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Didn't Retro do their own franchises before Nintendo swooped in and invested into them?


As far as I know, those projects were in chaotic development hell, and nothing good ever came out of them. This time, though, it could be different, as Nintendo would be holding their hand. Who knows.

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Didn't Retro do their own franchises before Nintendo swooped in and invested into them?


As far as I know, those projects were in chaotic development hell, and nothing good ever came out of them. This time, though, it could be different, as Nintendo would be holding their hand. Who knows.


They were developing other titles during Prime's development, Shigsy came in and had them cancel all other projects to fix Prime.


It was worth it.


I am curious what those other games were though.

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I would like a new IP, but people seem to be of a belief at the moment that new IPs are the godsend, when they seldom sell well as seen with W101.


I'd much rather see Retro take on another classic and neglected IP of Nintendo's.


Nothing is selling well at the moment, we may as well have something shiny and new :heh: Or to put it less sarcastically - no I don't think a new IP will sell through the roof, but I think we're already at the stage where we don't expect the Wii U software sales to be phenomenal (hi GameCube 2!), so I'd rather they gave us some interesting new titles. If Wii U sales never pick up (and I obviously hope they do, but if they don't) it would be better for the console to be remembered for having low sales but some interesting ideas rather than the same franchises regurgitated ad nauseam.


As long as its not another Donkey Kong!

Edited by Ashley
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I would like a new IP, but people seem to be of a belief at the moment that new IPs are the godsend, when they seldom sell well as seen with W101.


I'd much rather see Retro take on another classic and neglected IP of Nintendo's.

My god Serebii, not everything you say has to be rooted in realism! The Wii U is going no where, we might as well get some exciting new games out of it! Mario and Zelda is so boring all the time.


Let the people dream!!

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I would like a new IP, but people seem to be of a belief at the moment that new IPs are the godsend, when they seldom sell well as seen with W101.


I'd much rather see Retro take on another classic and neglected IP of Nintendo's.


W101 is not a western focused I.P and is not the type of game that will sell loads, regardless of what console it's on.


People talk about new I.Ps because Nintendo currently don't have an I.P that really has any kind of mass market appeal in the west, compared to say Sony and Microsoft. I'm not saying they should make Gears of War, but something that attracts that audience would be a good start. Goldeneye did wonders for the N64 :)

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W101 is not a western focused I.P and is not the type of game that will sell loads, regardless of what console it's on.


People talk about new I.Ps because Nintendo currently don't have an I.P that really has any kind of mass market appeal in the west, compared to say Sony and Microsoft. I'm not saying they should make Gears of War, but something that attracts that audience would be a good start. Goldeneye did wonders for the N64 :)


Surely Mario Kart and Smash Bros appeal to the west given they usually sell incredibly well..?

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I would like them to come up with something and someone new.


Not Waluario.


Wario's own series were really good, and had an unique feel (both of them). I'm sure they could do something good with Waluigi, as long as people managed to ignore the minor point of "He's originally an extra from a spinoff of a known franchise".


What would that thing be? I have no idea :P Maybe a game where you do dastardly things to fair maidens, I don't know. But dismissing a potentially new thing due to the main character is a bit shallow, I think.


That said, I do get the main point of your post: doing new things is more important than recycling the same concept with new characters.

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People talk about new I.Ps because Nintendo currently don't have an I.P that really has any kind of mass market appeal in the west, compared to say Sony and Microsoft.


Zelda, Metroid, Mario... also, Sonic's main games are exclusive to Nintendo for the time being.


I do get what kind of IPs you're actually talking about, but there was poor wording on your post.

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Wario's own series were really good, and had an unique feel (both of them). I'm sure they could do something good with Waluigi, as long as people managed to ignore the minor point of "He's originally an extra from a spinoff of a known franchise".


What would that thing be? I have no idea :P Maybe a game where you do dastardly things to fair maidens, I don't know. But dismissing a potentially new thing due to the main character is a bit shallow, I think.


That said, I do get the main point of your post: doing new things is more important than recycling the same concept with new characters.


I don't know, just changing the body proportions of the character, a colour change and adjustment of the moustache in some sort of Photoshop frenzy seems a bit lazy to me. Plus it'd part of that 'Mario family'.


It'd be nice to see a new non-sports character get their own game series. Nearly all the Nintendo characters we're familiar with that get their own games are pretty old now.

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Surely Mario Kart and Smash Bros appeal to the west given they usually sell incredibly well..?


Well of course but those games are aimed at the same audience that they normally appeal to, not to a wider gaming market. My point is that there is a huge market of gamers who don't see a franchise on nintendo consoles that appeals to them, especially since the industry has moved to the west since the HD twins came out. A few of those titles would go a long way.

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Zelda, Metroid, Mario... also, Sonic's main games are exclusive to Nintendo for the time being.


I do get what kind of IPs you're actually talking about, but there was poor wording on your post.

Metroid isn't a very big seller. It's just one of the best, well... Prime is.


Sonic games aren't exclusive at all, they've just promised Nintendo three. They could announce one for another console tomorrow if they want.


I know it made sense making it a Zelda game, but this little guy could have been a great new character/sea fairing new I.P.



