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Anybody else notice that the Nintendo Store is using the same commerce platform as The Hut Group? I was always under the impression that they created their own so either Nintendo have bought it off them or The Hut Group are on Nintendo's behalf (unlikely as I can't see anything mentioning them in the T&Cs). Either way it means I get the stupid bloody emails asking me if I was looking for items after I've viewed them. Not cool.


I noted a while ago that the assets link to The Hut's servers (http://thehut.pantherssl.com) so yes, they are using their Ecommerce software. Not sure who handles the actual orders though.

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Not aimed at us. Cringey as hell, but that sort of advert could work on families.


More cringe. Why do they have a kiddy reputation again? $h!t like this only reinforces this stereotype and turns off hardcore gamers.

So they're not allowed to aim for demographics other than the hardcore brogamer who have already dismissed Nintendo? Ok.

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President of Sony Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida has told IGN that his company needs Nintendo to thrive for the sake of the video game industry. In order to preserve traditional gaming – via dedicated controllers with actual buttons and analog sticks – the executive suggests that Nintendo and Sony must coexist in a world where touch-based gaming by way of smartphones and tablets continues to gain popularity. Yoshida, who owns two Wii U consoles, classifies both firms as being in the same category and not as direct competitors.


Yoshida: “Well I have two Wii Us. I play Wii U games with my daughters, because they make pretty fun family friendly games.


“I think success or making mistakes depends on how you set your goal. I don’t know what was Nintendo’s goal when they launched Wii U. To me, it was a bit confusing because what they do really well was create some very safe environment for anyone, especially children to enjoy games like induct those people who have never played games ever to become gamers. And they always do very well.


“To me, what they have made with Wii U was continuing what they were doing well. But the messaging when they were saying ‘we are for core gamers’ was a bit confusing. But this year I think they slightly changed their messaging, and it seems to me like they are coming back to where they are focused.


“When you look at the situation around Nintendo that way, do you characterize Nintendo as our competition? I think in the bigger scale of things happening in the industry or tech or people’s lives, how they play games on what device, and how they start to learn to play games, I think Nintendo and us are pretty much in the same group, and we need Nintendo to be very successful to help induct as many consumers who like to play games with controllers, right?”


Well said, Yoshida. Dude seems very humble and his tweets are always hilarious. :D

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I think the biggest mistake in that US advert is the show gameply and talk about 3D World but the bundle at the end is a Wii U with NSMBU/NSLU :p


Overall not a great ad either. not cause it's aimed at casuals but i think it doesnt getthe point across properly. Uses the word "upgrade" like it tryin to be cool but I can still.see casuals thinking it a Wii addon rather than a new system. Should have just said in no uncertain terms "it's time for a new console from Nintendo" When the kids later mention family 4player gaming toss in a quick mention that your old Wiimotes work with it so no need to buy extra new controllers.



Also hope they plan to realse a 3D World bundle cuz i dont think it would go down well with a casual if they wanted a WiiU from this ad and 3D World and then realised it a different Mario game in the box

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I think the biggest mistake in that US advert is the show gameply and talk about 3D World but the bundle at the end is a Wii U with NSMBU/NSLU :p


Overall not a great ad either. not cause it's aimed at casuals but i think it doesnt getthe point across properly. Uses the word "upgrade" like it tryin to be cool but I can still.see casuals thinking it a Wii addon rather than a new system. Should have just said in no uncertain terms "it's time for a new console from Nintendo" When the kids later mention family 4player gaming toss in a quick mention that your old Wiimotes work with it so no need to buy extra new controllers.



Also hope they plan to realse a 3D World bundle cuz i dont think it would go down well with a casual if they wanted a WiiU from this ad and 3D World and then realised it a different Mario game in the box


Yeah,this is what bugs me about the advert as well. Stop skirting around the subject and say its a brand new HD console and the next step up from the Wii.

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I still marvel at the use of the words 'casual' and 'adult' when used in conjunction with the word 'gamer'. Naturally anyone that bought GTAV is an adult hardcore gamer - despite everyone I work with talking about how their 13 to 15 year old kids have copies. If games like GTAV only actually sold to the 'adult hardcore' gamer you could slash their sales figures in half!


The commercial is to appeal to parents before Christmas and to put over the idea that amongst the guns and violence that is associated with video games (that are mainly perceived to be played by adolescent males hidden in their dimly lit bedrooms) there is another more family friendly option.


Also, if you are an adult and you're embarrassed because you play Nintendo games and you don't want people to know you play Mario then you're pretty insecure and a bit of a loser. I also find it funny when the same people on forums who talk about the embarrassment they feel from admitting they like Nintendo are also the ones who have bedrooms full of action figures still in their original packaging, stacks of comics and enjoy playing Magic the Gathering!

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"For example, the Wii was able to reach a large number of new consumers who had never played games before by bringing hands-on experiences with its Wii Sports and Wii Fit. However, we could not adequately create the situation that such new consumers played games frequently or for long, consistent periods. As a result, we could not sustain a good level of profit.


"Moreover, regrettably, what we prioritized in order to reach out to the new audience was a bit too far from what we prioritized for those who play games as their hobby. Consequently, we presume some people felt that the Wii was not a game system for them or they were not willing to play with the Wii even though some compelling games had been released... Once consumers have a notion that 'this system is not for us,' we have learned that it is extremely difficult to change their perceptions later.


