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Off TV Play is great and all, but that's just an extra...


I bought the console because I want ground breaking games like Nintendo Land and ZombiU! I want games that use the Gamepad's functions and the two screens in exciting and creative ways like Wii Party U, The Wonderful 101, Wii Fit U (minigames) and Game & Wario! NEW styles of play. NEW experiences. THAT's what I want to see from Nintendo consoles!


Even TWWHD, Pikmin 3, Resident Evil Revelations and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate make great use of the dual screen setup, despite being initially designed for other consoles (even though the latter two just replicate what the 3DS' bottom screen did). These things are FAR more interesting and important to me than mere Off TV Play.


Which is why its conservative use in Super Mario 3D World and DKCTF is immensely disappointing for me :( I'm sure they'll be great games, but it's a shame to not see them make more interesting use of it in those games (especially since Mario titles are usually made to show off what the new hardware can add to game design).


Off TV play is nice for generic multiplatform games, VC releases and games that don't lend themselves to dual screen experiences (like Smash Bros or Mario Kart - where the Gamepad is used as a top down map, just like the DS & 3DS MK games), but that's not why I bought the console and that's not what Nintendo made it for. It's for creating all new experiences and enhancing gameplay in other ways!


As an aside, I hope that they plan on using the Gamepad in Wii Sports Club in the same fashion as that original teaser video!



A Wii U without the Gamepad is just a turbo charged 360 with Wiimote support. Who the hell wants that!? That's pointless and boring!

Edited by Dcubed
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Off-TV play is its biggest plus for me. I game exclusively on the Gamepad really. I prefer it than gaming on the TV, having the screen just there in your hands is much better, it allows me to get more comfortable whilst gaming... although it could also be because my eyesight is poor! Haha

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It seems that people are divided with the off screen play. Some love it, others aren't too fussed. For me, I like the fact that the game often gives you the choice. I love the fact that i could play RE Revelations in glorious HD on my tv, or when it got dark I could go to off tv play, plug my headphones into the pad, and game exclusively on the small screen. In fact, I played virtually all of RE in the game pad itself. It's just nice to have that option.


I find inventories and maps to be a huge help on the pad screen too. I can't understand how people think it's totally fine to have to press start go into maps and all that jazz rather than just glancing down. Being able to manipulate maps on the touch screen etc - for me it's flawless. Each to their own though.


As much as I'd love to see some truly intuitive uses of the game pad, I'm still pretty happy with how it's being used so far. No other system lets you turn a HD home console game into a handheld experience (albeit a watered down one compared to true handhelds) which I personally love!


But it's interesting to see what people think of the uses so far.

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I'm one who likes the way it's currently being used. I quite enjoy playing off screen but I also like the second screen functionality of some games. I also really like being able to play local multiplayer across the TV and GamePad instead of split screen.


It's not the first to offer off TV play though. The PlayStation 3 has a select number of games where you can use the PSP in this way.

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Off-screen play is probably only relevant to people who have to share the main television with someone else. I know most people have multiple sets these days, but sometimes sometime will want to watch TV or play a different system. Wii U is perfect for those situations.


The only way I can see the gamepad improving would be for developers to offer multiplayer with one person on TV and one person on the gamepad.

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Off-screen play is probably only relevant to people who have to share the main television with someone else. I know most people have multiple sets these days, but sometimes sometime will want to watch TV or play a different system. Wii U is perfect for those situations.


The only way I can see the gamepad improving would be for developers to offer multiplayer with one person on TV and one person on the gamepad.


It's not just about having only 1 TV or multiple ones. If you wanted to carry on playing in another room, it's a PITA to unplug the console and take it elsewhere. Off TV Play however is super convenient! Just press a button and carry on uninterrupted!


It's a great feature and it shouldn't be downplayed (it's enough of a selling point that I would happily choose a Wii U version of a multiplatform game, JUST for that feature alone), but it's not the main reason for the console's existence. It's something I would expect and demand in a multiplatform release or in something like Smash Bros or Mario Kart where having a strong focus on dual screened gameplay doesn't make much sense, but for an exclusive title where I expect game design boundaries to be pushed (like, say Zelda Wii U or Wii Party U), I would demand that they make the best possible use of that dual screen gameplay - to the point where Off TV Play is either unviable or completely impossible.

