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Anyone else considering going PC/Wii U only this generation?


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A few years back I would never have even considered it, but fast forward to today - with the likes of Steam (especially with Big Picture mode and the upcoming Steam Machines), the standardisation of plug-and-play Xbox 360 controller support and the resurgence of the PC platform as a whole (and the influx of mostly high quality console ports that put their counterparts to shame - with minimal tinkering and messing about required; this being a particular sticking point!) - and all of a sudden I find myself wondering why on earth I even need a PS4 or Xbone!


Outside of the console exclusives (And even then, a lot of MS' exclusives are also heading to PC - with the possibility of more, down the line), what do these consoles provide that I can't get on a mid range PC? I wasn't even trying to build a super-duper high spec machine last year/late 2011 and it turns out to be significantly more powerful than even the PS4!


As someone who has very little interest in Sony and MS' 1st party lineup in general (outside of the God Of War series, Killer Instinct and some of the games that come out of Sony's Japan Studio), these new consoles don't really look all that appealing to me... Back at the start of last gen, you would never have seen the likes of Capcom and Konami putting out high quality PC versions of their games, with the only real way of playing these games being on PS360; and look now! You're getting top quality versions of all of their games on PC on a regular basis!) You also don't typically have to do any real messing around to get them working. I can just buy and download the game from Steam and it just works, just like on a console.


I'm now strongly considering building a mini PC or buying a Steam Machine for the living room & going Wii U/PC only this gen and I would never have even remotely considered doing that last gen! :o


Am I alone in feeling like this? Has anyone else gone through that same thought process, feeling that PC is now at the point where you would feel comfortable replacing your future PS4/Xbone console with a living room PC/Steam Machine?

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PC gaming is quite convenient for me right now, seeing as I have less and less time nowadays, plus my travelling habits make a home console undesirable.


I might just skip this console generation (as good as it looks so far) simply because I don't know what my near future holds. But if I didn't, I'd still go for the 3DS or Wii U.

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Also remember that unless you're patient, some really great games (e.g. GTA, Dark Souls) release on consoles quite a while before on PC. I generally prefer the community on consoles but like the relative freedom of PCs.


There's a long list of exclusives the PS3 got that I am so glad to have played. It would be very sad indeed for people to miss out on these.

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It's actually looking like I'm sticking with handheld/previous generation for a while. All the possibilities of where my life could go from now on are making me feel less inclined to even bother with the current selection (nothing really suits my tastes just yet any way), and the much desired PC I want to build can wait as I want to make sure I have the money to up and move if required.


I think it's most likely I'll go with PS4 and PC. The Wii U I'll probably adopt waaaay down the line for the Nintendo games and whatever, but I can't see me picking the Xbox One unless some amazing games come out. They may have changed their policies, but I'm not giving any money to a company that tried pulling all that bullshit.

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The PC and Wii U is a very appealing combination, as they do provide the widest range of games, and I love Nintendo's franchises. Unfortunately, I've also fallen in love with some of Sony's franchises so I'll also have to grab a PS4 when they start to arrive.

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I'm going PC and 3DS for the moment and maybe pick up a PS4 in Jan 2015 or something however I'm getting less and less inclined to with the more I fall in love with gaming on my PC.


The thing I'm finding is that I can't really justify having more than 1 current Nintendo system. The 3DS has far more my type of games and when you get a Mario game on Wii U as well as the handheld in relatively short succession (yes to me 1 year apart is still a little too much Mario) then I feel like the classic franchises are pretty overplayed. Also when you get Mario Kart on both and now Smash, I'd actually rather have the handheld for all of them!

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Wii U & PS4 for me. Xbox One is just a mess, policy wise and I honestly see their horrific policies returning.


Holding off on the PS4 for now because of price of entry and the inadequate launch line-up (for me). This time next year, I'll likely get one, however.

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Wii U/PS4 for me. :)


I very rarely properly 'game' on my PC... I use it to play Phantasy Star Online 2 sometimes (translated JP version) and some older but decent PC games that I missed out on over the years but can now easily enjoy thanks to Steam. :D

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Most of my(very little) gaming comes from 3DS at the moment. I've got a Wii U and don't foresee getting anything else from the upcoming gen any time soon - there's a lot on PC though and if I get a decent setup I'd consider that, not in lieu of consoles but as an alternative. There are loads and loads of little indie and cheap games available, and that appeals to me. Dropping £30 or £40 on games that I get bored of/fall off of doesn't feel sensible to me now - so I end up foolishly on the other end buying games for pennies that I never even play! One day though...one day.

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I'm hoping the steam box cans satiate my 3rd party gaming needs, but I think some Sony exclusives will tempt me towards it. Wouldn't surprised if I bought the ps4 the day I come back from Paris, but I hope the urge isn't there to be honest. We'll see though. At the minute, until April, 3ds, wiiu and ps3 is more than enough

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