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That's funny brah, I feel the exact opposite. Literally. :D

I'm loving The Last of Us and I'm glad I'm finally playing a game with substance. Storyline, dialogue, developed characters, emotion, frailties, strength. I didn't get any of that in the last Zelda game and definitely have never got them in any Mario game. Metroid I'll let off because that's something different entirely (and because it represents the very best that Nintendo can do).


This is why I became a mutilplatform gamer a couple of generations ago. I love Nintendo games and when they are firing on all cylinders their software is amazing. The problem is there is a massive genre gap in terms of their titles, which is why I had to go else where to get games with stories and characters, like the Last of Us, Gears of War, Uncharted etc.

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That's funny brah, I feel the exact opposite. Literally. :D

I'm loving The Last of Us and I'm glad I'm finally playing a game with substance. Storyline, dialogue, developed characters, emotion, frailties, strength. I didn't get any of that in the last Zelda game and definitely have never got them in any Mario game. Metroid I'll let off because that's something different entirely (and because it represents the very best that Nintendo can do).


Haha, I do love how opinions can vary so much.


The storyline is good but it's similar to things done before, post apocalyptic world etc (although I LOVE the take on the source of the "outbreak"), the dialogue is mediocre, if it was a film it wouldn't be all that. It's been very predictable up until now and this is supposed to be the games strength in people's view.

Ellie's been a little interesting so far but Tess and Joe especially I just don't care for at all. Hopefully that'll change as I progress but so far I'm not arsed at all about the character I'm playing as.


It's the gameplay itself that I deem the substance in games and the gameplay in The Last of Us to me feel a little "loose", something just doesn't sit right with me, it feels lightweight.

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It's the gameplay itself that I deem the substance in games and the gameplay in The Last of Us to me feel a little "loose", something just doesn't sit right with me, it feels lightweight.


Showing how very different opinions can be again: that's one of my main problems with Super Mario 3D World.

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Yep, this is what happend to me when I got the ps4, it made me realise how good Nintendo actually are in some ways. I still think the UI is infinitely better than ps4, but not as quick. It's small, discreet, silent... The ps4 this ugly, huge, incredibly loud thing.

I definitely think there is something up with your PS4 fan, as I wouldn't use any of those words to describe my PS4. It takes up a bit of space but it has this sort of thin look to it (I think because it extends more into the back which isn't as visible as if it was a taller or wider unit).


I don't know, to me I'm impressed with the PS4 size because it's quite a bit smaller than my PS3 (I have the original). Definitely never hear a peep from it. Also, you guys (or just kav) not feeling it for TLOU? I thought it was some of the best gameplay of the last generation, hands down. The story is touching, and if making a film comparison I'd say that actually playing the game makes you more vested in the outcomes so it manages to do something a film does not (even if the best films outrank the best game stories).


Dunno, but I thought it was amazing and easily one of my top games last gen.


Showing how very different opinions can be again: that's one of my main problems with Super Mario 3D World.


I was a bit disappointed with that. I guess I was looking for something more new done with Mario than put into a 'World' cookie cutter and presented as a main console entry. It veered too much into handheld territory, which to me has always played second fiddle to the main console entries that SM64 sparked.

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Yep, this is what happend to me when I got the ps4, it made me realise how good Nintendo actually are in some ways. I still think the UI is infinitely better than ps4, but not as quick. It's small, discreet, silent... The ps4 this ugly, huge, incredibly loud thing.


And the games there is no comparison. Last of us I do actually like, but have it on the ps3, same with tomb raider, most of the indies are just ps3 indies... Infamous is the only big game for it and I'm pretty disappointed in that, it's fun to play, but the writing and cut scenes are almost laughably bad, it staggers me people haven't ripped into it... Last of us on the ps3 (also playing through) is a thousand times better and it's on old tech. The games will come, like with the ps3, and it'll have a lot of classics and I can't wait. But I think the ps4's popularity shows it really is about image!


It's obviously all about individual tastes, but software wise it's not even close as things stand.


My PS4 must run on stealth runs then, brah. :D

There was one moment where it was very loud, when I played The Last of Us for the first time. (as in, booted it up), but it's been quiet since. The WiiU is very quiet too, so I'd consider them equal in that regard.


The PS4 console is bigger (not that much bigger, imo) but the GamePad for the WiiU is a fucking joke in size, you can't ignore that. It's almost/roughly the size of the console! It takes up a large portion of my table and it's annoying to just have around the house, whereas the Pro Controller and PS4 controller can pretty much go anywhere.


I like the channels setting, but also like how it's done on the PS4. One is definitely faster than the other and I didn't really get a grasp of just how slow the WiiU was until I bought a PS4.


This is why I became a mutilplatform gamer a couple of generations ago. I love Nintendo games and when they are firing on all cylinders their software is amazing. The problem is there is a massive genre gap in terms of their titles, which is why I had to go else where to get games with stories and characters, like the Last of Us, Gears of War, Uncharted etc.


