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Tomb Raider


A brutal but refreshing adventure, taking Lara Croft and finally transforming her into a full-fleshed, well realised character with an equally great supporting cast including women and different ethnicities. It's quite linear but it's so about the narrative you're guiding her through it's impossible to care. The way you see her transition from a dirty lost urchin into a poc-marked and battle scarred Valkyrie by the end really works and the entire game is beautiful even on the relatively modest 360. My one complaint is that the game really isn't very difficult. I played it through on hard and struggled only at one or two different points to push through enemies. I can only assume they fall over as soon as you look at them on easy.

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Tomb Raider Underworld


I bought this when I bought my Playstation 3 when Gamestation was crumbling. To try and bridge the game between Pokémon Y and A Link Between Worlds (and resisting the urge to buy Black Flag).


It's shorter than I expected, but it was probably for the best as it's slow exploration/slow advancement. It's let down by some dodgy controls and physics. When you want to go slow a small jerk of the joystick has you jumping five metres to your doom. Shooting is tenuous as best especially coupled with some crappy AI, enemies willing to simply stand there whilst you shoot them from a distance. The exploration is good fun when things progress and you get some puzzles solved, that's if you don't fall to your death accidentally 50 times.

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32 hours in total, not 100%, but as far as I wanted to go. To be honest this wasn't as good as I remember, even though it was still bloody good. There were moments of total bliss, the sailing, whilst others have complained, I loved, again. Other times I felt frustrated at not remembering what to do. I actually remembered very little about this game, and mixed up sections of SS and TW, thinking they were in this. It's a funny feeling when you finish the Wind Temple, for example, and think there were parts missing, only to remember it actually happened in another Zelda game.

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Grand Theft Auto V


Finished with an 82% completion on first playthrough, may go back and finish a few things off. Which includes Flight School for all 3 characters, some races and the various collect/fetch quests. All other missions complete. It was a great game to play, had many aspects i loved and some improved. Some were ruined/damaged which includes piloting helecopters. But i was impressed with this game and loved it from beginning to end. Is it the best GTA to date, it's close to San Andreas' brilliance but not quite there i believe.


With what i have left to do, i'm not in a rush and i'll take my time in getting it all done.

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Never have I clung onto pushing the analogue stick forward in hope for so long!


Played it in single player, absolutely adored it! Absolutely breathtakingly beautiful, got a genuine "wow" out of me, and so many smiles! The way they combine the action and landscape with the music, sound effects and emotion... Has to be one of the best two hours I've ever spent gaming.


Pressing Circle and hearing no sound... My word!

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Never have I clung onto pushing forward in hope for so long!


Played it in single player, absolutely adored it! Absolutely breathtakingly beautiful, got a genuine "wow" out of me, and so many smiles! The way they combine the action and landscape with the music, sound effects and emotion... Has to be one of the best two hours I've ever spent gaming.


Pressing Circle and hearing no sound... My word!




Amazing game.

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Finished Mark of the Ninja on Steam after leaving it on-hold for a while (I still want to get a few achievements and upgrades, plus New Game+ and the DLC, but the game is beaten)




A love letter to stealth games, it's brilliant. A joy to play and control*, plenty of variety on how to conduct missions (the "no casualties" path isn't rewarded that much better than a violent one, something I really appreciate after the frustrating Hitman series) and the missions themselves keep adding new stuff, so the game never gets to feel stale.


*Except for wonky mouse detection when you use your hook. Got myself spotted quite a few times when the game decided to hookshot me to the other side of the room instead of the nearby ledge I was aiming for.


Also, it sports amazing art style and direction that serves the gameplay perfectly, and the story actually becomes interesting near the end.


All in all, I give it 5/5.

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During the weekend, I tackled a couple of short games




I had this game's demo as a child. Due to a bug, it was unwinnable. This game taunted me back then, but now that it's free on GOG, I got to finally play it properly.


It's pretty much your standard point&click fare, except none the puzzles use insane logic (everything's really straightforward). It's greatest strength is the fact that it's a homage to Indiana Jones and pulp novels, and it revels in all of the cheese and campiness it can find (nazis try to conquer the world with an army of dinosaur women while posing as a lederhosen company. Really)


Started / finished To the Moon yesterday. A really heartwarming plot. It's really cool to see what they did with RPM having used it a lot myself. Would love to try out the next games in the series when they hit.


