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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Directors Cut


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360 and ps3 ports is what is holding Wii U back. With Wii U it means there are 3 different CPUs and architectures to develop for, next Gen cycle they'll be 2 different CPUs and 3 similar architectures. That's a much better position for Wii U . Nintendo still has work to do with the Wii U developer environment and Wii U sales, but that's as much as they can do. The Unity engine deal, Indie deals, free patches and updates, these are all positive moves.


I still think when they were banking the dough with the Wii and DS they should been buying more studios in the west.

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The only game I'd love a port of more would be Fallout 3, that game was just a masterpiece and has amazing replay value!


When i first saw the WiiU unveil on the E3 streams i'm sure i posted hear the console was made for Fallout! I'd love a box set released of Fallout 3 and New Vegas (with all DLC)


we had best get the new fallout (when its announced)

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I still think when they were banking the dough with the Wii and DS they should been buying more studios in the west.



It's funny you say you're disappointed though, I bought Wii U, yes, for Nintendo games, but also because by enlarge, I'm not interested in these western cinematic franchises.


what happened with the anounced Ghost recon online for WiiU?


On indefinite hold. Probably would have gladly sold BLOPS on for it too.

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When i first saw the WiiU unveil on the E3 streams i'm sure i posted hear the console was made for Fallout! I'd love a box set released of Fallout 3 and New Vegas (with all DLC)


That would make my day!


what happened with the anounced Ghost recon online for WiiU?


Er... it was quietly shelved. A free to play game being released at full retail was not a great idea!


Personally I wouldn't mind seeing it on the Wii U as a F2P game, however nothing about the title excited me and I don't think the game created any significant splash.

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Will get this a month after launch. Somewhere online will then be selling it for £20-£25.

For a AAA experience with added Wii U benefits, I'm happy to pay that kind of money and see what the fuss is about.


People need to be more grateful for games coming to the system from third parties at all in my opinion.

You buy a Nintendo machine for the Nintendo games and the added lottery of getting third party games either late /not at all or with minor tweaks.

Has no one learned anything from the GCN/Wii?


When Nintendo got on stage and promised the Wii U would be different they were marketing the console with Dirt 3 and Arkham City. It was obvious they were just paying lip service to the 'fans' who were saying Nintendo had forgot about them.

Thing is, if something like Tomb Raider drops on the Wii U in 6 months time, I'll welcome it. It will be a nice bonus for the Wii U and the price will naturally drop due to the RRP's being set too high for software already on the market.


We don't live in an ideal world. So just accept what the Wii U does get and if you aren't happy, don't buy the game.

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Will get this a month after launch. Somewhere online will then be selling it for £20-£25.

For a AAA experience with added Wii U benefits, I'm happy to pay that kind of money and see what the fuss is about.


People need to be more grateful for games coming to the system from third parties at all in my opinion.

You buy a Nintendo machine for the Nintendo games and the added lottery of getting third party games either late /not at all or with minor tweaks.

Has no one learned anything from the GCN/Wii?


When Nintendo got on stage and promised the Wii U would be different they were marketing the console with Dirt 3 and Arkham City. It was obvious they were just paying lip service to the 'fans' who were saying Nintendo had forgot about them.

Thing is, if something like Tomb Raider drops on the Wii U in 6 months time, I'll welcome it. It will be a nice bonus for the Wii U and the price will naturally drop due to the RRP's being set too high for software already on the market.


We don't live in an ideal world. So just accept what the Wii U does get and if you aren't happy, don't buy the game.


I always expect more; and when they tell me to expect more I believe them. Gulliblbe maybe but I don't fully see the reasons why not. It CAN be different. I find it very frustrated.


And the system doesn't quite work. They don't get the support to push gamers into buying another console which gets all the games. They then release old games most gamers have access to at a fraction of the price. It doesn't work!

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I always expect more; and when they tell me to expect more I believe them. Gulliblbe maybe but I don't fully see the reasons why not. It CAN be different. I find it very frustrated.


And the system doesn't quite work. They don't get the support to push gamers into buying another console which gets all the games. They then release old games most gamers have access to at a fraction of the price. It doesn't work!


The system most defiantly doesn’t work. Third parties have to pay a licencing fee to put games on the Wii U and less third party support means less revenue for Nintendo. There was a reason Nintendo didn’t mind all the 3rd party shovelware on the wii and that was cos they were still making a pretty coin of that rubbish.


The idea that people that buy Nintendo hardware should be grateful for any 3rd party support regardless of the content is crazy. Personally I do buy Nintendo HW mainly for the Nintendo games but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t expect better 3rd party support. I remember the Gamecube droughts and we shouldn’t have to suffer that again.


The reality is there is only so much money people have and Nintendo are in competition with others. There is no guarantee that the Nintendo hard hitting software will change the fortunes of the console. The gamecube had the big hitters and still struggled against the competition and the Wii u could suffer the same fate.