I'd say that there's a bit of a generation gap, too. There's an audience there who want those gritty games that they just can't get on a Nintendo system. I love the Simpsons, but I also love The Walking Dead, for example. Same applies here.


Haha, I do love how opinions can vary so much.


The storyline is good but it's similar to things done before, post apocalyptic world etc (although I LOVE the take on the source of the "outbreak"), the dialogue is mediocre, if it was a film it wouldn't be all that. It's been very predictable up until now and this is supposed to be the games strength in people's view.

Ellie's been a little interesting so far but Tess and Joe especially I just don't care for at all. Hopefully that'll change as I progress but so far I'm not arsed at all about the character I'm playing as.


It's the gameplay itself that I deem the substance in games and the gameplay in The Last of Us to me feel a little "loose", something just doesn't sit right with me, it feels lightweight.


Haha, opinions do vary, which is great. Would be boring if we all thought the same thing.


I LOVE the dialogue, it's sucked me in. Maybe it gets better as it goes along, but there's been a few moments in the game that have stood out for me. Finding the logs/letters as well has also added to the experience for me. As for the gameplay, light is the opposite of how I'd describe it. I actually didn't like the gameplay at first because it felt so "heavy" (a step below clunky). But, once you work out how you're meant to play it, understand the mechanics and so on, it really gets you sucked in. I love the crafting ability, how you have to scavenge for supplies, the weapons/skill upgrading, stealth, etc.

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The PS4 console is bigger (not that much bigger, imo) but the GamePad for the WiiU is a fucking joke in size, you can't ignore that. It's almost/roughly the size of the console! It takes up a large portion of my table and it's annoying to just have around the house, whereas the Pro Controller and PS4 controller can pretty much go anywhere.


That's a good point, one I hadn't actually considered. The gamepad represents a problem to me in my multimedia setup as I don't really have space to put the thing, meaning it just ends up lying on the coffee table gathering dust and looking unsightly.

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I definitely think there is something up with your PS4 fan, as I wouldn't use any of those words to describe my PS4. It takes up a bit of space but it has this sort of thin look to it (I think because it extends more into the back which isn't as visible as if it was a taller or wider unit).


I don't know, to me I'm impressed with the PS4 size because it's quite a bit smaller than my PS3 (I have the original). Definitely never hear a peep from it. Also, you guys (or just kav) not feeling it for TLOU? I thought it was some of the best gameplay of the last generation, hands down. The story is touching, and if making a film comparison I'd say that actually playing the game makes you more vested in the outcomes so it manages to do something a film does not (even if the best films outrank the best game stories).


Dunno, but I thought it was amazing and easily one of my top games last gen.


I was a bit disappointed with that. I guess I was looking for something more new done with Mario than put into a 'World' cookie cutter and presented as a main console entry. It veered too much into handheld territory, which to me has always played second fiddle to the main console entries that SM64 sparked.


I hope not, would be annoying. I've taken it out of the cabinet now, hopefully it was that causing it to heat up, we'll see.


I love last of us, I think the gameplay is really Sammy so far, but the storytelling and emotion is really impressive, but I love the uncharted games too.


Kav, if you think the dialogue and performance is bad in this, wait til you try infamous :)


I think two consoles is a great way to go, for me Nintendo is 80% of my gaming tastes! but I just don't want to miss out on FIFA! alien! uncharted! exclusive indies etc good combination. Just wish Nintendo would get inspired by the other consoles online set up...

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I think can almost all agree that it's probably best just to have a PS4 and a WiiU.


Personally I thought The Last of Us was great. The gameplay mechanics were nothing terribly revolutionary, except carrying a ladder around - never done that before. ;) However the story was great. I was much more invested in that story than I ever have been a Mario one and with Zelda it was probably Wind Waker. Metroid was always great, regardless of the story or lack of.


My PS4 is almost silent, unless I'm watching a DVD and then it's only slightly noisy whilst the menu loads. Then no noise at all.

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PES 2015 possibly coming to Wii U!?




That's really surprising if true! If it comes with the Playmaker controls from the Wii games, it might actually be worth a punt on Wii U!


It would also mean that the Fox Engine would be up and running on Wii U too...


Somewhere, Nando is getting very excited.

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Does nobody use the stand for the Gamepad? I love the Gamepad, it could be a little more ergonomic but it feels good in my hand, the weight doesn't bother me, it's size isn't an issue (I posted pics before showing how it fits in my hand perfectly), I love being able to lie on my back and use the screen on it to game and the analogue sticks/button layout is perfect on it!


The PS4 pad is very comfortable in the palm of the hand, but I do have issues elsewhere with it. The coating on the analogue sticks isn't grippy enough (I've noticed whilst playing BF4), the analogue sticks are in the worst place possible and the analogue triggers are too short, they need to be longer, my fingers rest half on/half off the triggers, not sitting in the grooves.