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What people seem to be missing is that Nintendo have said that Off TV Play was the main idea behind the Wii U. People keep saying they need to justify it...well they have, this was their vision.


So you would also defend companies who sacrifice gameplay for graphics, as that's what their vision is?

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What people seem to be missing is that Nintendo have said that Off TV Play was the main idea behind the Wii U. People keep saying they need to justify it...well they have, this was their vision.


They never said that! Why on earth do you keep parroting this?


The very first trailer for the console showed off various different uses of the two screens working in tandem! Their flagship launch title (Nintendo Land) was all about how the two screens could be used together for assymmetric gameplay - hell even NSMBU bigged up assymmetric gameplay with Boost Mode.


Off TV play is just one of the various ways that the Gamepad can be used. The fact that it is the easiest and laziest way you can add a USP to a Wii U version of a game is why it is the most common use of the Gamepad's functionalty in 3rd party titles.


Nintendo, Ubisoft and Capcom have actually made good use of it in their titles. My main point of concern is with how Super Mario 3D World doesn't seem to use it for anything other than revealing hidden objects and holding enemies in place (stuff that could be done just as well with the Wiimote & chuck and stuff that HAS been done before in SMG 1 &2 and in NSMBU) and how they've not shown any creative uses of it in any of their 2014 titles.


Now I wouldn't expect something like SSB4 to really make good use of it, but its pretty odd that they don't have any upcoming 2014 titles announced that do (it's possible that MK8 might still use it for some extra modes that take advantage of assymmetric play - much like S&ASRT did with its Wii U exclusive multiplayer mode, but we haven't seen anything like that yet...).

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They never said that! Why on earth do you keep parroting this?


The very first trailer for the console showed off various different uses of the two screens working in tandem! Their flagship launch title (Nintendo Land) was all about how the two screens could be used together for assymmetric gameplay - hell even NSMBU bigged up assymmetric gameplay with Boost Mode.


Off TV play is just one of the various ways that the Gamepad can be used. The fact that it is the easiest and laziest way you can add a USP to a Wii U version of a game is why it is the most common use of the Gamepad's functionalty in 3rd party titles.

I'm pretty sure that they have said in interviews that Off TV Play is what drove the concept of the Wii U.

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The very first trailer for the console showed off various different uses of the two screens working in tandem! Their flagship launch title (Nintendo Land) was all about how the two screens could be used together for assymmetric gameplay


Its been a while since I played Nintendo Land so forgive me if Im wrong here but didnt some of the games have just LOOK AT GAMEPAD on the tv during entire sequences? It seemed like more work should have been put into those ones to show off any potential this new system would have. I think the egg minecart one did it much better, having the zoomed out view on the TV to see the whole scope of the level.


Of course though I have seen the complaints that use of the TV and the tablet splits your focus too much, having to go from one to the other too often and I think that can be a valid complaint.

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I love off TV play. It lets me play the Wii U 2 floors down from where the console is. It also allows me to play in bed and have sound via headphones. My TV is a bit too far away from my bed to see properly so it's very handy.


Having the map on the Gamepad works great in games like Batman, Pikmin and Wind Waker. For example in Batman, finding all the collectables requires pausing the game a lot and stops the game, but on Wii U I can still be moving around while checking my location by with just a quick look down. Pikmin, I liked the "Go Here function" and Wind Waker pretty much allows the same as Batman. Just yesterday I was looking for sunken treasure and all I have to do is check on the Gamepad to see how close I am to the "X" and can reposition without pausing and bringing up the menu. But it also allows super quick access to the inventory without having to pause (although that can cause problems in tight spots ;)).


They are lazy implementations - but they work great.

