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The Super Mario 3D World thread


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I just thought I'd pop in with a little update. I've been making slow but steady progress with this and I just can't quite get over how much I love the game.

It's just amazing. The level design is literally something else. I love the really challenging levels too as the sense of accomplishment when I finish them is just :love:


I played through a random level as Mario before just to see how different he feels to Peach and my God, I hate that the others can't glide!! :shakehead


I've totally spoiled myself using Peach! They really should have just built the game around her, called it Super Peach 3d World and been done with it. :laughing:

Peach + Tanooki Leaf = perfection! Although I guess it also = easier to complete levels :laughing: but it's great fun!


I went back to earlier worlds and decided to pick up some missed green stars before too, just to have a break from the later levels - and I was just marvelling at some of the levels I had forgot about. The one you blow into the game pad for to spin the platforms back and to? And touch the shiny pink blocks on the gamepad to reach the higher platform / goal post... :bowdown: gaming delight. Right there.


Ahh, I could go on all night but I wont. It's just Nintendo magic everywhere in this game and it's beautiful. Seeing the game win lots of 'Game of the Year' accolades further cements how many people have enjoyed this title. I haven't tried multiplayer yet, but I imagine it to be a fantastic experience! : peace:


Oh and further to my kick off to GAME, they basically told me to do one as they had ran out of stock. When I asked for some sort of reimbursement they told me to do one again. When I got arsey and told them that their consistency as a company for how they treat customers was shite as I knew they were offering reward points to other people who hadn't received the items (@Mike1988uk) they then gave in. 2000 reward points be mine. Now it means I have to use the website / store again to spend them - so really they win again. :weep: But still. :)

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So probably over a week ago now...I finally found the stamp on 6-3 (6-4?I still forget). Stupidly I found it in a way I planned on testing many hours before but decided against for no good reason. The hell is wrong with me? Did boss rush pretty easily after I stopped anxiefying about the stamp level.


Did the Captain Toad level. Probably got halfway through the Mystery Challenge level and then went and tried the Champion's Course. Urgh...one of these. Got past the blinking platforms section and then just gave up. All will to play the game is now...just gone. I hated this level on Galaxy 2, I hated this level on 3D Land (though did actually finish them). But they're just no fun at all. The fact you have to ace them with all 5 characters is just...horrendous. I could probably do the Mystery one, but I know I don't want to 100% now because of that horrid other level so likely won't bother. I'd do it after 5+ hours of constant anxiety and panic attacks, but that seems like no fun at all.


Oh well, it was pure excellence while it lasted.

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I just had to play this with my sister. She was so crap at it. I realised why I never play games with my sisters. :laughing:

And for the first time, wished I had a brother! :heh:


Still, it was great fun all round - everyone thought it was hilarious I could pick her up and virtually carry her to the goal :D - which pretty much happened in every level!


To those getting the game today - enjoy! You will love it. Unless you have no soul.


Merry Christmas y'all!

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Wasn't initially feeling this due to my Mario64 roots. But having played it with friends for over 3 hours, replaying levels to find all of the stars - it's slowly becoming a favourite. One of my (hardcore gamer) mates was in awe that he could fly about in an ice skate as he kept telling me how Christmassy it all felt.

Playing this with my GF too - who usually doesn't play anything that doesn't involve falling gems/candies has been a revelation too. She loves it. The game is funny, cute and rewarding. So glad I waited. Most colourful Christmas ever! :love:



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I've finally made it to the post-game final levels...



...those last few stars are going to be a challenge to get. :p




Also anyone who is still wanting the furry sleeve/metal keyring, check eBay right now as there are two up there for under a tenner by the same seller, still not brilliant but at least its better than the silly £30+ they have been going for recently without the game. :laughing:

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So this went down a treat at Xmas.... mainly for the kids as they just took over and you can't really say no to kids at Xmas, haha.


We were first to arrive at my sisters house on Xmas Eve as planned (as I wanted to have the Wii U set up before anyone else arrived of course)


So once I had it set up my own son and my nephew Conor were already shouting at me (well they started before I finished setting it up) that they wanted to play "Mario Catching"... It's what they call NintendoLand because of teh Mario Chase game...even though my own sons fav game on it is the Pikmin one he still calls it "Mario Catching" :heh:


I had wanted to surprise them with Mario 3D World thinking I'd give them an early Xmas surprise I said "We could play Mario Catching ...OR ... we could play this NEW MARIO GAME I GOT!!!"