I don’t know what goes on at Nintendo HQ but at times I feel like they are living in a bubble not taking into account market trends and what developers/consumers want.

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A couple of points about the boxart...


Why is Adam pulling such a strange face - I can't be the only person who thinks he looks a bit silly? Secondly, I can't help but feel that pose with his pistol in one hand and arm blade out on the other is really misrepresenting the game. It seems to position it as a full on action title that betrays its underlying sophistication as a game with multiple options to tackle every scenario. Finally, that Nintendo Network badge... intentional or mistake? The previous games didn't feature any online components outside their DLC - there was no multiplayer or leaderboards. Now given this is the "Directors Cut", I would assume it would already include both the pre-order bonus DLC (Tactical Enhancement Pack and the Explosive Mission Pack) as well as The Missing Link story campaign so what is the need for any online interaction? Aside from still expecting you to buy the DLC seperately via an ingame shop, which as stated above would be pretty harsh, what reason could there for it to exist?


As for the game itself, it's another Batman: Arkham City job in that it's an exceptional game and a boost to any library but ultimately, the boat of opportunity has already waved goodbye in terms of sales. The game couldn't ignite the charts on the well established consoles and PC, it really doesn't stand much more of a chance here.


It might be coming up to two years old, but it is still worth every penny of its £40 asking price. That it can be bought for such low prices on the other machines is a reflection on the sad state of the industry and not a comment on the quality of the title in question. It's one of the most clever and brilliant games I've ever played and I'm sure I'll still be saying the same by the time the next generation is over.


I do hope the Neural Hub augmentation is actually something genuinely new and not just a buzz phrase to describe putting the menu on the GamePad. Given you have the ability to see through walls, if you choose to unlock it that is, some kind of scanning/item locator gimmick sounds plausable that you use by moving the gamepad around or just have it always active on the gamepad as a second view of the main screen action with the necessary filters applied.

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In my eternal quest for positivity, they must have a great reason for wanting to bring this over, will be excited to see what they have planned for Wii U and the game pad, heard nothing but great things from my mates about this game :)


Edit: Just to troll, $49.99 by today's conversion rate is £33.07... if we got a £29.99 price point I would be over the moon, lets hope some common sense is involved or it's almost an unrecognisable game to warrant a full price release!


Well, I say, good sir, I challenge you to a battle of positivity!

Edited by Fused King
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The system most defiantly doesn’t work. Third parties have to pay a licencing fee to put games on the Wii U and less third party support means less revenue for Nintendo. There was a reason Nintendo didn’t mind all the 3rd party shovelware on the wii and that was cos they were still making a pretty coin of that rubbish.


I believe that third parties have to pay a licensing fee to put their games on any console!


What's more the argument about shovelware is pointless. Every mainstream console has had it. Look at the nigh-on unplayable movie licenses on the NES, or the stream of crap available on the PSone and PS2 - both of those consoles had bucket loads of shovelware as development costs were dirt cheap. The dominant mass market console of the day always has a sea of poor titles as companies jump on board to make what they sea as an easy profit.


But how does that affect anything? It actually doesn't. Just because rubbish games exist it doesn't diminish the good ones. If there's 50 amazing games on a console, does it matter that there's 100 bad ones as well? Of course not.


It's an odd trait that gamers have that they seem bothered about games they don't actually play. If I choose to enjoy Mario Galaxy, Monster Hunter Tri, Call of Duty Black Ops, Resident Evil 4 and Skyward Sword on my Wii, how does it affect me if someone else is enjoying Game Party, Just Dance and Hot Wheels? It doesn't.


In the same way that if someone chooses to watch Cop Dog on DVD it doesn't affect my viewing of The Departed!


And if Nintendo (or any other console manufacturer for that matter) started policing games from third parties based on percieved quality then half of the release schedule would dry up - including some big titles.


What actually counts is the great games - and the Wii had plenty of them and I'm sure the Wii U will have too. Deus Ex is a great game, and I'm happy it will one day be in my Wii U collection.

Edited by Zechs Merquise
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I definitely recommend this to any one who genuinely has no other means to play it. If you have any of the other systems, you're pretty much better off getting it at the insanely cheap prices unless the extra content actually justifies the likely full RRP.


I'm starting to get the overwhelming feeling that third party support is going to follow the Wii's footsteps. Hopefully that isn't the case though, because I just can't justify myself buying a console purely for Nintendo titles any more until the console is ridiculously cheap. E3 and the other next gen consoles can't come soon enough, I'm really intrigued as to where the Wii U is going to head.

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I never asked for this...


Well, someone had to do it! :heh:


Seriously though, I really don't see how this is commercially viable. They're charging full price for a two year old game that can be bought with the DLC for under £20. I don't think it'll be worth it, unless the new features are mind-blowingly amazing, which I sincerely doubt.


Don't get me wrong, DX: HR is an incredible game, but I just don't see why they bothered to create this Wii U port.

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