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Went into GAME today (was gonna pick up Sonic but have decided to wait out for a better deal) and things are looking worse than before :(


Huge signs and pre-order boxes for PS4 and XBOX One. The left is all green for Xbox One and right all blue with Playstation logo's everywhere. Through the middle is a load of Call of Duty stuff and then hidden on one shelf is the Wii U. Far worse than the GameCube days. I know shelf space isn't everything, but it really doesn't give the Wii U a good image.


Yeah this was predicted to happen by many people. Thing is if the Wii U doesnt start to pick up it can still get worse.


Shops have limited shelf space so the console which is going to suffer is Wii U.

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It's like GCN all over again.

Nintendo need more social media photo ops in store with images like this.




Dat magic.


Game stores should be inviting, magical hubs where games can be seen, heard and played. I want standing pods where I can don headphones and listen to tracks from games or play tournaments that aren't just FIFA or CoD. How about meeting and chatting to developers in gaming stores like Waterstones do with local authors?


Instead we get tons of cut out soldiers and tacky Sellotape sandwich boards with staff-written offers on them while Kerrang blasts over the store CD player. And then there's the manky smell of pre-pubescent sweat and Lynx Africa lingering in the air.


No wonder I tend to shop online...

Edited by tapedeck
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Nintendo Attempts To Explain Why Its Digital Games Aren’t Cheaper Than Retail


Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has tried to explain to investors why its digital offering aren’t cheaper than fully fledged retail copies. Iwata says that as the content is exactly the same as what is offered in a retail version of a game then there should be no reduction taken into account. Iwata says that he ultimately doesn’t want to devalue software.


“Although the mainstream idea regarding the digital business in the industry before we actually started selling software in both digital and packaged formats last year was that the digital version should or must be priced lower than its packaged counterpart, we decided that, since the contents are the same, the company would offer the software at the same price, be it the packaged version or the digital version. This is because we want consumers to value software as highly as possible and because we have been trying to heighten the value of our software whenever we produce it.”




Do you smell what Iwata is cooking? Horse shit, that's what it is. They are not the same, not even close. Can I lend a digital download to a friend, can I trade it in if I find I don't like it or sell it on when I'm finished with the game? No! No! No!


Then there's the costs associated with retail versus digital. Digital doesn't need CD production, plastic box, paper manuals. What about shipping, transportation and the retailers cut? There's also the possibility of in store promotion material or preorder bonuses. The game is locked to the Wii U because Nintendo don't have an account system.


Stop lying and insulting our intelligence. If Iwata keeps going as he is he'll end up in my bad books like Reggie and that guy I f#%king hate. Reggie's bü11$h!t personified.

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This is because we want consumers to value software as highly as possible


I like the idea that a game costing more makes you value it more. "Clayfighter 63/3rd was one of the most diabolical games I have ever experienced, but because it cost me 50 quid I value it immensely."

Edited by Sheikah
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It's a fair point really, the game is exactly the same, it shouldn't have to be cheaper as a digital download, apart from maybe a few quid to cover packaging, shipping etc. Makes sense IMO. Their arguments would be much more solid if they had a better account system in place though.

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It's a fair point really, the game is exactly the same, it shouldn't have to be cheaper as a digital download, apart from maybe a few quid to cover packaging, shipping etc. Makes sense IMO. Their arguments would be much more solid if they had a better account system in place though.


I disagree. The savings should be forwarded to the consumer.


Next Nintendo will be charging ebay prices for the likes of Earthbound and Super Metroid on the VC. :D

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I think that the key thing here is that a game that is 50 quid, lets say divides into 45 quid of 'game' and 5 quid of packaging.

(Probably does not split in exactly that way, but lets just say).

If Nintendo do not want to devalue the product as it is released on digital then it should still be cheaper - 45 quid and not fifty.

What they actually want though is to increase the value of their software! They just cannot say it.

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It's a fair point really, the game is exactly the same, it shouldn't have to be cheaper as a digital download, apart from maybe a few quid to cover packaging, shipping etc. Makes sense IMO. Their arguments would be much more solid if they had a better account system in place though.


The big problem is that retailers always make the physical version cheaper. However, this applies to all platforms, not just the Wii U. AC4 on PC is £39.99 digitally and £29.99 on disc (and comes with a code for the digital version).

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The big problem is that retailers always make the physical version cheaper. However, this applies to all platforms, not just the Wii U. AC4 on PC is £39.99 digitally and £29.99 on disc (and comes with a code for the digital version).