The reaction I was expecting was "OMG A NEW MARIO YAY"


The reaction I got "NO WE WANT MARIO CATCHING" :heh: *facepalm*


So I tricked them and said "ok give me a minute I'll put on "Mario Catching"" and proceeded to put in 3D World, when the title screen came up they were on to me "THAT'S NOT MARIO CATCHING!!!!"


Then once they saw the little intro FMV play they were both "YAY MARIO" :D


So I played my first game of 3D World with two 3 year olds, (I started the game on File 3 so I could restart on File 1 after Xmas when I got home) didn't do too bad I must say :D But once some of the other families and kids arrived I gave up my controller to let them enjoy and take turns. Had a few little games over the few days but the kids were the ones who had the major sessions which was fine and what I planned anyway.


Lots of sad faces then on the 26th when I had to pack it up and head home haha.


So yeah just had a good session on it, really enjoying it. Bit weird, still can't shake the feeling "this feels more like a handheld Mario" prolly cause 3D Land felt like the perfect way to do a 3D Mario game on a handheld, but it does have that bit of extra polish that it also feels like a console Mario sitting somewhere between NSMB and a full on 3D Mario type game. I like that the World map has a bit more freedom to it, while you have that classic 2D Mario map you but you can "leave the path" and walk around it :)


The Cat power up is cool and I love climbing walls and finding secrets with it but my fav new item is teh Cherry :D Wish it featured in more levels though haha.

Just beat the "Castle" on World 4 and opened up World 5 before calling it a night got something like 96Green Stars too.


Looking forward to playing more.


Oh how do the Ghost Miis work? Can you delete and/or update a Ghost? My own Ghost appears on teh very first level, I've beaten it but when I replay the level it is still the original ghost and not the faster one?




Oh forgot to add pics


Some of the kids playing 3D World... room looks empty in this pick as some people had already left when this was taken.



My son playing on the GamePad (he will only play on the Gamepad)


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I beat the first 8 worlds and the final boss today. WOW, what a game. Definitely game of the year, it is amazing from start to finish and just keeps throwing up amazing ideas. At times Nintendo will just throw in something so fun and inventive for a level and you realise that a lesser studio would have extrapolated that idea and turned it into a whole world. But when it's done, you're on to something new and equally exciting. It's like a non-stop roller coaster of amazing ideas, tight game play and jaw dropping graphics.


This game demonstrates just why Nintendo have always been, and still are, the greatest producers of software in the industry.

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I'm up to World 4 and dare I say it... still mixed! Every few levels I'll get that Mario magic and be really impressed but then there will be a good three-ish levels that I feel are a bit... tame? Maybe it will pick up the further I get in, but I can't help compare it to Galaxy 1 and 2 and feel a bit flat. Though the fact I'm comparing them is probably part of the problem, I should just take it for what it is.


My biggest gripe is the controls. He felt so fluid in 64/Galaxy but he (Mario, Toad is a bit better) just feels so sluggish. I hate the fact I have to use a run button, and the lack of a kick or spin annoys me. It's a lot better when using the cat suit, but then the damn run button comes back to haunt me, I'll sometimes go to hold the run button in mid air and instead do the cat dive to the floor.


I'm probably judging it too harshly, and will play it till the bitter end until I make a final judgement, but for now I don't feel the hype and excitement that everyone else seems to. I don't hate it, it's just nothing special.

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My biggest gripe is the controls. He felt so fluid in 64/Galaxy but he (Mario, Toad is a bit better) just feels so sluggish. I hate the fact I have to use a run button, and the lack of a kick or spin annoys me. It's a lot better when using the cat suit, but then the damn run button comes back to haunt me, I'll sometimes go to hold the run button in mid air and instead do the cat dive to the floor.




Yeah I couldn't put my finger on it till recently but yeah, with it being in 3D enviroments you have expectations from games like Galaxy where the speed of your run was based on how you used the stick and you have attack buttons. Yet 3D World, despite the name, controls like a 2D game, no anologue walk/run, a run button and no attack button (unless you have a powerup).


The set up seemed perfect for a handheld 3D Mario on the 3DS as I said before but feels a little odd on a home console.


That said I'm still enjoying what I've played so far. Some of the levels have been brilliant and the game just pops with colour wonder. And teh music is just top notch Mario tunes :D


About to pop it on now actually... but my son wants to play so I'll prolly just use a cloned file so he doesn't use up all my lives :heh:

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