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Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric


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I think Dazzybee makes a fair point (otherwise, I could just say that Skyward Sword was better than, say, Uncharted simply because it looks better, more interesting to me and was reviewed better, but since I haven't played the latter, such a claim wouldn't have any weight)


However, it did derail the thread a little bit.

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I just don't understand why Sega don't keep things simple when it comes to Sonic as this is where the original games excel because they are a relatively straightforward idea executed with perfection; Sonic runs fast throughout the acts, interacting with the environment feels natural because of the well-tuned physics with the odd simple puzzle usually involving a switch or a lever which helps to break things up intermittently. ::shrug:


Other factors include rings equal life, collecting one hundred gains you an extra life - why they initially left this out of Lost World I have no idea - plus either fifty rings by stage end or jumping at a Star Post gains you entry to the special stage where you can collect one of the seven Chaos Emeralds which are your ticket to becoming Super Sonic in all of the acts aside from those which lack enough rings. Power ups must at least include invincibility in addition to the standard bubble shield, speed shoes and of course extra lives/rings though obviously the elemental shields from Sonic 3 + Knuckles are always welcome. :)


Keeping it to a minimal amount of characters always seems to be the best option, just having Sonic, Tails and Knuckles is always the ideal outcome for Sonic games just providing they still control in the traditional way. To me these seem to be the main core elements which are preferable to have in any Sonic game which is to have a decent chance of matching the original quality of the first games, of course there are other considerations including variation of Zones, a concise number of acts but really I just can't understand why a large number of these considerations seem to be repeatedly overlooked. :p


Sonic can be good again, indeed in recent years we've had more successful games then all-out failures so the series is already on the up but Sega could definitely do with going back to the very start in order to ascertain just what made the originals such a hit in the first place but I can only hope that they don't over-think things and come up with some half-baked idea like the 'werehog' ever again. :hmm:


The market may have changed considerably but most fans love for the series hasn't, Sega just needs to find some way of respectfully adapting Sonic for the modern age without compromising the series roots or playing too heavily on nostalgia while forgetting about the physics, as a fan who has played just about every Sonic game there has been over the years... it makes sense in my head at least. ;)

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For what it's worth, I've actually played all 3 of these games and SLW Wii. U is by far the best (in fact I'd consider it to be the only truly "good" 3D Sonic game ever made :) )


I just don't understand why Sega don't keep things simple when it comes to Sonic as this is where the original games excel because they are a relatively straightforward idea executed with perfection; Sonic runs fast throughout the acts, interacting with the environment feels natural because of the well-tuned physics with the odd simple puzzle usually involving a switch or a lever which helps to break things up intermittently. ::shrug:


But SGC is right here; SLW's greatest weakness is its complexity. It takes a series that was birthed on one button gameplay (+ d-pad) and over complicates it; making you have to use no less than 6 buttons! For however much they succeeded in finally adapting the traditional level design of the MD games to a 3D world with SLW Wii U, with how they bring back the linear focus with multiple branching paths of varying difficulty/reward/speed (barring the odd gimmick levels), they do abandon that simplicity in control and gameplay design that made the original games great.


And yes there are some silly design choices throughout that left me scratching my head (One level in particular that comes to mind is one that comes very late into the game - All I will say is cubes. Coloured tubes and beat timing... It makes no bloody sense at all!). The game has a tendency to throw new mechanics at you out of nowhere with no explaination at all and no chance to practice or get used to it it before presenting you with a challenge (imagine playing the original Super Mario Bros and all of a sudden running into goombas gives you mushroom power while all normal mushrooms kill you for seemingly no reason whatsoever - that's what it feels like at times in SLW).


But I still had fun with it. It's a good game with some notable flaws. That's much more than I can say about any other 3D Sonic game (which were either functionally broken or, from Unleashed-Generations, basically played themselves with their Boost To Win! gameplay)

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I just don't understand why Sega don't keep things simple when it comes to Sonic as this is where the original games excel because they are a relatively straightforward idea executed with perfection; Sonic runs fast throughout the acts, interacting with the environment feels natural because of the well-tuned physics with the odd simple puzzle usually involving a switch or a lever which helps to break things up intermittently. ::shrug:


Almost true. Sonic Advance, Rush, etc. Make it so it's about running fast, but it's not the same. The Physics are the most important aspect of 2D Sonic, not the speed (Just ask Sonic 4: Episode 1)


3D Sonic has been pretty enjoyable since Unleashed, though. That's a niche that works for it (though it's true that Lost World shook up the gameplay again)

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Having played all three myself I have to say World was easily the weakest, with Generations top and Colors a close second.


While I enjoyed World the game only really plays well when you are going for the hidden stuff. The main game is pretty boring and straight forward and it's not till I started deviating from the main path that I started to enjoy it more.

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Come on @dazzybee that's like saying you can't form opinions on what looks like a bad game to you. Like saying you can't say some wannabe Mario platformer is worse than Galaxy because you haven't played it.


I haven't played Sonic Lost Worlds and wouldn't buy it for the same reason, because I don't think it looks very good. Where as I bought Colours because it did look good and therefore I consider it to be a better Sonic game.


No that's fine, saying it looks crap, saying it it's not for you etc etc. But DCubed said it is better than colours and generations, and he said he disagreed when he hasn't played it. Be surprised, "really, because i think it looks awful" fine. but to outright disagree with that opinion when you have no experience is just plain weird and stupid.


It's like you saying I think Lion King is better than Aladdin and me who's never seen it saying I disagree.


PS I have seen Lion King, and it probably is better than Aladdin. But I love them both


PPS Sorry to derail again, I was going to ignore Happenstance, but wanted to reply to Retro :)


Anyways. Sonic. I've NEVER really liked Sonic games. Sonic 1 was okay, but never seen it as a great series.


Although weirdly I quite liked Sonic and the secret rings

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The franchise has been a joke for about a decade :heh:


I kind of like the new Tails. He's a bit too kitted out, but the design is pretty rad.


How dare you!


I would start listing great games but I'll leave it :p


but fuckin'


SONIC COLOURS (I couldn't leave it)


And yeah they don't look as bad in the Serebii post, but Knuckles just looks too big.

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How dare you!


I would start listing great games but I'll leave it :p


but fuckin'


SONIC COLOURS (I couldn't leave it)


And yeah they don't look as bad in the Serebii post, but Knuckles just looks too big.


I didn't say there weren't games, just generally the franchise has become a bit of a joke with all of the lame characters and wacky powerups and items.

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Aah, I see what you mean. Well I only got into the series after Sonic Heroes, so I'm pretty sure all the stupid new characters had been introduced by that point so I don't know any different :P


Being a big fan of the DK series, the Sonic franchise doesn't seem too ridiculous.


(I'm referring to Chunky, Lanky, Tiny and *shudder* those things that appeared in that weird Jet Race game)

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