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Its been a while since I played Nintendo Land so forgive me if Im wrong here but didnt some of the games have just LOOK AT GAMEPAD on the tv during entire sequences? It seemed like more work should have been put into those ones to show off any potential this new system would have. I think the egg minecart one did it much better, having the zoomed out view on the TV to see the whole scope of the level.


Of course though I have seen the complaints that use of the TV and the tablet splits your focus too much, having to go from one to the other too often and I think that can be a valid complaint.


Nah, they all made good use of the two screens - even the single player only games. As for your second point, you're right. The way that the dual screen gameplay works on Wii U is very different from how it works on DS & 3DS and that's something that games should be designed around. Nintendo Land, Game & Wario (for some of its games), ZombiU and TW101 (the dual screen sections) all take advantage of the fact the Gamepad is outside your peripheral vision, unlike the DS/3DS' two screens, having the shifting of your focus become an actual part of the gameplay!


Stuff that works on the DS & 3DS doesn't necessarily also work on Wii U. You have to design around that difference...


But ultimately my point is that we should be demanding more games like ZombiU, The Wonderful 101, Wii Party U, Game & Wario, Spin the Bottle and Nintendo Land. Games that could not be made on any other platform!

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Jeez Dcubed, did you not read his post? He's pretty sure it happened.


I agree though, needs more unique experiences. Not neccessarily has to be asymmetric stuff, though of course that is somewhat unique. Even just getting awesome little indie games, games that do new stuff, that's cool enough. One of my biggest questions and annoyances with the Wii U is pretty much 'where the fuck is all the indie you promised, cants!'. All these platforms and engines being ported, do some fucking work and get the games on there! Jars me to no end.


What did we all want from Wii U?

We wanted to play the great Nintendo games from Wii in HD, which we got or are getting. A console will have a 5 year life span, so whilst we all want to play Mario Kart and Smash Bros etc right now a little patience is required, it's not like they are not coming.


We wanted straight ports of the best 3rd party releases and not dumbed down versions. We got this at launch and we are getting most of the big games this Christmas. FIFA and Tiger Woods is a disappointment to me, but we were never getting GTA5. There has always been a trade off with a Nintendo console in that for all the great Nintendo games, we will miss out on a few other franchises, but that's the same for Playstation and Xbox.


The game pad argument is plain stupid in my opinion. Nintendo has always launched a console with a new controller, the game pad has some great features, none more so than off screen play. Yes it's made the console more expensive, but it's still cheap in the grand scheme of things and certainly a lot cheaper than PS4 and XB1 are going to be. Seriously, did we really want to just see Nintendo just bring out the same controller again like Sony & Microsoft do with every console?


Wii games in HD? No. I wanted new games, Nintendo style, with fresh new experiences and approaches. The HD is nice, but I want fresh and revitalising gameplay more. AS for lifespan, are the generations getting longer and longer?


Ok, GTA wasn't going to happen no. Yeah sure they ported some big titles over...but it was late. People already had them on other systems or could get them on other systems for half the price. We need to be getting the big titles the same time as the other guys(note there's currently concern of Watchdogs). We need promises to be kept for release dates to keep morale up(Nintendo failed on even releasing their own games, then there's other games with delays etc). Scribblenauts Unlimited and Rayman pop into mind. Before you decide to post a response Serebii, I don't give a shit what the reason was, my point is that the delays happened. The reasons don't matter. There shouldn't be constant excuses.


Stop making excuses. Make shit happen. Get the job done. That's what I want.

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We need more FUN little games thrown on eShop for low prices like Spin the Bottle. Also, look at Game & Wario, most of the stuff on there is crap but the pictionary and flinging games are amazing. They truly show what the Wii U is about, much like Nintendo Land's Mario Chase, it's just a shame they're hidden within £40 games.

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Off TV Play is great and all, but that's just an extra...


I bought the console because I want ground breaking games like Nintendo Land and ZombiU! I want games that use the Gamepad's functions and the two screens in exciting and creative ways like Wii Party U, The Wonderful 101, Wii Fit U (minigames) and Game & Wario! NEW styles of play. NEW experiences. THAT's what I want to see from Nintendo consoles!