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I'd like to see something quite Wii U-nique, making the most of the gamepad and stuff. An experience you couldn't get anywhere else! I'm not very creative though, so I've no idea what. Right now the Gamepad's being little more than a controller - what happened to all the promise of it?

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Well of course but those games are aimed at the same audience that they normally appeal to, not to a wider gaming market. My point is that there is a huge market of gamers who don't see a franchise on nintendo consoles that appeals to them, especially since the industry has moved to the west since the HD twins came out. A few of those titles would go a long way.


I don't see how they don't appeal to the wider gaming market given that they outsell the majority of Xbox/PS games in the west too.


I get that you mean Nintendo don't have certain games that are of similar ilk to the Gears/Halo/Uncharted games etc but it's easily argued that those games don't have the wider market appeal given that Mario Kart outsells them in the west without breaking a sweat.


MKWii outsold any 3 Halo games combined last gen. That's reaching to the wider gaming market.

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Well of course but those games are aimed at the same audience that they normally appeal to, not to a wider gaming market. My point is that there is a huge market of gamers who don't see a franchise on nintendo consoles that appeals to them, especially since the industry has moved to the west since the HD twins came out. A few of those titles would go a long way.


This is simply wrong.


Mario Kart Wii sold 34 million units. That literally destroys the sales of any other standalone SKU released last gen.


Put things into perspective, Halo 3, Halo ODST, Halo Wars, Halo Reach and Halo 4 sold 39 million units combined!


There really is no wider audience than Mario Kart, it generally appeals to everyone, hence why after 299 weeks, it's still in the all format global sales charts.


I know Nintendo messed up with their marketing and pricing, but lets not re-write history and start pretending that their franchises don't appeal to people or don't shift mega numbers.

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Why does Nintendo get slack for using their franchises? People moaning that they use Zelda all the time. The last new console Zelda game was back in 2011. More than 2 years ago yet Ubisoft produces an Assassins Creed every year.


Simply due to the lack of new IP. For me Nintendo are no worse than anyone else when it comes to new games of exisiting franchises. However where they differ from other publishers is they dont really try and push a new IP. Not saying they dont release any new IP but I mean a big title.

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Why does Nintendo get slack for using their franchises? People moaning that they use Zelda all the time. The last new console Zelda game was back in 2011. More than 2 years ago yet Ubisoft produces an Assassins Creed every year.


This is the one thing that winds me up. People moaning that there are Mario games or Zelda games and not new IP's. New IP's do not sell anywhere near as well. Wonderful 101, Kid Icarus Uprising - both fantastic games, both made with huge amounts of care and both deserving to shift millions. However, neither of them sold particularly well.


When the 3DS was released people complained there was no Mario or Zelda. Totally ignoring the fact we got the sublime Pilot Wings and Capcom support in SSF which was also very good.


Nintendo need to rely on their core franchises as that's what people expect from them. Whilst it would be nice to see some new ideas coming it's hardly gonna make people buy a Wii U. And if anyone pipes up saying 'Id totally buy one if there was a brand new game that was a new IP and not the usual' - then they're lying. Coz that's already there in Zombi U, W101 and a handful of eShop titles that can't be found anywhere else. But that's hardly worked in shifting the console has it.


Whilst I appreciate people want a little more, Nintendo can't do right for doing wrong. They deliver the game of the year in SM3DW and they're bringing familiarity to the console in 2014 with a glorious line up of first party titles in DK, Smash Bros, Kirby, Yoshi, and Mario Kart - plus new additions in Watch Dogs, X and Bayonetta - and this still isn't enough apparently. :zzz:


Ah well, I know I'll enjoy these games on my Wii U, so I'm happy.

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Simply due to the lack of new IP. For me Nintendo are no worse than anyone else when it comes to new games of exisiting franchises. However where they differ from other publishers is they dont really try and push a new IP. Not saying they dont release any new IP but I mean a big title.


Except then Nintendo did launch the two biggest new IPs of the last gen: Wii Sports and Wii Fit, they shifted 114 million and 44 million units respectively.


But they're not real games.


They needed more grey, some guns and Zombies - everything needs Zombies!


For the record, I think Nintendo takes a lot more risks with their existing IPs than anyone else. Just look at 3D Mario, it has constantly changed and evolved since the N64 with each game presenting a very different world (with the exception of SMG2).


Just look at Zelda and the way those games have changed. Skyward Sword was probably one of the bravest moves ever seen in the industry, who else would try a whole new control scheme in a franchise of that size for a main entry in the series?


Yes, Nintendo do play some safe bets - changes in games like Animal Crossing, Mario Kart and NSMB are incremental. However part of that is because they have the formula so perfect, tinkering with it would risk doing more harm than good. When you have an IP that can sell in excess of 20 million copies per SKU (far more than any COD), would you radically change it? Obviously you wouldn't, it would risk commercial suicide.

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I'm not moaning about how much their characters get about (although that would be a valid moan if you take both consoles and handhelds into account), rather how they don't seem to be coming up with new characters with accompanying new game structures anymore.



It's like a load of guys did the work some time ago, and somebody said 'just run with it'.

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