And on a more serious note, I also played this, due to your suggestion. Thanks :)


Broadcast Yourself




Even though it has the skin of an RPG, it plays much more as a Visual Novel (a linear one at that), not much gameplay to it.


It's a beautiful story. It's touching, and peppered with some humorous moments, so it never gets excessively heavy. Music is amazing, as well. Won't say anything explicit about the plot, just... play this whenever you have the chance. It's worth it.

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During the weekend, I tackled a couple of short games




I had this game's demo as a child. Due to a bug, it was unwinnable. This game taunted me back then, but now that it's free on GOG, I got to finally play it properly.


It's pretty much your standard point&click fare, except none the puzzles use insane logic (everything's really straightforward). It's greatest strength is the fact that it's a homage to Indiana Jones and pulp novels, and it revels in all of the cheese and campiness it can find (nazis try to conquer the world with an army of dinosaur women while posing as a lederhosen company. Really)




And on a more serious note, I also played this, due to your suggestion. Thanks :)


Broadcast Yourself




Even though it has the skin of an RPG, it plays much more as a Visual Novel (a linear one at that), not much gameplay to it.


It's a beautiful story. It's touching, and peppered with some humorous moments, so it never gets excessively heavy. Music is amazing, as well. Won't say anything explicit about the plot, just... play this whenever you have the chance. It's worth it.


It's really nice. I was surprised it was only on PC though...this is the kind of thing I could see being easily ported over to tablets.

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Zelda: A Link Between Worlds ( 3DS )


Easily the best Zelda in a loooooooooong time. It takes away all the hand holding and constant nagging of the supporting character and strips it back to it's bare, adventuring bones that the series was originally built on. GOTY contender for me.


Call of Duty: Ghosts ( 360 )


Tripe. Honestly, I did not care for one of the characters at all and for the first time since Call of Duty 3 I felt let down by the campaign. It honestly felt like it was just tacked on as an after thought. The ending was also stupid as hell.


I shoot the main bad guy in the chest. Blood splatters everywhere and the bullet also hits my brother. I then crawl to the beach with my brother only to find that the bad guy has survived, no bullet wound in the chest and for some reason is holding his side. Maybe he has a stitch or something after swimming to shore?


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Super Mario 3D World ( Wii U )


I can't remember the last time I was this addicted to a single player game. I spent over 30 hours over the course of a few days getting 100%/5 star profile. Truth be told, even though it's a fantastic game I still prefer the Galaxy games over it.


Injustice: Gods Among Us ( Wii U )


I got this during the Amazon Black Friday deals on the cheap. I've just finished it now and really enjoyed it, more so than I thought I would. I thought the story was great and it really kept me hooked. I loved playing as Green Arrow and The Flash due to their speedy combos. Highly recommended, especially as Zavvi are selling it for around £12.

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Super Mario 3D Land




I've completed it all before but with all the anticipation for Super Mario 3D World on Wii U, I started up a new file on this and went through everything again.. and it was AWESOME :yay:


I'm now ridiculously excited to get my hands on his latest outing :bouncy:

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Uncharted 3


Broadcast Yourself


Honestly, this music just feels like coming home doesn't it!? :) I adore it!!





Well I really enjoyed this game!


I know I'll be in an overwhelming minority, but I have to say I didn't really enjoy Uncharted 2. To me it just felt like being ushered along a story corridor, interspersed by monotonous firefights. It didn't have the openness of the first game, the exploration seemed to take a backseat to a pretty ridiculous story and action sequences that were just too much, such as the tank sequence. The game I think was just too relentless for me.


Uncharted 3 however felt like a more enjoyable blend to me at least.


I enjoyed the settings a lot more, particularly Yemen; that chase sequence through the city was so enjoyable!, the shipyard, and the cruise ship was damn cool! There was really good variety in locations, but unlike Uncharted 2, to me it didn't feel so random. I enjoyed the new types of gameplay they introduced, and importantly there didn't appear to be as many firefights. They also seemed to take a few tips from Infamous 1 with the hallucinating/voice-overs. The desert sequence was something new. Perhaps a few more puzzles in this game too, or at least I enjoyed the ones that there were, more.


