his videos are worth checking out, but you might find yourself feeling envious of him.

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Just read through the thread, so jealous! I've recently moved back in with my parents and I'm hoping to start adding to my N64 collection soon, I've probably got about 30 games, some in their boxes, from when I was a kid but I've wanted to establish a proper Nintendo collection for a while. My brother sold my SNES though, so i'll have to start that collection completely from scratch, but I'll focus on the N64 to start with anyway, there are so many games I never got to play, Banjo, Jet Force Gemini, Turok, Hybrid Heaven, Goemon... hopefully I can afford nice boxed copies like Hero-Of-Time got.


I really need to get back to finishing off my collection. My funds were used for other things this year and as such I haven't been able to add to my collection all that much. It's a bit annoying as I do keep an eye on ebay for games i'm after and as the year has gone on I have seen them steadily increase in price.

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Went into my parents attic earlier and got all of my N64 stuff. Unfortunately I don't have an expansion pak any more, I must have taken it to university with me and used it in a friends console and forgotten to take it back. I had a look on ebay and the prices for them are ridiculous, going to have to pay it though because I can't exactly play Perfect Dark without one! I found all of the boxes we kept, some of them are in great condition and have all the manuals (F-Zero X, ISS 64, 1080 and Wave Race are all pretty good quality - but Majora's Mask is pretty much mint condition, it even has the cartridge baggie!)


They've all been kept in a sealed plastic box so they should be in a decent condition, wish I had proper shelving to display them on!

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  • 2 months later...

Those boxes are in really good nick! (and they all seem to be complete too!) Well done @Hero\-of\-Time!


(What a shame they're PAL versions though :p)


How much did those set you back? (as you rightfully said, prices are getting pretty stupid now, so it's good that you're getting in before they go up even more!)

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Those boxes are in really good nick! (and they all seem to be complete too!) Well done @Hero\-of\-Time!


(What a shame they're PAL versions though :p)


How much did those set you back? (as you rightfully said, prices are getting pretty stupid now, so it's good that you're getting in before they go up even more!)


The boxes have to be in that condition for me to buy them. No point getting s collection together that has ripped or bashed boxes.


Mickeys Speedway £25

1080 Snowboarding £13

Wave Race £15

Pilotwings £20


I've been after Pilotwings for ages but getting a mint condition version has been a bit of a nightmare.


To be fair, getting just a N64 cartridge collection isn't that bad, it's when trying to get CiB that things start to get pricey. Trying to get a decent condition box and instructions also adds to the frustration.

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Woah I was expecting much higher prices for that condition!


Same! You did very well there @Hero\-of\-Time! Jolly good show! : peace:


As for prices... Even cart only versions of games can be very expensive... (Paper Mario, CBFD or Pokemon Stadium 2 for instance can easily go for £50 and upwards, so good luck on those ones!), so I'm still very surprised you did so well on those!

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