The WiiU is quieter than the PS4 for sure and the UI is cleaner much more appealing to the eye... but it's just so damn slow! It's like the stupid, better looking brother of the incredibly smart but average looking PS4 UI.


Of all the games coming out I'm still looking forward to Zelda more than any other. You just don't get better than Zelda!

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Somewhere, Nando is getting very excited.


And rightly so! The Playmaker controls are amazing!


I always thought that Nintendo should've pulled a Project Zero/Fatal Frame and roped in PES as an exclusive and give it the budget that Konami never could. With it struggling to maintain relievence against Fifa as a multiplatform series, Nintendo platforms being completely bereft of Fifa action and a dev team that actually put in some bloody effort to make an awesome and unique experience that actually took advantage of the Wiimote to make a game that couldn't be done with a traditional controller (from a 3rd party and all! Now there was a rarity on Wii!), it always came across as a lost opportunity on both sides.


A shame really. It's probably too late for something like that to rescue the series from irrelevancy at this point, but if we can at least get one good HD Playmaker game on Wii U, then at least the series could go out on a high note :)

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Somewhere, Nando is getting very excited.


Intrigued, yes.. but definitely not excited just yet :heh:


I played PES 2013 on Wii at the weekend and had a blast, so if 'playmaker' controls are back, it has the potential to be great again :hehe:


PES 2013 on PS3 is decent, so if the 2015 version is in any way improved on that, I may well get it. My interest is pretty limited at the moment, though, as PES 2014 on PS3 was one of the worst football games I ever had the displeasure of trying out :shakehead

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I see.


Also, what was the point of that video? It shows nothing new and still has no definite release dates for games we want to see a definite release date for. :D


Well, maybe it can show people that the Wii U does have a couple of games.


It still needs more. Hopefully there will be one or two surprise in the next few days :)

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I must admit that is the one 'flaw' of the gamepad if you just want to use it as a second screen while you play with the pro controller... where do you put it? :blank:


I'm fortunate enough that my setup includes a desk in front of me so it's easily solved but not everyone has a desk in front of them, especially if the Wii U is in the living room, so your only option then is to find a suitable surface or prop it up on your lap I suppose because as Ash said, putting it in front of your TV screen is hardly ideal. ::shrug:



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Can't you just use the stand to put your gamepad in whilst not in play? Makes everything look neat.


It really doesn't, even when in its stand. Due to its width and height, it just takes up room. I've got it on my coffee table as there's nowhere else to put it.


Whilst the WiiU console is small and does a good job of staying inconspicuous, the GamePad is anything but. It stands out like a sore thumb. It's very un-Nintendo-like in its creation because they usually go for small and "convenient" products. The DSlite is small, as is the 3DS. So too is the Wiimote, nunchuks, SNES controller, GC controller, etc. The GamePad on the other hand just looks fucking huge in comparison. I wonder, from a non-gamer perspective, how many people are instantly put off it by the sheer size and volume of it. The Wiimote was very non-threatening, it was small and sleek. They've managed to do the complete opposite of that with the GamePad.

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Whilst the WiiU console is small and does a good job of staying inconspicuous, the GamePad is anything but. It stands out like a sore thumb.


... I wonder, from a non-gamer perspective, how many people are instantly put off it by the sheer size and volume of it.


Doubtless it's a bewildering device to anyone who doesn't wait for the next Nintendo Direct to be announced and probably to blame - at least partially - for the slow sales of the platform. I'll be honest and say that lost heart with it, it's proven completely unnecessary and a burden.

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Doubtless it's a bewildering device to anyone who doesn't wait for the next Nintendo Direct to be announced and probably to blame - at least partially - for the slow sales of the platform. I'll be honest and say that lost heart with it, it's proven completely unnecessary and a burden.


I wasn't too fond of it to begin with, but I was expecting it to try and win me around. Aw well.


A bit gutted that there's no Nintendo Gamescom conference. Sony and Microsoft both showed new games. Is there any news of a Nintendo Direct coming?

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A bit gutted that there's no Nintendo Gamescom conference. Sony and Microsoft both showed new games. Is there any news of a Nintendo Direct coming?


Not yet. All we've gotten so far is a Wii U trailer and that's it. :(


It may just be a case if them having nothing substantial to show. I also wonder if they will hold off doing one until Iwata is fit and well again.

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Not yet. All we've gotten so far is a Wii U trailer and that's it. :(


It may just be a case if them having nothing substantial to show. I also wonder if they will hold off doing one until Iwata is fit and well again.

Or it may be the case that Nintendo have never touched Gamescom, conference wise, and are only ever there showing demos. Even Sony didn't really start paying it attention until like last year or the year before.


It has nothing to do with them having "nothing to show".

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