The story was also better IMO. The reason I loved Uncharted 1 is the relationship between Drake and Elena and so I preferred seeing that progress here. I enjoyed the first half with the story flashbacks, Cutter and Chloe... but I'm glad they were ditched for the second half, as I much prefer Elena.


The only thing that let the game down for me was that the ending couple of chapters were all a bit too similar to Uncharted 2, bit of a shame. Oh actually, also there probably wasn't enough open environments/exploration/large puzzles for me compared to the first game. And some of the 'stealth' sections in this game were ridiculously hard!... and all just eventually ended in a firefight.


But I can see myself more likely to revisit this game again than the 2nd, despite not really being one for replaying games.


For me having now completed the trilogy, the first and third games are very close for me in terms of my favorite. As a combination they are perfectly different to one another. And thankfully Uncharted 3 has restored my faith in the series, but Uncharted 4 will need to mix things up considerably and not just be a retread the same things in a different setting!


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Tearaway ( Vita )


An absolute joy to play! It uses every function of the Vita in a way that doesn't feel gimmicky but a necessary part of the gameplay. The game is just full of charm and it brought a smile upon my face on more than one occasion. I actually laughed out loud a few times as well. Who wouldn't when you are riding a pig?


People claim Nintendo are the only ones that can create colourful games with heart and soul. This game proves otherwise. It also puts Nintendo to shame in terms of the creativity and functions used in the control scheme. This is the kind of thing I wanted to see on the gamepad but MM have beat them to the punch.


All Vita owners need to play the game. It's shortish but very sweet and a bargain at the launch price of £19.99.

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Tearaway ( Vita )


An absolute joy to play! It uses every function of the Vita in a way that doesn't feel gimmicky but a necessary part of the gameplay. The game is just full of charm and it brought a smile upon my face on more than one occasion. I actually laughed out loud a few times as well. Who wouldn't when you are riding a pig?


People claim Nintendo are the only ones that can create colourful games with heart and soul. This game proves otherwise. It also puts Nintendo to shame in terms of the creativity and functions used in the control scheme. This is the kind of thing I wanted to see on the gamepad but MM have beat them to the punch.


All Vita owners need to play the game. It's shortish but very sweet and a bargain at the launch price of £19.99.


QFT. This is what I mean when I say Sony having powerful consoles doesn't mean the games suffer creatively.


Love how it launched at around £20 too.

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Batman Arkham Origins: Blackgate ( Vita )


Not sure what my final thoughts are on this one. It was enjoyable enough but at the same time it left me feeling underwhelmed.


The combat is very basic and sadly the map is very confusing, which is annoying seeing as these Metroid style games need a decent map to navigate the various areas.


Starfox 64 3D ( 3DS )


After reading all the ideas in that Nintendo topic I had the urge to play this again. It's a crazy short game but still has that N magic. Saying that, despite how good it is I still prefer Starwing over Lylat Wars.


The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past ( Wii U VC )


Absolute classic that never gets old. This is the second time I've played through the game this year and it's just as good as it was when I played it as a kid.


@Blade is playing through it for the first time and he's in for a treat.

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Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies


Everything I expected it to be and more. Incredible presentation, fantastic script and a great cast of characters. If you want a great text based adventure game, make it this one.


Rayman Legends


Beautiful, beautiful platformers. Ubisoft clearly showing that they know how to use the Wii U better than Nintendo do.

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Yet another amazing script, and only a few times did I stumble across a few illogical solutions to problems. I have no objection your honour. Will download the DLC later, but for now it's onto Zelda: LBW.




Campaign complete. I'm well enjoying the multiplayer of this, especially Extinction, Domination and Team Deathmatch. The campaign voice acting was atrocious in places, and just left me watching a very bad B-movie. Some nice set-pieces, but overall dull and forgetful. This was first CoD I've played since the third installment. Are they all this dull in single player? Anyway, will be playing the multi-player for a long time to come.

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