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Games You Tried To Like But Didn't

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Monster Hunter on Wii U. I tried to like it but after about 3 minutes of playing I gave up wondering how anyone could like that unpolished mess of a game.


The Zelda games. Everyone except Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks.


WTF :hmm:

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Monster Hunter on Wii U. I tried to like it but after about 3 minutes of playing I gave up wondering how anyone could like that unpolished mess of a game.




WTF :hmm:


Yup. Never finished the console ones they just never grab my attention. The DS ones did the opposite and I couldn't put them down. Loved them both.

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I've always found the water temples to be the worst in every Zelda game (OoT, MM, TP, and SS at least; not played WW).


Do you mean in terms of difficult? As in, too hard?


From a gameplay perspective, I think the water temples are the best constructed temples in the game. They were fantastic in MM and TP.

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Do you mean in terms of difficult? As in, too hard?


From a gameplay perspective, I think the water temples are the best constructed temples in the game. They were fantastic in MM and TP.


I just find the puzzles to be really boring. Usually lot's of aimless wandering back and forth, and not particularly intuitive.

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Monster Hunter on Wii U. I tried to like it but after about 3 minutes of playing I gave up wondering how anyone could like that unpolished mess of a game.


The thing about Monster Hunter is... everyone hates it at first.


The first ~50 hours are a bit "meh". But when it finally clicks, it becomes one of the best games you've ever played. Until it becomes shit again.


Basically, it's average for the first 50 hours, then it's awesome for the next ~150 hours. After that you should've probably reached the "endgame" and at that point it becomes an incredibly dull grind, with ~1% drop rates ruining it.


Although I love it and it is one of my favourite games, there's alot wrong with it, yes.

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Speaking as an Engineer, I love the Water Temples. Really force you to use your noggin, sit back and take a wider perspective of the place you're in.

In fact, they're great because they feel organic, because they actually feel like a building that functions, instead of a string of disconnected puzzle rooms.


I can definitely see why people don't like thinking in this way, but to me it feels like a great design.

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I tried to like Fallout 3, but those dreary subway sections all look the same. Each vault gets less interesting the more you’ve seen. But I’ll try to properly finish that game one day.



I love water temples. I think it’s hilarious somebody always mentions them when Zelda is being discussed.. And I think it’s hilarious that the majority (it seems) hates them and / or find them difficult.


That said, I have the same problem with sewer levels and “flesh-hell” levels. I haven’t finished System Shock 2 yet because that level I’m in is so unappealing, luckily the rest was awesome.

Edited by Sméagol
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Fallout 3 here as well. The Elder Scrolls games have forests and colour, but Fallout is just one brown-grey, miserable wasteland. It's like the game is trying to make you depressed, screw that...


(might give it another shot, though)

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With all of these opinions on water levels, I'd have to throw my hat in the ring and say that it's probably desert levels that I generally dislike. Whether it be the sandy colour scheme or the twangy music, I never really look forward to those :hmm:


It was always the snow levels that I have found most appealing over the years, particularly the AWESOME Freezeezy Peak in Banjo-Kazooie, so was disappointed not to see them in Donkey Kong Country Returns. Thankfully, they seem to be putting that right by focusing the sequel on a Tropical Freeze :hehe:

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Halo games. I find them all very dull. If it wasn't a system exclusive that Microsoft pushes all the time, I doubt they'd be so highly rated.


Elder Scrolls. I've tried Morrowind and Oblivion, just couldn't get into them. I like fantasy worlds like Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter and The Witcher, the Elder Scrolls just doesn't do it for me. Seems I'm the opposite of Ville here, really loved Fallout 3.


Final Fantasy. Tried 6, didn't see what all the fuss was about. Tried 13, (I know it gets slated a lot even by FF fans) thought I'd give it a chance and get to the open world bits which are supposedly much better. That's where I stopped playing, that empty field was soul destroyingly dull.

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Halo games. I find them all very dull. If it wasn't a system exclusive that Microsoft pushes all the time, I doubt they'd be so highly rated.


Completely agree. They're distinctly average games.


Seems I'm the opposite of Ville here, really loved Fallout 3.


Fallout was what Oblivion should have been.

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