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The Super Mario 3D World thread


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I like the run button too, in fact, my biggest worry was the controls as that's why mario is as perfect as it is, but I began to love them so much. Some of the levels that require insane precision are made so much easier because the controls are so precise.


The only thing I don't like as much as the limited camera. So many times I wanted to rotate the camera complete

Y freely to look at the amazing levels (and also to see if I can see stars and stamps :) )

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I don't really understand the complaints over the run button either. It has always been that way in the 2D games and it makes the transition to 3D without any hassles. I really don't have a problem with juggling buttons, it's always been something in games and feels natural to me. I find the controls really tight and responsive and you need that - as some of the levels are the most challenging I've played in a 3D Mario game.


I also think people need to try all five characters as they all play differently. Mario is a great all rounder but if you want a faster and more agile character, choose Toad. I have found that going back and doing previous levels with different characters is pretty rewarding, although Peach does make them all a LOT easier.

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I'm really confused by how many worlds there are in this game and particularly the post-game content. I'm at world 7 which seems pretty final, but I'm pretty sure I saw an even more final looking world on GAF a while back, world 8? Then there's a special world I think, 9?


Also, I'm beginning to suspect the levels don't double up like in 3D Land, there aren't enough stamps to go around again.


No spoilers please, just random musings. Hope there's plenty left to do :)

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To all those who are currently enjoying this and still haven't played 3D Land on the 3DS,



I would... but they decided to tell me about the free 3D-Land 1 day after I registered my 3DS and Layton game.


Now I refuse out of sheer bloody-mindedness!

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Just seen the credits and did the first 2 "post-game" levels...






Ok Cat Bowser, LOL, that was awesome. For one I (oddly) didn't expect him to use a bell...though I should have given he used the leaf in Mario 3D Land... and when I saw the bell I thought he'd end up in some funny cutsey catsuit like the playable characters, but he turned into a beast of a tiger like Bowser haha, awesome.


Gotta say though the actual "battle" with Bowser I felt a little disappointed with, I mean it was decent but after the awesome final battle with Bowser in 3D Land's story I guess I was expecting more. I can see they did try to recreate what they did in 3D Land but in a different way but it just didn't feel as tense or epic and I didn't feel much sense of "OMG He's GONNA GET ME" as I did on 3D Land.


That said I still did enjoy it...just not as much as I was hoping :heh:



Did the first 2 levels of the post game, can really feel the difficulty spike up :D Is that first level even possible without a Cat or Racoon suit? The 2nd one that getting to that yellow warp box at the half way point took me a fair few tries but got there in the end. Looking forward to getting a chance to try some more :D



So yeah unlocked Rosalina, pretty cool (even though I knew it was coming).... tried her out on the first level, she feels very heavy (I remember in Kart she was classed as a "heavy" never understood that) but has a very good verticle leap.


Was wondering though, I know for one of the file stars it requires you to beat all levels with "all" characters.... does that include Rosalina or just the main 4?


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I think I'm ready to accept the trade of full 3D camera/worlds for the insane variety of the 3D World offerings. It just keeps on delivering exactly what I want from a 3D Mario and I'm not even halfway through yet.


Please, please give us the opportunity to pay more money for DLC.

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Hmm...well, fuck. I had written this off as being a cheap cash-in and a bit of a lazy effort on Nintendo's part. Wtf. When did this suddenly become Game of the System/Game of the Year?


Why is it soooo expensive?! Want it, but...shit, almost £40. May have to bite the bullet and pray it's worth it.

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Hmm...well, fuck. I had written this off as being a cheap cash-in and a bit of a lazy effort on Nintendo's part. Wtf. When did this suddenly become Game of the System/Game of the Year?


Why is it soooo expensive?! Want it, but...shit, almost £40. May have to bite the bullet and pray it's worth it.

Whut. It was game of the system the moment it was announced!

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Hmm...well, fuck. I had written this off as being a cheap cash-in and a bit of a lazy effort on Nintendo's part. Wtf. When did this suddenly become Game of the System/Game of the Year?


Why is it soooo expensive?! Want it, but...shit, almost £40. May have to bite the bullet and pray it's worth it.

If there's one thing you should never do, it is doubt Nintendo EAD's ability to output quality titles.

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I'm finally loving it! Just like 3D Land, it took a few worlds to get truly exciting, but now I can't get enough! I'm at the end of World 7 now :D


On the subject of controls, I still disagree with a lot of you. It's not just the run button, but controlling the direction of characters is still very frustrating for me and the perspective often seems off. I think a lot of it is due to the limited camera controls though, I guess I'm just very used to controlling people in a 3D environment from behind. I'm slowly getting used to it though!

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The Captain Toad levels are another thing that convinces me this was originally in production for the 3DS as a 3D Land sequel. When I played the first one I just thought it seemed made for the 3DS. Do love them though wish there were more....so yeah would love more as DLC... if priced right... also dont get why it requires the Gamepad for them. only had one so far that needed it and that was just to touch blocks to raise them. Unless there more later that really need the Gamepad I dont see why i must switch away from my pro controller

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The Captain Toad levels are another thing that convinces me this was originally in production for the 3DS as a 3D Land sequel. When I played the first one I just thought it seemed made for the 3DS. Do love them though wish there were more....so yeah would love more as DLC... if priced right... also dont get why it requires the Gamepad for them. only had one so far that needed it and that was just to touch blocks to raise them. Unless there more later that really need the Gamepad I dont see why i must switch away from my pro controller



Having the right stick seems vital for Captain Toad and that's not a viable option on the 3DS.

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They could have controlled the camera in other ways. The ol Captain doesnt need action buttons only movement. so move with dpad camera with circlepad... or camera with xyab... or l and r to rotate horizontal and y and b to rotate verticle.


Of course unless Nintendo one day come out and say the game was originally planned for 3DS I'm of course just speculating but looking past the name, the obvious similar level style which I guess could just be that they liked what they did in 3D Land and wanted to do it on WiiU and the name could just be them being lazy but the Captain Toad levels do have a look about them that they were made to pop from the 3DS screen.


Either way I do adore the ol Captains levels lovely bit of puzzle solving and a nice break from the normal levels to add a bit of variety again just wish there was more than one a world

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If there's one thing you should never do, it is doubt Nintendo EAD's ability to output quality titles.


Screw the 3DS. Make it an eShop title on the Wii U so it can still look so pretty :)




Having the right stick seems vital for Captain Toad and that's not a viable option on the 3DS.




Couldn't resist. Came across 'wonkerish'. You should work for Nintendo. ;)


Nice to see this picking up multiple awards. The eurogamer article is a good read. I like how they talk about the levels being dioramas making you want one more go. Me and my GF were saying this earlier how they look like little toys bristling with fun and intrigue. I'm all for the 3D exploration games but daaayum this is superb and has the one-more-go factor in spades.

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Oh for fraks sake...


So my son and nephew wanted to play so I let them, i started up my sons "file 3" and left them to play thought that would be fine. went to get a cup of tea had a chat with my sister who visitin for new years when kids finished playing for bedtime I turned off WiiU.


Just decided to have a go at a few levels in bed on the gamepad and noticed my "file 1" which had over 40 lives on it now only has 5 left.... well thats fracking great :mad: kids must have quit out of their game and restarted on my file at some point... hope they didnt use the invincibilty leaf and cost me my glitter stars :(


bit annoyed now. no longer feel like playing will wait till tomorrow

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