This quote was from Iwata back before the Wii U launched. At this point he was saying that Nintendo needed to attract people whose main hobby is gaming. Clearly this didn't go to plan at all which is why they've shifted back to the family focused approach.


The bolded part is very, very true for the Wii U. Again, this was said before the Wii U was released so he clearly knows they have a struggle on their hands to get the console on people's radars.


Why they just didn't stick a 2 on the end of Wii instead of a U is beyond me.


I still marvel at the use of the words 'casual' and 'adult' when used in conjunction with the word 'gamer'. Naturally anyone that bought GTAV is an adult hardcore gamer - despite everyone I work with talking about how their 13 to 15 year old kids have copies. If games like GTAV only actually sold to the 'adult hardcore' gamer you could slash their sales figures in half!


Same goes for CoD, Fifa, Creed etc.


I still think it's fine to use the words casual and core, as there is a difference between certain gamers, but it seems it's meaning has changed over time.


I remember back in the PSOne/N64 days a casual gamer was the person who bought Fifa every year or helped Who wants To Be A Millionaire secure the top of the Christmas charts. These days it's used for people who play party games or who don't like to shoot things.


I think there are gamers who check the news, forums and are well informed about what's going on in the industry and then there are the rest. Simple. :D

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Why can't they make adverts that fine aim at the casuals and family but what is up with the sugar coated, puke inducing The Sound Of Music adverts? I'm sure as much as it entices some people, it's turning off whole other large demographics out there.

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This quote was from Iwata back before the Wii U launched. At this point he was saying that Nintendo needed to attract people whose main hobby is gaming. Clearly this didn't go to plan at all which is why they've shifted back to the family focused approach.


The bolded part is very, very true for the Wii U. Again, this was said before the Wii U was released so he clearly knows they have a struggle on their hands to get the console on people's radars.


Why they just didn't stick a 2 on the end of Wii instead of a U is beyond me.



The quote from Iwata at the time seemed like he had an understanding of what was wrong with the new demographic the Wii had found and even though the Wii was a huge success they understood that trying to replicate that with the Wii U would be silly as that audience is fickle. Unfortunately I don’t think anything was put into practice to try first and foremost to attract the more core gamer who chose to play PS3/360 over the Wii.


Nintendo probably thought releasing a console which was similar to those two 8 years later was the answer but that’s not what developers or gamers were looking for. If Sony or MS were releasing new consoles that were barely more powerful than the PS3/360 then the response would core gamers be interested? I doubt it.


Now I think they have already given up on trying to attract those gamers who in Iwata’s own words don’t think the wii u is the system for them so it’s back to targeting the wii sports/wii fit audience even though that audience has shrunk dramatically.

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Nice dicussion points from Yoshida. He's right about tablet gaming in regards to it not being the monster presumed and makes great, humble points about gaming in general.


Greg on the other hand....

He presents a few too many anecdotal aspects as facts with leading questions seen where he asks Yoshida 'How much you play 'em? (When Yoshida states he has 2 Wii U's)'

Anyyway...why ask this question? Is it to establish the preconceived idea that no one is playing their Wii U's?

Why ask people 'how often do you play your system?' Is it to make some value judgement? Yoshida is SONY's head honcho. His gaming time will be on a different plane to Greg/Joe Public. It's just a little too smarmy a question to ask.


Greg also goes on to say Nintendo made a LOT of mistakes such as the OS, no multi touch, the internet not working, no Ethernet and says he could go on.

That comes across as arrogant and elitist, especially as he later contradicts himself saying it's all about the games when trying to show rapport with Yoshida.


+1 for SONY

-1 for IGN

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Nice dicussion points from Yoshida. He's right about tablet gaming in regards to it not being the monster presumed and makes great, humble points about gaming in general.


Greg on the other hand....

He presents a few too many anecdotal aspects as facts with leading questions seen where he asks Yoshida 'How much you play 'em? (When Yoshida states he has 2 Wii U's)'

Anyyway...why ask this question? Is it to establish the preconceived idea that no one is playing their Wii U's?

Why ask people 'how often do you play your system?' Is it to make some value judgement? Yoshida is SONY's head honcho. His gaming time will be on a different plane to Greg/Joe Public. It's just a little too smarmy a question to ask.


Greg also goes on to say Nintendo made a LOT of mistakes such as the OS, no multi touch, the internet not working, no Ethernet and says he could go on.

That comes across as arrogant and elitist, especially as he later contradicts himself saying it's all about the games when trying to show rapport with Yoshida.


+1 for SONY

-1 for IGN


He was hoping Yoshida was going to fire headshots at Nintendo. Must of been gutted to see it didnt happen.

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'Cause clean is better than dirty...




I thought the days of this terrible advertising were over! At least it's not quite as bad as that Nintendogs 'playa'



My god, it'd be sweet justice if someone walked up to that kid and slapped him across the face.

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I dont like that they used the word upgrade in that ad. I think they really have to be crystal clear and make it known that you are not just buying a gamepad for the wii.


I just came here to post the EXACT same thing. Beyond fucking mind numbingly clueless. It's like they are trying to hammer home that this is still a Wii but just add-ons.


So frustrating.

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