Not with Wii U and 3DS download codes at GAME! (at least at launch anyway). Why on earth Nintendo continue to keep the codes exclusive to them in the UK (in Japan, they're available at every retailer), I have no sodding idea, but they're still great! Making the download codes sellable at whatever the retailer deems fit is a genius move that I'm surprised that Sony and MS haven't copied yet (it's just a shame that GAME have a practical monopoly on them right now :( )

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Also, while it is true that their suggested price is the same for digital and physical, you can pretty much guarantee to find a retail game cheaper from a store than its digital counterpart, if not straight at launch at least a month or two after.

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Do you smell what Iwata is cooking? Horse shit, that's what it is. They are not the same, not even close. Can I lend a digital download to a friend, can I trade it in if I find I don't like it or sell it on when I'm finished with the game? No! No! No!


Then there's the costs associated with retail versus digital. Digital doesn't need CD production, plastic box, paper manuals. What about shipping, transportation and the retailers cut? There's also the possibility of in store promotion material or preorder bonuses. The game is locked to the Wii U because Nintendo don't have an account system.


Stop lying and insulting our intelligence. If Iwata keeps going as he is he'll end up in my bad books like Reggie and that guy I f#%king hate. Reggie's bü11$h!t personified.


Content is the same but the product isn't you idiot(Iwata). Why weren't PC games always the same price as console games back in the day? Content was the same. Similarly, did they devalue software? Content is the same but it isn't the same product! How frickin dense do you have to be. Honestly.


Without opening the old debate. Supply. Demand. You can supply the same CONTENT at a lower price due to it being digital as opposed to a physical PRODUCT, you can even keep the same margin on it possibly but have it offered to the consumer for CHEAPER, and it will SELL to people who might otherwise have not bought it.


Only it won't. Because you went and designed your system with a measly shitty fucking pauper's offering of 32GB(8GB) of storage space.


And I was trying so hard not to fucking swear!


I think that the key thing here is that a game that is 50 quid, lets say divides into 45 quid of 'game' and 5 quid of packaging.

(Probably does not split in exactly that way, but lets just say).

If Nintendo do not want to devalue the product as it is released on digital then it should still be cheaper - 45 quid and not fifty.

What they actually want though is to increase the value of their software! They just cannot say it.


Exactly. This exactly.


The big problem is that retailers always make the physical version cheaper. However, this applies to all platforms, not just the Wii U. AC4 on PC is £39.99 digitally and £29.99 on disc (and comes with a code for the digital version).


But they're still in business? Not losing money? If the content is exactly the same then why can't DD match that cheaper retail price or be even cheaper? It can. They don't want to.

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Content is the same but the product isn't you idiot(Iwata). Why weren't PC games always the same price as console games back in the day? Content was the same. Similarly, did they devalue software? Content is the same but it isn't the same product! How frickin dense do you have to be. Honestly.


Without opening the old debate. Supply. Demand. You can supply the same CONTENT at a lower price due to it being digital as opposed to a physical PRODUCT, you can even keep the same margin on it possibly but have it offered to the consumer for CHEAPER, and it will SELL to people who might otherwise have not bought it.


Only it won't. Because you went and designed your system with a measly shitty fucking pauper's offering of 32GB(8GB) of storage space.


And I was trying so hard not to fucking swear!




Exactly. This exactly.




But they're still in business? Not losing money? If the content is exactly the same then why can't DD match that cheaper retail price or be even cheaper? It can. They don't want to.


It's not like the other video game publishers do the exact same thing.


Wait, what's that? They do? The horror...


Yes, the other companies reduce it as time passes, but they start off the same as RRP.


It is ridiculous to trash Nintendo for doing this and not everyone else. In fact, doing so shows a massive amount of bias.

Edited by Serebii
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It's not like the other video game publishers do the exact same thing.


Wait, what's that? They do? The horror...


Yes, the other companies reduce it as time passes, but they start off the same as RRP.


It is fucking ridiculous to trash Nintendo for doing this and not everyone else. In fact, doing so shows a massive amount of bias.


.........But the other companies don't have their chiefs of staff making unfathomably ignorant and stupid comments defending it. And the other companies run schemes where you get them for free or reduced. And reduce over time. Etc.

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.........But the other companies don't have their chiefs of staff making unfathomably ignorant and stupid comments defending it. And the other companies run schemes where you get them for free or reduced. And reduce over time. Etc.

Because people don't seem to go after them for every single decision they make.


Everything Nintendo does people jump on these days. Nobody asks Activision these questions, or EA, or Microsoft, but yet Nintendo gets hounded.


Also, Nintendo run schemes where they are reduced...see Pikmin 3 + Wonderful 101 among others. As for reducing permanently over time, Nintendo games hold their value for longer so...

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Basically, this is a standard practice. Nobody asks the other companies about it. Someone asks Nintendo, they answer the same answer that likely all the other companies would give. People bitch that Nintendo know nothing.


This is the scenario. It is ridiculous.

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