Even TWWHD, Pikmin 3, Resident Evil Revelations and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate make great use of the dual screen setup, despite being initially designed for other consoles (even though the latter two just replicate what the 3DS' bottom screen did). These things are FAR more interesting and important to me than mere Off TV Play.


Which is why its conservative use in Super Mario 3D World and DKCTF is immensely disappointing for me :( I'm sure they'll be great games, but it's a shame to not see them make more interesting use of it in those games (especially since Mario titles are usually made to show off what the new hardware can add to game design).


Off TV play is nice for generic multiplatform games, VC releases and games that don't lend themselves to dual screen experiences (like Smash Bros or Mario Kart - where the Gamepad is used as a top down map, just like the DS & 3DS MK games), but that's not why I bought the console and that's not what Nintendo made it for. It's for creating all new experiences and enhancing gameplay in other ways!


As an aside, I hope that they plan on using the Gamepad in Wii Sports Club in the same fashion as that original teaser video!



A Wii U without the Gamepad is just a turbo charged 360 with Wiimote support. Who the hell wants that!? That's pointless and boring!


it's actually cheesed me off watching that video again. I was so excited by the golf game with the gamepad showing your lie and why has that great aiming feature not been used in COD to really show the Wii U difference. GGggrrrr!!!

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it's actually cheesed me off watching that video again. I was so excited by the golf game with the gamepad showing your lie and why has that great aiming feature not been used in COD to really show the Wii U difference. GGggrrrr!!!


Well... They haven't actually showed off any games from Wii Sports Club other than Tennis or Bowling yet, so they may well still be planning on using the Gamepad like in that video for Golf and Baseball (here's hoping!)

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New Super Mario Bros. U + Luigi U Wii U Bundle Apparently Coming November 8th


NeoGaf user Marc O is reporting that French store Carrefour will be stocking the New Super Mario Bros U and New Super Luigi U Wii U hardware and software bundle on November 8th. The bundle with New Super Mario Bros. U and New Super Luigi U is set to retail for €279. The package was first spotted by a Twitter user in a toy catalogue from Irish store, Smyths.


Pack is legit, it’s confirmed for a November 8 release at Carrefour in french stores:

Pack WiiU 32Go New Super Mario Bros. U + Luigi U: 279€


There are also 2 new packs in Toy’s R Us:

Mango Pack - 249€ 12/4

Cherry Pack - 299€. 11/27 Probably with Mario 3D World




What game would be included in the Mango bundle? The price suggests nothing. New colours already? They need to do something so at least they're trying. Wii or Gamecube never got new colours this early if I remember correctly. Desperate times, call for desperate measures. If they'd reduce the price by €50 they'd be in business.

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I personally love off screen play, even more so than features Ubisoft have brought to the table. If every game supported off screen play I would be a happy man. Hell, I don't even need it as I don't have to fight for the TV but being able to sit and watch the footy while playing a console game is heaven. Even more so since the update allowed Wii games to be played.


I've been playing this most of the weekend ( shakes angry fist at Shopto and Royal Mail ), while sitting watching Sky Sports. Looks great on the pad. :D



How does SMG play on the pad? I can't picture sitting with the Pad on the cradle and the Wiimote/nunchuk combo in my hands, pointing at the little screen but I want it to be good!



(P.S. Hello everyone)

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I got Wii U today, now Im downloading apparently all of the updates, cause its taking some time now. Got it for £250 and that is the cheapest deal we have in Norway at the moment. Waiting till we get Zelda back in stock, so I have only Nintendoland to play upcoming days. First impression of the gamepad: its sleek, and I like the design and feel.

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How does SMG play on the pad? I can't picture sitting with the Pad on the cradle and the Wiimote/nunchuk combo in my hands, pointing at the little screen but I want it to be good!



(P.S. Hello everyone)


It plays great. You don't have to point at the little screen. What I do is use the sensor next to the TV, so I'm still pointing towards a big target but the actions are on the Gamepad.

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